Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: October 20th thru the 27th

For the week of October 20th thru the 27th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well: 


The uncertainty of the eclipse seasons can be confounding. However, Aries will have none of that. Once Aries is committed to a certain path they are going to see it through to the end. The challenges may seem to be overwhelming at times. And you may not be able to see what is around the next corner. However, Aries is not inclined to give in to pessimism or ever consider defeat. Eclipses or no eclipses, tomorrow is always another day for Aries. And Aries does not give up. And with your ruling planet Mars, now in Scorpio, you are down right indefatigable, even against what may appear to be extraordinary odds. Mars in Scorpio is powerful and relentless. And with the right sort of attitude you will be amazed at how much progress can be made. And not even the most insidious distractions are going to get in your way now that you have transformative Mars in Scorpio on your side. 


With a fortunate Venus/Jupiter trine on your side this week, you really cannot go wrong. But even Taurus will not be exempt from the raging turmoil in the world. Keep it simple, and keep it real. Venus in Virgo knows where her heart is centered, and where her comfort zone will be found. Allow yourself to find that safe place, that place of comfort, and make it a point to share these experiences with your nearest and dearest. Expressions of love come more easily when Venus is trine larger than life Jupiter. And while in Virgo she wants to hear it all and share it all. Whether that be over a latte in town, or escaping into the woods with dear ones, Taurus wants to know everything that is currently going on. And that means everything. Which includes the good, as well as the challenging. Taurus is keeping it simple this week. But they’re also keeping it real. 


Words matter this week. How we communicate and speak to each other can make all the difference. There is an art to persuasion and diplomacy. And when Mercury and Pluto work hand in hand, they can bring remarkable depth and insight. They can also bring certain hard truths to light. Mercury in the last degrees of Libra is usually open to debate and persuasion. But when pushed into the corner it can also be forceful and unforgiving. It will soon become evident that we cannot ‘force’ or even persuade others to our point of view. Nor they us. But it can also be evident that the truth cannot be hidden for long. Your ruling planet Mercury will enter Scorpio this weekend, preparing the way for the upcoming Lunar Eclipse on the 28th, in which little will stay hidden for long. And what still remains hidden will inevitably be revealed, once the ever-curious Geminis and detail oriented Virgos put their heads together. With an eagle eye for perception, and a nose for truth, Gemini is on the case.  


Oftentimes Eclipse season can feel draining and exhausting. The light of the Sun was temporarily blocked, and it is hard to regain the momentum after the light goes out. And sometimes the liminal and changeable period between the eclipses can be over-stimulated, with too much noise and agitation. We have a first quarter Moon this weekend, speeding things up, adding to the general anxiety and confusion. Many a Cancer could be feeling themselves on edge, and waiting for the next shoe to drop. This is a tense first quarter Moon betwixt and between the two eclipses. With Pluto at the South bending of the Nodes it could feel that there are forces at work here over which we have little control. If that is the case, focus on those things over which you do have control. Those things that are right there in front of you. In these situations it can sometimes be helpful to allow those larger forces to move out of the way first, before navigating your own way forward. 


Eclipse weeks can sometimes feel exhausting and draining, to the point of utter exhaustion. If that is the case, step back, bring yourself out of the line of fire, while remaining vigilant and aware. We are between the two eclipses, and there is no telling where things will stand by the time that the dust settles. Therefore it would probably be a good idea to wait until after the Lunar Eclipse on the 28th to make any important decisions. And although eclipse weather can often be draining, some Leo’s might actually be filled with an inexplicable surge of energy. The first quarter Moon is a growing Moon, and an active time of the month. Things will gradually be brought to a head with the Lunar Eclipse. If you are already in it to win it, you won’t be able to get out of it. The energy is going to bring you along for the ride. In which case there is no choice but to go with it for now. And see where it all brings you on the other side of the Eclipse season. 


Eclipse seasons are not all bad. They can bring brilliant revelations, and important turning points in our lives. But there are certain types of eclipse weather that can incline one to want to close the curtains and hide in your room. And this may be one of those. Even in this liminal and changeable corridor between the two eclipses, you can feel the generalized anxiety rising. In which case it would probably be a good idea to stay under the radar. However, once your ruling planet Mercury enters Scorpio this Sunday, it will be impossible to keep you under wraps for long. Even behind the drawn curtains you will be extra vigilant and aware of what is going on, keeping tabs and creating spread sheets. You are not interested in waiting for the Lunar Eclipse to reveal all, as you know that the revelations are not going to happen without your input. With an eye for detail, and an un-erring curiosity, there will be little that will get by you this week. We are all depending on your keen sleuthing abilities to keep us informed. 


