Horoscopes: June 18th thru the 25th
For the week of June 18th thru the 25th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
There’s a part of you that is anxious to play, be frivolous and gay. But as the week wears on you could begin to feel the weight of the world on your shoulders. Therefore pace yourself. Do not rush. Take joy in the small things: the sound of children’s laughter, serving tea and cakes just because, taking time to enjoy the moment. Mercury will finally station direct on the 22nd, and when that happens there could be a rush of activity, communications and information. Your world is opening up again. So much so, that you could find yourself distracted by the abundance of all of it. This is your cue to pause. Do use the stationing Mercury to become informed, sign up for that class, catch up on your reading and communications. But do so in a way that it will benefit, and not distract from the task you are being given for the next 4 months. You are being asked to release those mental burdens that have been weighing you down. To ease the stress in your life, and find ways to connect with that which you may call Soul, or Spirit, or something deeply profound. Therefore, even in the midst of activity and noise, seek silence and rumination. For so much can be learned when you are willing to simply sit with your own mind.
Betwixt the magical and the foreboding moments of the upcoming week, take some time out for yourself. Read that book you’ve been meaning to get to, allow yourself to be enchanted, and see wonder in even the small things. Now that Mercury is going direct again, go through your papers, crunch the numbers, sort out your priorities while you have this brief hiatus. But don’t lose sight of the task that you are being given for the next 4 months. In some way, and especially now that Jupiter will be retrograde, you are being tasked with looking towards the future, by getting in touch with your innermost hopes and wishes, and those experiences that will bring greater meaning into your life. That includes exploring the connections you have made in the past, those you currently have, and those that you will be making in the future. Who are those who share your beliefs? Who are those who honor your wishes, and hopes and dreams? Who are those who are here to accompany you along the path?
Now that Mercury is stationing direct once again on the 22nd, it could finally feel as if you are in a position to create some sort of plan. You can almost see it unfolding before you. Do note that not all the bugs are quite sorted out, and there still will be moments of uncertainty and doubt moving forward. But for the most part, this is like a turning point. And yet not quite yet. This is because Jupiter is stationing retrograde on the Solstice, letting us know, that yes, the promise of something big is on the horizon. But in order to fulfill that promise there will first be all sorts of things that need sorting out. And because Jupiter is going to be retrograde over the next 4 months, this period is less about what is going on in the outer world, the promises, the anticipation, as it is about how you feel about that. And there may be some trepidation as Jupiter shifts at the very top of your natal or solar chart: Am I biting off more than I can chew? What will all this mean for the quality of my life? Am I ready for this next phase of my life? In some way you are being asked to take some sort of step, and internally acclimating yourself to what that all means to you, will be tremendously helpful in the end.
There are worlds that transcend the conventional mundane world. Jupiter in Pisces, now stationing retrograde, dares us to explore the far reaches of time and space, both within and without. This can be both exhilarating and mind-blowing at the same time. Jupiter has been wanting you to be enchanted and inspired. But it is now asking you to look within for that enchantment and inspiration, not without. Perhaps in the world of the imagination. Perhaps by connecting with that which one calls Spirit, or the Higher Self, or that which you seek for guidance and confirmation. It could feel as if life is just naturally flowing in a direction that will ultimately allow you to lead a more spiritually fulfilling life and lifestyle. And so you are being asked to look for ways to more fully support your beliefs and spiritual path in your daily life. Even if that only means making some space each day to connect with yourself, your mind, your heart. But as we approach the Capricorn Full Moon next week, there are also considerations to be made as to who exactly will be taking this journey with you? And with whom you can rely on to be there for you through thick and thin.
Leo might not know if they are coming or going over the next few weeks. Mars in your sign is saying “full steam ahead”. That is until it runs into all sorts of obstacles, delays and conundrums. What more can we expect as the planets are positioning themselves for their retrograde dance? That is, except for Mercury which gladly stations direct on the 22nd. Will this bring the clarity we seek? Perhaps in some ways yes. However we are still passing through these veils of uncertainty that still need to be worked out. And one thing we can usually rely on with the Jupiter stations, even the retrograde stations like this weekend, is this feeling of hope, and that some how things are going to work themselves out, no matter what. One thing that Leo is tasked with for the 4 months that Jupiter will be retrograde is the willingness to make some sort of deep soulful connection. In the process all sorts of things may be exposed, unveiled and revealed. It may even be more than you bargained for. However what you discover thru the course of this exploration, could ultimately lead to vast and unexplored territories.
Thankfully, Mercury is stationing direct on the 22nd. So many of you have been reprocessing your goals, even under a veil of uncertainty about the future. And even now, with Mercury stationing direct, things may not be entirely clear. Nonetheless a forward momentum will begin to take hold over the next few weeks. And as Mercury stations direct, Jupiter stations retrograde. One of the things that Jupiter in Pisces can bring are mutually rewarding relationships, with a deeper understanding of our reliance and interdependence with one another. But as Jupiter stations retrograde it is now tasking you with the job of exploring how you can better cultivate and nurture your relationships going forward. One thing that happens during the 4 months that Jupiter is retrograde, is that we are all being asked to focus, not on the conduct of others and what they are doing, but whether or not we are living up to our own ethical and moral standards. And that includes our promises and commitments to others.
