Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: January 14th thru the 21st

Full Moon and the Milky Way

For the week of January 14th thru the 21st, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


As the Mars/Neptune square begins to separate you will finally begin to see your energy returning. It may have been confounding to be asked to slow down, but that’s precisely what was needed last week. And now as Mercury stations for its retrograde phase, you are being asked to slow down and be present in other ways. For in the potential chaos, surprises and unexpected detours that the Mercury and Uranus stations can bring this coming week, there are also tremendous opportunities for healing, illumination and understanding. You may even receive the tools, and/or healing methods, that will help you to resolve what ails you and open the way to greater acceptance of who you are, and what you have to offer. Also pay attention to that Full Moon on Monday. Both emotional and illuminating, the Moon will be shining a light on the consequences and results of all of the compelling choices, actions and decisions made over the past several years, that have brought you to this place and time. A place and time that seems to hold a purpose and a destiny. 


Uranus is stationing in your sign on the 18th of January. For the 5 months that Uranus has been retrograde things have been marinating on the back burner, and now it is getting ready to be unleashed. Simultaneously Mercury stations retrograde just days before the Uranus station creating all sorts of restlessness. What you don’t want to do is to impulsively jump on the first band wagon that comes noisily rumbling down the road. Mercury/Uranus will motivate you, but also know that timing is everything here. And often what seems like a really good idea when Mercury is retrograde, will have its faults revealed later on when Mercury is direct again. We are in a time of change. And it could feel a bit like destiny is calling. But with Uranus shifting about there’s no telling what this period can and will bring. Timing is everything. You can use the Mercury retrograde to prepare yourself for the changes that you’ve been planning on and wanting to make in the mean time. But be prepared for a few unexpected detours as well over the next few weeks. 


Your ruling plant, Mercury, now in the illuminating and humanitarian sign of Aquarius, is stationing retrograde on Friday, and taking you along for the ride. But with a strong square to Uranus, also stationing direct in Taurus, it could at times feel like you are riding this roller coaster of transition and change. And it will be all you can do to keep yourself from getting swept up in the excitement and commotion. At the very least it will be distracting, and hard to keep on track. At its worst it will be all you can do to keep yourself from getting swept up in whatever new wave of excitement that is brewing. This can lead to impulsive outbursts, regrettable mishaps and awkward assumptions, all of which could prove to be regrettable. Weigh all the facts and check all your sources before jumping in. Things could appear to be moving quickly, so pace yourself, and use the creative potential of the Mercury retrograde phase to reassess, and illuminate the best path going forward what will best help you to navigate these interesting and changing times. 


The Full Moon in Cancer is always an important time of year for you. It is a culmination, not only of the year that was, but for all that you’ve been focusing on and trying to accomplish. It stands as a turning point, as you now look ahead to see what you would like to accomplish. The Full Moon is showing you the results and the consequences of decisions made and actions taken over the past year. Full Moons can be very emotional, so don’t be surprise if you find yourself weeping deeply with this Moon, as you long for all that you may have lost, and a past that will no longer be. You are who you are, and you are where you need to be; and the dreams and hopes of yesteryear are giving way to something new and compellingly different. And even if you don’t seek it to be so, it will end up finding you, as the Full Moon shines upon you this week. The Full Moon falls in the last degrees at 27-28º of Cancer.  So if your Sun or Ascendant fall around these these degrees, or you were born around July 18th-23rd, you will be particularly sensitive to the life transforming properties of this Full Moon in Cancer. 


It is not unusual with the Full Moon in Cancer, and Mercury stationing retrograde, to pause and reflect on the year that was, tie up the emotional loose ends, and gird yourself for the year that is now unfolding. If while you are in the process of reflecting some old wounds are opened up in the process, take time to allow them to heal. It is time to retreat into your own cocoon and use whatever means are at your disposal to nourish and comfort your heart and soul. We cannot go back and change the past. It is what it is. But what you do have is the present moment, and what is unfolding right here in front of you. And as Mercury stations on Friday, it would not be unusual to explore all that has brought you here to this place and time. And who has been with you on that journey. It could feel as if a part of you is turning within as well, as you consider all the changes that have occurred, and/or may be imminent. You are processing it all, and that takes time. And by the time Mercury stations direct again in February, you may have a very different perspective than you do now. 


Mercury stations for its retrograde phase on Friday, and it is taking you along for the ride. Any changes that you’ve been putting off, or been in denial about, can no longer be ignored. Mercury is stationing in the creatively alternative sign of Aquarius, a sign of humanitarian causes, and alternative paths. It will then retrograde back into Capricorn on the 25th for a brief stint, where it is asking you to refresh a vision that is being unveiled right now within the light of this week’s Full Moon. The opportunity to try something new and different? To go in a new direction? To change the way you do your work? Or some significant lifestyle change? Know that you are going to have to tie up some loose ends first, and take care of any unfinished business as Mercury retrogrades back over old territory. But by the time that Mercury stations direct again in February, it could feel as if you are in a whole new place, with all sorts of possibilities unfolding before you. You are being called, and it will be all you can do to resist it. 


