Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: January 28th thru February 4th

from Urania’s Mirror

For the week of January 28th thru February 4th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


With the New Moon in Aquarius, stop to think about the dreams and hopes and ideals that you were wanting to achieve last year. What were you aspiring towards? And what would you like to further commit yourself to this year? What has worked out and needs to be further cultivated? There is also a reminder here about following through with your ideals. When Saturn is in Aquarius, as it is this year, we are being asked to walk the walk as well as talk the talk. To be the change that we would like to see in the world. And when you think about what your ideals are right now, these may not necessarily be the same as everyone else’s ideals, but they should be important to you. Something that you feel reflects your highest aspirations. Along these lines, what ideals do you wish to further commit to? In what ways are you in a position to be an inspiration to others? And what small shifts can you make in order to be more in alignment with your dreams and ideals? In this weather, even small shifts can have remarkable consequences. A good intention to sow with the New Moon in Aquarius might be: If this dream is meant to be for me, may the best possible circumstances arise to see it fulfilled.  


Your ruling planet Venus finally stations direct this weekend, allowing you to more confidently move forward with your plans. You are now going to be looking towards the future in an attempt to fulfill a passion, or follow through with an inspiration. The truth is, the more passionately you feel about a specific goal or idea, the more invested you will be in seeing it through to its conclusion. It doesn’t feel like work when your heart is so fully invested in this way! And now that Venus will be direct again, all those goals and dreams are now being given the green light. And if you were to think about what you are wanting to achieve in the future, the New Moon in Aquarius is a great time to set the intention to do so. What is that bright shiny object that you see luring you into the future? What goals are you trying to achieve? And what are the steps that you can practically take right now to get you there? Chances are, by the end of this year, many a Taurus is going to find themselves in a very different place than where they were before. So why not be the architect of your own evolutionary journey? Use the New Moon on Tuesday to set the intention to fulfill the image that you are hoping to achieve. And then go out and make it your own. 


When thinking about the future and what you might want to achieve in the foreseeable future, start with where you are, and who you are, what you believe, what you know to be true about yourself and the world. Then think about what more you want to know.  and what you might want to know more about. With the New Moon in Aquarius, the desire to expand your world view is serious business. But it must be within the context of what you know is right for you. There will be a number of forces trying to get you to conform to their beliefs or world view. But it is essential for you to be clear about where you stand on the issues and why. Mercury is slowing for its direct station by the end of next week, and as it does so it will leave no rock unturned, and no question unanswered. Ask questions. Read. Get to the underlying meaning of things. Make yourself knowledgable. And then set the intention with the New Moon in Aquarius on Tuesday to have the wisdom, perspective and clarity to recognize your true path, and the courage to then follow it. 


The New Moons are times of new beginnings, ripe for planting seeds and setting intentions. And with the New Moon in Aquarius some Cancers may be considering making a whole new resolution, or turning over a whole new leaf in their lives. It may mean that you are finally ready to unload all that baggage that you’ve been carrying around with you, literally and figuratively. Which may mean finally cleaning out the garage, the closets and the pantry, and doing that whole Konmari thing of parting with that which no longer resonates, and may be doused with old memories that no longer serve the person you are now becoming. Old habits die hard, but by clearing the path, cleaning out the old cobwebs, you make room for better things to grow and take root. So as we approach the New Moon in Aquarius on February 3rd, ask yourself, What habits, tendencies, fears or old worn out baggage is limiting my capacity to grow? And what is the best way to divest myself of this unwieldy load? Doing this periodic internal and external cleaning is essential for your mental health and well-being and prepares the way and the path forward to fulfilling your future.


As the personal inner planets slow and then pause for their direct motion, we also have a New Moon in the sign of Aquarius. And so even in the busyness of your everyday life. Even as the planets are saying it’s now almost time to go ahead and do that thing, the New Moon in Aquarius is looking at everyone else and what they are or are not doing. That is because this New Moon is exploring all of your relationships, current, past and now pending. And it is also showing you how you are also connected to all those other people, even those with whom you may have a mere 6 degrees of separation, but are there and important nonetheless. And they all bring this weight of responsibility and promises. Because they too are important: those people who bring the mail, serve the coffee, or that you pass while on your early morning walks. Those too, you do not want to let down. Because they are important too. A good intention for the New Moon in Aquarius might be:  I want to see myself spending time with those people who are on a similar path that resonates with my own ideals and aspirations. Or perhaps: May I continue to connect with those people who inspire me, and invest my life with meaning each day. 


When you make what you do, and how you do it, that much more interesting, inspiring and even exciting, it no longer feels like work. Labor in that context becomes a labor of love. It feeds your mind, your psyche, and your well-being. Sometimes all it takes is a shift in perspective says Mercury slowing for its direct station at the end of next week. Or perhaps a deeper appreciation of the value of what you do says Venus who stations for its direct station this weekend. There is something to be said for those words ‘well-being’ and what they mean for you. For some it’s simply about being useful and having a purpose. For others it is about having a sustainable lifestyle that nourishes heart and mind. But now with the upcoming New Moon in Aquarius on Tuesday, it is time for Virgo to ask themselves: What daily habits, diet or exercise regimen needs to be reevaluated, readjusted, or re-committed to in order to live a healthier, freer and more authentic life and lifestyle? Perhaps a lifestyle that also lives up to your altruistic aspirations? What changes are being called for? What do you want to include more of? What more is needed to restore that sense of well-being? 


