Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: March 18th thru the 25th

“Full Moon Meditation” by H. Kopp-Delaney

For the week of March 18th thru the 25th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well: 


The Equinox on March 20th ushers in Aries season. Perhaps with a little flair and enthusiasm. Patience wears thin when your ruling planet Mars comes up against restless Uranus on Tuesday, so you will want to hold yourself back from taking any precipitous actions. This will be all the more so if anyone or anything seems to threaten your autonomy, or dares to tell you what you are supposed to, or should be doing. This could be a good week to go off in a new direction, try something new or shake things up a little. If things have become too routine, you’ll be more than ready for a break. But do avoid edgy and/or particularly annoying people or circumstances. You just won’t be having it. And this weather is just oh, so unpredictable. So pace yourself to counteract the fast pace and any tendencies to leap in without looking. Use the extra energy to clear out the accumulated clutter over the past several months. We’re being asked to sweep out the old decayed remnants of the past, in order for new and better things to take root. Then ask yourself how you can spruce up your daily routines in a way that will most benefit you and your well-being going forward.  


How can you reclaim your time, or perhaps use it more efficiently? Perhaps in a way that will allow you more free time to do the things that will bring you more enjoyment? The Full Moon is shining a light on those things that bring you more joy and happiness. Those things, skills, talents and people that you are perhaps most proud of. During Pisces season, Taurus works on finding their niche within the community of which they are a part, and reaching a broader network of people as a consequence. In the process it can be easy to lose yourself, or even worse, to compromise yourself in order to fit in. Make sure that you are bringing all of yourself to the table, including what is special and unique about yourself. Those qualities that make you unique, also help to enrich the whole. Musicians all playing the same instrument can be okay, but think of the endless possibilities and the expanded potential of a full orchestra playing many different instruments together in harmony. Each instrument brings its own unique facet to the whole, making it that much richer. 


Sometimes it is difficult to tell where you are going in your life, and where you will end up. There just seems to be so much uncertainty in they world. And although at times it feels like you are about to get launched out into space, other times you will wake up and just wonder where you even are. These periodic Full Moons allow us to check in with ourselves, and our lives. One thing that we can become aware of with the Virgo Full Moon is whether or not you are receiving the support you need in order to fulfill your dreams and aspirations. At times like this, that support means so much. Once you have that, then you are ready for whatever and wherever the fates may be leading you. Even to the Moon! There may be some good news, a blessing, a fortunate turn of affairs this week for Gemini. So keep your eyes open. Doors could open from an unexpected corner. 


If you’ve been feeling particularly anxious, over-wrought or over-committed, look for ways to more efficiently manage your time and schedule. We are in Pisces season, and you will want to make time for those things that are more meaningful to you, but that you don’t always make time for in your life. The Full Moon is trying to show you something about using your time more efficiently, so that you do have time for everything. Even those things that just make you feel better, reconnect with yourself, and perhaps even check out periodically. This requires a certain amount of familiarization with your own mind, its needs, and what makes it work more efficiently. For Cancer, time outs for mental self care are just as important as those periods of activity. In fact Cancer will often find that they are more productive, when they intersperse moments for quiet reflection throughout their daily activities. Can you schedule in dreaming? Some wistful yearnings and fantasies? Some wonder?


This Full Moon is trying to get you to sort out some of your priorities. It’s not necessarily about either/or. Like fulfilling your artistic yearnings vs. landing that great gig so that you can make some cash. Sometimes we lean a little too heavily on the thing we want vs. the thing we need. Perhaps even at the expense of the other. The Full Moons show us where we go off kilter and whether or not we have created any imbalance in our lives. It becomes more obvious. This can be as simple as having a disagreement about the way you handle or relate to finances, vs. the way others handle their affairs. Or recognizing how the things that you consider to be really important to you, are not necessarily that important to others. It either has you questioning or reaffirming your own priorities, and how much you want to invest in them, or thinking about what you might want to do differently. Either way, it’s an opportunity to recalibrate and reorient.


The Full Moon this Friday (or Thursday, depending on where you live in the world) is in your sign. It will be particularly relevant for those late Virgos born between September 17th and the 23rd, or who have 24-29º Virgo Rising; but all Virgos should be feeling this Moon. Full Moons are usually trying to show us something. Perhaps where our lives have become imbalanced. Where we have been ignoring or avoiding certain people, places or things, either because we don’t want to deal with them, or because we tell ourselves we just don’t have the time. We’re too busy. The Full Moon is like a pause in our regularly programmed activities, that allows us to see things more objectively. Either because we receive some sort of positive confirmation, or we come to the realization of what is or is not working out as well as we had hoped. It also shows us what we can no longer ignore. The next step will be figuring out what you are going to do about it. Could be some good news for Virgo this week. Or just a profoundly clear realization that when you ally yourself with those who actually share the same ideals that you do, it can bring an even deeper sense of purpose and meaning to your life.


