Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: October 13th thru the 20th

For the New Moon Solar Eclipse of October 14th for your sign (or natal house):


(7th House) It is not unusual when the eclipses are in Aries and Libra that significant connections and/or partings can occur in our lives. All the more so when they also fall in your natal 7th House. During the 18  months that the South Node is in Libra it can even feel as if the Fates are colluding to bring some people together while parting others in order to fulfill their destiny. And so it is not unusual to see great beginnings and great endings in major relationships when the eclipses occur. This can represent a new phase in a relationship, or a significant change in your partner’s life or status that also indirectly affects you as well. South Node eclipses can sometimes bring endings and changes such as these, that can even feel like ‘the time is well nigh due’. But also know that if something is ending, it is also opening up opportunities for personal growth and a new way of being. One thing that is likely is that because of the important relationships in your life, you and the way that you see the yourself and others, may never be quite the same again. With the South Node now in Libra, matters will come to the forefront concerning: Partners, Competitors, Close friends, counselors, Advisors, Mentors, Clients, your Audience, and the Outside World.


(6th House) The Aries North Node is asking all of us to get off the fence, stop kicking the can down the road, and put some of the focus back on your own self and well-being. This may require you to make some changes, and re-center your focus. In the past much of your focus may have been concerned with the well-being of others. And this may have been true up to a certain point. But there is also something to be said for remembering to put on your own oxygen mask first. We may think that by sacrificing our own needs in order to make more time for other’s needs and expectations will ultimately make our lives easier. But at a certain point all that personal sacrifice will become unsustainable. The North Node in Aries is going to be asking you: What feeds your Soul? What meaningful activities will bring more energy and excitement into your life? You may think that if you fix everyone else then you will be happier. But actually when you put the focus back on yourself and your own needs, then everyone else will be happier as well. Expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Your work, your job, Co-workers, the Work environment, Health, Health Providers, those things that Support your Health and Well-being or the health and well-being of others; Diet, Routines, and personal Regimens


(5th House) For Gemini, the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is shining a light on all those things that you have created and/or lost with your heart and soul. Solar Eclipses are about New Beginnings. But often those beginnings are interlaced with significant changes or endings that require a certain amount of personal adjustment. As a result they can at these times be tinged with sadness for what we are leaving behind. But it is also about letting go of what once was, or what could have been, in order to see the new possibilities that are imminent and getting ready to bloom. This Eclipse is about potential. It is about transformation and the ability to rise out of the ashes of what once was. What is then created out of these ashes will be that much more beautiful and meaningful, because of how they are invested with the tears of our once cherished dreams and love stories. Take those stories and the wisdom gained from your own heart-felt experiences and invest it in all that you do. Expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Children, to Love and be Loved and Admired, Romance, Sporting events, being free to more fully Express Yourself, Embracing what is Special and Unique about yourself.


(4th House) It is not unusual in the years that the eclipses are in Libra, as it is with this weekend’s Solar Eclipse, that some sort of shift can take place in your personal life. People find it necessary to move, or someone that you had assumed would always be there chooses to move in a new direction. It could also be that certain family members are dealing with some sort of crisis or change in their lives. As a result of any ongoing circumstances you find yourself compelled to re-think where you are living and who you are living with. With South Node Eclipses, such as this one, there can even be a feeling of sadness, especially if there are any separations taking place, or a parting from what once seemed so familiar and comfortable. Whether that means leaving that nifty little apartment, or saying goodby to that roommate. Eclipses are like turning points, where endings and beginnings can merge, leaving us scratching our heads. Know also that we can’t necessarily see the larger picture. And that these changes can also open up doors and possibilities for better opportunities in the future. Like mystical guides, the Fates are conspiring to bring you where you need to be in order to fulfill your destiny. Expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Home, Family, Property, One of your Parents, Family members, Early Childhood Memories, the Ancestors, Homeland, your Supportive Community, and the End of a Matter.


