Horoscopes: January 7th thru the 14th
For the week of January 7th thru the 14th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:
A part of you may despair at the state of affairs in the world, causing you to doubt that you can make your hopes and dreams for the future a closer reality. If you give in to doubt you could miss or avoid the very things that would fill your life with meaning. The New Venus cycle being ushered in this weekend is asking you to believe in your vision for the future. So do not doubt. However, you are being asked to slow down, and take the time to be present. Trying to push yourself in this weather will feel unusually draining any way. Therefore, why fight it? We have a tendency to rush through our lives getting from one place to the next destination, and do not stop to savor the moment. If we do not have a moment to stop and see, or listen or feel, we are in danger of missing something terribly important and wonderfully meaningful, which is all caught up with and intermingled with that stuff that you were trying to avoid. So pace yourself, be present, and see, hear and pay attention to what is there right in front of you.
Things could be feeling a little hectic and unpredictable over the next few weeks. Therefore, before you put on the seat belt and batten down the hatches, use the next few days to stop and center yourself and take advantage of any space of calm you can find before the storm. This will help you to take advantage of the New Venus cycle that begins this weekend, which can set the tone for the next 19th months. The inferior conjunction of Venus is the beginning of the next Venus cycle and as such is ripe for potential. Venus is significant for its association with our relationships, those things we most value and enjoy. What makes us happy. And in order to tune ourselves into what that might be for ourselves, it might behoove you to turn down the noise and the activity just enough to connect with your own heart center. Just enough to pay attention to what it yearns for. And then figure out a plan to make those things more of a priority over the year ahead.
On January 14th, your ruling planet Mercury will station for its retrograde phase. But even before it does so you may notice some unexpected twists and turns, which will cause us all to reevaluate and reschedule our plans. So it may be even more important for you to want to take advantage of the upcoming conjunction of Venus this weekend. The middle of the retrograde phase of Venus places Venus at its closest point to the earth as it moves across the face of the Sun. This is the beginning of the next Venus cycle, and as such is also a time that is ripe for potential. Use the Venus conjunction to reassess your priorities, and focus especially on those people and things that are most important to you. When considering those things or people that you want to make more of a priority in your life, also ask yourself why these are so important to you. Then think of simple and clear ways that you can make them a more important part of your life going forward.
This weekend we have the inferior conjunction of Venus. This is when the planet Venus slips between the Earth and the Sun. It is also when Venus is at its closest point to the Earth in its cycle, and when Venus begins its next 19 month cycle. Venus usually has to do with relating and relationships, but this particular cycle has an especially strong emphasis on the relationships in our lives. And since this is the very beginning of the Venus cycle, take some time out this weekend to seriously consider which relationships you most want to cultivate, what your expectations are of relationships in general, and what you need too do to nurture healthy and supportive relationships over the year ahead. Venus is our happiness factor. So knowing what and who makes you happy can help you to consciously make these more of a priority going forward.
Following up on the New Moon at the New Year, we now have the beginning of the new Venus cycle which always begins in the middle of its retrograde phase. This is when Venus is at its closest point to the Earth in its cycle, and when Venus, and the things ruled by Venus have their greatest potential. Venus rules, love, relationships, relating, self-worth, and those things that we own, value, possess and prioritize. This conjunction occurs in a very practical sign, the sign of Capricorn, where we are being asked to make those people, things and activities that we most prize a closer reality. And one way to do so is to figure out ways to make them more of a priority in our everyday lives. That can be as simple as including them in your daily or weekly routines. Perhaps a scheduled phone call to someone you care about, or making a certain practice a part of your daily activities. This not only sets the tone and foundation for the year ahead, it also contributes to your own happiness and well-being.
There is something wonderful and mystical about the upcoming conjunction of Venus this weekend, so you will want to take advantage of it before the stirrings of the Mercury retrograde on January 14th begins to shift our lives about. What the transit of Venus is trying to show you are what your true priorities are, why these are so important to you, and how you can make these more of a focus in your life over the year ahead. In order to do so you may want to turn down the noise this weekend. Slow down. Avoid the usual desire to rush through your days going from one thing to the next. And focus on those things and activities that would bring greater meaning to you in your daily life. This requires you to connect with your own heart center, and listening to what it has been trying to tell you. Not just listening, but perhaps also creating some sort of practical road map that will allow you to make your hopes and ideals a closer reality.
