Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: July 16th thru the 23rd

“Chiron and Achilles” by John Singer Sargent

For the week of July 16th thru the 23rd, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well: 


You cannot help others, or be an example for others to follow, if you don’t first focus on your own healing journey. And the first step on that journey is having the courage to admit that you are not perfect; that you too have wounds, or ailments or weaknesses that need shoring up. One thing that can become evident at the stations of Chiron, are exactly what those things might be that are undermining your strength and effectiveness in the outer world. What can also be revealed is what you can do about it. And if you can’t do anything about your current situation, what you could also be shown, is what you can change in your perspective, that will allow you to accept these conditions for what they are. In this way, this retrograde phase of Chiron is an opportunity to gain wisdom through your own self-exploration that leads you across the bridge to personal awareness and understanding. 


One thing that could become evident with the station of Chiron is that we are only as wounded as those things that are kept hidden away in the dark recesses of our soul. When we are willing to open up and share our wounds, our fears, our anxieties with others, that is the path to healing on the Chironic journey. It also allows you to become a beacon of light and inspiration to others. By healing your own wounds, by addressing your own fears and anxieties, and exploring the best healing methods for doing so, you are also placing yourself in a position to be a better healer and guide to others. This is the ultimate goal on your Chironic journey, made all the more personal during its retrograde phase. But in order to find the right path, and the best healing methods for you, you are being asked during this time to more fully trust your intuition to guide you, and to lead with your compassionate heart.  


It might seem kind of peculiar for a Gemini to feel like they don’t quite fit in. Gemini has this remarkable ability to just seamlessly fit in everywhere and with anyone! However, with Chiron’s station for its retrograde phase this is when we begin to explore our associations with others, and where and how we do fit in. It may be that you are feeling looked over. Perhaps being a bit ignored. Or may be noticing the ways that you may be compromising yourself in order to fit in, or not rock the boat. If you feel like you may have lost your individuality or sense of self within the group, or by having to conform to others’ standards, this could be rubbing you the wrong way right now. Chiron is here to remind you that when you are willing to veer off course, and follow the path less travelled, instead of conforming to others’ expectations, you serve as an inspiration for others, and become the group that others want to belong to. 


As Chiron stations for its retrograde phase, Cancer may be questioning themselves, their choices, and their resolve. You may ask yourself: Will people truly believe that I am qualified? Am I being seen? Can I really do this? If you feel self-doubt arise, look beneath the surface. What dialogues are being brought to the surface and are needing to be silenced? What doubts about who you are, what you represent and what you are known for are you feeling self-conscious about? Know that all of your experiences serve who you are right now, and reflect your strengths much more than your weaknesses. It is precisely because you are human, and because you have lived, that you are in a position to understand, to have compassion and patience for others. And it is because you are imperfect that you can better connect with others. By the time that Chiron stations direct in December, it is hoped that the lessons of Chiron brings you to that place of acceptance of who you are, without having to worry about what its impact on your reputation and standing might be.


People will often turn to Leo for guidance or to serve as an example for others to follow. But with the station of Chiron in Aries this week, this can be so on an even more profound level. One thing that becomes apparent with the transits and stations of Chiron are that we are not alone. That many of us share similar wounds. But if we hide our wounds out of shame, or because we perceive these as some sort of imperfection, then we do ourselves and others a disservice. By sharing our wounds with others, we not only are able to make connections with those who share these same wounds, but we can also serve as a guide through that labyrinth of shame, denial and fear that we all face at some point in our lives. And also stand as a reminder, that not only is healing possible, but that we are not alone. Chiron is asking you to be the ray of light on the stormy shore, guiding the ships around the rocky shoals.  


Chiron’s station retrograde can sometimes be both profound and enlightening. Things come to the surface that we may have been trying to ignore, or perhaps were not even aware of. You no longer have the privilege of ignoring them. Neither are you meant to just bear these. Even if it feels like there is nothing to be done. One of Chiron’s lessons is about acceptance. This is not about bearing with pain, bearing with shame or discomfort or fear. It’s about the potential to transform it into something that has the potential to heal or bring healing to others. And to transform yourself in the process. It can be painful. Sometimes admitting that we even have wounds can be humbling. But Chiron not only reveals our wounds, it also bring us the tools, knowledge and guidance to heal them. By the time that Chiron stations direct in December, the hope is that not only will you be better informed, but you will also be in a better position to  serve as a guide to others who share the same wounds. 


