Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: August 20th thru the 27th

“Full Moon and Butterflies” by Bruce Rolff

For the week of August 20th thru the 27th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well: 


As Jupiter has now returned to Aquarius, it is trying to reclaim a vision for the future based on those ideals, truths and hopes that you hold most dear to your heart. And the Full Moon this weekend is trying to shine a light on what these are. And because Mars is in Virgo this month, you are feeling really motivated to do something about this. Even small gestures count in this weather. This is because through the Aquarian lens it becomes apparent that when many people collaborate and work together, network and join forces, even small gestures can add up to something some much more visible. Another thing that may become evident in the light of the Full Moon this weekend is how our ideals and dreams evolve over time. And by finding those ways and means and individuals who share similar ideals and dreams as you do, they can help you to make your vision for the future a closer and more achievable reality. 


Retrograde Jupiter returned to Aquarius at the end of July, asking you to reconsider what your idea of success might be able to look like for you. This weekend a Full Moon is trying to shine a light on what is or is not reaching your expectations. When Jupiter and Saturn simultaneously entered Aquarius at the end of 2020, you were already beginning to see the fruits of all of some of your efforts. And since then both your successes and your challenges would have also become more evident. By returning to Aquarius, Jupiter is bringing you the opportunity to further some of these goals or objectives that were being reconsidered earlier in the year. Think practically this week. Practically and logically. With Venus now in Libra this is a good week to look at your future objectively, while further deepening your commitments to those objectives that you do want to further cultivate and see prosper.  


The Full Moon this weekend is shining a light on retrograde Jupiter, which only just recently returned to Aquarius. Jupiter as our teacher and guide is returning here to remind you to open up your mind, and be willing to consider ideas and beliefs from another point of view. As a result of what you learn, you might even see your whole perspective shifting so that you will never quite see things the same again. But even on an everyday level, when Jupiter came back to Aquarius at the end of July, it could have been for something as simple as learning a new skill, or learning something important that might further expand your opportunities in the outer world. Need to review some information? Become better informed? Jupiter came back to lead the way. And the Full Moon this weekend is just trying to make sure that you were paying attention. 


There is something illuminating about this second Full Moon in Aquarius. Especially as it is also conjunct and therefore shining a light on retrograde Jupiter. This Moon and the last Full Moon have been shining a light in the darkness of your own subconscious, your motives and even your own psychological makeup. What comes to the surface could even feel like something of a realization, or a deeper understanding. In the sign of Aquarius, could even feel like an awakening. What you can come to see can bring all sorts of insights about yourself, your habits, your yens, and desires. And on an even more profound level you may even get some insights into the meaning and purpose of your life and destiny. Jupiter is like a pathfinder and your guide. And as he is retrograde he came back to Aquarius for some unfinished business in our lives. And ultimately what he really wants to show you is something about taking greater control over the course and destiny of your life. First through understanding yourself; and then understanding others. The rest will follow. 


This weekend we have the 2nd Full Moon in Aquarius. Considered a seasonal Blue Moon, it stands as an echo of the previous full moon, while also shining a light on retrograde Jupiter, which only just returned to Aquarius at the end of July. Relationships in general are usually improved for Leo when Jupiter is in Aquarius. But with Jupiter returning for some unfinished business it could feel as if there is more to this story than meets the eye. Good connections can be renewed and reconsidered; while others that are not working may go their separate ways. The Full Moon is trying to get you to objectively see who is helping, and who may be standing in the way. Although the Full Moon may or may not be a game changer, it can be illuminating. Shortly after the Full Moon, the Sun will then enter the sign of Virgo on Sunday, which can be something of a reminder that it is well nigh time to get back down to business, reorganize your priorities, and create a more manageable plan for work and home. 


Like the last vestige of what once was, as far as routines, schedules and lifestyles go, the Full Moon stands as a demarcation between the seasons. In some ways it is reminding you of the benefits of keeping certain standards and habits that you were trying to nurture and cultivate; while also accepting that from here on there are going to probably be a few necessary adjustments. Right after the Full Moon we enter Virgo season, which is often a reminder to reorganize our lives, our environments and our schedules. It’s time for most people to start thinking about getting back down to business. In the Northern Hemisphere we are preparing ourselves psychologically for the end of Summer and the work year ahead. Likewise the Full Moon, by shining a light on Jupiter, is showing you the ways that you might want to improve on previous habits and routines, creating healthier, more mindful practices to benefit you over the year ahead. 


