Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: July 23rd thru the 30th

“Luna” by Evelyn de Morgan

For the week of July 23rd thru the 30th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Our dreams and our ideals evolve over time. You’ve probably been doing a lot of growing lately. Looking back it may become evident that you have already managed to make some of your dreams manifest. But you may also realize at this point, that there are some dreams and hopes of yesteryear, that are now needing to be revised for the person who you are now, and are becoming. And one thing that can also become apparent is that in order to fulfill those dreams and ideals you are going to need to align yourself with those who share the same sort of ideals and aspirations that you do. The Full Moon in Aquarius can help you to further these by shining a light on what has or has not been working. Truths are revealed. Associations reconfirmed. And the path stretches out before you. At this point, from where you now stand, what would a more ideal life and lifestyle look like for you? And where do you really see yourself going from here? 


Looking back it could become apparent where and how so much has been expected of you. Your role as a facilitator, authority, organizer and leader has been polished and honed over the years, and it is all you can do to avoid being in that position yet again. But is this truly what you’ve been wanting? Is this fitting in with the new order that has been evolving in your life over the past few years? The Full Moon is here to shed some light on your current roles, asking you what your true feelings are about these, and the sorts of expectations that are being placed on you now. Is this all that you thought it would be? It could feel like a spotlight is shining on you and what you do. It’s not unusual for Taurus to be seen at the Full Moon in Aquarius. Like standing at the top of a mountain, you can see what brought you to this place and time, while at the same time seeing all the choices that are now unfolding before you. May the Full Moon bring you the clarity you will need to make the best choices going forward.  


This week could begin with a little intensity. Not only because we are being launched into the week on a Full Moon, but also because your ruling planet, Mercury, will oppose Pluto this weekend, just before it enters the sign of Leo on the 27th. Speaking of drama, Mercury/Pluto weather has its own sort of drama, as you stand there wondering if you really just heard what you thought you did. Like a viper in the grass, Pluto leaps at us and entangles us in dramas even when we thought we were doing all we could do to avoid them! At first this could sting, and leave you feeling a bit wounded. But not for long. And once your confidence is restored, we will know this to be true by all the sunny laughter wafting across the breeze. Once Mercury enters Leo, Gemini will be on to their next best thing, leaving no regrets behind. Thankfully, the Full Moon in Aquarius is supplying you with a roadmap and compass as it shares a brief glimpse into the possibilities of what could be. 


Just when you thought you had one problem all sorted out, here comes yet another fine puzzle. This one could find you obsessing over a particular idea to the exclusion of all else. But be on guard. There may be a few barbs and missiles launched your way, and you will want to be ready. In the mean time, one thing that could become evident in the light of the Full Moon on Friday are all the things that you’ve been holding on to and accumulating over the past year. Some of that can be literal, like holding on to a lot of stuff you no longer need. And some of that may be great, as in seeing rewards for all of the investments you have made. But Full Moons illuminate everything. Even the things that we would prefer to ignore. Even the things we’ve been trying to avoid, or hide from. The Full Moon in Aquarius is about settling accounts and unloading all the baggage. And that includes all that emotional and karmic baggage too. You need to breathe. 


Full Moons can be like a culmination of all that you’ve been working towards or trying to achieve. Leo is particularly sensitive to the Full Moon in Aquarius, as it shines a light on all of your relationships, as well as yourself. You wear your heart on your sleeve in this weather, and that will be hard to ignore. Nor will you be capable of keeping your feelings to yourself. Once Mercury enters your sign on the 27th, we will all pause in awe of what you have to say, knowing that it comes from your heart. Expect this to be an emotional full moon as all of your own and other’s true feelings are being revealed in the light of the moon. But the Full Moon is not only shining a light on your relationships, it is also illuminating you, bringing you into the limelight. For over the next several years you are becoming even more visible and more noticed. And the current Full Moon is just a mere preview into the future of what that could possibly look like. 


Don’t be surprised if you find yourself obsessing about someone or something over the weekend. This is great if you are trying to unravel a puzzle, or figure out a mystery, but otherwise you could find yourself absorbed to the exclusion of everything else for a few days. You will want to conserve your energy though. at least until the end of the week, when Mars enters your sign, finally giving you the go-ahead to follow through with any plans or initiatives that you’ve been plotting and planning behind the scenes. Just don’t go overboard, or make any promises that you’ll later regret, or you might find yourself in over your head. Take things one day at a time, making sure that you have all the time, money and resources to follow through, and you’ll be good to go. Also be mindful of any health or work issue that might come to light during the Full Moon period, that you might not have been aware of. You will be grateful that you followed through with any advice received. 


