Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: January 21st thru 28th

The above image of Mercury was taken by Mariner 10 courtesy of NASA

For the week of January 21st thru the 28th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Mars in Sagittarius can bring a great deal of enthusiasm. It is a sign that fills Aries with inspiration, hope and aspiration. It could even feel at times like we are on something of a mission. That is all great. But now that your ruling planet Mars is entering Capricorn you may see a more focused and concentrated tone taking hold. Now it is time to channel your fiery energy, and use it in a constructive, organized and productive fashion. It is not for nothing that Mars is considered to be exalted in the sign of Capricorn. Use the clarity that these next 6 weeks can bring to plot a course, create a plan, and marshal the forces in order to see them implemented and brought to a successful conclusion. Whatever goals you may wish to see yourself accomplish, Mars in Capricorn brings a greater sense of purpose, self-discipline, drive and determination to see things through to the very end. Use it, and use it well. 


Because Uranus has been traveling in your sign since 2018, many of you have probably already seen your lives transformed. Throw in a bunch of eclipses over the next few years and there’s no telling where this all will bring you. It can even bring a little extra attention and perhaps some recognition. But most importantly, if there are things that you have been wanting to change, the eclipses can even open up a special Taurean portal, that will allow you to do so. Taurus is about to take center stage over the next few years. Therefore be a ray of light, and set the example for the rest of us to follow. Meanwhile, Venus has been in its retrograde phase since December 19th, trying to show you what is most important to you in order to be a truer, more honest and authentic version of yourself. Go with the inspiration that is welling up as Venus slows for its direct station on the 29th. This may see you inspired to try something new, or to go in a whole new direction. Be open to what is being shown you. Unexpected events and connections could prove to be fortuitous. 


It is in the middle of its retrograde phase, that Mercury begins its new cycle. This is when thoughts, ideas and trends are being planted for the next 90 day cycle. These can be about new skills being learned or honed, new ideas being strewn in fertile soil, reaching a broader audience with what you do, or new ways of looking at the world that you had not even previously considered. They are trying to shift your perspective in some significant way in order for you to take your place in a new emerging order that is unfolding and taking Gemini along for the ride. Over the next several months new opportunities could open up, a new vision emerge, or the opportunity to take on a new venue could turn up that allows you to show off your stuff. But Mercury is still retrograde. And so for the next few weeks you are continuing to process and make sense of all of the events that have recently occurred, and that have led you to this place and time in which you are now being able to see the world in this whole new way. 


Now that the eclipses are going to be moving back to Taurus and Scorpio, it will seem as if this next series of eclipses is trying to bring the experiences, people and circumstances into your life that will allow you to make a cherished dream a closer reality over the next few years. Another thing that can occur is the realization that so much more can be accomplished when we join forces with others who share a similar vision. We can achieve so much more within the context of a tight knit group than we possibly can alone. However, in the mean time, Mars enters Capricorn this week which could bring a bit of contention in your closest relationships, leading you to believe otherwise. Just know that if any conflict arises this is only temporary, and that through compromise and a bit of patience, once you and your partners are able to finally get on the same page, there will be little to stand in the way. And as a result, even the most difficult of challenges are capable of being surmounted. 


It could feel at times like the universe has been trying to nudge Leo in a certain direction. For some that may be the inclination to want to go in a somewhat different direction. Something that feels more creative, more authentic, and perhaps a bit more electrifying and exciting. If the path you have been on is already creatively fulfilling, and allows you the freedom to explore your options, things may not change as much, but you may begin to see confirmation for that. Things are shifting and moving about. And as a result Leo is being brought to a place and time in which achievements can be made, personal bests accomplished, or you become known for something. And if that is true, know that what you become known for, and how you are going to be seen, could shift now that the eclipses are going to be falling in Taurus and Scorpio over the next few years. Even now, you may feel the anticipation rising this week. Change is in the air. And the subtle shifts in the atmosphere are tuning you in to what those changes might look like. 


Your ruling planet Mercury transits the Sun for its inferior conjunction this weekend, marking the beginning of the next Mercury cycle. And it is taking you along for the ride. Like curious visitors, new ideas, new trends of thought, perhaps even new things to learn are trying to take root in your psyche. And these will be part of the prevailing trend of thought that will occupy much of your waking hours over the next few months. But Mercury is still retrograde, and as such there is still a bit that needs to be gone over and readdressed. It’s like getting something out of your system once and for all. You’ve thrown out the garbage, but now you still need to wash out the garbage can. While Mercury is retrograde we are still in the throes of processing and making sense of the past few months, while also preparing your mind and awareness for what you are wanting to accomplish for the next few months. And doing this inner purification and cleansing is a very necessary part of this process. 