There is something wondrous and compelling this week, that is drawing you to consider how you can invest what you do with deeper meaning. Perhaps you may be called on to help others, or to make yourself available. Just be sure to set appropriate boundaries where needed to avoid becoming overextended. With Jupiter and then Neptune stationing retrograde in Pisces, Libra is tasked with considering what are those things that would better support your health and well-being. Moderation is always key for Libra, so knowing where to draw the line is important. And with so many of the outer planets stationing retrograde including these two, you will also want to pay attention to your emotional and psychological well-being. Taking mental health time outs are essential now and then. And now that Mercury is stationing direct on the 22nd, the energy in your outer world could be ramping up. All the more reason to find moments to turn down the noise in your outer world, and tune in to what is happening within. Explore your daily routines, diet, and habits… and see how you can adjust these in order to bring greater serenity and meaning into your daily life.
It’s really hard to cut back when you are on a roll. But you just may have to over the next few weeks in order to pay attention to your more personal obligations. Balancing work, family, relationship obligations could prove to be challenging when all is said and done. In the mean time, certain things will finally begin to feel like they are able to move forward, even as you are being cautioned to pull back in other ways. One thing to watch for now that Jupiter will be retrograde over the next 4 months is the tendency to say yes to just about everything. Jupiter retrograde in Pisces knows no bounds, and that can include any self-indulgent inclinations. When Jupiter is retrograde however, we are being reminded that happiness, joy, and self-fulfillment is not necessarily to be found in external things, but within our own hearts and minds. Therefore Scorpio is being tasked over the next 4 months to cultivate their inner joy, and to connect with that deep well of joy within your own heart and mind. What makes your heart sing? When are you filled with unadulterated joy? That is where you are being called.
Jupiter, your ruling planet, stations retrograde on the 20th. When your planet stations retrograde in this way, it can feel as if some things in your life are put on hold. Sometimes that is because the promise of the potential of Jupiter cannot be fulfilled right away. We need to wait for the designated time to do so. But in the mean time, the 4 months that Jupiter is retrograde can be very significant for your own inner growth and development. These are times each year that we focus on our own self-improvement. And often it can be as simple as figuring out how you can be a better person. This can begin with exploring the qualities that you most admire, and how you can best cultivate these within you and in your personal life. This can include things like improving your interpersonal relationships with family and loved ones. What it means for you to be a good citizen, and participate in the well-being of those things that support you and bring your life meaning, like family and home. For some Sagittarians, there may even be some reconsideration about where you live, who you live with, and what these all mean to you. In this way these 4 month retrograde periods can be very important for your own inner and personal growth.
Now that Mercury will be direct again after the 22nd, it could feel as if you can create a more cohesive plan. Just be aware that we are not fully out of the veil of uncertainty just yet. Nonetheless it could feel as if you are going to finally able to get things a little more together at both work and in your daily routines. Jupiter stations retrograde on the 20th in boundless Pisces. One of the issues with Jupiter here, especially for Capricorn, is the difficulty in setting boundaries and being able to say No. As a result you could find yourself over-committed and over-extended. There are only so many hours in a day, and it really is not possible to be in several places at once. This will become more evident over the next few months at least until Jupiter moves back into Aquarius. At that point you will be re-sorting your priorities, which will be helpful. There is another quality to Jupiter retrograde, and that has to do with your perspective and beliefs. We have a tendency to make judgments on a daily basis. But when Jupiter is retrograde, as it will be for the next 4 months, we are tasked with asking ourselves whether or not we, and not others, are living up to our own standards. In this way, these 4 month periods when Jupiter is retrograde are very important for our own moral and spiritual growth.
On the 22nd Mercury will finally station direct. But we are not entirely out of the woods quite yet, as we are still being confounded by a veil of uncertainty through the middle of July. Therefore all we can really do is take one step at a time, one day at a time. In addition Jupiter stations retrograde on the 20th, trying to help you sort out some of your priorities. Perhaps even reevaluating your own self-worth. If you were to ask yourself, what are the most important things in your life, and how you can make them more of a priority, what would they be? And how would you go about doing so? And are you open to receiving the bounty that the universe is offering you? These 4 month retrograde periods of Jupiter are primarily about self-improvement, and trying to bring our lives more in alignment with our highest ideals and beliefs. And reacquainting yourself with what these are for you is the first step of this journey.
Jupiter, the planet of wisdom, stations retrograde in the limitless waters of Pisces this week. We are being asked to find understanding within, as he now turns towards the still small voice of Spirit and Soul. Jupiter is even more at our disposal as it swims in your sign. Things that will help to facilitate this process are: any sort of personal spiritual practice; activities that promote a deeper connection with Self and Spirit; practices that help to cultivate and support the Intuition, and a deeper understanding of the dreamworld. Any creative or artistic activities that help to cultivate those creative centers of our brains and mind are also helpful. In the process what you might also find is a deeper awareness and connection with others, and with life in general. With that place where we all meet and are One. We all have that place in our hearts where we know this. When Jupiter is retrograde we have an even greater opportunity to connect to that center where all the ideals of Pisces thrive and prosper in this great cosmic ocean we call Life.