Horoscopes: April 29th thru May 6th
The Astrolabe
For the Solar Eclipse at 10º of Taurus through the signs, read below. If you know what house 10º of Taurus falls in your natal chart, read that as well:
(2nd House) In many ways, and for many people, our lives have been transformed over the past several years that Uranus has been in the sign of Taurus. As a result we’ve also been compelled to reevaluate our priorities and get back to the bare essentials, and the most important things in our lives. This series of eclipses can impact your resources and income, or at the very least, your relationship to these. And a good part of that is coming to terms with how well you value yourself, your life and lifestyle. So that can include what you are or are not willing to chain yourself to, for the sake of financial security. At the Solar Eclipse, if we haven’t already made certain changes, we might be compelled to do so now. With the North Node in Taurus, we are being asked to keep things simple. To focus on our most important priorities. And that includes quality of life. So in the light of the Solar Eclipse in Taurus, Aries is being asked to focus on those things that you consider to be your strongest priorities and core values are, and what you can to make these your primary focus going forward.
(1st House) Solar Eclipses are markers of new beginnings, and important turning points in our lives when the eclipses fall in your own sign, such as this one is on Saturday. This is especially true if your Sun, Ascendant or some other personal point in your chart is within 8-12º of Taurus, or you are born between April 27th and May 3rd. If so, you were already experiencing the previous series of Saturn/Uranus squares in 2021, in which you were being torn between the old and the new. Sometimes the answer is not necessarily this or that, but perhaps somewhere between. Somewhere in the vicinity of what would be more real and more authentic. Ultimately what you were coming to realize was the need to reclaim your true self. This can take a certain amount of courage for Taurus who prefers to not go against the grain. However sometimes you just have to have the freedom to be able to do your own thing, even if it is not what everyone expects of you. With this Solar Eclipse shining a bright light on Uranus this week, it is trying to show you the value, and the rewards, that can come from honoring your true path. Others may not fully grasp, or understand, the changes that you have been going through. But they will come to respect them. Knowing this, recognize that today is the first day of the rest of your life. And living it to the fullest can bring rewards and a sense of satisfaction, perhaps even beyond your previous expectations.
(Or if the Solar Eclipse at 10º of Taurus falls in your natal 12th House) The Solar Eclipse is conspiring to have us all live simpler lives that will ultimately promote greater health and well-being. But in order to achieve that there may be a few twists and turns, and maybe even a few changes before all is said and done. In order to avoid the anxiety and the chaos that can ensue, it is probably a good idea to seek out the still center of the eye of the storm. This is the very center of your own being. This can be found by cultivating peace and serenity within, even when and despite all the chaos that may be occurring and revolving about you. In the process of finding that center of being, also come to find that part of you that communes with something even larger than your own unique self. A place of deep collective wisdom that is urging us all towards this place of peace. We may feel that if we were to change our outer circumstances we will find that peace. But paradoxically, we are being shown that when we find that peace within, all the turmoil in the external world will calm down as well.
(11th House) Cancer is always sensitive to Eclipses, as they are to all the lunations. But with the eclipses, where the Sun, Moon and the Earth are in such perfect alignment, it can feel as if our own hearts and minds are also coming into more perfect alignment with our hopes and aspirations. And this particular set of eclipses in the signs of Taurus and Scorpio, are attempting to do just that. As a result you will see yourself suddenly inspired, your life transformed, and a series of events unfolding that will bring you precisely where you need to be. It can also feel, as we are moving through these eclipse portals, that the fates are intervening behind the scenes, moving the pieces around on the playing board of our lives. They collude to bring certain groups of people together, while parting others. Those people with whom you are being drawn to through these portals can and probably will have some sort of significant bearing on your destiny. Perhaps even helping in some way to fulfill those ephemeral hopes and wishes for the future.
(10th House) There is no telling where Leo will finally land once we are finished with this series of eclipses in the signs of Taurus and Scorpio. These eclipses can literally scoop you up, and like Dorothy whisked off to Oz, transport you into a whole new universe of experience. This can be a turning point that can bring you to a whole new place in the world, compel you to move, or bring a significant shift in your career, status or goals for the future. Great beginnings and endings can occur when the eclipses conspire to spin their webs and weave our destinies in this way. Therefore be open to the changes that these eclipses can bring. That includes the changes that have already occurred, those that are in the process of unfolding now, as well as those that you might be hoping to make in the future. The key behind this series of eclipses is to be willing to roll with the unpredictability and the changes that are occurring, in order to be the better positioned to fulfill your destiny.
(9th House) Eclipses can be like portals, opening a door to an even higher level of awareness and understanding. But in order to reach that place, you are being asked to put aside some of your natural skepticism, and trust what you are being shown. There is so much that can be learned and understood if you are just willing to be a little flexible in your outlook. In trying to fit in, or find our place in the world, we look for our sense of identity. Our group. Our belief systems. But then along come Uranus and all that got jumbled up and rearranged. Uranus traveling here can even challenge all that we had previously come to believe. Like a lightbulb illuminating your mind, you were being shown that there are other ways of seeing things. A whole other perspective. And with this week’s Solar Eclipse in Taurus all you are being asked to do, is to maintain an open mind and a willing heart. Then step through the eclipse portal and over to the other side. There’s no telling what further amazements will be waiting for you there.
