Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: October 6th thru the 13th

“The temptation of Saint Anthony” Martin Schongauer

For Pluto’s station direct check out your sign or the house where 27º Capricorn 54’ falls in your natal chart:


(10th House) When your ruler Mars is square Pluto, and you find yourself drawn into a competition or dispute with others, it could get so tempestuous, that it could even feel like it’s a matter of survival. No matter what challenge you may dare to pick up this week, with Pluto stationing at the top of your Solar or Natal chart, you are not going to give up or give in. You are determined to see your goals through to their bitter end. But because you could find yourself so hell-bent and determined this week, be cautious of not over-doing anything that will lead to regret later on. Choose your battles wisely. Go slow, keep an even keel, and avoid stepping on anyone’s toes if you can help it. Even if the world seems to be getting on your last nerve, and your patience is spent, there is still something to be said for diplomacy. With Pluto so visible and in the last degrees of Capricorn, your public image is at stake here. Therefore return to the basics: Is this challenge truly worth fighting for? And is  this for the greater good of everyone concerned? Pluto offers huge rewards to those who honor honesty and integrity. Focus on these, and you will not be led astray. 


(9th House) Your ruling planet Venus enters Virgo on Sunday, where it will remain until November 8th. When Venus is in Virgo, you are more than happy to go the extra distance for a loved one, even if you are feeling a little conflicted and your heart may not be entirely into it. There may be some hurdles to work around, especially if there has been some recent distance placed between you and someone else. But there are just some times when we are obligated to do the right thing, even if it is not what you would much rather be doing. If you can’t bridge the divide between yourself and others, then focus on those who need you most right now, and are here with you. There could be an undue amount of intensity this week due to the station of Pluto. We’re all going to be reassessing our position to others and where we stand, in this ever-evolving landscape. And that is certainly so for Taurus as well. And some of these evolving issues seem to be hitting home in extraordinary ways. But this is not just about this week, or even this month. What you have been learning about yourself and how you relate to the world that you are a part of will affect you for months, even years to come. The world is evolving, and so are you. And focusing on doing the right thing, right now, will bring you where you need to be. 


(8th House) Gemini is accustomed to juggling several balls in the air. And this week will be no exception. Just be prepared for some unexpected detours by Sunday or Monday. Plans change. Things get rearranged and then someone cancels at the last minute leading to an utter sense of exhaustion by week’s end. It is kind of an advantage having your ruling planet Mercury in Libra, which allows you to deftly balance and weigh your decisions over the week ahead, without getting too distracted by any undue intensity that may be looming in the world at large. When Pluto stations, as it does this week, issues that had been gnawing in the background, deepen, and are harder to ignore. There seems to be a little more at stake here. And the consequence of whatever is being unearthed, exhumed, and brought out into the light, makes it difficult to see things quite the same way again. Life is changing, and so are you. You have been growing in ways that you probably had not thought even possible these past 15 years, as you have been evolving from one phase of life to another. As a result, you could find some final doors closing as Pluto makes its way through the last degrees of Capricorn, even as other doors are opening and urging you forward. 


(7th House) We are entering into the dark of the moon this week, the last week before the Solar Eclipse on the 14th. You can almost feel the intensity rising as we move into eclipse season. All the more so with Pluto stationing this week as well. This is the time of the month when we tie up loose ends and bring things to closure. And we’re doing so while Pluto digs in, making us all too aware of the inevitability of change and transformation. We must continue to grow and evolve. To resist is futile. Truths and revelations are gradually being brought into the light that will only confirm this. It can often feel at these times that there are some things we would just rather not know, and would prefer not to see. But when Pluto stations, we are not given the privilege of avoidance. For the 15 years that Pluto has been in Capricorn, Cancer relationships have been complex, and yet illuminating. And for many a Cancer it is precisely because of the people closest to you, that you have had the courage to take those hard steps that you might not have been able to do on your own. Ultimately, Pluto’s passage through Capricorn has been about you taking greater control over your own life and destiny. And it is just this brand of courage and self-empowerment that will serve you well for many years to come. 


(6th House) After 15 years of Pluto in Capricorn, many a Leo could be feeling a bit like the walking wounded. But as Pluto stations this week, combined with the upcoming Solar Eclipse on the 14th, there can also be a profound feeling of acceptance. That can include things like accepting our current circumstances and limitations for what they are. And acceptance for who you are, and what you are, without trying to change that. But one thing that might have become evident over these 15 years, is the importance of focusing on the priorities that are right there in front of you. Even and especially the hard things that can not and will not be ignored. Pluto in Capricorn has been about hard work and hard choices. And having the courage to walk through even the most difficult of challenges. Whether that be a health issue (your own or someone else’s), or the complete overhaul of your work and everyday life. You have been in the process of transforming your environment, your life, your body and your mind. And like a butterfly emerging from out of its chrysalis, there is no way to change it back. You have been and are outgrowing your previous circumstances. 


(5th House) Although it may be annoying at the time, realize that any delays, changes in schedules, and unexpected detours could actually prove to be fortuitous in the end. If nothing else, shifts in perspective, and a willingness to look at things differently, could prove to be illuminating, and may even allow you to happily find solutions to problems that are currently standing in your way. As soon as the planet Venus enters your sign this weekend, it makes an opposition to stern Saturn. Venus represents all the things your heart is set on. And Saturn, like a nun brandishing a ruler, is set to rap you on your knuckles for even thinking about it. But with Pluto rolling around in his underground lair in order to make its direct station, when your heart is going to be set on something, you’re going to figure out a way to get it. And you are unlikely to let a few obstacles stand in the way of your happiness. In fact the more you are denied the very thing that you desire, the more you will want it. And sometimes the willingness to look at a problem from another perspective is all you need to figure out a solution. It may take some creative maneuvering, but you’ll figure it out. 


