Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: February 18th thru the 25th

For the week of February 18th thru the 25th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


One of the advantages of the current Venus/Mars conjunction at the top of your natal or solar chart is that it can bring benefits, gifts, and accolades. There is this feeling of being appreciated for your accomplishments. And the more passionately you throw yourself into what you do, the more heartfelt and meaningful the accolades will be received. And they do mean something. Not only do these timely acknowledgments bring confirmation for your choices and what you are doing, but they help to build up your own confidence in yourself, and the confidence that others have in you as well. Do also take time to slow down this week. Walk, dance, hike, and allow yourself to slow the chatter in your mind. Taking time out will not only allow you to make space for all sorts of creative ideas that are trying to percolate, but to recharge your batteries so you can make them real. 


One thing about the current Venus/Mars conjunction is that it could help to increase your drive and motivation to get up and go places. Combine that with the Jupiter/Uranus sextile and this could be a bit of an adventure. This can be literal, as in being inspired to go on a bit of a walkabout. Perhaps gathering your friends for a hike in the woods. Or plan some other sort of un-Taurus-like adventure. And we’re not talking about a business trip here. We’re talking about going places, or doing something just for the sheer fun of doing so. It isn’t often that you are lured by the spirit of adventure, so go for it. One thing that can happen when we dare to go off road, or try something new, is that it allows us to see everything in a new light. Or notice things that you hadn’t before. Look for ways to inject a little light or adventure in your life this week. Oh, the sights you could see. There’s no telling where that all could bring you. 


Allow yourself to be fascinated and intrigued this week. There’s no telling where it will all bring you. Many of the recent changes in your life, perhaps an unexpected event, have opened you up to all sorts of possibilities. Some of those changes may have been welcome. Perhaps others were more jarring and unexpected. But even good changes can bring the necessity for adjustments in our lives. Continue to be flexible this week as well. This will allow you to go with any unforeseen changes in plans, and also allow you to change your mind, or change your own plans if you need to. It can also help you to go with your own fascination. Go with it. Allow it to lure you to places unknown. As a result you will be able to see things in a whole new light. 


There are times when we might wonder if we do indeed have any choices over the important relationships in our lives. Are these really our own choices? Or is there something else taking control over here? Like mystical and magical gods the planets seem to be colluding these days, drawing some people together while parting others. And we just seem to be hopelessly drawn along for the ride, with very little personal agency over the matter. Or so it seems. Scientists tell us that falling in love may feel like a meeting of hearts and minds, when in actuality it is a form of temporary insanity, driven by pheromones and crazy chemical combustions. Yet it can also be utterly divine when we find that person or those people, with whom you just know you were meant to be. Let the planets work their magic. 


This could be a week of distractions and rerouting. Allow yourself to be flexible and to go with the flow, for there is no telling where that will all lead you. And also give yourself permission to change your mind. Once you see a situation from another perspective, you’ll never quite see it the same way again. We are entering Pisces season this week, which could dare us all to want to find deeper meaning and purpose. And sometimes when we are willing to look at people, or a situation from another angle, or through someone else’s eyes, it can also prove to be illuminating. We are all striving to connect, find meaning, a sense of purpose this week. Both outwardly and inwardly. And almost like a calling, we are feeling the urge to make that calling a closer reality. 


For the three weeks that Mercury was retrograde in January, we were processing any changes, redirections and unforeseen events that had or were occurring. This allows us to make sense of the insensible, and to adjust to any new circumstances that arose as a result of all these. It could also have been an important period of time to adjust to the idea of any changes you were hoping to make. This week we are going to see the result and consequences of any changes or shifts in our lives that we had made, or are now adjusting to. Be flexible, because this is also the sort of week in which plans can be changed and our routines disrupted. It is also an opportunity for you to change your mind about something, or to look at something from a whole new perspective. So betwixt and between the distractions and digressions, allow yourself to be fascinated. There’s no telling where it could take you. 


It doesn’t really seem to make sense to have to go far from home, when everything you need is right there! And it will seem to be this week that much of your life is centered in and around your home base. And if you don’t have everything there already, you could be inspired to get that one precious item that will make all the difference. Whether it’s that one thing that you’ve been yearning for, or that one practical item that you’e been needing for your home office, this is the week when it will be hard to resist making the investment. But do also make some time for your own personal well being this week. It is important for Libra to take time out in order to be more present and grounded. This may be as simple as curling in a corner in order to finish that book you’ve been devouring, or equally so to just sit and wonder. Whatever way it helps you to let go of the noise and chatter of the world, and find that place of respite. Making that a part of your daily routine could make a remarkable difference in your life. 


Sometimes it can be helpful to allow yourself to get a little lost in order to find yourself again. It is so easy to get distracted by all that is going on, both in your outer world as well as within, that it behooves you to make room for it all to settle down, every now and then. And one way to do that is to take yourself out of your usual routines and schedules and activities, and turn down the volume. To just get away. Then watch what comes in. Or who walks in. Once we make a little space in our lives, our schedules and our awareness, it becomes evident that there is a whole world of wonder just waiting to be explored. Ask questions. Be infatuated. There’s no telling where all this might bring you. 


Try something new and different this week. You will want to continue to explore and take advantage of that enlightening Jupiter/Uranus sextile. Even small changes can have remarkable ramifications in this weather. Talk to that stranger, meet someone new and different and intriguing. Listen to what they have to say, and pay attention to the way that they see and understand the world. One thing that could become apparent this week, is that you don’t have to keep doing things the same way. That there might actually be a better way of doing things that could make your life easier and simpler. And thereby free yourself up for better things. There’s a world of experience just waiting to be explored. Pick just one thing, and go from there. 


This is your week to make your dreams a closer reality, in whichever way is most meaningful for you. Many a Capricorn has been on a journey of self-reinvention and self-renewal on so many levels. Now it is time to pay attention to those small but important gestures that will make it all worth your while. In some way you are being asked to take some sort of action that will make your hopes and dreams more realizable. Do it. Chances are this is something that you’ve been planning to do for some time now. Just keep reminding yourself of the dream. And that this is your opportunity to take those steps that will allow you to make it all real. Or at least something you can wrap your mind around. Here’s to all those hopes and dreams. May they bring you where you need to be. 


You can just feel the excitement building. Or is that only heartburn? Either way, it could prove to be something of a distraction. And it probably doesn’t help when plans get rearranged and people change their minds. But still there’s that emerging feeling that something is going to change, and you’re not quire sure that you’re ready for it just yet. Ready or not, there is a whole world out there waiting for you to realize that it is there. Sometimes all that is required is a shift of awareness, or that unexpected call from out of the blue. Pick it up and answer it. There’s no telling where all this can bring you when you are willing to step outside of your accustomed territory. 


We are now entering your time of year, when the Sun swims into Pisces, and opens our hearts and minds to the divine potential which lies within. And it does so with a certain amount of excitement and hope for better things this year. Jupiter traveling in your sign has been daring you to grow beyond your previous expectations of yourself, to reach for bigger, brighter, and better things. To go in a new direction, try new things, and dare to explore the world and its inhabitants. There’s something more out there. And all you have to do is answer the call, open the door, show up and do your thing. Follow your fascination this week. There is no telling where it will bring you, and what will be disclosed in the process.