Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: December 1st thru the 8th

For the week of December 1st thru the 8th, see where the Neptune station affects your sign or natal house if you know it:


(12th House) Neptune stations direct this week, beckoning you to take a dream that you once had, and put it into application. During the retrograde phase which began on June 30th, secrets, as well as hidden truths, were being revealed, shifting your perceptions in subtle but meaningful ways. These may or may not be the sort of experiences that you can share with others, or that they would even understand. Nonetheless they have held great meaning and inspiration for you. Perhaps even changing the way that you feel about certain experiences that previously only felt oppressive and confining. Like an inner awakening, or an inexplicable new awareness, you were being asked to apply what you were learning to your everyday circumstances. In the past you may have brushed off these insights as wistful nonsense, or just making excuses for the way things are. But rather than doing so, see these inner realizations as valuable information, that can help to explain what had previously been just a vague discomfort or inexplicable inconsistency. Now that Neptune is stationing direct see what valuable messages were being revealed to you over these past 5 months that Neptune had been in its retrograde phase. 


(11th House) With Neptune floating about in the sign of Pisces for the past 12 years, many a Taurus has probably found themselves seeking solace in the company of others who share similar ideals, and hopes for the future. Whether that be through a group that shares similar spiritual leanings, an art class, a choir or a group with idealistic aspirations, you have been finding yourself inspired through others of like mind. This can include joining others for the purpose of doing some sort of higher service, perhaps through a charitable group, or for the purpose of doing good works. One thing that has become apparent for Taurus, is that it is easier to make your ideals a closer and more achievable reality, when you join forces with others who share your vision. One thing to remember in this process, is that through your association with others, you are supposed to be feeling inspired and encouraged. You should not feel diminished, invisible or disheartened through you association with others. Neptune stations direct this week. Use it to reassess your associations with others, making sure that you are truly all on the same page. 


(10th House) Neptune almost always brings elements of uncertainty. And this can be even more so around the Neptune stations such as we are having this week. For this is also when we find our ideals, hopes and dreams coming up against and being tested by our real life circumstances. For the past 12 years that Neptune has been in Pisces, it has been asking Gemini to dream big. Not necessarily in a huge and gigantic, unrealistically over the top fashion. But to dream in a way that can bring greater meaning and depth into your life. If these are not panning out as hoped, you may find yourself filled with a moment of disenchantment. And if things are not necessarily turning out as hoped, what could you change in your current circumstances that can bring them more in alignment with your ideals? And if there is nothing to be done, is there something that you might be able to change in your current outlook or expectations? It is perhaps important to remember at these stations of Neptune, that ultimately what is wanted, not necessarily fame and fortune (although that would be nice too) as much as greater meaning and purpose in your life. 


(9th House) This week we are all being asked to take steps to connect with our own divine center. And this is especially so if you are feeling like your life has been upended with the recent New and Full Moons that were just riddled with changes and uncertainty. And even more so, if you are feeling adrift and unmoored. Neptune stations direct this week, and although that can and will increase those feelings of sailing off towards some unknown destination, it can also be just the remedy we are needing. One thing that Neptune asks of us all is to be present, neither regretting the past, or anxiously worrying about the future. Neptune wants us to merely be in the present moment, paying attention to what we are doing now, and what is right in front of us. And if you can allow for moments of inner reflection, turn down the outer noise and echoes from the previous weeks, and look within, that can also help you to connect with your own inner Neptune. This is important. Because Neptune traveling in Pisces has been acting like your personal guidance system, leading you precisely where you need to be. It may feel like you are drifting. But in some way you are being asked to trust that you are drifting towards something that will bring greater meaning into your life. 


(8th House) Now that Neptune has reached the final degrees of Pisces, you may feel like the more unsettling and uncertain aspects of your life are finally reaching some sort of nebulous end. It almost, but not quite, feels like you are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. For perhaps the most exasperating thing for Leo, when Neptune is traveling in Pisces, is all of the uncertainty that it can insinuate into your life. What Neptune has been trying to teach Leo these past 12 years is the courage to just let go and let god. And this is not easy for even the most laid back sort of Leo. This can include having to rely on, and depend on, the kindness of others. For you are also learning about receiving. Or to figure out how you can magically create something out of nothing. You are learning about having faith, even when it appears that there is no reason to do so. Neptune has been fine tuning the sacred cycle of giving and receiving, releasing and accepting, forgiving and letting go of that which you no longer need to carry. It may seem that certain aspects of your life have been fading as a result of all this. But if that is the case, just know that the end result is to make room for ever better things to come in and take root. 


(7th House) The Dutch Canon, Thomas Kempis, practically stated that if you: “First keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others.” This is a practice that is easier said than done, especially when we are at the whims of a world that feels so out of control. But this is precisely what Virgo has been tasked with cultivating with the transit of Neptune in Pisces these past 12 years. And through the auspices of Neptune in Pisces, he has been gathering and drawing people to you who can serve as inspiration and/or catalysts for putting your dreams and your highest ideals into practice, and also being an inspiration for others to do so as well. People are drawn to you because they see and acknowledge and admire the sacred healing properties of your Virgo soul. And you don’t have to do very much in order to just naturally exude that healing energy. Merely be who you are, and share your gifts with others. Whether that means teaching someone to play a musical instrument, or by laying on some healing hands, or being an inspiration to others by living your life conscientiously. Or whether that means taking home that homeless puppy that needed a place to stay, or saying just the right thing at just the right moment. We hear you, and we see you. And we thank you. 


