Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: October 27th thru November 3rd

“Cornfield by Moonlight” by Samuel Palmer

To see where and how the Lunar Eclipse can impact your Sun sign or Rising Sign, read below. If you know the house placement of the Lunar Eclipse at 5º of Taurus read that as well:


(2nd House) When push comes to shove, what are your true priorities? What are the things that really matter? Losing something truly precious could feel like losing a piece of yourself. But there are other things that we hold on to out of habit: those things cluttering up the shelves of our lives; the responsibilities, debts and expenses that you chained yourself to out of a sense of obligation, or a fear of not having enough. Have these been at the expense of the other things and people and stuff that really matters? If something is draining you, or is proving more costly than it is worth, or even preventing you from living your own best life, then the current Lunar Eclipse on Saturday will confirm this for you. For the past 18 months you were being asked to re-prioritize your values, showing you the things that need to take precedence, and that are really important to you. And what your true priorities are in the end. The Lunar Eclipse can bring matters to the foreground concerning: Balancing your needs with the needs of others; valuing what you have to offer to others; how well you feel valued by others, what is or is not sustainable any more, and getting in touch with your most important Priorities. 


(1st House) The Lunar Eclipse on October 28th, is in the sign of Taurus, and will most impact those Taurus people born between April 22nd-28th or who have sensitive points at 2-8º of Taurus, although all Taurus people are bound to feel this eclipse to some degree. Lunar Eclipses can be revelatory, and can even be something of a sea change for many a Taurus. Issues are revealed. Things are disclosed. And because of what comes to light, it could even feel like you will never be able to see things the same way again. Eclipses falling in your sign, as they have been since early 2022, can also bring you front and center, and can feel like turning points in our lives. These are times of change, in which we feel as if we are standing on a threshold between an old way of life, and a new one. This can mean leaving a part of your life behind. And there may even be some sadness for what once was. But also know, that once you have stepped through the portal of the current eclipse season, that there is no turning back. But also know that there is also something of value waiting for you on the farther side. The Lunar Eclipse can bring matters to the foreground concerning: Your sense of self, Your personal self-development; Your body and health; How others perceive you to be. 


(12th House) The Taurus/Scorpio eclipses have been like some sort of deep cleansing and purification process, showing you what you are needing to divest yourself of, in order to live a happier, less stressful, and more wholesome life and lifestyle. With this final Taurus Eclipse you are being asked to think about those things that have taken over and consumed your daily life and activities. It may be a demanding job; a health matter concerning yourself or others; or some other obligation that has been all-consuming. These are probably things that you feel you can’t really do anything about. And yet the eclipse is not shining on all that stuff. Rather it is trying to show you what you have been ignoring and neglecting as a consequence of your busy life. The Lunar eclipse is asking you to unearth that box in the back of the closet, or sitting at the corners of your life, filled with the dreams and talents of a life well-lived. In some way the Lunar Eclipse is asking you to return to this valuable box of treasures, that has been lying dormant and hidden beneath all that other stuff that had been taking over your life. It’s time to restore some of the balance in your life. The Lunar Eclipse on October 28th can bring matters to the foreground concerning: Things that are needing to end; Things that are needing to be tied up and finished; Revisiting the Past, things that you had forgotten; things that were Hidden; What lies beneath; the Subconscious and Dream world. 


(11th House) The Lunar Eclipse on October 28th is a reminder. A reminder of the ways in which you had outlived your previous hopes and dreams. And what you might want more of in your life, in order to support the sort of dreams and aspirations that are more suited for who you are now, and the person that you wish to become. Through a series of realizations, it will occur to you that what used to get you motivated and excited, no longer holds the same sort of thrill. That can also apply to certain groups or associations that you previously were involved with. But now you find yourself gravitating in a different, perhaps more relevant direction. And even if you are not so sure exactly where that will bring you in the end, there is still this inner knowing that there will be something waiting for you on the other side, when you get there. Eclipses open up these portals in our lives, that if we dare step through them, can allow us to grow in extraordinary ways. The Lunar Eclipse on October 28th can bring matters to the foreground concerning: Friends, People or Groups that you are associated with; Ideals that you share with others; Networks; Social Media; Your Aspirations, and Hopes for the future. 


