Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: July 2nd thru the 9th

Birth of the Butterflies

For the week of July 2nd thru July 9th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well: 


This may be proving to be something of a stressful week for Aries. The temperature has been rising all week, in more ways than one. But hopefully once you get past the weekend things will hopefully begin to finally cool down. But not without trying to figure out how to regain your footing. This year is a critical year for a number of people, filled with changes and adjustments. One thing to remember however, with Chiron still traveling in your sign, is how important it is for you to take care of yourself and your own well-being. If you don’t take care of yourself, you won’t be of any use to anyone else. Pay attention to where you might be burning the candle at both ends. You will need to be honest with yourself about what you can or cannot do. You cannot pour from an empty cup. Self-care is not selfish, if it is a necessity. 


Ever since Uranus entered your sign in 2018, you were being asked to more thoroughly embrace who you are. That may or may not have involved a certain amount of experimentation and exploration. But ultimately it has been about being a truer, more authentic version of yourself. And there will be and are going to be junctures throughout this year that will bring this home for you. Even in a world that is constantly trying to get you to conform, or to limit your opportunities. And if this has been feeling particularly so lately, if there has been something that you’ve been ignoring, or putting up with, you could be finding your usually dependable patience wearing thin. This is because things that you’ve been previously tolerating, could be feeling a little intolerable at this point. This may not necessarily mean a total overhaul just yet. But do look to see how you can make certain adjustments in the mean time, that can serve as something of a safety valve. The rest will follow. 


During the recent retrograde period of Mercury in June, many a Gemini was faced with a sense of uncertainty about the future. All the more so with Jupiter and Neptune stationing retrograde in the last weeks of June. Mercury in your sign usually brings a surge of clarity and understanding. However, it could feel as if there are hidden traps lurking around every corner and behind every bush. And as Mercury makes its final square to Neptune this week, this could be a period of readjustment as you are attempting to sort out the threads of your life, so that you can get your goals, and plans, and everything else back on track. It is possible that there are still some things that you simply are not seeing, or don’t know enough about yet, in order to be able to make clear decisions. In the mean time, you are going to have to trust that  clarity will come in its own time, in its own way, and when it will. 


We are in Cancer season, which places you and the things of Cancer front and center. And that includes making yourself a priority in some way, even if it feels like you don’t necessarily have time for yourself. When Chiron first entered Aries in 2018, it was reminding all of us, but especially the cardinal signs such as Cancer, the importance of self-care. And every time the Sun enters one of the cardinal signs, it will bring just this sort of message home. Cancer is one of those caregiving signs, who can get so easily wrapped up in the needs of others. This will be especially so if you are in a caregiving field, or have others who are dependent on you. Or you are in the process of crossing some sort of threshold, or attempting to make some critical changes in your life. All the more so to remember the importance of putting the oxygen mask on yourself first. It’s about self-maintenance, self-nourishing and about sustainability. 


You may be in the midst of a flurry of frustration. Faced with obstacles, delays, and challenges, this is one of those weeks where you could find your patience wearing thin. All of this could be made even worse by not being able to connect with others the way that you want to. Either you are feeling ghosted, people have gone on vacation, or you just can’t see eye to eye, the lack of support and connection could leave you feeling exasperated. And you really don’t want to piss off a lion. If you find yourself coming up against a lot of road blocks this week, look for creative ways around the obstacle. And if you can’t get around it, retreat. This will allow you to conserve your energy, while planning and strategizing how you will be able to proceed later on when the coast is clear. With Venus and Mars in your sign, normally you would want to follow your passions with abandon. But this week you are being asked to be a little patient, and wait until the time is right. Trying to force things now, will only make it worse. 


Usually at this time of year Virgo feels pretty confident about their future plans. Everything is usually sorted out. But this past year has been a little unusual. And lately that sense of uncertainty, and in some cases even a little foreboding, has been casting a veil of confusion over the proceedings, and there may be times when you are not so sure whether or not you are coming or going. The best way to handle this week, is to take each day as it comes. For there is no telling what exactly may be lurking around the next corner. You are needing to trust that things will be sorted out in their own time, in their own way. And when that happens then you will have greater confidence in creating a well-informed plan going forward. In the mean time things are still in flux. And things may not be all that they appear to be, as there still may be some facts that are not forthcoming. Hence the necessity to simply wait and see for now. 