(3rd House) What you hear, what you learn, and what you see can have a transformative effect on your mind and perspective with the Solar Eclipse falling in Libra on October 14th. This can be due to something you read, something you are studying, or something you hear. Even random conversations with neighbors, or other people in your everyday life that you casually speak to can make you feel as if something has changed. Even the once so familiar now seems to be changing. Some changes can bring improvements, but at other times it can feel as if something precious has been lost, or was taken away, leaving a vacant lot and a void in your heart. At these times it can remind us to better appreciate and support those things in our everyday lives that we often take so much for granted, like the small independent shops, the struggling neighbor down the street, or that community garden that you keep meaning to join. It’s those everyday connections within your community and with others, that once meant so much. Expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Your neighbors and neighborhood and the area in which you live; your car, vehicle or mode of transportation, your daily commute, Siblings, Old Classmates, the News, and what you are learning, observing and hearing..


(2nd House) What are you spending your valuable time, money and resources on? And what is that one ‘thing’ that you think you can’t possibly live without, even though you know you can? You know that feeling where you just CAN’T exist without that extremely expensive pair of shoes that keep popping up in your on-line feed, luring you with their exquisiteness. Or that gorgeous antique vase that taunts you each day as you pass it on the way to work. Or that one luxury that you just absolutely must have. Know that retail shopping is not going to fill whatever spaces are needing to be filled. It’s not stuff or that chocolate cake that you need right now. It’s faith. A faith that you have enough already. And that includes having faith that you are enough. Talented enough. Wise enough. Educated enough. Skillful enough. Attractive enough. And no amount of spending will fix that. Listen to your wallet, and make the distinction between what you really need, and what you are merely craving. Then see what you can do to further cultivate the self-confidence that what you have to offer the world is enough. Expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Finances, Possessions, Investments, Sustainability, Self-worth, Self-esteem, your true Priorities, and Survival.


(1st House) The Solar Eclipse on October 14th is in the sign of Libra, and will most likely impact those Librans born between October 11th and 17th, or who have sensitive placements between 18-24º of Libra. However all Librans are bound to feel this eclipse falling in their sign, as these are often seen as years that prove to be significant turning points in our lives. Solar Eclipses are about New Beginnings. But when accompanied by the South Node, as this one is, that new beginning can also be accompanied by endings or partings. It is not unusual for people to feel Eclipsed, or drained in these Eclipse seasons, which may compel you to have to make some significant changes in the way that you approach the world. Changes that can have such an impact, that your life will never feel quite the same again. Eclipses open up these portals, that we are then being asked to walk through, even if we don’t really want to. One advantage is that if there are certain changes that you’ve been wanting to make, these eclipses are capable of opening up avenues that allow you to do so. Eclipses in our signs are often opportunities for growth. But in order to make that next step with a South Node eclipse, you are first being asked to release old habits, behaviors or tendencies that have been holding you back. Think of it as an intensive, focused on self-improvement and self-renewal. Expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Your Self, your Body, your Appearance, your Health, your Environment, and Personal Self-development.


12th House) The South Node in Libra is asking you to release those things and/or people that are no longer serving your best interests, and are standing in the way of your growth and progress. That includes anyone or anything that instead of sustaining you, are just exhausting and draining you. It can even feel with these South Node Eclipses, such as the one we are having this weekend, that we are needing to put some things to rest, once and for all. Just as you would if you were cleaning out a cluttered closet or basement, you are being asked to clear out some of the mental rubbish and cobwebs that you are still holing on to from the past. Whether these are old fears about being alone, or inner dialogues that are no longer valid for who you are now, in some way you are needing to discard these old narratives to make way for better ones to fill their place. But as you are cleaning out the cobwebs from the past, also pay attention to that old box in the corner filled with the dreams and the talents of a life well lived. These too can be found here. And like a box of old mementos, dare to open it without regret, judgment or remorse, knowing that this is the treasure that was hidden beneath all the other stuff. It was just a matter of digging it out. Expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: The Past; Secrets; the Forgotten; Endings; Partings; Releasing and Letting Go; Dreams; and our Subconscious drives. 