Every Venus retrograde is significant for us all, but it is especially so for Libra which is a Venus sign. So as Venus makes its inferior conjunction this weekend, it begins the new Venus cycle, which is also the beginning of a new period of potential for Libra. In the sign of Capricorn it is asking you to consider those things that you have outgrown, are holding you back, and are no longer serving your needs. Then focus on those people, activities and goals that are most important to you, and you want to see being more of a presence and a priority in your life over the year ahead. Who or what are the most important to you? Who or what are those things that make your heart sing? And how can you find ways to make these more of a practical reality in your life? Sometimes it is as simple as balancing what you need with what you want and/or desire. But being clear about what makes you happy and supports your emotional well-being is what Venus is asking of you this weekend. Being clear about that is the first step on your journey into the next Venus cycle.
Many a Scorpio may be feeling a bit under the weather. And even if you are feeling fine, there may be some resistance to pushing yourself anywhere near or beyond your usual limits. Doing so could leave you feeling exhausted. You are being asked to slow down. And you would want to do so any way. This is because you will want to take advantage of the Inferior conjunction of Venus which begins the next 19 month Venus cycle this weekend. It is at this time that it is helpful to think in terms of what are those people, places and things that are most important to you, and what you would like to see yourself prioritizing over the year ahead. In order to do that, it is a good idea to turn down the noise for a bit, and allow yourself to be alone with your own thoughts. And within that space ask yourself three important questions: What does your heart want? Why is this so important to you? And what steps can you take in order to make this wish a closer and more practical reality?
Even though all other indications may seem to be telling you otherwise, in some way you are being asked to think in terms of hope and possibility. Even if you doubt yourself, or you doubt the outcome. And even if your previous hopes had been dashed and you had seen them all go up in smoke. In some way you are being asked to think in terms of what you really really need, and try to balance that with what you really want in your heart of hearts. And then think about the ways that you can make these a practical and achievable reality. This can be as simple as making a clear and realizable financial plan for the future. Or finding ways to live the life of your dreams while still living within your means. It could also be about setting positively reinforced affirmations for attracting more abundance into your life, in whichever way that can be practically achieved. But most of all the New Venus cycle is about knowing what your priorities are and committing to making them a focus for the foreseeable future.
Take some time this weekend to focus on these three questions: What does your heart want? Why is it so important to you? And what steps can you take to make this a closer reality? In the middle of the Venus retrograde is this conjunction of Venus in the heart of the Sun. This is symbolic of our own heart center, which is the ideal time for us to connect with our own heart’s desires, and consider the ways that we can put these into practice, create a plan, or set some positive affirmations. One way we can begin is by listing all the things that we do have, and that are available. The conjunction of Venus takes place in your sign, a sign of simplicity and practicality. It is a sign that aims to work with what you have and what is most available. And as a result has the capacity to make your wistful dreams into something that is concrete and real. The Capricorns that will truly benefit most from the inferior conjunction of Venus are those that are born between January 6 and the 10th, or those that have 16-20º of Capricorn Rising, but all Capricorns should benefit from this transit that is filled with the promise of our heart-felt potential.
The conjunction of Venus is tucked behind the scenes, stirring up memories, visions and connections from the past. Someone may call, or you see an old photo, or something else laden with memories recalls the past. Whatever stirs up these visions of the past, you are now being asked to recall and reminisce about those people, places and things that brought you so much happiness and joy. We don’t have a time machine that can return us to the past. At least not until some brilliant Aquarian invents one for us. But we can explore what it was about those people or events that once brought that feeling of happiness, contentment or joy. And then explore the ways that you can make these more of a practical reality in your life right now. You are being asked to reclaim and rediscover your heart-felt joy, your happiness, your passions, and then make whatever adjustments you need to, to implement them.
Anaîs Nin once suggested to “Throw your dreams into space like a kite, for you do not know what it may bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.” And so it can be with the inferior conjunction of Venus in Capricorn. Perhaps more so for Pisces. This is because the seeds that are being sown with the conjunction of Venus are likely to be further fertilized, watered and cultivated by the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction in April that falls in your sign. As mentioned last week, 2022 is a year of possibility. Like the New Moon in Capricorn, the conjunction of Venus falls in your (solar/whole) house of hopes, wishes and aspirations. And one of the advantages to having these incipient new beginnings in Capricorn, is that they are encouraging you to find practical ways to implement and make your dreams and aspirations a closer reality. One of the ways to do that is by simply walking the walk as well as talking the talk; and putting your ideals into practice in your daily life. Keep your intentions simple and clear, but focus most on those that are closest to your heart.