Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: May 7th thru the 14th

“Lake Thun with Freiburg Bull” by Ferdinand Hodler

For the week of May 7th thru the 14th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


What sort of barometer would you use to define your own worth? In our society, much of that is tied up with how much we own, how much we have, how much we make. But if you were to examine those things that you consider to be your most valuable assets, you might find that there are just some things that you own, that you have, that you prize above all else, that you probably could not ever put a price tag on. This could be an object, a person, a gift or a talent that you have. Kind of like a gift to yourself that keeps on giving. The New Moon in Taurus could bring you validation for a specific skill or talent you have. Own it. And look for chances to develop it even further, perhaps through a promotion, a raise, an award, a commendation? Ask yourself with the New Moon on Tuesday, what steps can you further take to validate your own worth and self-esteem, not only in the world at large (though that would be pretty cool too) but for yourself alone?


What are the attributes that you most appreciate and love about yourself? How do you wish to be seen by others? These are questions that can emerge with the Taurus New Moon this week. This is the one time each year that you receive a reboot of energy, and a sense of self-renewal. Those Taureans born between May 8th and the 14th, or have 18-24º of Taurus Rising will be most sensitive to this Moon, investing their lives with new beginnings and a deeper sense of self-awareness and self understanding. But all Taureans are going to be sensitive to this New Moon, that brings confirmation for what you believe to be your most true and authentic self. If you were to reinvest in yourself, and your life ahead, what are those things that you consider to be most important to you? What plans and hopes do you want to most invest in for the year ahead? Is there something on your bucket list that you’ve been wanting to get to? Make your list this week, and then prioritize. Then go out and see what you can do to make that wish list, a closer reality. 


This time of year is a time for Gemini to reacquaint themselves with themself, on a deeper, more intimate level. This is because you are trying to sort out what feels most right for you. In order to gain the most out of the upcoming New Moon in Taurus, you will want to take some time out on your own to think about what that would be for you. The New Moon is trying to recharge your subconscious hidden motives and desires. And lead you towards those things that would bring greater meaning to you and your life. It’s not as if you need to do very much, except pay attention to where your intuition and your feelings are leading you. But do also pay attention to your outer world too, because this New Moon could bring an unexpected opportunity related to your career or income. Unbeknownst to you, someone working from behind the scenes, impressed by your work ethic, is maybe inspired to help you; or perhaps some old favor you paid out a long time ago is now paying off. This is a Moon of lucky breaks from unexpected corners, because hey, you just never know. 


The upcoming New Moon in Taurus is asking you to look at ways that you can make what was once only a wistful dream, into a closer reality. This may involve teaming up with others, finding a partner, or collaborating on a project. One thing that may become more apparent, is that in certain areas of your life, or to achieve certain specific goals, you will be able to accomplish so much more working with others, than you could on your own. And because of your affiliation with a specific group, or through the encouragement of friends, you could be feeling a lot more motivated to do so. This will be especially so if you also receive some sort of validation through your work or an avocation. Taurus is your wishing sign, therefore take some time out to connect with those ideals, hopes and wishes towards which you would like to aspire. And see what you need to do on your own end to make your wishes come true. 


The New Moon in Taurus is a good time to start something new related to your work or a business venture. Anything that you hope to receive some attention for, whether work related or otherwise, will thrive under this New Moon. This is the sort of Moon under which people get word of a promotion, start a new venture, or start a new campaign to bring attention to what you do. Something that you’ve been planning and working on privately, could finally get a step up if you are willing to trust your gut and go with your instincts. There is also something here about valuing what you do, and thereby gaining a greater sense of self-worth. The New Moon in Taurus wants you to get in touch with and realize your destiny. Some good intentions for the New Moon in Taurus might be: May I be led to realize my life’s path and purpose. Or: May I find the inspiration and make the necessary connections, in order to further develop the talents and skills I will need in order to be well received. 


Is there something that you’ve been meaning to follow through with in order to further promote yourself and your future? Perhaps taking up a course of study, learning a new skill, gaining a little more experience, or making yourself better informed? Now’s the time to commit to a new plan for the future, that will help you to expand your current prospects. And because Taurus is a sign that Virgo associates with foreign affairs, and venturing out into the world, you may be wistfully thinking about when and where you might want to take that next big trip. At the very least, look for ways that you can venture into the countryside, and into a world of natural beauty. It’s time for you to revitalize your earthy soul. This can and will be all the more enjoyable with a certain special someone at your side. Especially if there is some important news that you’ve been wanting to share with them, or announce to the world at large. Virgo has been feeling a little extra proud of themselves lately. And well you should be.   


