Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: February 25th thru March 4th

“Koi” by Katsushika Hokusai

For the week of February 25th thru March 4th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


The New Moon in Pisces is a good opportunity for Aries to tie up some loose ends and wrap things up that had been sitting on the back burner. This is a great week to re-do things, renovate, fix, and reevaluate. Take care of those chores that you had been putting off. Take advantage of an intensity of strength, determination and persistence to see projects through to their completion. You will never feel quite so focused and determined as you will this week. Therefore use it to your advantage. But do make some time for yourself on the New Moon on Wednesday. It can be hard for Aries to stop what they are doing and put things aside. But you might want to do so with this Moon. Make some space. Turn down the noise. Even if it is only for a few hours or even a few minutes. And listen to your own heart and mind. What is your conscience telling you? Where are you being drawn? What dreams are still left unfulfilled? Pay attention. And then make a promise to make those dreams a closer and more realizable possibility. It might just happen. 


How can you possibly say no? The whole situation is just so beguiling, so tempting, so intriguing. And that is even though you suspect that you will regret it in the morning… Perhaps the best advice for the week is to listen to what your gut is telling you. Don’t ignore the red flags and warnings. Or forget what happened last time. It’s when we forget those red flags that we end up ruing the day. On the other hand this same passion when channeled through a creative project, or to achieve a personal best can go a long way this week. Use it to focus on a specific goal. To tackle something that feels hard. There is also a New Moon in Pisces on Wednesday. And the New Moon in Pisces is your wishing Moon. And with a conjunction to magnanimous Jupiter, you are being asked to wish large. Lucky Jupiter can show you the ways to make your dreams come true. In the mean time, also use the New Moon to feel confident in what you have to offer, happily sharing your achievements, your gifts and talents with the world. 


Despite the seriousness of the general atmosphere this week. Despite any recent bad news in the world at large. A New Moon in Pisces is asking you to think positively. Yes, it is important to be realistic, and to look at things objectively. But that same narrow focus can also be used positively to organize your schedule, and plan out your objectives. Create a plan for the future. And then use the New Moon in Pisces to create a new Vision for the future. And be willing to make it large. Jupiter is also in Pisces, and has been asking you to expand that vision, to promote yourself and what you do. Doing so is bound to be met with rewards and recognition. Even small attempts can have positive results that have the potential to grow. There could even be moments when you may wonder if you are taking on way more than you had bargained for. Nonetheless, this is a Moon that is encouraging you to go with confidence, and the conviction that your fortune is well nigh due. 


What you have been learning and being made aware of over the past few years has led to question and a deeper and more profound desire to understand and learn even more. The New Moon in Pisces this week is conjunct Jupiter, our teacher and guide. Pisces is a sign that Cancer associates with higher knowledge. And the New Moon could encourage you to further investigate and explore a specific subject, a world view, or a specific belief system. And as a result of what you learn you could even see your perspective shifting in such a way, that you will never be able to see things quite the same way again. This new perspective can help you to solve problems, overcome your obstacles, and make sense of the world. But perhaps the most significant potential being brought to you with this Moon, is that by taking a much higher perspective, you will be able to rise above all self-limiting beliefs. This is a gift that can even allow you to navigate the most difficult and challenging people and situations, in a way that you had not thought possible. 


There is a confluence of passionate energies converging this week. The intensity of a triple conjunction in the sign of Capricorn could make relationships challenging and difficult to navigate. This could even seep into the work place, so tread carefully. However, most Leo’s are going to be feeling a little larger than life this week as the New Moon in Pisces is conjunct magnanimous and optimistic Jupiter. For Leo, this New Moon in Pisces could bring an offer or even something of a windfall. The thing is, any shifts in the wind, any offers and changes, even those that don’t appear to be so at first, are likely to be for the best because of this Jupiter influence. Another opportunity that the New Moon in Pisces can bring is a little deeper, and can feel like something of a realization about something. What you come to see in the wake of the New Moon can bring all sorts of insights about yourself, your habits, and even your psychological makeup. On an even more profound level you may even get some insights into the meaning and purpose of your life. Be prepared to be amazed. 


This is a week of reassessment for Virgo, especially in light of anything that might be changing the picture in your daily life and routines. If you have made any recent changes in the work space, or became reacquainted with a health issue, pay attention. This is the time for you to establish and set routines, clean up your schedule, and become more organized. The less clutter and chaos in your environment, the easier it will be for you to concentrate on the things that really matter. There is a New Moon in Pisces on Wednesday that puts the focus on your closest relationships and allies. This can also include those people that you go to for advice and counsel. If you find yourself unable to solve a problem, or you are feeling perplexed, don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice. Sometimes just by seeing a problem from another person’s perspective can allow you to see solutions where previously you only saw obstacles. Feeling stuck? Get advice. Don’t have all the answers? Ask questions. 


