Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: July 9th thru the 16th

“Cancer” by Johfra Bosschart

For the week of July 9th thru the 16th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


The New Moon in Cancer brings the focus to home, family, security, safety and belonging. There may be a certain longing for that special place where you can go to recharge your batteries. Where you can let down your hair, perhaps allow some wanton joy to enter your heart, and simply be yourself in all your glory without being questioned. It’s time for you to play, rekindle your passions, dance, love, and sing with those who know you the best, and love you for no reason at all except for being merely you. Reacquaint yourself with those people and things that make you happy. By doing so you will replenish your inner resources, and recharge your batteries. A good affirmation for the New Moon in Cancer might be: My home is that safe place I can go to and belong, without being questioned.   


Dare to step outside your comfort zone this weekend. Try something new. Have a conversation with someone that you never met before. Be open to possibility. The New Moon in Cancer on Friday can bring you confirmation for what you were only merely feeling. If recent conflicts had arisen, the New Moon in Cancer can help you to look at these with a certain wisdom and inner knowing. (What is also known as common sense.) And in order to replenish yourself, surround yourself with those people who know and get you, who make you feel larger than life, not diminish you or make you feel small. Venus is in Leo, and she wants you to play, but only with those who know how to, and have your best interests at heart. A good intention for the New Moon in Cancer might be: May I create a sanctuary of peace, safety and security within my circle. 


Gemini is being asked to think large this week. Allow your sense of adventure to lead you where you need to go this weekend, and there’s no telling where it will take you. The New Moon in Cancer is a reboot in the areas of home and family, your roots, those people and things that bring a sense of belonging, security and support. As Mercury is also moving into Cancer, this will help you to bring some perspective on your most basic priorities, and how and where you might want to invest your valuable, time, money and resources going forward. When Mercury is in Cancer it’s about what feels right, and being with the people who confirm that for you. A good affirmation for the New Moon in Cancer might be: I am aligned with the tides of the Moon, trusting that it will take me where I need to go. 


The New Moon in Cancer is your Moon of all Moons, your reboot, your re-set in your heart of hearts. At the New Moon in Cancer you are being asked to find yourself as you are. Not the way that others see you, or how you are being defined through others. It’s about finding yourself in the scheme of things: what is right for you, what your needs are, where you get that sense of safety and belonging. Having that clarity will allow you to make the best decisions moving forward. What would it mean for you to be able to live your own best life? And what would that look like for you? Don’t be afraid to speak from the heart this week, and let others know precisely what you are needing. Live, laugh and be of good cheer with the New Moon intention: May I channel the Great Mother as the giver and supporter of all the goodness that Life has to offer. 


Before you can freely make any new beginning, you will first have to bring to completion what is still left undone. This can be a project you are working on; the need to take care of necessary red tape; or it may concern a lingering health issue, or some other obstacle that still needs to be resolved. Most likely all that is needed is time and some serious self-care and attention. By the Full Moon on the 23rd most of this should be sorted out, and you will then be wistfully looking forward to taking that next step forward, even as you may still be trailing tendrils of longing for what once was, along with the anticipation for what will be. With Venus and Mars lingering (and possibly cavorting) in your sign, make the most of your free time to rekindle your joy and enthusiasm going forward. A good intention for this New Moon might be: May I allow myself to be supported and cared for in a healthy way. 


Now that Mercury is finally emerging from the misty uncertainty of the Neptune fugue, it could even feel as if you have finally woken from a dream, able to see things clearly and with greater certainty. And as Mercury moves into Cancer over the weekend, it is also asking you to think large, look at the bigger picture and look forward to the future. Live, laugh, and be of good humor and good cheer. The New Moon in Cancer on Friday is your wishing moon, daring you to recharge your faith in what will be, with hope and longing. Surround yourself with like minded individuals who share your aspirations, and bring yourself into alignment with those things that matter most. A good intention for this New Moon might be: May I be led to find the community and people that will bring me a deeper sense of acceptance and support. 


In some way you are being asked to go off-road this weekend, to try something different, to go in a new direction, and dare to have joy and enthusiasm re-enter your heart, and restore your hopes and dreams for the future. For many Librans, things like having a safe and secure home, having a loving and supportive community, are high priorities. As is your position in the outer community of which you are a part, and in which you place a great deal of emotional investment. Understanding that having a balance of both is key for Libra. And the New Moon in Cancer is an opportunity to restore that balance wherever it is needed, while investing both with that new-found joy and enthusiasm. A good affirmation for this New Moon might be: I embrace and appreciate the patterns and events in my life that have led me to where I am now. 


The New Moon in Cancer offers up an opportunity to lick your wounds, restore your faith, and replenish any reserves that may have become recently depleted. This will be especially true if you’ve experienced any contention recently. This is an inspiring Moon for Scorpio, that dares you to think large and in terms of broadening your horizons. Interestingly one way for Scorpio to do this is not by doing more, but by honing in on those ventures, goals or aspirations that are most heartfelt and meaningful to you. Those things that you are also emotionally invested in and have the added benefit of replenishing your soul with happiness and joy when you do them. A good affirmation for this New Moon might be: I am aligned with the tides of the Moon, trusting that it will take me where I need to go. 


Family can be complicated. As can our childhoods and all the emotional conditioning and baggage that can be entangled there. For some, the sooner they can escape the better! Family issues can be set off and triggered during Cancer season. But one thing that the New Moon in Cancer can also offer is an opportunity to achieve a deeper appreciation of where we come from, including the good, the bad, and even the ugly parts. Working with and through all that, could ultimately bring us to a much higher place of understanding and acceptance of oneself and others. Especially when we can also look back with a sense of irony and awe. And perhaps a good sense of humor. Therefore a good intention for this New Moon might be: May I reacquaint myself with family, culture, heredity and/or home in order to find deeper healing, acceptance and understanding. 


It is not unusual for people to seek out company with those who share the same point of view and beliefs. However, when we venture forth out of the bubble of our own community, it could come as something of a shock to discover that not everyone sees things from the same perspective. However the New Moon in Cancer offers Capricorn the opportunity to extend an olive branch, not only as a peace offering, but also as a willingness to accept others where they are, without trying to change them. It is also a fine time to more fully commit emotionally to those relationships that are worth your full investment and time. A good intention for this New Moon might be: May I be led to find those people who bring me a deeper sense of community, emotional support and belonging.  


The New Moon in Cancer offers an opportunity for many an Aquarius to lick their wounds, after the recent and potentially frustrating and contentious fixed t-squares of the previous weeks. What are your go-to’s when you seek comfort? Where do you go, or who do you go to when you or your heart are needing mending? We need to periodically seek out the replenishing waters of the Cancer New Moon each year in order to regain our strength to deal with the world on its own terms. These can be literal healers or healing methods. But it is also referring to those things (and some people) that bring you much needed security and support in your daily life. Therefore a good intention for this New Moon may be: May I create a sanctuary of peace, safety and security in my life through my daily rituals and routines. 


Children, joy and laughter. Fun, play and creative investments. This is where Pisces is drawn, like a moth to a flame, in Cancer season. And with the New Moon in Cancer, we are doubling down on all things related to love, what and who you love most, when you dare to dance in the spotlight of your own life. The New Moon in Cancer is trying to remind you of what your heart truly wants and/or desires, and perhaps especially, also brings you greater meaning. Who or what are those things that you are more than willing to make certain sacrifices for? What are those things, and who are those, that are most deserving of your limitless love and support? A good affirmation for this New Moon might be: With the heart of the Lunar Goddess I support and sustain all of life’s children as if they were my own.