Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: August 27th thru September 3rd

“Nighthawks” by Edward Hopper

For the week of August 27th thru September 3rd, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


The approach to the dark of the moon is often a time of clearing and reassessing. This allows us to make room for any new initiatives we might want to begin at the next new moon. This is especially so now that we are in Virgo season, which can easily wind us up into some sort of cleaning frenzy this time of year. However, as we approach the dark of the moon this month, you might not want to overdo it, or fill your schedule with too much commotion. Doing so will only make you feel overwhelmed and beside yourself. This is a time of clearing, but it is also a time in which you are being asked to slow down and reflect on all that has brought you to this place and time. It is also a time to pay attention to those things that support your physical and mental health and well-being, and avoiding those things that undermine it. So pushing yourself beyond your limits, and filling your daily life with lengthy to-do lists will only leave you exhausted and spent. Schedule in some down time where and how you can, remembering that your mind can only focus on one thing at a time, no matter how hard you try to do otherwise. 


The last quarter moon is often a time to process, assimilate and sort out our lives. And our last quarter moon on the 29th/30th is much the same. But this one also seems to be taking a longer view, reassessing all that we have learned over the past year, and are still in the process of making sense of. In Virgo season we are often in the process of planning for the next season, organizing our environments and keeping things simple. And that’s still true this week. But when looking back at the year that was, and making sense of even the most insensible parts of it, it can also help you to put your priorities and values in order. And part of that is also just getting your financial house in order, sorting out debts and expenses and all those practical things. But also getting a handle on a sense of your own self-worth and place in the world. That can be about coming to appreciate who you are and what you have to offer the world. And recognizing that it’s a lot more than you might have been giving yourself credit for in the past. 


In the years that the eclipses fall in your sign, it can feel as if the universe is conspiring to set you on a course that will ultimately allow you to fulfill your destiny. We may not have seen it coming. We may not be aware of what that is. But that sense of inevitability seems to permeate the ether. This week we have our last quarter moon of the month. And although this is not unusual, this one is a little different. For this could be seen as something of a turning point in the course of that destiny, bringing you exactly where you need to be in order for it all to unfold. Gemini is adept at working with the public. They know how to read the trends. And for the next two months you are going to be further pressed to practice your diplomatic and public relations skills for some specific purpose. There will be times when you will feel hard pressed and challenged. But this week you are in the unusual and unique position to use your words in such a way that could have far-reaching consequences. Use them well. 


The last quarter moon every month is a time for reflection, letting go and making space for whatever initiatives we might want to begin in the new cycle that will follow. If we have done well, then we will want to continue what we had already started. But if we are dissatisfied with where we are, then we might consider what and how we can do things better. This upcoming Quarter Moon on the 29th/30th has a much longer view, and could even feel a bit like a turning point in our lives. For Cancer, the past year has primarily been about supporting and maintaining your mental and emotional health and well-being. Somewhere along the line you became aware of what needed to be released and/or changed in order for this to occur. And in the still silent moments of quiet and reflection on what has brought you to this place and time, you may have even come to realize a sense of meaning and purpose. This has been so for so many. But perhaps it has been even more so for Cancer. 


At this time of year you will often find Leo trying to sort out the priorities in their lives, making their lives simpler and more organized. And at the last quarter moon, which we are approaching on the 29th/30th, you will be wanting to make room for any new initiatives you might be wanting to take on after the New Moon on September 6th. You are winding up the last moon phase, the end of the season, and even the last year, as this particular last quarter moon is taking a longer, perhaps more significant view on your life, and your plans. You may have already seen some shifts over the past year with friends, groups and alliances. Part of that was because your life itself was shifting. And with it some of your hopes and dreams for the future. For the truth is, so many of those priorities that you used to have, may no longer be relevant for where you are now. New priorities are taking their place. And as a result you are needing to reassess what that is going to look like for you moving forward. 


Now that we are in your season, you may find yourself in the thick of things, sorting out the details of your life, and trying to make sense of what has often felt irrepressibly insensible over this past year. This week we are entering the last phases of the waning moon. So this is a time of the month to slow down, reflect and go within. Therefore it is important to not overwhelm yourself, or to clutter up your life by taking on more than you can handle. And you will be tempted. Especially since it could feel like things are so out of control that you are at your wits end. Just know that there are some things that simply do not make sense. Place your focus on yourself, your own well-being, and avoid overwhelming yourself with the too muches and the distractions. Honor your boundaries. You may be in an alternate universe this week, but do know that before all is said and done, everything will sort itself out, in its own time, in its own way. 


