Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: December 15th thru the 22nd

For the week of December 15th thru the 22nd, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well: 


It’s hard to make plans or see your way forward when you are immersed in a cloud of uncertainty, as we all have been lately. However, the Solstice on the 21st/22nd holds some promise for clarity, and perhaps even a little hope, that we can finally see a plan beginning to emerge. But don’t count on it too soon. Mercury, after all, is still in its retrograde phase until the New Year. But in the mean time, even though things may not appear to be moving forwards just yet, there are certain seeds already being germinated within the potential of the Solstice and the inferior conjunction of Mercury which coincides with the Sun’s ingress into Capricorn this year. These are times when seeds are being sown, and we find ourselves beset with a certain resolve. There is much to be learned through reflection and introspection this week. But there is also something to be said about looking forward towards our potential of what may be. On Friday, a healing trend comes to a head, and will allow us to move into this sacred space with higher hopes and a more formidable drive. And for Aries, this can almost feel like you are on the verge of creating a well honed plan. 


On the day of the Solstice, the Moon conjoins Jupiter in your sign, instilling us with hope and the promise of better things to come. The Solstice sets the tone for the next quarter of the year, and this particular quarter looks more promising than it has for some time. And although we are coming into this quarter beset with elements of uncertainty, the Solstice not only brings hope, but also greater clarity. This is the stuff of which plans can finally come together, if not now, then in the New Year after Mercury and Jupiter station direct again. In the mean time, use the pause at the time of the Solstice to pay attention to those things, people and experiences that make your heart soar. What are those things that you cannot put a price tag on, and perhaps can not even be described? That is what you are being asked to strive for. It lends meaning and depth and value to your life and to your relationships. When feelings, hearts and passions are intensified, then deeper connections can also be made with others. Your ruling planet Venus is in transformative and passionate Scorpio. Why not make the most of it while it is here? 


In some way you are being opened up to some sort of grander plan, and you might not even know exactly what that looks like yet. The Solstice this year coincides with the inferior conjunction of Mercury, which is the beginning of a new Mercury cycle which lasts until April. The Solstice as well sets the tone for the next quarter of the year. And both Sun and Mercury are making a positive and hopeful trine to expansive Jupiter this year. This instills hope for ever better things to come, as well as showing you how you can make a new vision for the future and closer and more achievable reality. Jupiter is sowing seeds for a new vision, but Saturn will bring you the tools that will allow it to come to fruition. And within the potential of the Solstice and the conjunction of Mercury, new seeds are already beginning to germinate. It is within this framework that beginnings and endings can occur, ushering in a new potential. In the mean time, the Solstice is a sacred time of year, given to reflection and contemplation. And so we are all asked to pause along with the Sun, in order to connect with our own path and purpose. And then when Mercury stations direct again at the New Year, you will see your plans beginning to unfold. 


The first quarter Moon on Tuesday is in Pisces and conjunct mystical and magical Neptune. Unfortunately, Neptune is not only magical, but can also cast a veil of uncertainty. And perhaps the first quarter Moon is something of a nod to the recent events that have rendered us all wondering what the next day will bring, and whether or not we can ever regain our footing again. Thankfully the Sun’s entrance into Capricorn can do precisely that. Accompanied by the inferior conjunction of Mercury, the Solstice on December 21st/22nd can bring us all a moment of objective clarity. The conjunction of Mercury always occurs during it retrograde phase and marks the beginning of the next Mercury cycle. And as Mercury is retrograde until New Year’s day, we are all going to be in something of a retrospective phase of our own. But as we process the events of the year that was, once we pass through the Solstice, we will also be considering what our next steps will be in the New Year. This is not yet a time of action. But as we pause with the Sun, it is a time of stillness and contemplation. And within that space, the still small voice of clarity will help us to find our footing. 


This is a week of celebrations as we enter this sacred time of the Solar Year. We are entering a time of culmination and renewal as we slough off the old vestiges of the year that was, and look forward to the possibility and promise of renewal with the New Year to come. The Solstice on December 21st/22nd marks the beginning of Capricorn season which brings a more subdued and serous outlook  as we set to creating a plan of action going forward. The Solstice this year makes an expansive trine to Jupiter, inspiring us to think large and aim high; while also making a sextile to Saturn which helps us to objectively look for practical and achievable ways to make our vision for the future, a closer reality. Capricorn season is particularly good for commitments and planning ahead, hence it is probably no coincidence that we have created the tradition of making New Year’s resolutions. But in the mean time we could all benefit from reflecting on the year that was, in order to clarify for ourselves what we might wish to accomplish in the new year to come. 


