Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: August 6th thru the 13th

Bert Lahr as the Lion in “The Wizard of Oz”

For the week of August 6th thru the 13th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


This is a playful and creative New Moon. Look to see what changes you might want to make, in order to allow some of that creative energy to flow through you. Maybe purchase or invest in something new and different that will just make you feel absolutely fabulous. What can you do differently this month that will allow you to reclaim your heartfelt joy and passion? Try stepping outside of your usual circles. Make the intention with the New Moon to be open to learning something new, or engaging others that may be quite different from yourself, or have differing points of view. There’s no telling what you might learn about others, or from others and the world you live in when you have the courage to speak up and use your voice. And there’s no telling how many people you are capable of motivating when you take the initiative to be the first one on your block to walk the walk, as well as talk the talk.  


Indulge your senses, and embrace your creative vision of who you are. Is it a new color scheme? A new wardrobe? Then ask yourself, what is holding you back from fully expressing your most true and authentic self in all its glory? Taurus generally prefers to fall back on what they are most familiar with. But as your creative vision continues to evolve, so will your environment, and even your own self-image. The New Moon is trying to open you up to exploring who and what your own best self is, and what exactly that’s going to look like for you. The more authentic and honest you are with yourself, the more comfortable others are going to be with you as well. Passions are stirred when you wear your heart on your sleeve. And intense encounters shared with others can change your perspective and draw you closer to others, deepening relationships. 


Are your ideas and aspirations being supported by others, or do you feel like you have to explain everything in vapid and boring detail to no avail? Are you where you need to be in order to fulfill your vision? Or do you feel a bit like a stranger in a strange land, even in your own community? If you find it difficult to connect with others, it may be as simple as trying a new approach. Look at things from their perspective. Or search for points of agreement and begin from there. But also know that when you are willing to speak from the heart, no one can be a great motivator for change, and win hearts and minds the way that a Gemini can. It’s not that you need to find a whole new community, it’s that you have to figure out how you can best fit into the community you already have.  


The New Moon in Leo is asking you to reassess your relationship to your resources, and make an honest appraisal of what you are or are not willing to risk in order to make your hopes and dreams a closer reality. What are you holding on to, and perhaps afraid to let go of? What are you needing more of? You might want to explore how your need for safety, familiarity and security, might be standing in the way of you being able to fulfill your dreams for the future. Use the New Moon to set realistic financial goals without sacrificing or risking those things that are truly most meaningful to you in your life. It’s a matter of priorities. And also appreciating all that you have to offer to others. A good intention for the New Moon in Leo might be: May I experience the joy that comes from Giving to others with an open heart.  


This New Moon in Leo will be most potent for those born between August 5th thru the 11th, or have 13-19º of Leo Rising, but all Leo’s will be in the spotlight of the New Moon on Sunday. And as you stand here on the threshold of your next Solar or Ascendant year, many of you will be exploring the changes that have already been made, as well as the changes to come in the year ahead. We are all about to enter a period of adjustment. An adjustment to a whole new order. But one thing that may be abundantly clear as you embark on this next turn around the Sun, and that is the importance of living your own best life, according to your own rules, and what is right for you. In this way you will be able to be your most honest and truest expression of your life going forward, without having to compromise what makes you special and unique. The New Moon in Leo helps you to set the tone for the year ahead for you. So why not set the tone to be the best that you can be? 


This is the time of year when Virgo sorts through the loose ends of their lives, and lays to rest all that is no longer necessary or is cluttering up their minds. A chapter of your life may be ending, in order to make way for the new. You might want to ask yourself with the New Moon in Leo, what is standing in the way of you living your life according to your highest standards, expectations and beliefs? What is no longer relevant for the person you are today? Think large, be ambitious, but be true to your own standards of perfection. No cutting corners. Even if it means putting yourself at odds with others. Sometimes we need to take a stand in order to effect some sort of positive change. Make the intention with the New Moon in Leo to tie up those loose ends. To create some order out of the chaos of your life, and bring closure to what was, so that you can look confidently to the future. And make some quiet time around the New Moon on Sunday, to connect with your heart’s behests. 