For years you’ve been working on clearing out all the negative elements that have been clogging up the airwaves in your head. The skeletons have been evicted from the basement, the dirty linen has all been washed. There isn’t much left to undermine your emotional well-being at this point, except for some lingering doubts. And that’s nothing that the Full Moon and the stations of Mercury and Uranus can’t take care of. The retrograde periods of Mercury and Venus together are asking you to acknowledge your goddess-given talents, and totally invest in them. For the next several weeks Mercury is going to be  surreptitiously showing you something about what you are really good at, and have a talent at. Embrace it, and be open to possibility! Something will be welling up out of the depths of your soul, and asking you to give birth to it. Be open to all that is being revealed and don’t even try to second guess it. And you may even surprise yourself in some remarkable way. 


As Mercury stations retrograde this week, you could find yourself reflecting on the ever evolving changes within your personal life over the past few years. That includes where you are living and the changes within the family dynamic and in your relationships. One thing that may have become evident over the past few years is that one thing we can count on is impermanence and change. Which could leave you with the odd sensation that at any given moment something else is going to shift. Pema Chodron is quoted as saying: Impermanence is a principle of harmony. When we don’t struggle against it, we are in harmony with reality. This also allows us to realize that the world is constantly evolving and changing, and some how or other we’re going to have to figure out how to live within the context of that ever-evolving world without losing our own integrity. And one way to do that is to not resist the ebb and flow of the tides, but to learn better ways to swim with them. 


One of the difficulties with the Mercury retrograde phases are difficulties with communications, and as Mercury stations on Friday Sagittarius can expect more of the same. Messages get lost, packages never arrive, the luggage goes missing. Phones go haywire, a glitch in the new app renders it useless, and the car is making a strange noise. However what the current retrograde can be useful for is going back over the past several months reviewing and reassessing and processing what you have learned. Ask yourself: What is or is not working? Is there something that you could improve? And if there is something that you want to change, what might be the best way for you to approach that? The Full Moon in Cancer on Monday is shining a light on those things that you might want to pay attention to when it comes to investing your precious time, money and resources. And by the time that Mercury stations direct again in February, you will want to be armed with a plan for the future. You are entering a period of tremendous growth, and you will want to plan accordingly. 


Mercury stations retrograde on Friday, asking you to go back back over the details before you sign on the dotted line. Is there something that you want to commit to, but are not quite sure you are ready for? The retrograde period is a great time to hash things out, reassess, and get out all the kinks first. Also pay attention to what is being revealed in the days surrounding the Full Moon on Monday. Capricorn has been working really hard over the past several years reinventing themselves and their lives; transforming, regenerating and rebuilding. The retrograde period is also a great time to get out the last vestiges of the whole transformational process standing in the way of your personal growth. Clean out the cobwebs, dust off the shelves, nurse any lingering wounds, and seek comfort and solace from those who know you best. You are doing this important work in order to prepare for whatever goals, commitments or treasures you aspire to fulfill in 2022. 


In just a few short days we will be entering your season. But before we get there Mercury will station retrograde, Uranus will station direct once again, and a Full Moon is calling us all to fulfill our destiny in some significant way. However there are still a few cautions here. In these crazy and changeable times, we can sometimes feel like we are in this maelstrom, being tossed hither and yon. Try to stay at the center of any emerging commotion, and try not to engage in overly contentious or controversial subjects. Keep your eyes open and your wits about you however, because these times can also bring the opportunity to try something new on for size. Something a little different. Just remind yourself that Mercury is indeed retrograde, so you don’t want to impulsively jump onto the first band wagon that comes along. It’s kind of like the game of jump rope, where timing is everything. And you will want to tie up some loose ends first. Pay attention to that Full Moon. It will let you know what you need to release in order to be able to embrace the future that is waiting for you. 


Mercury stations retrograde on Friday in the midst of prevailing changes and the feeling that at any given moment, something else is going to shift. In the midst of any distractions, or even potential chaos that the station of Mercury  can bring, you will want to ask yourself what you are needing to resolve in order to be able to move forward later on? What loose ends still need tying up? What healing and learning still needs to take place before you will have the strength and fortitude to take the next steps forward? Even though this looks like a particularly busy and emotional week, loaded with all sorts of stuff, unexpected detours, and perhaps a few frazzled nerves; it is all the more reason to make the extra effort to create a space of sanctuary for yourself over the next few weeks. Doing so will greatly benefit your mental and emotional well-being, and allow you to seamlessly ride the upcoming waves of change and growth.