Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: June 4th thru the 11th

For the week of June 4th thru the 11th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well as your Sun Sign:


This could prove to be a challenging week on several fronts. It’s not just that we’re trying to make our way through the eclipses, and Mercury retrograde. There’s also a cosmic battle for supremacy going on here between Mars and Pluto! At the very least you may find yourself struggling to gather the last vestiges of your rapidly dwindling energy in a last ditch effort to see a goal through to its completion. Try to conserve, restrain, and choose your battles wisely, or you may find yourself thoroughly drained and exhausted before the week is done. Best to avoid taking on any more than you can handle. We’re all facing a smorgasbord of busyness with the upcoming Solar Eclipse in Gemini, and it would be a good idea to pick and choose your obligations. For even if you are not physically drained, you are bound to be mentally exhausted. Find opportunities to turn down the noise of your daily activities. Perhaps even find a way to retreat and withdraw. Too much stimulation, not enough down time, will leave you a wet rag on the floor. Use down time to connect with yourself: blog, write, reflect, review. This will help you to gather your thoughts, and make sense of even the most confounding of circumstances. 


The eclipses this year have been affecting Taurus most significantly in the areas of their life that have to do with self-worth, self-esteem, and financial sustainability. And with the current eclipse occurring in the heart of the Mercury retrograde, you will be reassessing your priorities, and focusing in on those things, activities and initiatives that are most important to you, and worth investing your valuable time, money, and resources on. Questions that could arise, may be around the idea of how you can best use your skills, talents and abilities to your best advantage. Or how you can turn a much loved avocation into something more than that in the future. The answers may not yet be evident. But sorting out and prioritizing those things and activities that are truly most important to you will be key this week. And the first step towards doing so will be in acknowledging and paying attention to what your heart center is trying to tell you. 


In the years that the eclipses fall in your sign, there can often be significant turning points and new beginnings in your life. You are seen, you are noticed and people pay attention to you. Likewise you become more concerned with your appearance, and the way you are seen, your name and your identity. Such it is this year for Gemini. This coming week’s Solar Eclipse will be particularly relevant for those Gemini’s born on or within a few days of the 10th of June, or who have 16-22º of Gemini Rising, but all Gemini’s will feel this one. The day of the eclipse is also the beginning of the next Mercury cycle which lasts for approximately 90 days. Mercury is your ruling planet, and as it is in the height of its retrograde phase, many are thinking in terms of how they can best use their voice and their words and their skills, in order to promote themselves and what they do. That can also include retreating from those that aren’t serving you. The aim is for self-improvement, and anything that is holding you back, or negatively impacting your personal image, will be reassessed, in order to make room for those things that will better serve you moving forward. 


Mars in your sign could have been motivating you to be more proactive, and to have the courage to take the initiative, take action. But there are just some situations that seem so exhaustively insurmountable. There are times when we feel like we have no choice but to keep up the fight, but there are also times when it might be wiser to bid a hasty retreat, and seek quieter realms in which to reflect, reassess, and process. In the space leading up to the Solar Eclipse on June 10th, the latter might be the higher road. Eclipses can be turning points, and this one is trying to make us more aware of our limits. Take advantage of the retrograde Mercury and the Eclipse to turn down the noise and the drama, and find a place for healing, protection, withdrawal and retreat. You may find yourself in deep reflection mode, which could prove to be distracting. Yet at the same time this sort of review gives you the opportunity to process and assimilate all that has gone before, and regain your footing and your center. If you were looking for your own safe place of retreat and healing, where would that be? 


It could feel at times like you are having to overcome all sorts of barriers, climb over all sorts of obstacles to get where you need to be this week. Do not be discouraged, however, for no sooner does Mars enter your sign at the end of the week, you’ll have courage and pizazz, and then some. In the mean time, bide your time, and choose your challenges wisely. Some cannot be avoided, and you will have to plough your way through. Others may prove to be more trouble than they are worth, and are best avoided. And we have another Eclipse coming up on the 10th of June. For Leo, the Eclipses are presenting some sort of turning point in your groups and affiliations. Depending on where you live, this could feel like the world opening up, and being able to further your connections out into the world once more. For others there may yet still be a longing for the possibilities that yet await. Either way, use the duration of the Mercury retrograde to connect with your inner aspirations, hopes and dreams. You may not be able to see your way forward right away, but making that connection now, and listening to your innermost dreams, are the first step of the journey.  


In the years that the eclipses fall in Gemini and Sagittarius, Virgo could find that there are significant turning points in your career, goals, or public image. After a period of obscurity you could be brought into the limelight, receiving some sort of award, reaching a significant milestone, or looking for greater fulfillment through your work, or some other goal that is particularly meaningful to you. You may not even quite know exactly what that looks like yet. That’s okay. Virgo’s are not the only ones wandering around in the dark trying to find their way forward. What the Eclipse on June 10th is trying to do is to get you to connect with that path that is still true to your highest ideals, without throwing you off course in any way. This means turning down the noise and commotion long enough to hear what your heart center is trying to tell you. The day of the Eclipse, your ruling planet Mercury will also be in the heart of the Sun. This is like a new emerging heartfelt goal that is trying to find some kind of practical purchase in your mind. Let it in.  


