Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: August 13th thru the 20th

For the week of August 13th thru the 20th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well: 


In the wake of the New Moon last week, ask yourself: What is really inspiring you right now? What sets your heart on fire? What are you feeling particularly energized by? This is important. For each time Uranus stations in Taurus you are being asked to think in terms of further committing to that which defines you as a creative being. And the ways that you can still be able to support yourself in the mundane world without compromising who and what you are. Not only without compromising who you are, but because of who you are. What has become evident, is that you do need security, but not at the expense of your creative freedom. Your ruling planet Mars will be in Virgo until mid-September. See if you can find one specific initiative or idea that you would like to further perfect, or learn more about. And in doing so, how can these also help to further bolster up your personal self-worth? 


Uranus traveling in your sign since 2018 has been daring you to be a truer, more authentic version of yourself. Each time Uranus stations in your sign from now until 2026 it will bring a clearer reminder of what that is, and what that will entail. You will need a certain amount of freedom in order to be able to grow into yourself, and resist being influenced by others attempts at trying to limit, define or get you to conform in any way. You are the one needing to rediscover and redefine yourself. Not anyone else. Now that Uranus will be retrograde for the next 5 months, allow yourself to go through your own inner phase of personal self-discovery. You may even surprise yourself with what you find. It’s not about being a version of what others expect you to be. Or even being something completely different from who you used to be. It’s about being a more honest expression of who you already are. 


As Uranus stations for its retrograde phase this week, Gemini is being asked to release some of their old self-limiting narratives about who they are and what defines them. We collect a lot of space junk in our minds about who and what we are. It’s time to clear out any of that space junk that interferes with your ability to connect with your true inner being. You will want to do this, because it is also possible to connect not only with your own inner being, but also with something much larger than that. Especially with Uranus being in Taurus. That something can also tune you into what Jung referred to as the Collective Unconscious. Jung believed that in order to understand our own unique self, paradoxically we have to go below or deep within the personal self, in order to understand a deeper collective wisdom of which we are all a part. And if we were to find it, it is from this vast store of wisdom and knowledge that all the answers to our problems can be found. 


You are being given a different vantage point as Uranus stations this weekend. This should help you to be able to make whatever adjustments may be needed in order to put your aspirations, your hopes and wishes, more in alignment with your true path. You will not tolerate anyone or any group that tries to get you to go along with the crowd, or tries to get you to conform with the status quo. On the other hand, do allow yourself to be inspired by those who show you that you don’t have to keep going along with same old narrative. They are helping you to see that there are alternatives. Uranus dares to open us up to possibility. Take advantage of a configuration this week between stationing Uranus, and Mercury/Mars to find solutions to problems, or to be open to new and inspiring ideas. Your mind is quick, alert, and ready to take action. And even if you can’t act on these new ideas right away, make sure that you pay attention to any intriguing or enlightening thought and ideas that may spring to mind. You will be glad you did. 


The New Moon last week was reminding you of who you are, that you are indeed the Sun around which we all revolve. And it was also reminding you of your intention of who you aim to be. As Uranus comes to station this week, it is digging in with this idea even more passionately. Uranus in Taurus has had many a Leo reassessing their life goals and their future these past few years. Part of this is because there are times in which we outgrow the structures of our lives, leading to an inner feeling of restlessness. This is because, even though it may seem as if there is not that much happening externally in our lives, internally we continue to keep on growing. And then our outer world needs to catch up with the person we are becoming. The station of Uranus this week, betwixt and between the New Moon in Leo and the upcoming Full Moon on the 22nd, will help to accelerate this process. 


With both Mercury and Mars in your sign it is likely that you are feeling motivated. Perhaps you are starting something new, or determined to get back to work and reorganize and manage your life. Perhaps you have the courage to start a new initiative. Or perhaps you are just feeling really inspired to take some sort of stand. Do use the creative energy of the week to look for solutions above and beyond your usual agenda. Go off road. Take a different perspective. Uranus is stationing retrograde next week, and it is trying to get many of us to look at our lives, and perhaps even our problems in a different light. One thing that becomes apparent, is that not everyone sees things the same way. At times that can be annoying. But it can also be enlightening. This is because we are being shown alternatives, and that we don’t have to keep doing things the same way we always have in the past. 