Ever since Chiron first entered Aries in 2018, it’s been trying to remind all of the cardinal signs, Libra included, of the importance of self-care. This is not easy for Libra whose natural tendency is to often put the cares, needs and feelings of others first. This will be especially challenging for you if you have a spouse or partner who is battling with a health problem or some other life challenge; or you have young children or someone else who is dependent on you; or you are in a caregiving field. Chiron is here to tell you that you are no use to any of them if you don’t take care of your own health, including your mental and emotional well-being. These cross quarter points in the year when the Sun transits Chiron, as it is right now can be a time of adjustment in this regard. If you take care of yourself, and make yourself a priority, then you will be a better partner, parent, caregiver, custodian, and will be the better able to take care of even the most egregious of challenges moving forward. It is wisdom, not selfishness, to take care of yourself. 


Scorpio is not going to be in the mood for any sort of nonsense this week. They’re just about at the end of their rope. Scorpio can put up with a lot just to avoid having to make any changes. But even they have their limits as to how much they can take. Anything that you’ve been tolerating or putting up with for some time, will probably begin to feel intolerable at this point. Usually strategic and more than willing to patiently plot your course under normal circumstances, this week could find you blowing your top. It’s that last straw, that final irritant that will do it. Things can be a little sticky. So look for opportunities to find points of agreement where you can. There is also something to be said for accepting people for where they are and who they are, while also honoring your own boundaries and limits. Sometimes you simply need to draw a line in order to keep things from falling into chaos. 


Each day may seem to bring a new set of circumstances, and there’s no telling what those circumstances will be from day to day. Therefore you will have to take each day as it comes, putting one foot in front of the other. In this weather it will be difficult to make plans, and even harder to make up your mind. This will be especially so if you are detoured due to misinformation, and not trusting yourself and your own intuition. Therefore it might not be the best week to make any major decisions. However, what this week is good for: allowing yourself to be distracted; maybe going off-road; allowing yourself to get lost; finding venues where you will restore your faith and your inspiration; getting lost in a good book; or allowing yourself to be creatively inspired. Clarity will come later as it will.  


Capricorn is not usually one to give in to temptation. But this week may be a little challenging. No matter what the influences around you, it is probably a good idea to be clear about what the limits are to your valuable time, money and resources. And being able to say No More when you need to. There may be a situation in which you are hit with a sudden and unexpected expense or detour. Those things cannot be helped. It’s the other frivolous and impulsive ventures that need to be curtailed. With your ruling planet all retrograde and reassessing your priorities, you won’t have time for any of that nonsense. Not when you have more important and practical things to consider in your personal life. You’ve got goals. And you’re working hard trying to make those goals practical, achievable and sustainable. But you also have priorities. And sometimes you just have to be able to say No. 


No matter how frustrating or tempting it may be, you will want to be aware of what your limits and boundaries are. Not being able to say No, or trying to force the issue will only make things more difficult. That includes forcing yourself beyond your own comfort zone. Many an Aquarius has been confronted with choices this year. And as anxious and tempted you are to get moving, and make changes, many of you have been met with certain road blocks, forcing you to have to step back, and maybe even reassess. So in this way, it’s important to not only be aware of what your limits are, but to also embrace them and honor them. For they are letting you know what your options are, what sort of changes you are comfortable with, what is possible and sustainable in the long run, and are within the context of these limitations. 


This week Mercury makes the last of its 3 squares to Neptune, which is one of your co-ruling planets. This makes it that much more significant for Pisces, especially coming right after the station of Neptune on June 25th. Do continue to cultivate the positive aspects of your planetary ruler: seek solace, find peace, cultivate mysticism, serenity and the sublime, and make that important connection to your heart center. This is what will continue to guide you, even through any times of uncertainty or doubt. Even though there may indeed be all sorts of wraiths lurking behind every bush and around every corner. That uncertainty and doubt will sort itself out in its own time and in its own way. In the mean time, trusting your intuition and heart center to guide you forward will be key.