(4th House) Venus enters the sign of Virgo this weekend, and no sooner does it do so, then it opposes Saturn, the stern Lord of righteous obligation. Venus entering Virgo will have many a Libra seeking contemplative silence and distraction from their everyday obligations. Unfortunately Saturn has other ideas. There’s what you want to do, and then there is what you have to do. And there’s no getting around it. At least for now. You are being called, and there is nothing to do but to answer. Whether that means your obligations to work, or a project you’ve taken on; or needing to take care of someone in your care; when Venus is in Virgo there is a strong sense of service and a greater willingness to make personal sacrifices where and when they are needed. And now that Pluto is stationing direct this week, those things that have been percolating on the back burner can no longer  be ignored or denied, as the truth of a situation is being brought home. In some way you are being asked to courageously face some things that you probably would prefer to not deal with at all if they could have been avoided. But right now you can’t. And you’re just going to have to handle it the way you always do, with grace, equanimity, and in this case,  a great deal of patience.


(3rd House) Your ruling planet Mars is going to return home to Scorpio next Thursday, but in the mean time it is working its way through the gauntlet that is to be found in the last 5 degrees of Libra. This is where Mars just recently crossed the South Node of the Moon on Wednesday, and is also where Mars is currently facing off with your modern ruling planet, Pluto, now stationing in the last degrees of Capricorn. Pluto digs deep when it stations, uncovering layers of information hidden beneath previous layers. But do be prepared to have your ideas and revelations challenged. Just know that we never fully understand the full truth of our own ideas until we are forced to defend them. You will know your ideas are sound when they are capable of standing up against even the most vociferous of arguments. Therefore use the strong and courageous Mars/Pluto transit this week to speak your truth. Even if it is to declare that the Emperor truly has no clothes. Nothing, not even the most obscure lies can be hidden for long, when Scorpio sets their sights on fully disclosing the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. 


(2nd House) As Pluto stations direct this week, you are coming face to face with what is truly more important to you. This is all about priorities, and those things that you consider to be most valuable. Intertwined with that is the practical: the need for security and stability. You’ve been working on that for years! But there are also those things that you simply can not put a price tag on. And that is what Pluto has been trying to reveal to you during its recent retrograde back into the last degrees of Capricorn. This is about those things that you are most passionate about, but can’t necessarily be bought. You could have all the money in the world, but if you don’t have that one crucial element, whether that be happiness, or love, or whatever that may be, it means very little. So if you were to ask yourself: What are those things, people and situations that you would most want to invest your valuable time, resources and energy one? What would they be? And have you been neglecting these crucial things at the expense of other things that are much less important in the long run? And if so, what adjustments can you make now in order to get your priorities back in order? Know that once you set your sights on doing so, there will be very little that you will allow to stand in your way.  


(1st House) There is a powerful, but also incredibly conflicting Mars/Nodal/Pluto square this week that is redefining your sense of self, as well as your role in the outer world. As a result it is churning things up from the very depths of your soul. This past year has been something of a turning point in your life, and this station of Pluto can be something of a catalyst. A lot of personal soul-searching is taking place as Pluto stations direct. This can prove to be both illuminating and challenging, as all sorts of stuff floats to the surface. Working with the planet Pluto in your sign demands a great deal of honesty, courage and humility. Because what Pluto dares to show you are those things that are holding you back and preventing you from fully growing and evolving. This requires you to let go of some things that you’ve been holding on to, perhaps out of familiarity and habit, but which you have long since outgrown. You’ve been through a tremendous amount of growth and renewal these past 15 years, where so much has already been purified. Now, at this penultimate time of your life, you are being asked to fully take the reins of your life, even if it means having to go it alone, even in the face of personal doubts and conflict, in order to more fully embrace the person you are now becoming. 


This is one of those weeks in which things just seem to be changing from day to day. It probably doesn’t help that you keep moving the furniture around, or that your personal life remains in a state of constant flux and change. But even as things are changing, they also allow you to see things from another perspective. This can be in even small ways. But it can also be true from a much larger perspective. All the more so now that Pluto is stationing direct this week. For once Pluto appears to turn direct once again, it will eventually re-enter your sign (in January). Pluto returned to Capricorn in June in order to take care of some unfinished business. Much of this involves letting go of old notions, outdated concepts, and things that have been holding you back, and preventing you from moving forward. Through this process of purification, there is a lot of letting go. But it can also push a lot of old memories from the past back up to the surface. Some of those memories may be welcome. Others not so much. Whatever may be unearthed during the station of Pluto, no matter how trivial or large, honor it. Accept it, heal it, and then release it out into the universe. It is time to finally resolve that which binds you, with forgiveness and understanding.  


(11th House) For the 15 years that Pluto has been in Capricorn it could have felt like you were something of a town crier, the truth teller declaring to the world what they could not or would not see. It takes tremendous courage to be a voice crying out into the wilderness. One voice all alone in the desert can feel very ineffective and small. However, when you are able to join your voice with others who share the same truth, who speak with the same voice, and share the same values, you can be so much more effective. This is all the more so when you share the same goals and objectives. The hard part is finding the right group that resonates with what you are wanting to achieve. Over the past 15 years, you’ve probably had enough lessons about hitching your wagon to enterprises and ruthless types who are only out for themselves. Although charismatic, they led you astray. Use the wisdom that you have gained, and the clear and unfettered sight that pragmatic Saturn brings to your sign, to move forwards with any new and worthwhile collaborations and associations. Do so with integrity and honesty, and these could prove to be the sort of objectives that could literally transform your life.