As we come into the final leg of the Venus retrograde phase, something curious is happening. Perhaps it’s a feeling of excitement, or an inner inspiration to go off in a new direction, try something new and different. Or perhaps it’s the realization that you are finally free to just do your own thing, whatever that thing may be. And if the shackles of the previous months have not yet been removed, this could bring you the realization that you could remove those shackles if you so choose to do so. The possibilities just seem to be beckoning you. Go with them. As we approach the direct station of your ruling planet Venus, know that whatever creative ideas had been simmering on the back burner are getting ready to be unleashed. In order to make the most of this time before the station on January 29th, allow yourself to be open, for a series of unexpected events and contacts could prove to be enlightening. 


Ever since Uranus entered Taurus in 2018 there is a good chance that your life has already changed in some remarkable ways. Some of these changes may have been welcome, freeing you up for better things. Others may have been unexpected, compelling you to take unforeseen detours. And if you haven’t already experienced the changes that Uranus can bring, strap on those seat belts, for now that the eclipses will be falling in Taurus and Scorpio over the next few years it could feel a bit like the fates are stepping in to rearrange the pieces of your life. And if that is the case, know that there is some purpose afoot. Even now, as Mercury is in the middle of its retrograde phase, it is trying to clue you in to what that destiny or purpose may be. One thing that often becomes apparent, is that you find yourself inexorably drawn in a certain direction. Scorpio often knows that feeling. And if you but open that door that is standing ajar, it could very well bring you precisely where you need to be. 


In some ways it could feel like you are already being launched out into the world. Or getting ready to any way. Like a winged crusader getting ready to make your entrance known, the outer world is waiting with bated breath for your arrival. And if you aren’t yet inspired to do so, just wait. Something is percolating behind the scenes. Now that Jupiter is in the sign of Pisces it is inspiring you to make one of your ideas, or perhaps even a cherished dream, a closer reality. And if everything works out as hoped, you could even see yourself committing to seeing that dream made a much closer and even a sustainable reality. Jupiter is leading the way, inspiring and helping to create the foundation that will make that possible. Perhaps by even throwing in a little luck of the Sagittarius over the next few weeks. Opportunities can come through unexpected encounters. So be willing to be open to new ideas and possibilities over the next few weeks.


In some way you are being quietly and perhaps even gently nudged in a certain direction that will ultimately allow you to fulfill your destiny. And as Venus slows for its direct station on January 29th, it is trying to clue you in to where and what and who that destiny involves. This could come about through a series of pleasant surprises that let you know where your heart is leading you. Or it may be that you are imminently going to be released to move forward in a new direction, or try something new and different. And as Mars enters your sign on January 24th, it is bringing you the courage and the motivation to take some sort of action over the next few months. However, Mercury is still retrograde, and shortly after it makes its conjunction with the Sun it is returning to your sign for some unfinished business. This may mean adding the finishing touches to a plan or idea. But by February, when Mercury finally stations direct again, it will be all hands on deck as Capricorn is getting ready to be launched. 


Now that the eclipses are going to take place in Scorpio and Taurus over the next few years, Aquarius may see something of a sea change in their lives. It has already been feeling as if many of you are standing on a threshold, where pieces of your life were seeming to fall away. But now the promise of a new beginning is raising its head, and a series of eclipses come along to allow the process to unfold. In the mean time, Mercury begins its next 90 day cycle in your sign, planting seeds of ideas that are still way too new to even grow roots. But planted they are this week, setting a trend of thoughts and ideas that are going to be the primary impetus and driving force for most of the next few months. These may be about things like self-improvement and ways that you can improve and transform your life. But it may also be part of a larger trend to come, as a compelling idea or goal only just begins to make its presence known. 


As Jupiter moves through your sign over the next several months, it will open doors, inspire you to reach for the stars, and dare to you expand your personal vision of yourself beyond your previous expectations. And if it hasn’t happened already, February could be instrumental in opening doors, and presenting sudden solutions where previously there only seemed to be challenges. Your world is daring to get that much larger. In the mean time Mercury, which is still in the middle of its retrograde phase, will begin its new 90 day cycle. It is at this time that ideas and thoughts are beginning to make their presence known, that will set the tone for the next few months. These may involve the necessity to tie up loose ends, clear the field, and release the past, in preparation for what may be in the future. And although these thoughts and ideas may seem insignificant right now, they could very well be setting the tone for a whole new chapter that is going to gradually unfold over the next few years.