(10th House) It is not unusual in the years that the eclipses fall in Taurus that there will be shifts or significant changes in your goals and/or your status. Great beginnings as well as endings can occur when the eclipses spin their webs and weave our destinies. Major events in your personal life that also impact your status and role in the world can also occur, changing the way the outer world sees you. However, it is also true that eclipses can be very unpredictable. Therefore be willing to roll with this eclipse in which both endings and beginnings can merge. We also can’t always see the big picture. And what may seem like a detour, can turn out to be precisely what you are needing. Perhaps opening the way to fulfill some sort of greater purpose. Like an initiation, there is a process here, that may not be all that obvious at first. But will make a lot of sense later on. Those Leos born between July 25th and the 31st, or have sensitive points at 2-8º of Leo are most likely to feel this particular eclipse. The Lunar Eclipse on October 28th can bring matters to the foreground for all Leos, concerning: Public roles, your Status and what you are Known For, Reputation, Career, Goals, Destiny, Authorities, the place you work for, or one of the parents. 


(9th House) We can search the world over for the meaning of life, wandering through some mystical land, or meditating in a cave tucked into the side of a mountain. But often the truth will be found more close at hand, in the more mundane quarters of our lives. Many a Virgo may have been scratching their heads these past 18 months, in search of the truth, but finding more questions than answers. The eclipses falling in Taurus can be like that for Virgo. Illuminating and revealing, previous assumptions and beliefs can often be questioned at these times. Especially if those assumptions were or are standing in the way of progress. Taurus is a sign of humility. And when we are ready to stop and listen and pay attention, that is when we are most capable of receiving some of the most profound truths about the meaning of life. And often in places where you least expect them. And never is this more possible than when the Sun/Moon and Earth are so well aligned as they are with the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. The Lunar Eclipse on October 28th can bring matters to the foreground concerning: Your beliefs; your Political views, Religion and Spirituality; Travel; Journeys; Places of Higher Learning; Certifications, Education; Courts of Law; Legal Decisions, Relatives and Far-away Places. 


(8th House) The 8th House/sign is a place of transition. And lately this area of your life has been filled with a few twists and turns. As a result you’ve been rolling with the punches, and readjusting ever-changing needs. For this is also where we go to prepare for the future. And within that context of adjusting and recalibrating what you may need for the future, you have also been recalibrating and looking for ways to balance the needs of others in contrast to your own. The signs Taurus, the sign of the Full Moon Eclipse, and Scorpio, the sign where the Sun, Mercury and Mars are, are signs of giving and receiving. Reciprocity. And the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus may have you scrambling to adjust to yet another new, and perhaps unforeseen, adjustment. Eclipses can be revelatory. New situations arise. Whether that be financial, psychological, emotional or physical, in some way the balance needs to be restored between your needs and the needs of others. With the Lunar Eclipse on October 28th, matters can come to the foreground concerning: Money owed or money due; Shared finances; Debts, Loans, Taxes, Contracts. Planning for the Future. Wills, Insurance, and matters of Life and Death and Survival. Making ends meet. Surgery, Recuperation, Rehabilitation, Habits and Attachments. Divining the Future, and Marketing what you have to offer. Rebirthing, Rehabilitating and Rebuilding. 


(7th House) The Lunar Eclipse on Saturn is in the sign of Taurus, and will also strongly impact those Scorpios born between October 24th and the 31st, or who have sensitive placements at 2-8º of Scorpio. But all Scorpios are likely to feel this Eclipse where the Sun, Mercury and Mars are all in your sign this week opposing the Eclipse and the planet Jupiter. Lunar Eclipses are times of culmination, and it can sometimes feel as if the fates are colluding to bring some people together, while parting others in order to fulfill their destiny. It is not unusual for Scorpio, that when the eclipses fall in Taurus that significant connections and/or partings can occur. This can represent a new phase in a relationship, or a significant change in your partner’s life, that will indirectly affect you as well. Know that if the Eclipse brings some sort of closure, that it is also opening up opportunities for a new way of being. And perhaps through the agency of other people in your life, your perspective and point of view may never be quite the same again. The Lunar Eclipse on October 28th can bring matters to the foreground concerning: Partners, Competitors, Close allies and friends; Counselors, Advisors, Mentors, your Audience, Customers, and the Stage of Life. 


