Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: November 10th thru the 17th

For the New Moon at 20º Scorpio, check out your natal Sun sign and Rising sign, and the natal house where 20º of Scorpio falls in your chart if you know it:


(8th House) The Lunar Eclipse on October 28th was showing you what was no longer sustainable in your life, and needing to change. The New Moon on November 13th, is now asking you to proactively look for ways to make whatever changes are necessary in order to free you up, and live your own best life. It may take a certain amount of courage,  will and determination to make that happen. And perhaps even a little grit. Is there some area of your life that is in vast need of improvement? And is there something that you can do about it? A good intention for Aries with the Scorpio New Moon might be: I am powerful and strong, and capable of overcoming even the most daunting of challenges. Even if the thunder rolls and spreads terror a hundred miles around, Aries will still remain undaunted. Tell yourself that you’ve got this. Then go out there and show them how this is done. Some initiatives for the New Moon: replacing self-defeating behaviors and habits with newer and better ones; rehabilitating, renewing and renovating; paying off old debts; freeing yourself up from old agreements or obligations that are no longer serving you, and are preventing you from growing. Getting rid of subscriptions you no longer need or use. Recycle, re-use and repurpose. 


(7th House) The New Moon in Scorpio is always a significant Moon for Taurus, as it serves as something of a turning point in the year ahead, and this one is especially so as it is directly opposite Uranus which has been traveling in your sign since 2018. While in your sign Uranus has been highlighting and illuminating, and sometimes imposing on you, certain changes that may have been necessary in order for you to be able to live your own best life. And the New Moon in Scorpio can be instrumental in both separating and uniting those people who will help you or detract you from making that possible. Therefore, a good intention for the New Moon on November 13th might be: May I meet the best people, and gather the best allies, who will support and lead me along my path. But perhaps one of the most significant benefits of this New Moon is the inspiration you receive when you are willing to look at a situation from another’s perspective, as it can open you up to all sorts of possibilities. This is a good New Moon therefore to make the intention to: seek some sort of alternative advice or guidance; to seek out some sort of life coach or the advice from someone who inspires and/or can help you to make positive changes in your life; trying something new in the company of others that will motivate you in a positive and life-affirming way. 


(6th House) Mercury enters Sagittarius on Friday which could usher in all sorts of busyness and activity in your life. But you will be hard pressed to pick and choose between what you need to do, are obligated to do, and what you would much rather be doing. But this is bound to sort itself out by midweek, when you all begin to appreciate some of the advantages (and a bit of the joyous festivities or celebrations) that Mercury in Sagittarius can bring. The New Moon on the 13th could be something of a new commitment to following through with the sorts of changes that you’ve been kicking down the road, but no longer wish to avoid. It could also prove to be somewhat illuminating, revealing hidden secrets from the past, or helpful solutions to problems that you had not previously realized. A good affirmation for the New Moon might be: I accept my current path and circumstances, knowing that this is precisely where I need to be right now. There is a lot of energy in this New Moon. Use it and use it well. Some things the New Moon on Monday might be good for: reorganizing your environment and work space to allow you to work more efficiently; invest your daily routines with a sense of renewal and purpose. Change up habits; tweak a diet or exercise routine: even small changes can have remarkable results when the New Moon is aspecting forward-thinking and progressive Uranus. 


(5th House) Whatever choices you may be facing, or have already decided, know that a sense of empowerment arises when you know exactly what is right for you. Use the momentum of the New Moon in Scorpio on November 13th to discover what it means to have more joy in your life. And to not have to compromise who you are in order to have that. Reacquaint yourself with your own inner child, and look for ways to recapture the sort of optimism and wonder that allows you to look at the world through a whole new lens of possibility. A good intention for this New Moon might be: I want to see myself making the sort of changes that will help to restore wonder and possibility in my life. This New Moon is trying to inspire you to find some form of personal self-expression that most supports that which is unique and special about yourself. Something that you thoroughly relate to and identify with. This is a good Moon to: Learn or try something new, or dare to try doing something you’ve always done, but in a new and different way; Meet someone new. Stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone. You’re not going to know if something fits or suits your ever-evolving self or tastes until you try it on for size. 


