Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: February 11th thru the 18th

The Fool from the Luminous Tarot Deck by Brigid Ashwood

For the week of February 11th thru the 18th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Do what you love and do it with perfection. There really is only one sign that can thoroughly tame your ruling planet Mars, and that is the sign of Capricorn, which is where the planet of motivation is currently traveling. And that’s despite any temptations that Venus may be taunting you with. Venus/Mars can be deeply passionate, but when channeled though the lens of Capricorn can also bring out your personal best in whatever you do! Capricorn is committed, determined and wanting to create a positive image. It’s more about quality, and holding to your principles, rather than extravagance or display when in Capricorn. So channel that passion, but do it well. And in a way that you know looks good on you. With the Full Moon in Leo next week, there’s no telling who will be watching. 


It probably has not helped that the planet Mars has been flirting with its boundaries, but if any sign can keep your inner potential driven and focused, it would be the sign of Capricorn. This week your ruling planet Venus is running with courageous Mars, willing to push some of her own boundaries, and achieve some personal bests in the process. And perhaps inspired by the current astrological weather, ready to take that first step out into the world of possibility. Taurus is not usually the adventurous sort, but urged on by these planetary configurations, there’s no telling where we might find our Taurean brethren these days. They have an urge for adventure, and for visiting new climes, pursuing new callings, and fulfilling their goals. Go with it. Even small but significant changes in your perspective and outlook can have far-flung ramifications in this weather. If you are hearing the call of the wild, pay attention. 


The intensity of the Mercury/Pluto conjunction will finally begin to wane once your ruling planet Mercury enters Aquarius on the 14th. There will be no holding you back at that point. Between the excitement of the current planetary trends, the fact that Mercury is finally picking up speed again, and is back in Aquarius will shift the perspective towards a freer, more anticipatory mindset. Mercury thrives in Aquarius, where we are all privy to creative and innovative ideas, insights and revelations. For the past several weeks that Mercury/Pluto has been unearthing things, and presenting us with dilemmas and questions, we just may be able to have our problems solved and some of those questions answered, now that Mercury is in Aquarius once again. Good week to try something new, learn something different, and be willing to look at the world through a different and more creative lens. 


What a glorious Full Moon we have on Wednesday. With a Jupiter/Uranus sextile on on side, and a steamy, yet soulfully driven Venus/Mars conjunction on the other, this is a Moon of infinite possibilities. And infinite ways to use your talents, assets and resources. There is so much more here than at first meets the eye. Where at other times you might hesitate, this week you could find yourself filled with the utter inspiration to take that first step out into the unknown world of possibility. And perhaps the reason why you have so much more courage to do so, is that a new perspective allows you to look at yourself, and what you have to offer, in a whole new light. And that light is just radiating right now. One message it seems to keep channeling over and over is that you don’t necessarily have to keep doing things the way you always have in the past. There might actually be a better and easier way (look out for openings and sudden opportunities!)


On Wednesday, Feb 16th, there is a Full Moon in Leo, shining a light on all things Leo, including yourself. The lore of the internet tells us that Dr. Seuss (Theodore Geisel) once said: Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind. Which kind of sums up this Full Moon, which wants you to pay attention to, and notice those who matter. And this shouldn’t be difficult. Just go as you are. Too often, under the stern and critical gaze of our peers and audience, we are at risk of compromising our own individuality for the sake of fitting in. Or worse, being seen as an outcast. But it is the individual, the original, that is the hallmark of a genius. The challenge this week is to simply be yourself, your own brand of original genius, even if it does raise a few eyebrows now and then. This is exactly what is needed under the well-flaunted Jupiter/Uranus banner this week. Wave it, flaunt it, and be who you are. 


As creative and illuminating as the Mercury/Pluto conjunction has been over the past few weeks, it could feel pretty liberating to be able to let your hair down once Mercury enters Aquarius on Monday. Now see if you can take some of that spontaneity into your work arena, or apply some of those creative ideas that have been brewing. In fact this could prove to be one of the most brilliantly insightful weeks to come in quite some while. Be inspired. It could also be that a problem you’ve been working on for some time can now be solved, and new opportunities open up to show the world what you have to offer. If nothing else, once you are able to look at a situation from a whole new perspective, it makes you more aware of the your own unique potential. The next step is a matter of walking through that door, and gratefully accepting the challenge. You are in your element. Take advantage of it. 