Now that Mercury will be entering your sign on the 29th/30th, something that may have been only in the planning stage, can now finally be initiated. It could feel as if you have something very important to say or communicate to others. If that is the case, then you will be thinking long and hard about the best way, and the best means to get your message across to others. Also realize that because Mercury will be in its retrograde phase at the end of September that you may have to revise your message later on. But also realize that what you are trying to say and communicate this week in particular can have some far-reaching consequences. If you are planning on presenting some sort of project or proposition to others, you might want to wait until after the New Moon to present it. But it is this week, that you will find yourself more fully resonating with the current zeitgeist, and able to put your thoughts into words. Speak from the heart and you will not be steered in the wrong direction. Trust your heart to lead you where you need to go.  


Do not be discouraged, for things may be looking worse than they actually are. Or you may be projecting all sorts of worse case scenarios that may or may not transpire. Do not believe everything you hear. You will need the sharp sword of discrimination to sort out all the misinformation or misconceptions. Because things seem so deceptively unclear, keep things simple, and avoid cluttering up your life with more than you can handle, or you will find yourself overwhelmed. If you have concerns about something, know that it might be best to keep some things to yourself, until the time is right, and you have more clarity. Tie up any loose ends from behind the scenes. And allow yourself to step back and reassess where you are. If you are happy with what you see, and what you have achieved thus far, then you might want to further commit to what you are doing. But if you are ready for a change, see what needs to be released in order to be able to begin with a fresh new slate. 


The last quarter moon of each month is a time to take stock, tie up any loose ends, in preparation for any new starts you might want to make in the future. This week’s quarter moon also looks like some sort of long term adjustment. Over the past year you may have made some decisions that could shift your focus and your destiny. And some of these may have to do with a partner or an alliance with someone that makes you aware of something that you had not previously thought about or realized. This may have even required you to let go of any previously held ideas or beliefs about yourself or others that might have been holding you back. All of this is being redefined within the context of a whole new landscape, so that you are seeing people in your life, and the world at large, in a whole new light. As a result it could even feel as if you are entering a whole new phase in your relationships and partnerships with others.


The last quarter moon of the month is a good time to pause and reflect; and attempt to make sense of the world around us. The quarter moon on the 29th/30th of this week has an even longer view. This past year has been a year of endings and completion for Capricorn. A time of letting go of people and things that had been at cross purposes or even undermining what you had been trying to accomplish in your life. And then making room for those things and people that do support you. In the process you were being asked: What are those things and who are those people that support you life and your well being? And who are those who don’t? This has not just been about your physical well-being and your livelihood, but your mental and emotional well-being as well. Use this week to thank those who support who you are, who support your daily work, and make it that much easier. But also use this week to thank those who you know you can count on to take your call and listen when you need to be heard out. 


The last quarter moon before the New Moon in Virgo can feel like a time of fruition and harvest. We often find ourselves tying up loose ends, getting in the last rays of sun if you are at the end of Summer, or clearing out the vestiges of Winter if you are in the Southern hemisphere. Both can find us in a frenzy of cleaning, organizing and clearing out that which no longer serves us, in order to make room for the new season to come. This year we seem to be taking a longer view, reflecting on the previous year, and trying to make sense of where we find ourselves now. Paradigms have shifted. Things that we used to be accustomed to have changed, or in some cases, are no more. And in the scheme of things Aquarius has been trying to find their place in the world. It’s kind of like waking up after a very long night, and still nursing the hangover of what once was. New horizons are opening up, and all you have to do is walk through the door. But first you have to believe that it is possible to do so. 


Like everyone else, Pisces will be sorting through the detritus of their lives, releasing what is no longer necessary or relevant, and making room for the new season to come. But in your case you cannot and will not be rushed. Trying to go at the pace of the world, will leave you exhausted, confused and like a limp dish rag devoid of energy. Know your boundaries and limits and avoid taking on more than you can handle. Focus on your foundation: your home environment, your community and personal life. If you can get that much in order, the rest will follow. And as we approach the dark of the moon this week, also take some time to reflect and process any changes that may have occurred in these personal spaces, or any changes that you are anticipating. Know that any beginnings or endings in your personal life, are bringing you to new and uncharted territories. Therefore focusing on these now, will help you to better regain your footing moving forward.