(6th house) Ever since Neptune first entered the sign of Pisces 12 years ago, Libra has been tasked with cultivating a healthier and/or more spiritual life and lifestyle. That could translate in so many ways, and finding those daily activities and practice that help to regulate and balance your life has been key. That can include things like tweaking your diet, or paying attention to what you wear, and buying conscientiously. For it is probably even more important to apply your spiritual ideals in your daily life and every day activities. In other words, walking the walk as well as talking the talk. You have to actually DO it, not just talk about it. Being conscious and conscientious about your daily life and activities makes you not only a better person, and hopefully a healthier person as well, but also a better citizen. Now that Neptune is making its direct station this week, you might want to think even further about the impact our decisions in our daily lives have on your health, your environment, and your life in general. And what sort of changes you might want to make in your daily life that will further support your ideals and values. 


(5th House) For years and years Scorpio has been asked to connect to their own inner muse. At first you might not even have realized that that was what was going on. Some things you were aware of. Such as needing to create some sort of refuge, both in your outer world (to protect you from the denizens that be), as well as within. It was about creating the right sort of environment in which to feel safe enough and comfortable enough to just stop and pause and reflect. And pay attention to that inner muse. And perhaps, just perhaps, not only to pay attention to that inner muse, but to even hear its small voice, and allow it to spake through you. Ursula K. LeGuin wrong about this experience, of allowing that which is sacred within you finding a way to speak through you. She said: “Who would be an artist if they did not believe that that happens? If they did not know it happens, because they have felt the god within them use their tongue, their hands?” You don’t need to be an artist to know what that feels like. It can be expressed through your work, through a hobby, through the heart, or through some other compelling experience. But you only need to experience it once in your lifetime to know what that is. 


(4th House) For the past 12 years that Neptune has been in Pisces it has been asking Sagittarius to make of their home, their own personal sanctuary. And if they don’t have that already, then to find that place in the world that will allow you to do so. That place where you not only have an outer connection but an inner one as well. Therefore, as Neptune comes to its direct station this week, visualize within your own mind what your ideal home and perhaps family situation would look like for you. And then look for practical ways to make that a closer reality. Sometimes it is not so much a matter of the outer circumstances of your life, as it is about creating an internal sanctuary within your own mind. Your outer circumstances and your inner world can support one another. It’s ultimately about creating the sort of sacred space where you can feel safe and supported. So much so that it allows you to find the confidence to connect with the most vulnerable and and emotional aspects of yourself. And it is also true, that when you are able to find peace within, then everything else in your environment, will just naturally seem to fall into peace as well.


(3rd House) You don’t need to go to a remote part of the world, or climb a distant mountain, or bury yourself in a monastery in order to find illumination. One things that Capricorn has been learning for the past 12 years is that the most meaningful and spiritual experiences are often closer to home than you realize. You can wander the whole world over in search of the infinite, and never find it. But when you return, perhaps tired and deflated, you will be astonished to find it waiting for you in your own backyard, where it had been all along. The reason we don’t notice it, is because we fill our lives with so much busyness and commotion, growing out the still small voice of spirit. Now that Neptune is stationing direct, seek the spiritual in the more mundane areas of your life. Connect with others in your environment, lend an ear, commit kind acts, listen to the whisper of the wind in the trees, and pay attention within a profound moment of reflection. You can shrug off this moments as unimportant, or a waste of time, or you can fully embrace them for what they are: the divine asking you to acknowledge its existence in the everyday and mundane areas of our lives. 


(2nd House) Being clear about what your priorities are can help you to keep things in perspective this week, as we navigate the turbid waters that Neptune can bring. It can also show you the ways that you can bring more Neptune into your everyday life in practical and yet meaningful ways. And when you think of the things that would bring greater quality and meaning into your everyday life, it would not be unusual to come to the realization that it’s not how much stuff you have, or what you own, so much as what you do with your life, your resources, your time, your good will. And sometimes it is worth it to have a little less in order to have more joy, more love, more meaningful experiences in your life. Or to do a job that brings its own sorts of rewards. Neptune in Pisces is asking you: What are you willing to sacrifice in order to have a better life? These are things you’ve probably been thinking about for oh so many years, and as Neptune stations for its direct phase this week, it’s becoming a closer and more significant reality. It’s nothing less than realizing those things that are truly most important to you in the end. 


(1st House) For the past 12 years that Neptune has been swimming through the depths of its own domain, it has been trying to invest your life with ever deeper meaning. And those meaningful moments can be magical, but they can also be interlaced with despair, and perhaps a bit of uncertainty and disenchantment along the way. But this week, as our noble liege of the Piscean depths stations, is the perfect time to embrace more Neptune into your life, in a way that can also be useful and deeply meaningful. Never do we see more, hear more, feel more and sense more than when Neptune appears to stand still. Whether or not you realize it, you have been connecting with your own inner spark of divine wisdom. And now that Neptune is stating for its direct phase, you are being asked to apply all that inner experience and wisdom, that sense of oneness and compassion, into your everyday life. Do good deeds. Trust your intuition and your Piscean heart of compassion to take you where you are needed the most. Then let the rest fall into place. It is when we are able to navigate both the world of magical illusions and the world of reality, that we are capable of making our dreams and visions a closer reality.