There is something very soulfully compelling when Venus meets Mars. You are being moved and inspired in some significant way. Being in the sign of Capricorn these two planets are asking you to channel this inspiration through something practical. Perhaps through your work, or to achieve a specific goal, or even to face down and conquer your inner fears and doubts. Especially any fears surrounding your own success. Capricorn is a sign of respectful quality, rather than flashiness. Ask yourself what you are most passionate about, and how you wish to present that passion to the world. And then channel that passion through what you do. Even if it’s just to bake a cake, or something else that you do well but take for granted. Bake that cake, and then offer it to others. You’d be amazed at what doors that cake can open up when you are willing to express yourself, and share yourself and your skills with the world. 


Scorpio is a sign that is usually a little reticent about being too visible, or showing off. But there are times when it is necessary to portray a certain image. And this week, thanks to the Full Moon in Leo on Wednesday, this is one of those weeks that could allow you to do so. That is provided you keep your eye on the message that you are wanting to spread broadcast. One thing that you might want to let people know about is how passionately you feel about this particular subject. Share your unique knowledge and expertise. And do it in a way that is impressive, and people will remember. Doing so could open doors, and perhaps even a world of possibility. It’s time for you to make the sort of impression that people will be talking about for years to come. 


This could be an exciting week, and could feel a bit like things are coming to a head in your life. There could even be a sudden and unexpected opportunity that could arrive from out of the blue, allowing you to make some positive changes. If that does occur, realize that it would require you to act quickly. But do take these sudden opportunities seriously, because in this weather even small opportunities can open up a myriad of doors. In some way you are being shown a new way to do things, or a new way to see things. And even small changes can have remarkable ramifications when Jupiter is sextile Uranus as it is this week. Dare to try something new, look for creative and innovative solutions, invest in that new idea, and see what happens when you take that next step out into the world of possibility. 


Once Mercury leaves your sign and enters Aquarius on Monday, some of the recent intensity of the Mercury/Pluto conjunction will finally begin to wane. However, that is only to be replaced by the intensity of the Venus/Mars conjunction now stirring up the latent embers of your sign. This is a passionate combination, which can be used and channeled in a very productive way if you do it well. This is especially so if your are embarking on a new project, or finally putting the pieces of a plan together. And once you see those pieces coming together there will be no stopping you. There is something incredibly inspiring about building something meaningful and worthwhile. And you’re only just getting started. For once you begin to see the advantages of all these new initiatives, plans or projects getting under way, you’ll only be that much more inspired to keep building on what you had started. 


With the recent Sun/Saturn conjunction you were coming to a full realization about your current state of affairs. The rose colored glasses came off, and it’s time to make a commitment one way or another. The Full Moon in Leo will be totally shining a light on any new initiatives begun at this time, or those that you know you are obligated to pursue. One thing that can also become apparent this week, is that you don’t have to keep doing things the way you always have in the past, and that there might actually be better or simpler ways of approaching your goals. Don’t be surprised if an idea or an opportunity comes to you from out of the blue, if it hasn’t already. This can happen just by being willing to look at things from another perspective or through a different lens. Anaîs Nin once wrote: Throw your dreams into space like a kite, and you do not know what it may bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country. 


When Jupiter is sextile Uranus, as it is this week, it could feel like you are presented with a world of possibility. All the more so with Jupiter currently in your sign. It’s like all these avenues are opening up, and it’s just a matter of deciding which road you want to turn on to. Jupiter/Uranus can bring actual opportunities. And if that is the case, it could feel as if it just appeared out of nowhere, and is requiring you to think quickly. It can also just make you more aware of the possibilities that are unfolding in front of you, or were already there. Which can happen just by allowing yourself to see things from a whole new perspective or vantage point. Either way, this week can bring a certain restlessness and excitement to get you started and on your way. When Jupiter is in your sign, it is asking that you expand your vision of yourself just enough, and just beyond your previous expectations of yourself. And the Jupiter/Uranus sextile is just giving you that little extra nudge.