Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: November 24th thru December 1st

For the Full Moon for your sign (or the house that 5º of Gemini falls in your natal chart, if you know it):


(3rd House) In some ways it could feel like something of a relief now that your ruling planet Mars is entering Sagittarius on Friday. All that Scorpio energy! Obsessive yearnings, sultry dark thoughts… although compelling in an odd sort of way, are still somewhat unbecoming of an Aries. Having Mars enter Sagittarius beckons you out of the cave of your own making and back out into the world at large. And there stands your Mars taunting you with all sorts of possibilities and broader horizons. However, no sooner do you have your flight suit on and ready to take off, then the Full Moon shines a light on the situation, and you remember you had somewhere else you had to be. Yes there are things to do, and people to see (perhaps too many of them), but there are also those loose ends that need to be tied up, and the bed that still needs to be made. Lord knows where you’re even going to start. And then there’s that other thing that keeps getting in the way. The world will wait for now. In the mean time you’ve got some loose ends still lying around that need taking care of, and there’s simply no ignoring it. 


(2nd House) Whatever was plaguing you last week could be reaching some sort of culmination this week with the Full Moon in Gemini on Monday. Expect things to come to some sort of head. Answers are finally revealed. But also know that if and when self-doubt sets in, or the news is not exactly what you were hoping for, learn to trust your own experience and knowledge. Trusting yourself will enable you to be able to make the best choices, even in the midst of what could possibly be a lot of conflicting information. The key is to be armed with facts, and to find the best resources available in order to sort things out. Sometimes all that is needed is to get a second opinion. Or even a third. But don’t make any major decisions or investments until you are absolutely sure that you have all the information you need. Then you can proceed with confidence. 


(1st House) On Monday, November 27th, we have a Full Moon in Gemini at 4 Gemini 51’, so those Gemini’s who have their Sun or Ascendant at 0-7º of Gemini (born between May 21-28th), will be most sensitive to this busy Full Moon. Everything will be moving pretty quickly as we approach the Moon on Monday, but I wouldn’t doubt that many of you are moving pretty quickly as well. There are things to do and people to see. Mars in the opposite sign of Sagittarius is saying: “Get moving!” even as Saturn is throwing all sorts of detours and obstacles onto your path. This may just find you having to make some quick decisions between what you know you should do, or have to do, vs. what you would much rather be doing. But perhaps there are some reminders here of how important it also is to occasionally stop and breathe. For when we are in constant motion, it’s very easy to miss some very significant things along the way. Look first, pause and breathe, and then listen. You will be glad that you did. 


(12th House) The Full Moon on Monday could be bringing a number of things to a culmination, or some sort of climactic conclusion. It may not be the final end, or solution to an ongoing problem, but it could be something of a turning point. Part of that could be the result of some very important information being revealed. Full Moons have this way of bringing things out into the open. And that can include revealing things that you had not even known were there. Just make sure that you have all the facts, and that you are seeing things clearly. With Mercury square Neptune this week, it’s so easy to get lost, or take a wrong turn. Also note, that it might be wise to keep some things close to your chest, and not necessarily disclose everything on your mind. And that may be especially so with your most private feelings. If you are feeling especially restless and without a way to express it, you might want to work it out by working it out. Strength training exercises, and/or some deep tissue massage can help to release any pent up energy that has been accumulating.  


(11th House) This is a very busy sort of Full Moon on Monday. Filled with lots of activity, all sorts of conversations, and just trying to get from here to there can be filled with all sorts of detours. It’s all you can do to keep up with your social calendar as well as your to-do list when the Full Moon is in Gemini. The Full Moon in Gemini is a very social Moon. As if Leo needs an excuse to celebrate, now that the Sun is in playful and celebratory Sagittarius, you could find your dance card filling up. In an attempt to sort out the pieces of your life this week, just make sure that you don’t rush into things. Pay attention to details. And make sure that you have all the facts before jumping to conclusions, or you just may find yourself stopped in your tracks. Mercury square Neptune this week is great for getting lost in your imagination, but not so great for sorting things out. And do make sure you are fully informed, or have a really good road map, in order to avoid making any wrong turns. 


(10th House) There is a Full Moon in Gemini on Monday that could find may a Virgo flitting about over the next several days. There are things to do, and people to see. And there’s some sorting out that is needing to be taken care of. Just make sure that you pace yourself, and don’t over-commit, or you will find yourself utterly exhausted by the time all is said and done. Sometimes it can feel as if you are facing a huge mountain of responsibilities and conflicting obligations, and you are so busy that you are not even sure where to start. Just start with what is right in front of you right now. Then go on to the next thing. And the next. Before you know it you will have made it through the busyness of your life this week. And hopefully when you reach the other side, you will have sorted out a few things as well. And that includes those conflicts and any contradictions that may have been muddying the waters. Look for greater clarity by December 1st. 