(6th House) How might you be able to channel some of your passions into something well worth investing in? Something that has the capacity to grow? Something that can also be sustainable and will support you and be a source of personal security for years to come. In order to achieve this, it probably became evident over the past 18 months what you might need to let something go. Whether that be a person, a project, an idea. We hold on to certain concepts about ourselves, because that is what we identify with. But if they are no longer valid, and/or you are needing to make adjustments to a new reality, it may be time to relinquish some of those prior ideas that are no longer serving you. If you are ready to do so, the Lunar Eclipse this weekend has the capacity to transport you to a whole new level of well-being, enabling you to live a fuller and healthier life and lifestyle. The Lunar Eclipse on October 28th can bring matters to the foreground concerning: Your work, your job, co-workers, your work environment. Health, Health providers, remedies, and those things that support your health and well-being including things like Diet, Daily Routines and Regimens. 


(5th House) The Lunar Eclipse this weekend is here to remind you of the importance of enjoying your life. This may mean having to dispel things like guilt, or an overwhelming sense of responsibility and obligation. Capricorn knows the value of hard work, and the rewards of having scraped and scrabbled your way through life. But there is also something to be said for the value of joy, and the things that bring you that joy. Own it. Even if it makes others jealous, even if you fear that you don’t really deserve it, give yourself permission to go out and have a good time. And the Lunar Eclipse will show you the value of doing so. This may require you to let go of any feelings of betrayal, of loss and old regrets for what could or should have been. Let them all go so that you can continue to blossom and grow. The Lunar Eclipse is trying to show you your potential. It is  nothing less than rising out of the ashes of what once was, in order to create something that much more beautiful and meaningful, invested with the tears of your once cherished dreams. The Lunar Eclipse on October 28th can bring matters to the foreground concerning: Your Children, or those who feel like them; What it means to Love and be Loved; the people and things that bring you Joy; When and How you feel most free to simply be yourself; What it means for you to Do Your Own Thing; What you Love about yourself and what you have to offer others. 


(4th House) It is not unusual in the years that the eclipses are in Taurus, as the Lunar Eclipse this weekend is, that some sort of shift can take place in your personal life. People find it necessary to move, or someone from home goes off in a new direction. Perhaps someone is dealing with a crisis and needs assistance. Perhaps someone else is making a new beginning. Whatever the shift, you may also find yourself thinking about where you might be living in the foreseeable future, how sustainable that is, and who you are planning on living with. Lunar Eclipses such as this one can even show you a whole new way of being, perhaps even beyond your previous hopes. We can’t always see the big picture, so also note, that what may seem like a detour or a disappointment, may actually help to open up the door to even better things to come. Like mystical conductors the fates are conspiring to bring you where you need to be in order to fulfill your destiny. Those Aquarians that are born between January 22nd and the 28th or have 2-8º of Aquarius rising will be most sensitive to this eclipse, however all Aquarians will be feeling this one to some degree. The Lunar Eclipse on October 28th can bring matters to the foreground concerning: Home, Family, Family members, Parents, your early childhood, your Homeland, the Ancestors, Support Systems, and the End of a Matter. 


(3rd House) What you hear, what you learn, and what you see can have a tremendous influence on your mind and your psyche within the bounds of a Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, such as we are having this weekend. This can be the result of something you hear, something you read, something you are learning about. It can even come about through a casual conversation in the neighborhood, or while standing on line in the coffee shop. There is an awareness of things changing, growing and evolving within and without you, and it may be that you are not quite sure will this will all end up. At these times it can remind us to better appreciate and support those things in our everyday lives that we often take so much for granted, like the small independent shops, the struggling neighbor down the street, or that community garden that you keep meaning to join. It’s the small but precious things that truly matter in the end. The Lunar Eclipse on October 28th, can bring matters to the foreground concerning: Your perceptions: What you See, What you Hear, What you Understand; Important Conversations; Communications; What you are learning; Classmates, Classrooms and Libraries. How you get around: your commute, your vehicle, your Neighborhood and Neighbors.