It is easy to get absorbed and consumed in the affairs of others, in the very care of others, with Chiron traveling through the sign of Aries. And it may be that those that concern you may not be able to be healed. But perhaps they can be managed. Or at the very least come to a level of acceptance of where they are, and who they are, and what you are, or are not, capable of helping them with. There are simply some things over which we have no control. But as Chiron has now stationed for its retrograde phase, it is also serving as a reminder, that you are not going to be much good to others if you don’t start focusing on and prioritizing yourself and your own needs. This is not selfishness. And you are not abandoning the field. For unless you put the oxygen mask on yourself first, you won’t be in any condition to be of any help to anyone else. This allows you to be a better custodian, caretaker or companion to others. And helps you to make better decisions going forward. 


With the retrograde station of Chiron, you may have already been made aware of a health issue, or perhaps a situation at work, or something else that you are trying to wrap your mind around that is changing your approach towards your daily routines, and all things that support your general health and well-being. Chiron is trying to show you ways that you can make any changes or revisions that will promote healing and well being and perhaps better conditions in your daily life all round. Chiron not only reveals our wounds, but also the means for healing them. One thing that may become apparent, is that when we take care of ourselves, and make ourselves a priority, we are in a better place to be of help and service to others. Another path to healing and wellness with Chiron is through acceptance of your circumstances and limitations for what they are, which is also about accepting the universal human condition for what it is, which is at best, imperfect. 


What is keeping you from being able to more fully express yourself? What is standing in the way? Are you afraid of being judged, or feeling self-conscious? The truth is, most people are so absorbed in themselves, they probably are not even paying any attention to what you are doing. Therefore use the retrograde phase of Chiron to do you in whichever way feels most comfortable for you. It’s not about how good you are, or waiting for the applause and the accolades. It’s simply about you doing you. And as Chiron will now be retrograde for the next 5 months, it is turning its experience within you, down to the very depths of your wounded heart and soul, down to the very source of your angst and even your discomfort. Connecting to these most wounded parts of you, affords you the ability to heal them. Healing through song, through dance, through running and challenging and expressing yourself in the ways that only you can. This is your well of inspiration. This is who you are when all else is stripped away. This is your path to healing.


One thing that we’ve all been sussing out this week are the things that we do have control over, vs. those that we do not. Focus on the things that you can do something about, and seek acceptance for those people and circumstances over which you can’t do anything about. Coming to that understanding can bypass a myriad of woes. And as Chiron has now stationed for its retrograde phase, you may be feeling a bit of a disconnect with those things and people that you would normally expect to support you. This can include things like family, certain family members, even your roots, country or community. Healing comes when we come to accept people for who and where they are. The 5 month retrograde of Chiron is a time to get down deep, past any old wounds, resentments and shame. This can be painful, but it is also an opportunity to heal. You are changing at a very deep level, and it is likely that your home and family are going to be reflecting those changes, and thereby clearing the way for a deeper state of awareness and understanding. 


Has anyone ever made you feel self-conscious or question something that you have said? Made you doubt yourself and what you know? Or sometimes made you feel as if you were standing on the outside looking in?  The Chiron retrograde journey over the next 5 months is either coming to focus on or accept the ways in which you communicate and share with others. Healing comes through the awareness that you have something very important to say and share with others. It also comes through the art of listening to what others have to say without trying to filter it through your own lens. Through the development of these most basic but essential communication skills, you will not only find yourself better able to connect with others, but learning how to communicate in ways that allows you to reach both hearts and minds, and brings a deeper sense of sharing and understanding. 


With the Chiron retrograde phase over the next 5 months, healing, awareness and understanding comes through valuing your own self-worth, as well as valuing your own gifts, skills and talents. Through this can be found a deeper sense of purpose and meaning. What can also come is a deeper feeling of acceptance of who you are and what you have to offer. It is so easy to get caught up in the values and expectations of the world, and gauge your worth accordingly. Or to reject material values entirely thinking that that’s what you need to do to be more spiritual and beyond all that. But perhaps it is not either/or. Perhaps you can still be comfortable and take care of yourself without necessarily being attached to stuff. So the lessons of Chiron may not be so much about what you do or do not have, but the ways in which you are willing to more fully value, take care of and invest in yourself, without the unnecessary burden of guilt or reproach.