Your ruling planet Venus finally stations for its direct phase this weekend, and it is daring you to let down your guard and take a few risks. All the more so with the New Moon in Aquarius on Tuesday. Just days after the New Moon, Mercury will also station direct allowing you to finally feel like you can create a plan for the future. But it must be a plan that also invests in those things that bring you a certain amount of satisfaction, and dare we say it, pleasure. For this is a moon that is trying to show you the value of reclaiming your joy and fascination. So whether that means finding or having found that one person that opens your heart; or recalling the joy of looking at life through the eyes of a child; or once again picking up that old hobby that used to bring you so much joy; remind yourself of the fascination one can have when you are doing what you are called to do. In honor of the New Moon in Aquarius be willing to look at the world like you’ve never ever seen it before. Like everything is new, exciting and inspiring again. That is where the New Moon in Aquarius is trying to lead you. Old or new or reinvented. The New Moon in Aquarius wants you to reclaim that joy. 


With the volatile transits of 2021, it could have seemed as if the world was just so unpredictable, changeable and at times even chaotic. All the more reason to situate yourself in such a way that you know that you will be well-grounded, safe, secure, supported and protected. Because you just never know what is going to happen next. With the New Moon in Aquarius on Tuesday, you might want to focus on those situations, people and environments that bring you that feeling of security and belonging. Who are those people that you know you can rely on to be there for you no matter what? And what can you do to make your home, your family, the foundations of your life more safe and secure? And what will ensure a deeper feeling of belonging? Whatever changes that have already occurred, or that are pending, may require some adjustments n your part. But adjustments can also mean opportunities for growth. A good affirmation for the upcoming New Moon could be: I want to better appreciate the patterns in my life, and the events that have occurred, that have led me to where I am now. 


Things are shifting as the planets are conspiring to open up windows of opportunity over the next several weeks. And you are just beginning to see that door standing ajar up ahead. A world of possibility is about to be revealed, and all that is being asked of you right now is to be willing to look at an idea or a problem from another perspective. You have certain commitments to keep, things that have worked well in the past. But something is telling you that if you are willing to do a little research, or are willing to hear what others have to say, that there might be an easier or better way of doing things. Building on an inspiration that came to you last year, you are now being asked to further commit to that idea or new way of doing things. And this may involve becoming better informed about a certain subject in order to do so. Or to hone up on a specific skill. Or perhaps to find better ways to network with those who can solve existing problems. Use the New Moon in Aquarius to set the intention to find the best teacher, information, school, or skills that will best help you expand your knowledge and achieve your goals. 


The New Moon in Aquarius will be significant for most Capricorns, as it is also conjunct Capricorn ruler Saturn, that has been urging you to look for ways to make your current goals and aspirations more sustainable and achievable. How much do you want this to work? What might you want to improve in order to be more marketable or fulfill a heartfelt aspiration? What skills or experience might you need more of? What organizational skills? And if you were to make a financial plan for the future, what would be your primary goals right now? If there are changes that you can make in order to make a hope or a dream a closer reality, then this New Moon will be searching for ways to do so. But if you are unable to do so right away, can you create a plan that will allow you to fulfill those hopes and changes in the future? Venus and Mercury are both stationing direct in your sign this week, reminding you that today is the first day of the rest of your life. Use it to create a plan that will enable you to fulfill the life of your dreams. 


If you want to start the year out on the right foot, think in terms of the sorts of changes that you are ready and willing and able to make now, that will bring you closer to living your most authentic life and lifestyle. The New Moon on Tuesday is in your sign of Aquarius, and is asking you to have some sort of plan going forward. A plan in which you will have greater control and independent decision making on the direction that your life will be taking, and where you want to go from here. Is there a new direction that you are wanting to go? Is there a different way that you want to be seen? As an Aquarius it is almost essential that you focus on being a truer and perhaps even more authentic version of who you are. This comes about through a renewed self awareness and acceptance of the things that are most important to you. Not necessarily what others tell you you should be doing or behaving by the way. But what is right for you. Those Aquarians that will be most sensitive to this New Moon are those born between January 29th and February 4th, or those that have 9-16º of Aquarius Rising, but all Aquarians will benefit from the New Moon being in their own sign. 


With the New Moon in Aquarius on Tuesday, Pisces is being asked to transcend the mundane world and look for confirmation and inspiration within. It may be that certain aspects of your life are coming to closure over the next year, if they have not begun to do so already. If and when that does happen it can bring a deeper appreciation  for all of the experiences, decisions, choices and events that have brought  you to the place where you are now. Know that the hidden and secret parts of your life are being honored at this time of year. And with this Moon can return some ghosts from the past that continue to linger for a bit before they pass through. Elements of your life were and are being released in order to make space for the new things to come in their own time, and as they will. They are already conspiring to open doors and inspire you for better things to come. And even so. Even now, with the New Moon in Aquarius, as these denizens and fragments of the past are making their way out, your world is daring to get that much larger already. New lights are already on the horizon.