Don’t be concerned if you find things slowing down over the next several weeks. You are entering a period of retreat and quietude. This will be great if there are personal projects you’ve been wanting to work on, or fitting in that vacation you’ve been longing for. Take advantage of any pauses, for these will help you to connect with your true heart’s purpose, goals and ideals moving forward. Listen to what your heart is telling you to do, including reclaiming your joy. The Full Moon in Aquarius is shining a light on those things that you truly want and desire to do, and that will make your heart sing. Feelings and emotions come to the surface at the Full Moon, making us more aware of those things, people and experiences that will help you to reclaim that joy. That can include your work, a creative project, a special hobby, or just someone who cares. And then take them all with you into that quiet space of retreat. For it’s not just about taking time out, it’s about preparing and reserving and restoring your energy for what is yet to come. 


Avoid taking on any more than you are prepared to handle. A surge of enthusiasm and a bit of over-optimism can find you saying yes even as you are still trying to organize your schedule, and figure out how you are going to be fitting everything in as it is. Be clear about what the expectations are going to be. Sometimes Full Moons can make us aware of conflicts, or where there might be some sort of imbalance. The Full Moon in Aquarius is shining a light on your personal life and showing you where and how you may need to pay more attention to the foundations of your life, your home base, your family, and what you can do to make these stronger. Full Moons can shine a light on things that you weren’t paying attention to, or perhaps didn’t even know about. Tie up any loose ends, pay attention to what you are being shown. And pay attention to these most fundamental and essential relationships, and foundations that you will need and want to rely on for years to come.


Your ruling planet, Jupiter, is returning to Aquarius next Wednesday, where it will remain until the end of the year. It’s coming back to finish that plan that you had been working on, in order to tie up loose ends and take care of what was left undone. But also keep an open mind, and be willing to consider the ideas and perspectives of others. You are being asked to expand your vision, and look at things from another point of view. As a result, where you previously only saw problems, by looking at things differently you could then find solutions. Be willing to go places you’ve never been before, try new things, meet new people. It could expand your mind and your perspective. And in this way you will never quite see the world the same again. Ultimately the choices you are going to be making over the next year are going to be your own. But by keeping an open mind and broadening your outlook, perhaps this will help you make even better choices moving forward. 


If you are feeling challenged over the weekend, don’t take it too much to heart. Between the Full Moon and an intense Mercury/Pluto opposition, you will be hard pressed not to want to stand your ground. Full Moons can often bring our feelings to the surface, and make us aware of things that we might not have previously paid any attention to. They can also be times of culmination. And with the Full Moon in Aquarius, you could find that something that you’ve been investing your precious time, money and resources on could be reaching a time of fruition where you are seeing some rewards. This can also be that time that you are finally able to purchase that big ticket item that you’ve been saving up for; or that you finally receive that check that you’ve been waiting for. But it can also show you where and how you might need to rebalance the budget and/or get your priorities in order. For with the Full Moon in Aquarius, it’s about making what you do, and what you are most emotionally invested in, more sustainable and worth your while. 


The Full Moon in Aquarius on Friday will affect all Aquarians, but especially those born in the first few days of the sign, or who have the first 5 degrees of Aquarius Rising. You are the ones who will feel the emotional energy of the moon the most strongly, and will feel as if you are under some sort of spotlight, and being seen. But all Aquarians will be feeling this Moon to some extent. Full Moons are times of culmination, in which you can see the results and ramifications of choices or actions set in motion in the past. They can reveal things that you might not have realized, known or been aware of. As a result of a Full Moon your perspective can change, and you can see some results. This will be especially so, if you have been working towards specific goals, trying to relaunch your life, or working on a program for personal self-improvement. Jupiter is going to be returning to your sign next week to finish off what it began earlier in the year. It’s time for you to revisit the idea that your world is daring to get that much larger. 


Difficult news can be worked around and navigated when we are able to look at things from a higher perspective, avoiding unwanted discord or strife. This might be wise given that there is a Full Moon on Friday, which can often bring emotions to the surface. Full Moons can also be revealing. They can shine a light, even into the dim recesses of the past. As a result things we’ve forgotten are remembered, and other things that were once hidden are now made known. For Pisces, the Full Moon in Aquarius can be a little magical, allowing you to connect more vividly to your subconscious, letting you speak to your inner guides, and filling your nights with compelling dreams. The Full Moon may be briefly illuminating, but even more compelling is that Jupiter, your traditional ruling planet, is returning to Aquarius until the end of the year. Over the next 5 months you are being asked to connect with yourself on deep emotional and subconscious levels. Think of it as something of an inner vision quest. The inner knowing that is revealed on this journey will be the lodestar that will eventually lead you where you need to go.