Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: May 28th thru June 4th

Mercurius and Neptune (Getty Images)

For the week of May 28th thru June 4th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Patience is a virtue that can be cultivated not by repression or suppression, but by a willingness to look at situations from another perspective. The energy of the current Mercury stationing in Gemini, could feel like a cacophony of noise, confusion and agitation. But it can also be seen as an enthusiastic cry of joy and excitement. We can choose to approach the next few weeks in a state of agitation and impatience for the interruptions in our lives; or we can see these temporary moments of excitement in our regular everyday lives as glitches of enthusiastic mayhem. It’s all in the perspective. And when Mercury is retrograde, as it will be over the next 3 weeks, it is so easy to misinterpret these situations. Especially if they impinge on our few moments of serenity. Do seek those moments of serenity when and wherever you can betwixt the busyness of your daily life. We will all benefit from these right now. But allow yourself to be flexible enough to ride the wave of mayhem as it arises, and expertly settle back into the here and now when it recedes. One thing to watch for is to be absolutely sure that you have all the information you need in order to make any important decisions. 


Disenchantment, disillusionment and perhaps a bit of consternation has you wondering if you had been misinterpreting things all along? We’re all kind of wandering around in a daze lately, wondering if we are actually seeing what we thought we were seeing. It’s so easy to misinterpret things these days, so it would probably be a good idea not to take things too personally, or jump to any conclusions, trusting that things will be sorted out in due time. In the mean time, it would probably be a good idea to put off important decisions, avoid signing on the dotted line, and think twice before buying any big ticket items, in order to avoid buyer’s remorse. What we’re all being asked to do, Taurus included, is to find a way to turn down the distractions, the noise and the chaos, and allow the focus to go within. This is a time for you to connect with yourself: your wants, your needs, your most heartfelt desires. Knowing who you are, and being more fully aware of what your heartfelt desires are will serve you well. It will be your inner guide to making decisions going forward, and be your lodestar in even the most confounding of times. It will also help you to keep the faith. 


If anyone is going to be feeling the Mercury station this weekend, it will be Gemini. Your ruling planet, stationing in its own sign, distracted and confused by a Neptunian fugue, could find you in a maelstrom of distraction, or confounding you with indecision. Whatever you do, don’t allow yourself to be drawn into the fog of self-doubt, disillusionment and disenchantment. If you can avoid making major decisions right now, you will find that clarity will likely begin to return in a few weeks. You might also want to keep a few things to yourself in the mean time, at least until that clarity resumes. In the mean time avoid signing on the dotted line if it can at all be helped; or making important decisions and agreements. What this week is good for, is connecting with yourself and your own heart center. Knowing who you are, and what is most important to you is your first step. This way, even if you have to take a few steps back in order to move forward again, you will not be discouraged. If you can’t get what you want right away, being connected to that heart center will make it that much easier to be able to wait for when you know the time is right. 


The times between the eclipses can often feel like we are floating in this liminal space. The eclipse periods can be unpredictable, as events just seem to unfold as they will. This period may be a little bit more confounding due to the intervening retrograde station of Mercury this weekend, which totally unmoors us, and sends us adrift on an open sea with nary an oar or a compass to guide us. Your active imagination confounds it further by imagining hidden sea creatures in the swirling mists of confusion and misapprehension. Rather than trying to navigate around these, which would only be an exercise of frustration, allow your attention to move within. At first what you may find there is a swirling miasma of confusion, words, messages and distraction. But if you can find the time each day to sit with yourself, and connect within, what will begin to emerge are messages from yourself to yourself. This requires a certain amount of trust, that the unmoored ship will ultimately find its way. But it is precisely because you are doing this inner work that it will. For what you are connecting to is your own inner guidance system. The one that will lead you where you need to go, when all the other systems are unavailable. 


We search the world over for the meaning of life, the purpose of our true destiny, only to come back home and find the answer in our own back yard, where it was waiting for us all along. The upcoming Mercury retrograde phase is something like that, drawing us out into the busyness of the outer world. But the more we look outside of ourselves for all the answers during the next few weeks, the more confused we will feel. In some way we are being asked to be content with not having all the answers. But if we were to begin an investigation, we are being asked not to look without, but to look within. At first this may prove to be even more confusing, but that is okay. Once you get past the chatter, the noise of your own critical mind, beyond the stories that you tell yourself, what you will find is your own heart center. You don’t need to go anywhere to find it. The answer has been with you all along. What we are discovering beneath all the mayhem, the noise, the confusion and distraction of this Mercury retro period is ourselves. All that is being required of you right now, is to listen. 


Now that your ruling planet Mercury is stationing for its retrograde phase this weekend, it is ushering you into a period that could prove to be both exasperating and enlightening at the same time. Exasperating, confounding and bewildering because it will be difficult to see, hear, and plan things over the weeks ahead. That is not unusual during a Mercury retrograde period, but this one is made all the more confounding because of a square from deceptive and misleading Neptune, which leads us to feel as if we are working at cross purposes. Communications are misinterpreted, messages get lost, we don’t get the directions right, and we all end up in different places. What we are actually being asked to do over the next few weeks, is to attempt to turn down the noise and the busyness of our lives, and tune in. This might be challenging to do with Mercury in noisy and busy Gemini. But if you can accomplish this, and make space for yourself each day for a bit of self-reflection and self-awareness, it will benefit you tremendously, and will more seamlessly lead you through the mayhem of the outer world and all of its inhabitants. 