Your sense of self is evolving. You may already feel as if your life has changed dramatically over the past three years, and are probably still in the throes of still more adjustment, transition and change. As a result, you will find it necessary now and then to revise your environment and your associations, including all the people and groups with which you associate. This may mean cleaning up your social networks, letting go of some connections that are no longer a reflection of who you are now, and focusing on those that do support the vision of who you are becoming. The New Moon in Leo is a time for Libra to realign themselves with their current aspirations for the future. Not some old lame hopes and wishes of former years past that you have outgrown, but those that are relevant for who you are now, and where you see yourself heading in the future.


How can you bring your ambitions and hopes for the future more in alignment with your currently evolving life and lifestyle? And where do you see your role in all this? Some intentions for this New Moon might be: May I use my creative abilities and talents in a productive and fulfilling way. Or: May all anxiety concerning success be lifted from me. And if you were to make any changes or adjustments to your goals, what would that look like for you? Many a Scorpio has been navigating the boundaries and any existing inequities between giving and receiving; self-worth and self-confidence. You might want to ask yourself, what needs to be released in order for you to feel as if you are worthy to receive? This inner conflict can and will find resolution later on, but not until you address the false narratives that are standing in the way of progress, and preventing you from being all that you can be. 


Every time you turn around another corner, you are confronted with new and ever evolving changes. It’s hard to create a plan under these conditions, but that’s precisely what you are being asked to do with the New Moon in Leo. There are so many paths, and so many roads unfolding before you. You are being faced with a fork in the road, and trying to decide if you should go left or right. Realize that it is not a matter of right and wrong, so much as figuring out which path will allow you the most creative license, and the freedom to do your own thing. Think of all of the qualifications that you desire. But do not neglect the details. If you walk into the future with your head in the clouds, you’re more likely to trip over that rock right under your feet. Do look at the big picture, and aim high. Aim to fulfill that creative vision. But don’t neglect the necessary work and details that will be required to get you there. 


Are you ready? Are you feeling confident enough to put yourself out there, and let the world know what you have to offer? The New Moon in Leo is a great time to think in terms of marketing yourself, or what you do, and preparing yourself for the future. Whether that’s making sure that you have enough credit, the right sort of insurance, and are able to manage your time and money. It’s all in service to fulfilling your current vision, and making it a closer reality. These are the sorts of things that you are passionate about: fulfilling a vision for the future. This is also a good week to invest in and build more positive alliances with others. The sorts of alliances that are not only mutually rewarding, but can be significant for their sense of devotion and fulfillment of a mutual cause. 


Aquarius is being blessed with 2 Full Moons in your sign this season, back to back. And the New Moon in Leo stands squarely between them. Full Moons are times of fulfillment and karmic unfoldment. But if you were to want to make any changes or adjustments in the outcomes you see, this New Moon in Leo is just the time to set the intention to do so. Aquarius can sometimes neglect their personal and emotional life. But this New Moon is a good time to reassess, and make new beginnings in your closest relationships, and dares you to make the sorts of changes that will ultimately bring the kind of people into your life that will allow your heart and mind to grow in ways that you might not have previously expected. Keep yourself, and your mind, open to possibility, speak honestly and openly from the heart, and let others know precisely what they mean to you. 


If you come into this week feeling somewhat disillusioned or disenchanted, you might want to explore whether or not your expectations were being grounded in reality. There are so many positive ways to fulfill the behests of the New Moon in Leo this year, and all of them have the potential to expand your perspective, and maybe even change your mind about someone or something. And sometimes this can come about by making even minor adjustments in your daily routines and lifestyle. Some questions you can ask yourself going into the next lunar month might be: Are you needing to be more involved with your co-workers, and/or community in order to make sure that you are all on the same page, and wanting to fulfill similar goals and aspirations? Are you needing to spend more time out of doors in your environment, or looking for new places to explore? And what can you learn from others, when you stop to listen and see things from their perspective?