Eclipses can be like turning points in our lives. For some this can even have a tremendous impact on the course of your destiny. For others this can be more subtle in their outward effects, yet meaningful in other ways. This may be especially true for Libra, for what you are most likely to see are shifts in your perspective, changes in the way you see the world, and even some amendments to your belief systems. Perhaps through something that you study, something that you learn, are told, or hear, leads you to realize that there are much more subtle forces at work than are at first realized or understood. This may take a bit of a leap of faith. You may have to recalibrate what you had previously believed to be true. In some way you are being asked to sit with uncertainty, knowing that clarity will come later. And although the process itself could feel a little disorienting or confusing at first, the end result is aimed at bringing greater meaning to your life and what you do. 


Eclipse seasons can serve as turning points in our lives, with the end of one phase in some area of your life, and the beginning of another. And in a year of transitions, globally and personally, this can be significant, even if the eclipses are not in your signs. The world is changing, and seemingly standing at the edge of a threshold, where we are all compelled to redefine our lives, and find our place in the world. And Scorpio is no exception. For this reason, we would all do well to tone down some of the busyness in our lives, turn down some of the noise, screen out some of the messages and cacophony, in order to be able to hear the still small voice of your own inner consciousness, hopes, dreams, yearnings of soul. At the same time there is something practical to this Eclipse season, trying to tune you in to establishing yourself in the world in a way that is also sustainable, not going to exhaust you, and is worth your while. This may mean narrowing down the field, and focusing on what are truly your highest priorities. Which is why listening to that inner voice is so important for you right now. 


The years that the eclipses fall in Gemini and Sagittarius are particularly significant to you, and could be indicative of years in which you make some sort of important turning point in your life, or receive some sort of recognition. These can be indicative of great beginnings or ending. These can also be years in which you either meet, or further commit to people, partners, even spouses that will be significant to you for years to come. So the Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 10th is no exception, where you see this convergence of souls, agreements and promises being made that will bring you all to the path. Like a central vortex in time and space, or moths to a flame, there is no avoiding the inevitable. Through this process, others may part, disappear, and move on. So it could almost feel like some sort of divine hand is picking up the pieces on the playing board and moving them about, in order to bring everyone in alignment with their destiny.


There are times when it just feels as if you are being pressured, perhaps even against your will, to conform, change, end, defend, and ultimately protect yourself. And this could be one of those weeks. Knowing how much you can handle and/or tolerate will be important. On the other hand, you could also use the upcoming Mars/Pluto challenge to work really, really hard to accomplish a specific goal. You may find yourself totally exhausted when all is said and done, but you will be amazed at what you can accomplish with some hard grit and a bit of will power. But if something proves to be more challenging than it is worth, you may need to throw in the towel. Know your limits. We are in the middle of eclipse season with a Solar Eclipse coming up on the 10th. And with Mercury retrograde and entering the heart of the Sun, you will want to pay attention to those things that support your health and well-being, not deplete it. This may mean having to reassess routines, work schedules, being able to delegate and ask for help, in a way that these can all be sustainable for you. And knowing your limits will be key. 


This series of eclipse, of which the Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 10th is a part of, is trying to open up your heart center in some way. Eclipses can be indicative of turning points in our lives, and this one is trying to open up a vortex in your life in which you will draw, and be drawn to, the sorts of people, experiences and environments that will make your heart sing. Gemini is a sign for Aquarius that is associated with love and romance and allowing greater joy into your life. Eclipses can literally realign your life and the people around you in such a way that you manage to find each other serendipitously at just the right times. This is about lighting up your heart, and those people and things that can serve as a catalyst for this are: your children, or other loved ones; or having the opportunity to show off some of your talents, or strengths, and what you are really good at. If you’ve been ignoring this part of your life, then you will find this shifting this year. The world is calling you to come out and play. 


When the eclipses fall in Gemini and Sagittarius, they can serve as turning points in some of the most important areas of your life. One of those areas has to do with home and family, where you can see great new beginnings or even endings, in the years that the eclipses fall in these signs. That may mean big changes in the lives of your family members; reconnecting with your family or your parents; revisiting your family legacy, your roots and culture in some way. And with Mercury also retrograde now in Gemini, the next few weeks can actually be about family reunions and literally returning home. But it can also be very significant for paying attention to all of the foundations of your life, and those things and people that support you. This can include your home base: where you live, who you live with, any land or property you own together. It can also be about those people and things that support you, and keep you safe and protected. Eclipses have this way of drawing the people, circumstances and events that are meant to be together, to each other, in order to fulfill some sort of destiny. And sometimes we just have to let all the pieces fall into place, as they will, in their own time, in their own way.