(4th House) Know that by the New Moon on November 13th, that your patience may be wearing thin. Anything that you may have been merely tolerating, will be less tolerable. And you will especially not want to tolerate anyone trying to tell you what to do. You are ready for a change. In some way you have outgrown your current circumstances, and it is time to free yourself up in order to explore new and untried paths. Use the New Moon to be open to the changes that are being brought to you. They are trying to open you up to possibility. And resisting them will be futile. If may require a certain amount of courage to get them initiated, but doing so can bring growth in ways that you might not have even thought possible. A good intention for the New Moon in Scorpio might be: I want to release those things that no longer serve the person I am becoming, and plant the seeds that are needed for my future to come. The sorts of initiatives that would work with the New Moon in Scorpio might be: Making any much-needed changes at home. Spruce things up, clear out the cobwebs in your life and restore a sense of renewal; Making any repairs or renovations in your home, personal life and environment; If you’ve been planning any changes at home or within the family; this is a good moon to work with. 


(3rd House) It could be that the winds of change are blowing a little more briskly than previously anticipated. Mercury enters Sagittarius on Friday bringing you along for the ride. Be wary of over-extending yourself, or trying to do too much too soon over the weekend. You’ll just find yourself utterly exhausted, lying in a crumpled heap in a corner somewhere. This is what happens when you take on more than you could possibly handle. And yet the joy of connecting with others can also prove to be inspiring and welcoming this week. Perhaps even a little illuminating. So do go out and greet the world, just know what your limits are, and how much you can handle. The New Moon in Scorpio is beckoning you to emerge from your shell. Another advantage to the New Moon on November 13th is that it can allow you to see things from a whole new perspective. Therefore a good affirmation for this New Moon might be: I am endowed with the magical ability to transform problems into happiness. Use the New Moon to: Learn something new; Attend a class or begin a new course of study; Listen to a new podcast; be willing to look at a problem from a different perspective; and be flexible enough to receive new information. Even in your everyday life and activities, there are opportunities to learn. And even the most ordinary conversations can prove to be enlightening when the New Moon is in Scorpio and opposing Uranus.  


(2nd House) One thing the New Moon in Scorpio on November 13th might be showing you, is where you are needing more space and more freedom to grow. Recognizing where and when you need to set appropriate boundaries will help you to navigate some of the tricky weather ahead. The Scorpio New Moon helps you to establish where you want to invest your valuable time, money and energy in the foreseeable future. And part of that involves knowing what your true priorities are. But it’s also about understanding what is right for you. Make the affirmation with the New Moon in Scorpio to: Embrace and honor the sacred cycle of reciprocity: giving with an open heart; while gratefully receiving from others. And if there are any adjustments that are needing to be made to the ebb and flow of the cycle, this is the Moon to work with. Even if that means having to do things a little differently than you have been in the past. Use the New Moon in Scorpio to: sort out your finances, balance your budget, and get a clearer picture of what is needed for the foreseeable future, making any much needed adjustments due to changes that have come to your attention. Look to see if there are easier or perhaps more innovative ways of sorting out your obligations. Note that even small adjustments in this weather can have remarkable results in the long run. So also look for new ways to increase your sense of self-worth and esteem. 


(1st House) Every year at the New Moon in Scorpio, you are given a chance for renewal and the momentum to begin any new initiatives. This is true for all Scorpios, but this Moon is especially strong for those Scorpios born between November 10th and the 16th, or who have 17-23º of Scorpio Rising. Enlightening, invigorating, and perhaps even surprising, the New Moon in Scorpio is asking you to think about the things that you might want to change, in order to lead a more authentic, and genuine life and lifestyle. One that is especially true to yourself and can promote your own well-being. With your ruling planet Mars in your own sign of Scorpio you are being invested with the courage and determination to take the reins of your life into your own hands, giving you the tools and the energy to be the architect of your own best life. Use the New Moon on November 13th to set the affirmation: I am profound and have depths of potential as yet unrealized. It would not be unusual to have new opportunities come from out of the blue with the New Moon opposite illuminating Uranus. Give them some consideration, even if it means having to stretch yourself out of your comfort zone somewhat. A bit of a change of pace, or even a change of venue, may be just what you are needing in order to get you where you need to be. 