The New Moon in Taurus presents an opportunity to follow through with commitments and promises that will ultimately bring greater rewards in the end. That can include things, like sorting out your financial obligations, paying down any debts. Practical things. But it can also be about making yourself more marketable to the world at large. This can come with an announcement, an application or a long-term financial plan that will help you to breathe new life into a current or potential venture. This can include collaborating with someone who is willing to invest in you, or what you have to offer. There can also be something here about finally getting a health issue sorted out. This can include things like a diet, or a health plan, that will find you wanting to make a deeper commitment to a healthier and more manageable routine. One that you know you can live with, and will help you to more easily achieve your goals. 


Once things start moving this week, they could move really quickly. It’s just a matter of getting things started. And that’s where the New Moon comes into play. New Moons bring a surge of fresh new energy.  Just the sort of energy and inspiration to get you moving. The New Moon in Taurus for you could also be about new beginnings concerning or involved with others. And if you’ve been wanting to make that declaration, ask that certain someone out, or make an announcement, this would be that time. It could also be that someone will pleasantly surprise you in a way that you hadn’t seen coming. Deep inspiration and meaningful experiences can be had with others, if you are willing to turn down the noise and just be there for them. A good intention for the New Moon in Taurus might be: May I be open to giving and receiving with an open heart. Or: May I attract and nurture those relationships that will allow and inspire me to be a better version of myself.  


The New Moon in Taurus is a great time to initiate any plans that you have been brewing silently on your own. This may or may not include an announcement to the world. But it is a good time to think about: a new work project that could bring in a little extra money; starting a new home project; or a new routine that will reinvest your health and your outlook with a little extra energy and inspiration. Even small changes in your routines could open you up to creative ideas, and increase your self-esteem and self-worth in some substantial way. If you have had any health concerns this is also a good time to seek out the best sort of healer or healing method that would work best for you and your situation. Same for if you are looking for a new or better paying job. This is the time for you to put in your application. New Moons are times for new beginnings. And this particular New Moon is filled with a little extra promise. Therefore use it, and use it well in whichever way it would most benefit you. 


Capricorns are not usually the sappy and emotional sorts, but in this case, you are totally allowed to let yourself go. Once you have everything organized and set in place, know that the New Moon in Taurus is a moon invested in feel-good events, emotional and romantic ventures and affairs of the heart. If you have children, you will be feeling very proud about their achievements, and relishing all the news, events and milestones that they are now reaching. Enjoy it all. And even dare to wax nostalgically on all the wonderful moments you have already shared with others, and what more there are to come in the future. The New Moon is just lighting up your heart! It is also sending this surge of energy and inspiration, so that if you are involved in any sort of creative venture or project, you will be that much more invested in it. Part of this is due to having been recently drawn to a style that is much more in alignment with your true self and personal vision. Go with it! 


The New Moon in Taurus is about making a deeper commitment to those things that most matter to you personally. That can include things like family, and family matters. Your home. Your sense of community and belonging. The people, things and experiences that hold you and ground you. This is a rather personal lunation for you, so it may not necessarily be about things that you want to share with the general public, but it is still invested with a certain deep and heartfelt meaning. This is a time of new beginnings, or confirmation for those things that you have already begun. Because of its placement in Taurus, it can inspire you to take on new projects related to home or family, including: improving your relationships with family members; taking part in activities that will help gather the tribe and reenforce feelings of community; perhaps making improvements in your home environment, beautifying, sprucing things up, adding plants or a bit of nature here and there. Things that make you feel more at home. 


Your traditional ruling planet, Jupiter, is about to enter your sign next Thursday, temporarily dipping its toes into the earlier degrees of Pisces. This can bring a premonition of some sort of promise to be fulfilled in the not so distant future. In the mean time we have this New Moon in lovely Taurus this week. And especially because Venus is also entering Gemini this week, this presents an opportunity to: have your say; to learn something new; to make an important announcement; to share information with others; to take a new class; or to make positive connections with neighbors or within your neighborhood. This is a great Moon to initiate any plans you may have had to take a dance, music or art class; to learn something new about gardening, flower arranging or growing herbs on your window sill; or making yourself informed on a subject that has been calling you. It can also be about prioritizing your valuable time. A good intention for this New Moon might be: I want to see myself taking more walks in, and enjoying the wonders of nature; or: I want to see myself more fully appreciating the simple daily encounters of my everyday life.