(11th House) The Solar Eclipse in Libra is attempting to show you the ways that you have outlived the expectations of your previous hopes and dreams. And what you need to do in order to pave the way for even better, perhaps more appropriate aspirations and dreams that are more suited for the person that you are now, and will become. This can be due to the realization that certain goals seem to be coming up against a brick wall, or there is no further that you can go with that particular dream. As a result you could find yourself parting ways with old goals, dreams, aspirations, and perhaps even drifting away from certain groups and associations. Even if you are not so sure about where you will be heading from here, there is still this inner knowing that you have some how now outgrown your previous life, and that something else will be waiting for you on the other side when you get there. Eclipses can close doors. But they can also open new doors that are more appropriate for where you are now. But in order to walk through the door that is opening before you, you first have to stop looking so longingly at the door that is closing behind you. Expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Friendships, People or groups you are connected to; Shared Ideals; Networks; Social Media; Hopes and Aspirations for the Future.


(10th House) It is not unusual in the years that the eclipses are in Aries or Libra that there will be shifts or significant changes in your goals or status. Great beginnings, as well as endings can occur when the eclipses spin their webs and weave our destinies. Transformational changes in your personal life, and where you are living, can also impact your reputation and role in the outer world, and what you do. However, eclipses are just so unpredictable! Therefore be willing to roll with this series of eclipses where both endings and beginnings seem to merge. Know that we can’t always see the larger picture. And that what may seem like a detour or a disappointment, can open the way for you to fulfill some greater purpose in the long run. Like having to pass through some sort of initiation, there is a process here that we are compelled to go through. And all we can do is to walk through the door that the eclipses are opening, and see what is waiting for us on the other side. Expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Your personal or public Status, One or more Role that you are known for, Your Reputation, Career, Goals, Destiny, Your Boss, Authorities, the place you Work For, One of your Parents


(9th House) The truth is not necessarily found in some mystical foreign land, or in a cave tucked into the side of a mountain. Often the truth can be found more close at hand in the more mundane quarters of our lives. The Solar Eclipse this weekend can find many an Aquarius scratching their heads as previous assumptions, beliefs and ideas are being questioned or turned around. Solar Eclipses are about New Beginnings. But when accompanied by the South Node, as this one is, those new beginnings are predicated on the willingness to change your mind, and perhaps even some of your beliefs. Any ideas or assumptions that are getting in the way of your evolutionary growth will be challenged during the 19 months that the eclipses fall in Aries and Libra. And sometimes we have to be content with not having all the answers. When we are ready to humbly listen and be open to learning, that’s when true knowledge and understanding can be achieved. And never is this more possible than when the Sun, Moon and the Earth are in such perfect alignment as they are with the Solar Eclipse in Libra this weekend. You can expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Religious, Political or other Beliefs, Travel, Journeys, Education, Certifications, Courts of Law, Legal Decisions, Relatives and Places overseas or far away.


(8th House) The Solar Eclipse this weekend is pointing you towards the natural ebb and flow of the cycle of reciprocity, of giving and receiving. When a pond receives ample fresh water, it is better able to thrive and grow. But if there isn’t a continuous flow of fresh clean water coming in, the pond can become stagnant, or dry up. The creatures that live within it will no longer flourish, and the pond will fail to thrive. Too much water and not enough drainage and the pond will become flooded and overflow its banks. So it is in our lives when this cycle becomes imbalanced, leaving you feeling drained, and/or under-appreciated, or taking on too much and feeling overwhelmed and underpaid. What might you need to release in order to restore the natural balance in your life? What are you so desperately holding on to that is depleting your coffers? These eclipses can impact income and your relationship to material self-worth over the next year. It can even change the way you feel about money, spending, wealth and ownership in general. But not without addressing whatever it is that has caused this sacred cycle of giving and receiving to become imbalanced. You can expect matters to come to the forefront concerning: Life, Death, Rebirth, Renewal, Receiving, Marketing, Shared resources, Debts, Loans, Taxes, Investments, Inheritances, Wills, Sexuality, Surgery, Rehabilitation, Old Contracts, Habits, Addictions and Attachments.