As Uranus stirs around in Taurus, it could be unearthing a lot more than you had bargained for. Almost anything can be released when Uranus stations. And it is now opening the door of your own inner dungeon just enough to allow all sorts of forbidden and hidden demons to wreak havoc with your psyche. And even attempt to invade your dreams. These could be pieces of yourself that you would normally try to keep under wraps. But in some way they are now asking for acceptance and recognition. To be seen. But do also note, that along with all of the scary and the forbidden demons that are being released, there is also something magical that is also trying to reveal itself. For Uranus dares you to open up to your own creative gifts that have been lying in wait for an opportunity to be unleashed. And as your planet Venus comes home to its own sign of Libra this week, use this as an opportunity to unleash your creative self in all its glory, including the seen, the unseen and even the forbidden. 


Scorpio has been struggling to redefine themselves as social beings. You may be wondering where are your people, and what it might take to get you back on track. Especially since the track seems to have shifted. It’s not where it used to be. And in order to find out where that new track is, you are going to have to be a little flexible. Flexibility will allow you to change course as needed. One thing that may come as something of a surprise, is how much more independent you are these day. You don’t need to be looked after. And you really don’t need to rely on others in the same way you may have in the past. What Uranus is bringing to the table is actually a fuller appreciation of what it means to be independent, and the need to be your own person, in your own right. And the more tied up you are in other people’s needs and expectations, the more stultifying it will feel. Whether or not you realize it, you are needing to breathe. 


Sometimes when Uranus stations as it is this week, we have this strong urge to be free to do our own thing. And anyone or anything that stands in the way will be resisted. This is because, in order to find your place in the world, you need to have the freedom to be able to experiment a bit. Try things out for size. Through this process it will soon become evident what particular talent or skill you will want to focus your energy on over the next 5 months. In some way you are being asked to reframe your life. And if you are not sure what direction you want to go in, dare to look around, and try some alternatives. Changing things up can open you up to all sorts of possibilities that you had not previously realized. Also, look for illumination as we approach the Full Moon on the 22nd. Even as early as this week, you could begin to see a vision for the future begin to unfold. 


In some ways Capricorns have been looking for a lifestyle that is more reliable and dependable. More safe. Yet there is also something now that is urging you to think more creatively, more passionately. Perhaps you need to think outside the box. Or step outside of your usual conventional ways of doing things. Perhaps be a little more spontaneous and let yourself go. We can limit ourselves with too many rules of propriety. And as Uranus stations this week we are all being asked to question some of these self-limiting rules that we impose on ourselves. Actually what you are being asked to do is give yourself a break, in order to rekindle any latent creative urges and passions. Release some of the shoulds and judgments, and let yourself be. The more starved your passions have become, the greater the necessity it will be to feed them. Do not ignore what needs reclaiming. The results will be their own reward. 


Do not be afraid of what is coming from the depths of your subconscious this week. There is something calling to you to be recognized and reclaimed. If it was being previously ignored, it can no longer be. This will be all the more so as we approach the 2nd Full Moon in Aquarius on the 22nd. But even now there is something that feels a little bit like a lingering tremor in your life. Something is imminent. It may be that you are adjusting to changes that have already been made. Or perhaps you are anticipating changes that are yet to come. Either way, the 5 months that Uranus is retrograde is an opportunity for you to internally process and adjust to the new paradigm, whatever that might look like for you. And in the process you might also be asked to leave some things behind. Especially those things that you no longer need, and are keeping you from growing into the person you are yet to be. 


We are all looking at the world through a slightly different lens these days, due to the retrograde station of Uranus next week. It could even feel like the very landscape is shifting. Sometimes when Uranus stations, as it is now, it can shock us into an awareness, or reveal things to us that we hadn’t seen before. Like from out of the blue, we are suddenly able to connect all the dots. Sometimes this can be a little disconcerting. But it can also be illuminating as previously held assumptions seem to just fall away. Over the next 5 months that Uranus will be in its retrograde phase trust your eyes to see, and your ears to hear. These coming days may seem to come and go quite quickly, but not without some important insights. Pay attention. The more open you are to looking at things from another perspective, the more you will gain. You may even be offered solutions, where previously you had seen only challenges. Be open and willing to try something new.