There seem to be quite a few late-sign Librans in the news these days. Often reluctantly so. You can sort of see it on their faces as they mumble to themselves: “How on earth did I ever end up in this position?” This is especially the case when you realize that no amount of negotiation and persuasion will bring you what you want at this moment, and will explain why you would much rather be somewhere else. But there’s no escaping our destiny when the eclipses weave their webs, and we some how manage to get tangled up in their threads. And this will be true to some extent for all Librans. The truth is, we are all going to feel the reverberations of this current set of eclipses in some way or other. Even if you are not directly involved. Nonetheless, a Venus/Jupiter trine this weekend can help to ease your way into what might be an otherwise sketchy situation. Like skillfully maneuvering around the worst of it, Libra’s deft and clever diplomatic skills, may end up coming in pretty handy after all. 


It’s amazing how even those little things in our everyday lives can cause so much anxiety and confusion. Sometimes even more so. The sketchy internet signal, the virtual mayhem, the pilot light blowing out, and the appliances inexplicably behaving badly. They all demand immediate attention, and although they require all sorts of sleuthing to figure out, in the end they all prove to be so deceptively simple in their solutions. Yet they still manage to leave you in a heap of distraction on the floor. If some things prove to be too frustrating and confounding, you may want to put them up on the shelf for a bit. At least until we get past the exasperation of the current eclipse season. It can sometimes be helpful to allow the foggy mists to dissipate a bit before navigating your way forward. All will soon be evident, in its own time, in its own way, when we give them time to marinate.


What with Venus and Mars flirting with your ruling planet Jupiter all week, it will be all we can do to keep you down on the farm and out of trouble’s way. Not that you are courting trouble. It’s just hard to keep you home, and out of the mix of the chaos that can loom in the spaces between the eclipses. Nonetheless we are all happy to see you out and about this week and carrying on. Someone has to keep the fires burning and the positive energy flowing. As far as you all are concerned there are people to see and things to get done, and you’re not going to let anything stand in the way of you taking care of business and carrying the light. Just make sure you share some of that light this week. We could all use a little bit of that sunshine cast our way. Be the light, so that we can all see our way forward through what remains of this eclipse season. 


For the next few weeks, think about those things that you’ve been holding on to, but are no longer relevant to who you are now. Are you feeling like a lot of demands are being made of you, but with very little to show for it? Are you feeling stuck, and just looking for a way out? The first quarter Moon could bring you the impetus to get things moving. This is a growing Moon, and it would not be unusual to feel the activity ramping up as we approach the Lunar Eclipse on the 28th. Capricorn will have no use for any limitations being imposed on them right now. Pay attention to what goals have reached a dead end, and which are more likely to bring greater growth. Parse out those goals that you stay with out of a sense of obligation, vs. those that will bring you the opportunities you seek. You’ve been working really hard at reinventing yourself and your life for the past 15 years. And you’re certainly not about to give up now. 


In these times of unpredictability and generalized intensity and uncertainty, it’s all an Aquarius can do to maintain their cool, calm composure. And you will be hard pressed to do so these days. As many will be in this liminal and changeable area between the two eclipses. But if anyone can maintain their footing and their resolve, this week, it’s an Aquarian with a plan. It’s a matter of principle. And once you have your sights set on a goal, there will be no dissuading you this week. Try, try again, is the motto for Aquarius this week. What brings you that drive and sense of determination this week? It’s the acceptance of all that has brought you to this place in time: the joys as well as the disappointments. The wins as well as the losses. They have all brought you here, and contributed to who you are today. And one more obstacle will not dissuade you. 


If you find yourself overwhelmed with news and information, as well as some attitudes, you just might be wise to turn some of that off. If you can. At times like these it is a little difficult to turn away. It just cannot be helped. And you might be able to turn off some of the electronics and media, but you may not be able to turn off the neighbors, or avoid the abundance of people careening about on the roads, and or the throngs you might need to engage with while on your travels from here to there. Your advantage is that you are two steps ahead of everyone else. And where everyone else is impatient, judgmental and feisty, you can see solutions and compromises where others only see problems. We will need your cool head, compassion and understanding to guide us through this liminal time between the eclipses. And we thank you in advance.