We have a second Full Moon in Aquarius this weekend. The first was last month. But this one stands out because it is only a few degrees from retrograde Jupiter which only recently came back to Aquarius at the end of July. Each of these is a simple reminder of the benefits of having some sort of enjoyment in your life. Whether that applies to your work, your personal life, your relationships, or all of it… Joy is what motivates us to wake up in the morning, and invests all we do with an added surge of energy and enthusiasm. It’s what makes it all so manageable! Whether that means tweaking your routines, or just managing your schedule, the Full Moon will show us where you might want to make some much needed adjustments. And with Venus in your sign now, not only is this a good week to make a commitment to adding greater joy and enthusiasm to all that you do, but Venus in Libra will also show you the practicality of doing so. 


This is the second Full Moon in a row shining a light on your personal life. They’ve been trying to show you where and how you may need to pay more attention to the foundations of your life: your home base; family; community. Retrograde Jupiter has also returned to Aquarius, for some unfinished business in this same department. The key idea with Jupiter here is that if you take care of these most fundamental areas of your life, those things and people that support you, then you will have the stability to deal with even the most daunting of challenges in the years to come. This is your base and your roots. It is also a time when people set goals for the foreseeable future. What the Full Moons are bringing to the table is some sort of culmination or illumination. The first Full Moon in July may have presented you with a bit of a quandary. But it is this Full Moon that can serve as a guidepost along the path, asking, what would you like to achieve, and where do you see yourself going over the next 6 years? 


At the end of July, Jupiter returned to Aquarius for some unfinished business. Perhaps it stands as a reminder of a dream or a vision that was beginning to formulate earlier on in the year. With the Full Moon shining a light on retrograde Jupiter this weekend, it is trying to show you some of the results for your previous efforts, and remind you of what still needs to be done. It could also bring some unexpected twists and turns that may not have been anticipated; but which could bring you to a whole new environment, or open you up to some new ideas or alternative ways of achieving your goals. One thing that may become apparent, is that you don’t necessarily have to keep doing things the way you have in the past. And that there could be some alternatives, or even better ways of doing thing. In some way you are being asked to open your mind and expand your view of the world. This Moon can not only expand your viewpoint, but also your optimism. Which is great until you realize that you are overcommitted. Remind yourself this week that despite what you think, even a Sagittarius can only be in about 3 places at once. 


Jupiter is a planet of abundance and beneficence, and as retrograde Jupiter returned to Aquarius at the end of July, it was returning to your financial sector for some unfinished business. However, this can mean optimistically spending as well as earning. And the Full Moon this weekend is here to shine a light on your current financial circumstances, letting you know which way the energy is flowing. Jupiter wants Capricorn to grow in some practical way for the duration of this year, that will ultimately allow you greater independence and self-sufficiency. And while Jupiter is still retrograde until October, this is your opportunity to make any necessary corrections and adjustments. Paying attention to your self-worth can also help to fortify your self-esteem this week. So whatever the Full Moon is showing you, whether positive or negative, is here to get you back on track, and to focus on the big picture ahead.  


Full Moons can bring things to light, and bring others to fruition. Like a well-tended garden this is when the seeds once planted are flourishing and ready for harvest. And although it is usually seen as a time of harvest, it can also be an opportunity to improve, make changes or adjustments. If you are happy with the results that you see, and what you have achieved so far, then you might want to continue to cultivate what you have been already been working on. But if something is amiss, now’s your chance to do something about it. Retrograde Jupiter returned to Aquarius the end of July to finish off what it began earlier this year, with its intention to improve your life and your prospects. Jupiter is here to say that it’s time for you to revisit the idea that your world is daring to get that much larger. And in the revelatory light of this second Full Moon in your sign, it’s also asking you to realize that you don’t have to keep doing things the way you always have in the past. That there might be alternatives. And they are worth exploring. 


Like a jailer giving you the key to the prison of your own making, Jupiter having returned to Aquarius for the rest of this year, can literally free you of your own self-limiting perspectives and beliefs. And what can arise in their place are feelings of wholeness, inclusiveness, connectedness, forgiveness and peace. Jupiter is our teacher, and as the Aquarius Full Moon shines a light on Jupiter’s presence in this sign, he is asking you to let go. Release those things that are burdening your soul, and preventing you from realizing that inner connection, not only with yourself, but all of life. And as a result in some remarkable way, you will find healing. Full Moons are illuminating. And this is the second Full Moon in a row to shine a light in some of the darkest recesses of your memory, your subconscious, and your life. What is being illuminated is that key to understanding that Jupiter now holds.