Communications are in danger of running afoul over the next few weeks. This can also be true for decision making. Mercury retrograde periods can be riddled with miscommunications and misdirections any way, but with a prevailing square to Neptune over the next few weeks, these can feel insidiously frustrating and undermining. Take communications with others with a grain of salt, and try not to take things too personally, or allow yourself to fall into a well of disappointment. No matter how disappointed you may feel, things have their way of working themselves out. And solutions may become more evident as the next few weeks wear on. In the mean time, what you are actually being asked to do is to use these few weeks to connect with your own heart center, recognizing those things, people and experiences that are most important to you. It’s not a time yet to figure out how this is all going to work its way out. For now it is most important to just find that heart center, and hold it like a beacon light to lead the way out of the darkness. The rest will follow as it will. 


Even if you manage to sort your own life out, have everything in smooth running order, it’s kind of hard to avoid this Mercury retrograde period. This is because we still have to engage in the world. Mercury has domain over things like commerce, travel, and communications. Things that we rely on in order for our lives to function smoothly and seamlessly. However, just one glitch in the system can throw the whole thing off. One way to ease our way through the next few weeks is by allowing yourself to go with the flow. This is not usually in the style of Scorpio who prefers to have a hold on the reins of their destiny. But easing up and allowing things to go as they will are in the cards this week. This requires a certain amount of trust, and perhaps a bit of faith, that some how you are going to end up where you need to go. Lucky for you, Mars trine Neptune is tuning you into your own inner intuitive gps system. This way, even if you are easing up on the reins, you still have this inner road map, that is assuring you that you are still on track and heading in the right direction. 


There may be times when you are not quite sure if you are coming or going; who is saying what, or what time of day it even is. Welcome to Mercury stationing retrograde while square Neptune. Perhaps one of the most confounding aspects of this transit which extends through the first week of June, is that it almost feels like people are totally speaking another language. You seem to get one or two words, and might even understand a phrase or two, but then you realize you are totally lost. It might be a good idea to ask people to repeat themselves, even if it seems rude. And to make sure that people are understanding what you are trying to say as well. It might be helpful to even draw diagrams just to get your point across. This will be important just to make sure that everyone is on the same page, especially if you are trying to make any kind of plans. Another common manifestation of Mercury retrograde periods, is giving yourself permission to change your mind and accommodate to any changes in plans. It can be frustrating when you need to depend on the vagaries of others at these times. So flexibility will be key. You pretty much know what you want to do. Getting everyone else on board will be the challenge.


It may be all you can do to stay on course, and focus on what is right in front of you now that Mercury is stationing retrograde this weekend. This can feel like a maelstrom of distraction from your regularly planned schedule. And then when you realize that you are totally behind schedule, you rush to catch up and stumble all over the place, knocking things over. That’s the general feeling of Mercury, not only retrograde, but stumbling over Neptune. No matter how stressed, no matter how pressed, with both Mercury and Saturn now retrograde, we’re all being asked to slow down. All the more so with Neptune in the picture, diverting our attention. What is wanted is to make time in our busy lives in order to place the focus within. If only for a few minutes each day, or more if possible. If you can manage that you will more naturally ease into the Mercury retrograde period. Over-pushing, over-stressing will just exhaust you and wear yourself out, and will more likely lead to mistakes, forcing you to re-do everything all over again. And more importantly, these brief sojourns of self-communion, will help you to reacquaint yourself with yourself. And this will serve you well over the weeks ahead. 


Aquarius has been busy trying to figure out their place in the world. That is one of the goals of 2021: finding out who you are; your calling, your destiny, your place. So if you find yourself in this momentary crisis of consternation and confusion between who you used to be, who you are now, and where you see yourself going in the future, that’s okay. Over the next few weeks, as Mercury enters its retrograde phase, this time is not about clarity and knowing. It’s more about being and experiencing. Perhaps the most important thing for you to do is to simply get to know yourself. That is what you are supposed to be doing any way when Saturn is in your sign as it is this year and next. And Mercury floundering about in its retrograde phase is trying to facilitate that process, even if it may not look like it at first. It may begin with a bit of a muddle. But that’s because you aren’t supposed to figure out all the pieces yet. What you are being asked to do, is just observe. Get to know yourself. Don’t try to criticize, judge or even try to understand. Just pay attention. Over time it will begin to make sense. But that will come later. For now, you are being asked to just be. 


Pisces will be busy sorting out the threads of confusion, miscommunication and general mayhem in their homes, with family members, and with any devices that decide to inexplicably do their own thing within the confines of your own domain. It just may be that you feel compelled to make sense of the mayhem of your personal living situation, resorting, rearranging and making sure everyone is on the same page. These are the sorts of glitches that can be most evident with a Mercury retrograde in Gemini. But perhaps more importantly, are the opportunities presented to you to connect more intimately to what or who would signify home and family for you. As Mercury shifts into reflective mode, it might even take you down through the memory lane of the past, returning you to your home center. Although this particular retrograde period may be riddled with hidden distractions, it is not unusual to think about returning home, or planning reunions with family members. There is a rhyme and reason for this: it’s about reclaiming those people, places and things that most support you, and will serve you best going forward.