Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: September 3rd thru the 10th

“Harvesting” by Peter Brueghel the Elder

For the week of September 3rd thru the 10th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


The New Moon in Virgo brings you the energy to organize your environment, look for more efficient ways to do your work, and reinvest your daily routines with a sense of renewal and purpose. And although we get a New Moon in Virgo each year, your priorities may have been changing and evolving over the past few years. And in some way you are being asked to examine your daily life and routines and readjust these according to your changing values. Even Aries can become a creature of habit and routine. But when we make even small changes in our daily habits, you will find that suddenly you can see things in a new way, from a different perspective. Things that you previously ignored or took for granted, now have greater meaning and purpose. What creative changes might you want to make in your work, or your work environment? What about your health routines, your diet or exercise regimen? Is there something new and intriguing that you might want to try? Something that might add a little zest and enthusiasm? Then just wait for the New Moon on Monday/Tuesday and give it a go. 


For Taurus, Virgo is a sign that has to do with personal self-expression. There is a reminder here, that it is not so much about how perfect you are on the outside, so much as the beauty and power of your own personality as it shines forth. This is what others really see. And the more comfortable you are with who you are, the better an impression you will make, and the more likely you will attract others who are similar in kind. And you will want to do so. For one of the things that the New Moon in Virgo reminds Taurus each year is the importance of having fun (with or without others), and its effect on your emotional and physical well-being. That includes things like going on a date, skipping up your heels on the dance floor, perfecting a hobby or past time, or anything that brings you pleasure and joy. This New Moon takes this another step further, asking you to try something new and different. Go somewhere for the hell of it, meet someone new, and stretch yourself beyond your usual haunts. Because hey, you just never know. 


Make some changes at home. Move some things around, rearrange the furniture. It’s amazing what can happen when you change your perspective in a room. You see things that you never noticed before. You may also notice this time of year that you are more inclined to want to organize things around the house, clean out the cobwebs, polish the brass, and if you are so inclined, to putter about the kitchen, looking for things to can, bake, or roast. But whether you are stocking up for the months ahead, or preparing your abode for the season to come, if you’ve been planning any sort of remodeling or changes at home, this is the New Moon for you to work with. Also consider the benefits of making your home and personal life more of a priority over the next few weeks. This moon is about creating a more emotionally supportive environment. Whether that means creating a more work-friendly wfh environment, or creating new initiatives that will allow you to further bond with family and loved ones. The benefits of doing so may exceed even your own expectations. 


When the New Moon is in Virgo, you might want to pay attention to having your say, making yourself more easily understood; clarifying your mind and your understanding; managing your time; following through with an interest; learning something new; or the exchange of information. You just get the feeling that Cancer has something important to say, learn, communicate or hear. For you, this is especially about the exchange of information, and being open to learning something new. Something that is capable of opening up your mind and your perspective, and hopefully the perspective of others as well. And you are being advised that you don’t have to go very far in order to do so. For it is right there in your every day life and environment that the most profound opportunities to learn and share can be found, that can even have the capacity to allow you to see the world that you live in, in a whole new light. Be prepared to be amazed. 


At the New Moon in Virgo you may be asking yourself about the best ways to improve your income, learn a new skill set, or focus on ways to improve your own sense of self-worth. This would be a good moon to launch a new business idea, sell what you do, or create some sort of financial plan, that may be a little different from what you were doing in the past, but could free you up for better things in the long run. This is about thinking ahead. For Leo, this New Moon is about crunching the numbers, and figuring out a way to make them all add up. This may require a little creative ingenuity, but that’s the big advantage to this Moon: Seeing solutions where previously we only saw problems. Another thing the New Moon in Virgo is here to remind you about, are reassessing your priorities. Over the past few years you may have seen some of the priorities change as your life goals and opportunities have also been shifting. This is a good time to get those priorities in order. 


The New Moon in Virgo will bring those Virgos born between September 3rd and the 9th (or who have 11-17º of Virgo rising) to the forefront, but this Moon brings all Virgos front and center this week. This is your birthday New Moon, the first step on the journey for your birthday year. This is also when you are given a chance for a reboot. This could just be about reinvesting in yourself with an increased enthusiasm for who you are and what you aim to accomplish over the year ahead. However this moon is also offering you an opportunity to reinvent yourself and your life, to accommodate your new and emerging interests. Is there something new that you’ve been really wanting to try? Is there a new direction that you want to go in? Then this is the moon for you to get you on track to do so. Maybe venture forth beyond your usual haunts and explore your possibilities. For hey, you never know what doors or illuminating ideas could be opened up in the process. 