(8th House) Eclipses can bring significant turning points in our lives that can change the ways that we had previously always done things in the past. And this can be especially so when the eclipses fall in the 8th house, giving you permission to let go of any self-imposed limitations and obligations that are no longer serving the person you are now. What habits are you finding difficult to let go? In what ways have you gotten yourself into a rut that you can’t get out of? Uranus is here to let you know that you have choices. That you can live a freer, less encumbered life and lifestyle. Sometimes it’s as simply as paying down your debt, or clearing your to-do list. It’s about getting back to priorities, and what your true needs are. Making your life simpler, and obligation-free. Focus on those things that you do most value, for that is where your focus needs to be. Not on these other obligations. Ask yourself: Where do you want to more fully invest your precious time, money and resources?
(7th House) It can sometimes feel like the fates are busy moving the pieces around on the playing board when we move through eclipse season. All the more so for Scorpio when the eclipses are in Taurus and Scorpio. Like strategic and mystical matchmakers they collude to bring certain individuals together, while parting others. In the process it could well be that certain people who have a significant bearing on our life and destiny can enter our lives during these critical openings. This period can represent a whole new phase in your relationships. Or it can be a whole new phase in your partner’s life, which in turn impacts you as well. For the past 4 years that Uranus has been in Taurus you were being released, freed up and encouraged to be a more authentic and honest version of yourself. Occasionally this requires adjusting the trajectory of your life. Therefore embrace the changes that have already occurred, welcome the changes that are trying to unfold, and prepare yourself for the changes that are yet to come.
(6th House) The Solar Eclipse in Taurus can represent some sort of turning point in your life concerning your health and well-being. Among the things that you might consider to support your well being, also think in terms of getting back to the basics. That may mean getting more in touch with your body and its primal needs. Pay attention to the inner signals, such as knowing when you need to eat, or when you need to rest. Know what it means to be comfortable and well-nourished. And sometimes all that is being asked of you is to allow yourself to turn down the noise and find some quality moments of stillness. To connect to nature in some significant way, and allow yourself to simply be without all the extraneous assumptions to status and attention. In this context you may want to figure out ways to change up your schedule in order to have more free time to do the things that really matter, including those things that contribute to you living a life of greater well-being.
(5th House) The Solar Eclipse is conjunct the planet Uranus. And the reason this is important for Capricorn is that with Uranus in Taurus, you’ve been asked to embrace that which is most original, authentic and honest about yourself. To literally grow into yourself in some alternative or creative way. Perhaps in a way that you would not have previously considered, had Uranus not come into this sector of your chart 4 years ago. Uranus has been trying to show you how to make what previously seemed impossible, possible. Solar Eclipses are times of transition, and can bring turning points in our lives. And this particular eclipse is trying to free up your life in such a way that you can then explore whole new avenues of inspiration and wonder. Therefore embrace the changes that have already been made, that are in the process of occurring, and those that you might want to see yourself making in the not too distant future. Many a Capricorn has been working hard at reinventing themselves and their lives. And this is your opportunity to show the world and yourself, what you are now capable of producing.
(4th House) Now that Uranus has been traveling through the sign of Taurus, it could feel for some Aquarians like someone had just picked you up and brought you to a whole new place and time. Throw in an eclipse or two, and there’s no telling where you will find yourself waking up the next day. One day you feel like you are in a maelstrom of confusion, chaos and change. And the next you are transported to a world filled with promise for a better future. Ultimately Uranus, despite him constantly moving the furniture around, and contributing to the chaos, wants you to get back to basics. To a life filled with greater simplicity. Where your creature comforts will be provided for and where you can relax into the comfort and safety of your own self-created nest. Taurus is a sign of stability and security. And although you may have to make some changes, and reorient yourself in the process, the ultimate goal is about establishing yourself in such a way that you can not only manage to provide safety and security for yourself, but also for all those who matter to you the most.
(3rd House) When the eclipses fall in the 3rd House, as they are now, they can literally change your mind, your perspective and the way that you see the world. This can be the result of something that you read, see, hear or learn. But it can also occur as a result of simple everyday events or interactions. A conversation with a neighbor allows you to see them in a whole new light. Day trips to some place near by, or just exploring the same neighborhood you are in, can be enlightening and open you up to a new way of being. It can also be that you feel compelled to adjust to inevitable changes in your environment. But those adjustments also offer a change in perspective. You are literally being asked to look at the world through a different lens. And a a result you will be able to see, notice and hear things that you had not realized were even there. The more open you are to looking at things like this, through this other lens, the more you will learn, and the more you will gain. Perhaps even in ways that you had not previously realized was even possible.