Anything that is no longer sustainable or serving your best interests should be seriously evaluated. Whether that be an alliance, a lingering habit or financial obligation, if it is costing you much more than it is worth, reevaluate. Sometimes we think we cannot change a certain situation. Or we stay with it because that is what we are accustomed to, no matter how putrid it may have become. It’s time to restore your boundaries, shore up the ramparts and protect your own. Be very clear about what your true priorities are here, and who or what need protecting. Even if that means saying No. Focus on those things that will serve your best interests, while releasing those that jeopardize them. The New Moon in Pisces is a good moon to work with if you want to remove negative influences from your environment, and create routines and habits that will best support your health and well-being. Ask yourself: What do I need to release in order to lead a more meaningful life or lifestyle? What do I need to do less of, and what do I need to do more of to support my wellbeing?


It’s hard to resist temptation this week. Just be sure to not do anything that you will later regret. No matter how compelling the urge may be. Nothing is worth sacrificing everything you’ve worked so hard to accomplish. One of the advantages of the intense Mars/Pluto energy this week is its indefatigable persistence, and determination that overcomes even the most audacious of challenges. It also gives you the magical ability to work long and hard, even when everyone else has fallen to the wayside. Just make sure that you also make room for those people and things that spark your heart with joy. In fact make it a priority to find those things that bring more joy and love into your life. Even if it does feel a little self-indulgent. Even if it does distract from your more pressing concerns. This is the antidote to some of that prevailing intensity, and will be what makes it all worth its while in the end. In fact take all that focus and passion and channel it through a creative project or vision, and allow the creative muse to speak through you in a way that you might not have thought even possible. You will amaze yourself.  


The New Moon in Pisces is a Moon of limitless possibilities. The feeling of confidence that can come with the New Moon conjunct Jupiter, can make one feel like they can take on the world. As a result the inclination could be to say Yes to just about anything. Be sure to remind yourself as you do so, that you can only be in so many places at once. Taking on too much could leave you feeling overwhelmed and over-extended when all is said and done. Despite that, following through with any initiatives that may have begun recently, think about how you might want to further expand and grow what you had started, and where you might want to go from there. The focus with the Pisces New Moon is usually in the more personal and intimate areas of your life, such as home and family. And within that context look for ways to improve relationships, improve your home environment, and look for ways to create more peace and serenity in your personal life. 


Many a Capricorn has been reassessing everything in their lives lately. No stone has been left unturned. And although Capricorn is usually averse to making changes, many a Cap has been traversing the slippery slope of change and improvement. Now it’s a matter of putting all the pieces together and regaining your footing. Capricorn has been reinventing themselves and their lives for years now. And this a final push to the finish. The last final gesture when and where you finally create that foundation from which you can continue to grow at your own Capricorn pace. That being said, this could be something of an intense week. Marshall all of your efforts to accomplishing your goals, and although you may be exhausted when all is said and done, you will be able to say in the end that you showed up. The New Moon in Pisces is a good moon to work with if you are wanting to study a new subject, learn a new skill, or further explore your environment. What you learn can lead to profound insights that could literally change the way you see the world. If you can keep an open mind, there’s no telling where this could bring you. 


With the New Moon in Pisces on Wednesday, ask yourself: What useful skills do I have? What might I want to learn more about, in order to be more marketable? and What sacrifices am I willing to make in order to lead a more meaningful life? You are being asked to explore your priorities. It may be that when you do, that you may be willing to make a little less or spend a bit more in order to have a better quality of life. For instance, having less of a commute, or being able to spend more time with loved ones. And even if you are no longer working or are happy with your current situation, think about what you might want to make your most salient priorities moving forward? What are those things that make your life worthwhile? And how can you make that even more of a priority in your daily life? It may be that you will need to let some things go in order to fulfill that quest, and that some sacrifices may need to be made. But doing so could make all the difference. 


The New Moon in Pisces is not only about what changes you might want to make for the month or weeks ahead, it is your opportunity to set intentions and create affirmations for the full year ahead. With Jupiter currently traveling in your sign, you are being asked to think in terms of expanding your horizons, and making your life and your aspirations that much larger. To improve your life in some way. Perhaps even beyond your previous expectations of yourself. Know that with this Moon, because it is conjunct Jupiter and tied in with the Jupiter/Uranus sextile, that even small changes can have remarkable consequences. It’s like a gift that keeps on giving, opening you up to all sorts of possibilities. But do also take things in incremental steps. Trying to do too much all at once could find you overwhelmed and over-extended. That being said, even in the face of some pretty intense circumstances, use the enthusiasm of the Pisces New Moon to throw your dreams into space, and continue to follow your bliss. There’s no telling where it will bring you.