Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: July 30th thru August 6th

For the week of July 30th thru August 6th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Now that Mars has entered Virgo you all are ready to get down to business. Whether that means getting serious about your health and well-being, or paying closer attention to the quality of your work, Mars in Virgo is all about skill in the performance of action, and self-improvement. But don’t be too self-denying. With Saturn being so strongly highlighted this week we can all be a little self-critical and hard on ourselves. This is when all those should have or could have narratives begin to spin: I could have been a contender! But the best use of this time is not to wallow in the regrets of the past, or what you could have achieved. Rather look at what you can improve in the present, while learning to accept and embrace your own human experience for what it is, realizing that even at its best it is going to be imperfect. It gives you a greater sense of what it means to be part of the greater whole of humanity. 


Probably one of the biggest conflicts with the current weather is between what you have to do, and which simply cannot be ignored, vs. what and where you would much, much rather be. Do pay attention to whatever is grabbing your attention and needs to be taken care of. But don’t let the weight of your obligations allow you to miss out on some fun opportunities too. With an audacious Venus/Uranus trine this week you’re going to want to flirt with the idea of adventure. If only a wee bit, dare to try something new and different. Go off the beaten path. Do something fun. You’ll be glad you did! And it will be a welcome distraction and relief from anything else that may be weighing on you, or occupying your mind and attention.   


It could feel as if you are not being seen or heard with the current weather. And that can be exasperating for a Gemini. This could be because you just can’t seem to find points of agreement with others, or you are not seeing things from the same perspective.  But it could also be due to the current Saturnian weather which weighs on us all like a dark and ominous cloud. With all these Saturn transits hanging over us, it’s no wonder we’re feeling out of sorts! And it can happen that we feel confronted with a reality that can no longer be denied at this time of year. It is easy for this weather to devolve into gloomy thought loops. But Gemini is not one to remain deflated for long. They know that there are always solutions if you are willing to look at things from another perspective. With flexible Gemini, tomorrow is always another day, with other possibilities. 


The last quarter Moon on the 31st is often a time of the month to tie up loose ends, clear out the old, and make room for new things to be able to take hold in the weeks ahead. That can be literal as in cleaning, clearing, downsizing and resorting your things. Making your life, your expenses, and your obligations simpler, more sustainable and easier to handle. And that includes your obligations to others. The current weather is making us all very aware of exactly where our limits and boundaries are, and what we are (or are not) willing to do in order to enforce them. And as we look objectively at our challenges and problems this week, we are all being asked if we are willing to make the sacrifices that may be necessary in order to change our current circumstances. And if not, what can you do to accept your current situation for what it is? 


This is the season of Leo, when you all are more than ready to gather your tribe and go out to play your heart out and celebrate. If only! Just when you put on your new dancing shoes, and have yourself all ready to go, something happens to remind you that there was that other thing that you needed to do; or you get that phone call; or the friends are too busy; or you are just so exhausted and worn out, that you just don’t have it in you this week. It can also be that there are certain things that are demanding your attention right now, and you really can’t depend on anyone else to take care of it. Nor can you ignore it. Know that the party will always be there. It can not happen without you. And once you get things sorted out this week, you will know exactly where you stand and what you will need to do in order to get yourself back on track. 


There’s nothing more you would like to do this week, then put down your worries and your chores, and just laugh out loud. But it could seem with all this Saturn weather looming over us that there’s no rest for the weary, and no way out of your current obligations. Or so it seems. Saturn can often look even worse than it actually is, and we can get so narrowly focused that we might not be able to see solutions that are right there in front of us. But now that Mars has entered your sign, you are not likely to be as daunted as you normally would be. Even with all these ominous portents hanging over us. Mars in your sign is giving you the courage of your convictions, and the energy to out-maneuver even the most challenging of obstacles. Mars in Virgo is all about the perfection of performance in action. You’ve got this. 


It can feel at times that you just don’t have time to relax and just enjoy life. There is always something that has to be done, some promise made, some obligation that has to be fulfilled. And even if you do have a minute to yourself, that’s when you start ruminating about all these other problems that although on the back burner for now, are still weighing on you. If there are pressing obligations that need to be fulfilled, then you probably can’t ignore them. However, don’t allow your current responsibilities and obligations keep you from doing something a little different this week: go off the beaten track; meet new people; go on a date; look for someone or something different. With all this Saturn energy hanging over all of us, you will appreciate any and all diversions that can light up your day. And even if it is only for a day, it will be worth it. 


Despite any lingering feelings about ominous portents of things to come, Scorpio is still being bolstered by a surge of positive energy this weekend. Hopefully some of that will give you the motivation and the courage to be able to navigate and take care of any pressing concerns in your more personal life, family or home. What you are being made aware of is not something to be ignored. Even if it feels as if there is nothing to be done about it, or it is out of your hands. You will know whether or not you are going to have to make some hard decisions moving forward. Sometimes we can get so narrowly focused that we cannot see solutions, even if they are right there in front of us. Be open to possibility. But also be clear about what you are, or are not, willing to do in order to make your current situation more tolerable. 


As we stand under the ominous specter of Saturn this week, do note that things are probably looking worse than they actually are. Sagittarius is rarely one to sit on the sidelines if a problem arises. All the more so now that Mars is in Virgo and energizing all of the mutable signs, including Sagittarius. What Saturn weather is good for, is taking care of all of the loose ends that have been lying around, and using the narrow focus of the week to take care of paperwork, tackle those projects that you’ve been putting off, and being more pro-active about taking care of all the details. Saturn is retrograde until October. But in the mean time, taking care of all of these details, will clear the way to be able to pursue and follow through with your goals once Saturn is direct again. 


During the months that Saturn is retrograde, it can often feel as if we are taking two steps back; or forced to go back over old territory, tying up loose ends, taking care of details; before we can then proceed with our goals and plans when Saturn stations direct again in October. It can also feel like we are not growing. That we are not able to move forward. And that can be a little frustrating. Do note that this could be a difficult time to try to move off in a new direction or try something new. At least not yet. But what you are being made aware of is how you may or may not be compensated, commensurate with the amount of energy and work you are putting in to what you are doing. If you are precisely where you want to be, then you will receive confirmation for this. However, if you are needing some sort of change, then that will also become evident this week. Think of this week as a reality check. And see where you want to go from there.


It is important to be aware of precisely what your boundaries and limitations are. This can help you to know precisely what you can or cannot do, and what decisions you might want to make going forward. That does include the ability to say No, when you have to. Also take time to explore how any fear or anxiety may be playing into your decision making. This is why it is helpful to know exactly what your limits are. And that includes your emotional limits. On the one hand, you may feel like you are not able to grow and accomplish your goals if you maintain the status quo. On the other hand you may wonder if it is worth the stress that would be necessary in order to make changes or push yourself before you are ready.  What you want to ask yourself, within the context of your current limitations, what changes can you make, or would you want to make, if any? 


With Saturn looming over all of us this week, we are all paying attention to the portents of what is yet to come. Some of this may be feeling a little ominous. Chillingly so. Saturn makes us very aware of what our current boundaries and limitations are. And precisely what we are, or are not, willing to do about these. It may be that you decide not to push yourself beyond your comfort zone, knowing that at this time it will just be too much to deal with. You are ready for the inevitability of important decisions and even milestones in your life. But you are also aware of what you are capable of absorbing right now. Be willing to ask for help as it is needed. Guidance is there. And then ask yourself, what changes you are, or are not willing to make, in order to make any inevitable transitions easier.