Full Moons can be a time of culmination, where we see the results of previous decisions coming to fruition. But they can also be revealing. In this case, the Full Moon in Virgo may be showing you what you may want to release, change, tone down or relinquish in order to bring more order and serenity to your life. If you’ve been feeling particularly distracted, unfocused or even anxious, see what you need to let go of. The Virgo Full Moon is a moon for cleaning and clearing. That can be literal, as in the urge to clear out the clutter of the previous year, in order to make space for the new things to come. But this can also be about making space in your mind, by clearing out all the mental space junk that had accumulated. Perhaps even taking a much needed break in order to create more peace and space within. At the same time, keep your eyes open for an opportunity this week to try something new or go in a new direction. Stepping outside of your usual routine could prove to be both inspiring and enlightening.


What is it that you do that makes you feel uniquely special, creative, lively and purposeful? And what are the responses you are receiving for your accomplishments? In what ways are the things that you are creating, also contributing to a much larger whole or an even bigger vision? This Full Moon has the ability to see yourself or what you produce or participate in, as being part of something much larger than yourself. This is what happens when you share your gift or your vision with others. Like when you sing in a choir, as opposed to singing in the shower. Or submitting your work to a gallery for a communal show, as opposed to admiring it on your own wall. It takes a little extra effort to collaborate with others, and reach a commonality of perception. But when you share that vision that you’ve been working on with others, what you accomplish together, can bring a whole new dimension to what you do. Even a small amount of appreciation can go a long way in this weather. Whether it be applause or criticism, look for even better ways to do what you do. 


At this time of year the inclination is to hole up and focus on your personal life. There is some wisdom to this. For much of the rest of the year you will be busy, with your sights set on achieving your accomplishments. This Full Moon is actually a time in which you are planning ahead: When am I going to launch that project? When do I see myself moving further out into the world again? There may be some ambivalence and uncertainty and some mixed messages. Nonetheless, buttressing up your foundation, and focusing on making your personal life more secure, will support you well into the future months. Even and especially through the busiest months ahead. So why not make your personal space all that you desire? Your own sacred space away from the madness of the world? What significant little improvements would you want to make in your living area, that will help to support you even in your busiest months, and make all the difference for the year ahead?


Full Moons can act like a spotlight shining a light on certain areas of our lives. It can show us what is working, and what we might need to tweak a little more. And sometimes these Full Moon periods allow us to step back and look at things a little more critically. Things can come to fruition during Full Moons. We are busier, we often feel as if we are running about more than usual. And as we see certain things coming to fruition in our lives, it also lets us know what we might want to change or improve. Are you too busy? Do you have enough time for contemplation or any creative work? On the other hand, if you want to perfect a skill, learn something new, make yourself more informed on a certain subject, where would you want to go? Who would you want to learn from? What do you want to know more about? What would you like to be better at? What new ideas are exciting you, that you would like to further pursue?


One thing that Full Moons can highlight is this feeling of I vs. Thou. Either they incite a longing for what other’s may have in contrast with what we have; or they can inspire us to want more, do more, learn more. It can also create that dichotomy between what’s mine is mine, and what’s yours is yours. But what about those things that we share together? And what about the ways we are interdependent with one another? We really do rely on one another for our very survival, and when one of those links unravels we become all too much aware of how important that connection with one another really is. The Full Moon is letting you know where any weaknesses may lie in those connections. But this time can also be a reminder of where and how you might want to shore up your personal security, and figure out exactly what you can, or who you can or cannot depend on moving forward.


In Pisces season, the Full Moon is an opportunity to gain an objective perspective on yourself, who you are, and whether or not you are living up to your own personal standards. One of the ways this becomes apparent is by other’s reactions to you. When we ourselves change or grow, it also changes the way that we relate to others, and they to you. So periodically it is helpful to have some sort of check-in and adjustment based on these interactions with the important other people in our lives. Full Moons can also act like a mirror. Where other people seem to reflect certain aspects of ourselves. Therefore the Full Moon in Virgo can be a tremendous personal awareness learning tool! It can also just be a time, as with many full moons, when our emotions all come to the surface, like a grand crescendo, making you all too aware of your feelings about the people and circumstances of your life and others. Your heart just overflows, inspiring you to think of useful and practical ways to express those feelings and be of service to others.