(12th House) Mercury enters your sign on Friday, which could find you a little more social, and eager to catch up with others. Just know what your limits are, and be cautious about over-extending yourself, or making promises that you are not able to keep. You may be required to fulfill certain obligations this weekend, so keep that in mind when making plans. You’ll have plenty of time to catch up with others later in the week. However, in the shadowy light of the New Moon in Scorpio on Monday, you might want to explore what needs to either be accepted or released. Something may come to light that you hadn’t previously realized, and old secrets or something hidden may come into view. A good intention for this Moon might be: I want to easily see myself letting go of the past in order to prepare the way for new and better things to come in. This is often a time for Sagittarius to withdraw from the world in order to reflect back on what once was, and recoup some of your much needed energy. Some good initiatives for the New Moon in Scorpio might be: sorting out the pieces of your life; clearing out the clutter that is taking up too much space; but also clearing out the clutter in your own mind. It is time to sort through the threads of your mind, in order to make sense of any new information that you are now receiving, and what that might mean for your future. Be willing to look at a situation from a whole new perspective. You just may receive the solutions or remedies that you were looking for. 


(11th House) There have been times over the past 15 years in which the hands of fate seem to be orchestrating the proceedings, which may have found your struggling against forces over which you may have felt that you didn’t have that much control. But with the New Moon in Scorpio on November 13th there’s no telling which way the tide is going to turn or what sorts of new trends are on the horizon. The New Moon in Scorpio is the wishing moon for Capricorn. And in light of any changes recently made, or that you are planning to make, you may also want to update what those might be for your ever-evolving self. The hopes and wishes of your former self may no longer be relevant for who you are now. Therefore be clear with yourself about who you are and what your most genuine self wants and expects from your future life and aspirations. Use the New Moon on Monday to make the affirmation that: When I embrace my own power, I become an instrument for positive change in the world and in my own life. Then on the New Moon take your pen in hand, and think of the myriad of dreams, hopes and wishes that you might wish to accomplish this year. Make them positive. Give them power. Then cast them out into the universe, knowing that when the causes and conditions arise, you will be ready for them. 


(10th House) The New Moon in Scorpio on November 13th is trying to open your eyes to the possibilities that are unfolding before you. Now it may have seemed that some of those possibilities have been evolving, and perhaps even changing from day to day. And this will probably continue to be so over the next several months. Therefore be willing to remain as flexible as possible in order to be able to adjust to the ever evolving circumstances in your life. Know that out of the hidden shadows of the New Moon in Scorpio new possibilities may be conspiring to change some of those circumstances yet again. So hold on to your hat, and set the affirmation with the New Moon on Monday that: Out of the ashes of what once was, I have the ability to recreate a better and more meaningful future. The New Moon in Scorpio is the Moon that Aquarius uses to gaze into the future, to set goals and consider what opportunities exist, and where you might see yourself heading. This is a Moon of future possibilities. Often it might be recommended with the New Moon in Scorpio, for you to:  Create a plan for the future, or set goals that you would like to achieve this year. But also consider: the sorts of changes that you might like to see yourself making. Know also that when the New Moon opposes Uranus, as it is with this one, that even under the most unlikely of circumstances, miracles are capable of happening. 


(9th House) The New Moon in Scorpio on November 13th, is trying to point you towards the fulfillment of your true potential. One way that can happen is by opening up your perspective along with your expectations. That can include considering different ways of looking at the world and your role in it. For Pisces the New Moon in Scorpio is an opportunity to get you on the right path. If you are already there, you will receive confirmation for this. If not, then you will be thinking about whatever changes or adjustments you are capable of making that will bring you back on track. A good intention for this New Moon might be: May I receive the guidance I may need in order to more easily recognize my true path. This is the time of year in which Pisces is looking towards the future, and the ways that they might arrive there. And the New Moon can serve to open up your perspective, just enough, in order to be more aware of what possibilities might be available. With the New Moon opposing Uranus, you might want to keep yourself open to new alternatives, and a willingness to look at things differently. Some things that he New Moon on Monday might be good for are: Exploring where you want to go from here and how you are going to get there; Do you need a license for that? Should you take a class for that? What more do you need to know, and where do you need to sign up to learn about that? Try something new. Look in a new direction. Seek guidance from those pathfinders who have been there before.