This is usually the time of year in which Libra wants to withdraw from the world for a bit, and reassess their game plan.There are often quite a few loose ends that need tying up and rebundling. Like unraveled skeins of thread, its time to separate the various threads in order to create some order in your mind. But it can also be a time in which you wish to withdraw from the world, in order to work on something quietly behind the scenes. This may be something that you are not quite thoroughly prepared to launch yet. Not until you have all the details worked out. But in the mean time, Libra does some of their best thinking and creative work when they take themselves out of the public eye, and turn down the noise and the distractions. And you will want to take advantage of this opportunity to do so. Prepare yourself to be inspired and amazed at what you discover through this process. Not only about what you learn about the world, but especially about what you learn about yourself. 


The New Moon in Virgo is your wishing moon, and perhaps never is this more so, than with this year’s Virgo Moon, which is invested with a surge of spontaneous enthusiasm and unexpected illumination from Uranus. This is also a Moon that concerns Scorpio with their personal groups and associations. Virgo is a sign that likes to have labels and categories, and even if you have been at a turning point this year trying to figure out what hat you are going to be wearing, Uranus is here to tell you: Make it authentic; make it your own path; Be where it feels right to be. Scorpio is usually hesitant to open up to the new and untried. But this New Moon could launch you in just the right direction, perhaps by considering an invitation or offer that could prove to be interesting. It may come from a different corner, or from out of the blue, or be a little different from what you are accustomed to; but a change of pace, and perhaps even a change of hat, may be just what you are needing in order to get you where you need to be. 


This is the time of year when Sagittarius is thinking seriously about the future. You may be wondering how you can best position yourself in order to take advantage of any new and potential opportunities. If you’ve been considering a change, or wanting to make some adjustments, this is a great moon to work with. Even if you may not be able to act on it right away, this is an excellent time to create some sort of road map, including any and all changes that you have been considering for the future. And if you wanted to make some sort of upgrade to your reputation, focus on those things that make you particularly unique and stand out. Something that you really want to be known for. Then sit back, and watch the miracles happen. There’s no telling in this weather what fortuitous circumstances can bring you to just the right place at just the right time in order to fulfill your destiny. 


This week Capricorn is looking towards the future, and the ways that you might be able to improve your prospects. What credentials do you need to gather? What sort of experience or further knowledge might you need? But there is another consideration with Monday’s New Moon in Virgo, and that is about a willingness to expand your horizons and perspective even further out into the world. For this Moon is very much about finding your place in the world. And in some way you are being encouraged to consider a new perspective, or look in a new and more creative direction. Inspiration can come from almost anywhere. And who knows? Some of these could prove to not only be illuminating, but could almost feel fortuitous. Things that you might want to focus on with the New Moon in Virgo might be: expanding your vision; looking beyond your usual haunts and vistas; and thinking in terms of expanding your viewpoint and your horizons in some profoundly new and extraordinary way. 


This time of year is often a time when you are struggling to get a handle on your life and your prospects. It may feel like you are being inundated with the need to take care of practical considerations, file forms, take care of details, apply for insurance, stock up on necessities. It’s about being prepared for the future. But it is also a time of year in which you are being asked to take control over your life in some way. And that can begin with taking control of yourself and your own mind. Therefore the New Moon in Virgo is a particularly good moon to address any habits that you might wish to change, to get your house in order, or take steps in order to be prepared for the future. That can include practical things like figuring out a way to pay down your debt, or making sure that you have all your papers in order. But this New Moon on Monday/Tuesday can also be about knowing when it is time to shut the door on a chapter in your life that is no longer helping you to achieve your goals, and may in fact be holding you back. It’s time to look forward, not back.


The New Moon in Virgo is a time for Pisces to establish new partnerships and alliances, and to reinvest in those alliances that you would like to further commit to. This can also be about projects that you would like to see get off the ground that require a certain amount of collaboration. In this case you will be looking to work with people who may have skills and expertise that will fill in the spaces where you fall short, and/or will inspire you to grow in some significant way. Perhaps in ways that even you had not anticipated. In the process this will also require you to be open to what others have to say, and what they have to contribute. It could prove to be illuminating. And there’s no telling what you can learn from or through others this week. And that includes going to someone for advice and guidance. Some things that this New Moon could be good for: going on an interview; hiring someone for a job; seeking someone for counsel or advice; or being an advisor to others.