(9th House) A Full Moon on Monday, could make this weekend feel very busy, and perhaps even like you are being pulled in several directions all at once. How on earth is a Libra able to maintain their balance when you are inundated by so many distractions, all at once? Hopefully once we are past the Full Moon, things will begin to sort themselves out. But in the mean time you may be feeling like the Mad Hatter being swept along on a whirlwind of busyness and obligations colliding in a jumble. It probably does not help that your usual skills that allow you to stay at the center of the storm, are not working all that well this week. The only solution is to triage, focusing on the most important things first. And then you can tend to the less critical things. One step at a time. One day at a time. 


(8th House) Now that Mars is entering Sagittarius, you could find the pace of your life picking up. And never will this be more so than over the next few days as we approach the Full Moon on Monday. The Gemini Full Moon is often a fast-paced Moon, but there are also some warnings here to slow down and take your time, even if you are feeling rushed. For the first aspect that Mars makes as it enters Sagittarius this week is a square to Saturn, standing at the gate, and making sure that we don’t overstep our bounds. So it comes as something of a mixed blessing that Mars is shifting signs this week. It does bring this urge to act, to do something. But reticent Saturn is holding you back. Pay attention, for the wisdom of Saturn could keep you from making any unwise decisions concerning money or finances, that you could later find regrettable. This doesn’t mean that you won’t be able to move ahead later. Just pay attention to the signs of caution that are emerging within the ambit of the Full Moon. 


(7th House) The Full Moon in Gemini each year is a time of culmination for Sagittarius. It is also not unusual for Sagittarius to find themselves navigating the landscapes of other people’s schedules and expectations. And the Full Moon on Monday could be shining a light on what that means for you, as you could find yourself juggling all sorts of extra obligations. This Moon could feel especially busy for those Sagittarians born in the early degrees of Sagittarius, from November 22nd thru the 29th, or who have 0-7º of Sagittarius Rising, but all Sagittarians will be aware of the activity swirling around. You may even find it a little confusing, trying to make sense of an abundance of information coming at you all at once. It may be helpful to step back for a bit, until you are totally clear, and able to make any important decisions. Note that things are often brought to some sort of climax at these moons. If things are feeling a bit overmuch, you may need to step back first in order to sort out any conflicting or contradictory messages you are receiving. 


(6th House) Trust your gut when it comes to the upcoming Full Moon in Gemini. This can be a very restless Moon. And as a result, you may feel compelled to rush into things, jump to conclusions, or restlessly act before thinking. Use your Capricorn judgment to navigate any internal restlessness, or pressures that are making you feel as if you need to do something, and take some sort of action. It’s actually much more important to make sure that you have all the right information first, and are fully informed. A square between Mercury and Neptune could muddy the waters this week, but the lesson of Saturn transiting your 3rd House is very much about looking at things as they actually are, without pretense or denial. This then allows you to make more mature, practical and adult decisions moving forward. Not an easy thing to do when the world is trying to draw you in another direction. No matter how many distractions there may be, by keeping yourself on track with reality, you are also keeping yourself from losing sight of your true purpose and goals. 


(5th House) The Full Moon in Gemini can be a very social Moon. There are people to see, and things to do. And with Mars in Sagittarius spurring us all on, there may be even a bit more activity than we bargain for this year. And the festivities will proceed, no matter what else is going on. But not without a cloud hanging over the proceedings. Whether these are conflicting responsibilities, or obligations that you cannot get out of, or perhaps something more personal and internal, in some way your ruling planet Saturn, the planet of reality, is putting something of a damper on the occasion. It may be that you are having to choose between what you have to do, what you are obligated to do, vs. what you might really want to do. It could also just feel as if you are unable to take care of your usual business, due to all the conflicting distractions. Know that by the end of the week, things are more likely to sort themselves out. But in the mean time, focus on what is right in front of you. For that is where you are needing to be right now. 


(4th House) Full Moons have this way of bringing things to some sort of conclusion or culmination. And the Full Moon on Monday is no less, but not without all sorts of commotion and busyness getting thrown into the mix. It could even feel as if you are being inundated with a massive list of things to do. The key is figuring out where to start. Figuring out where to start is pretty much your job these days. Which also means prioritizing. This means sorting through the weeds, and figuring out what is the most important item on your plate right now. That is where your focus needs to be. In some way, you are being tasked with creating order out of the chaos, and knowing when you need to simply say No. It’s not always easy having to be the grown up in the room. But there are times when you are being asked to step up to the plate, and do so. And this is one of them. Even if it means being the grown up, even when, or especially when, you would much rather have someone else take the job.