In some ways the beginning of the new Mercury cycle, is a beginning for Mercury-ruled Virgo as well. Approximately 3 times a year we are given the opportunity to re-set our focus and our attention on accomplishing specific goals. These could be goals for self-improvement, but could just as well be long term goals that you wish to see accomplished over the year ahead. This new Mercury cycle is more like that, taking a much longer view. Coinciding with the Solstice, we are all being asked to pause and take stock of our lives. This is a time of stillness and contemplation. A sacred time of reflection. It affords you the opportunity to reflect on the year that was, while exploring where you might want to see yourself going in the year ahead. Once you are able to look at the big picture, then you will be better equipped to fill in the significant details later on. One of the advantages of entering Capricorn season on the Solstice, is that it will bring the clarity that is required in order to be able to create a plan going forward. 


There is depth and meaning and value to Venus when it is in passionate Scorpio. Therefore indulge the heart, and pay heed to your deepest and truest desires. Scorpio can bring depth and greater closeness in relationships, and also show you what your true priorities are. This is especially so in times of uncertainty, when we are not quite sure where we stand, or what our outcomes are ultimately going to be. Be open to change. Be open to sudden shifts of awareness, and changes in circumstance. Each day brings something new when Venus opposes Uranus. A new chance. A new ending. A new twist of fate. Greet each one equally, for they are all bringing us where we need to be. The Capricorn Solstice is a time of rebirth and renewal. A time in which to make commitments to ourselves. In times of uncertainty it can feel as if we are unable to make plans or think about what the New Year will bring. However, the Solstice is not a time of action, but rather a time of contemplation. Therefore sit with it, and see what is being revealed to you at this incredibly sacred time of year. 


Scorpio has depths that others could not possibly imagine. There can be scary things in those depths, but there can also be amazing discoveries and wonders to behold. Gems of vast beauty that cannot even be described are found in these depths. They cannot always be described, but they can be experienced. And once experienced, the way you see the world may never be quite the same again. Scorpio feels deeply and loves deeply. So it can sometimes come as a shock that what you love, and who you love, can suddenly change. But rather than seeing this as shocking or fearful, see these changes as new and exciting adventures just waiting for your consideration. Be open to the new, for there is no telling where that new adventure will bring you. The Solstice on the 21st is considered to be a very sacred time of year. A time in which new seeds for the new year are being germinated. See if you can take some time out of your busy day in order to sit with yourself, reflect on the year that was, and where you might see yourself going from here. It is not really a time for action. However it is a very important time for contemplation and reflection. The excitement will still be waiting for you. But taking that moment to reflect, can help to center you in the moment. 


A vision for the future is trying to make itself known this week, as retrograde Mercury and the Sun are both taking a nod towards your ruling planet, Jupiter. The Solstice is a sacred time of year in which seeds are being sown for the year ahead. And Jupiter will only add more grist to the process. These are transits of hope and anticipation of better things to come. You may not be able to see how all this is going to be panning out going forward, but the seeds for a new vision are just being germinated with the Solstice and the upcoming New Year. It may be hard to believe, as many are feeling as if they are coming out from a cloud of uncertainty. And we really won’t know for sure where this all stands until Jupiter and Mercury station direct at the New Year. As a result this is not quite yet a time for action, although the seeds are already being set. In the mean time, a wait and see attitude could be very helpful. For not only is this a week of inspiration and hope, but also to see how those hopes and inspirations can be made a closer and more achievable reality. It may be closer than you think.


This year the Solstice, the day the Sun returns to the sign of Capricorn, coincides with the inferior conjunction of Mercury. The Solstice marks the beginning of the next quarter of the year, while the conjunction of Mercury marks the new Mercury cycle, and both are making a supportive sextile to your ruling planet Saturn. The Solstice not only marks the beginning of a new season, it is also a time for planning and commitment. As we reflect on the year that was, we stand at a precipice, looking for the best path forward, that will supply opportunities for growth and improvement, building on what we have already achieved. This is not quite yet a time for action. Mercury is still retrograde after all. However the next few weeks are a good time for considering what sorts of commitments and plans you might wish to make in the New Year. These can and will be more firmly set with the New Moon in Capricorn in the New Year, but for now you will perhaps already see some seeds of clarity being germinated in the potential of the Capricorn Solstice. 


Breathe deep in the gathering dusk of the Solstice on December 21st/22nd. You may not be fully aware of what is brewing behind the scenes, but even if you cannot see what is happening, there are seeds of potential already being set. The Solstice coincides with the inferior conjunction of Mercury this year, setting the tone for the next season and quarter of the year. This is also the beginning of a new Mercury cycle, where certain thoughts, and trends are being seeded as well. In the sign of Capricorn these seeds are being given greater ballast and commitment. However, as Mercury is indeed retrograde, it may not yet be a time of action. Rather it is a time of reflection and contemplation. It is not for nothing that this time of year is celebrated with festivals of light as we also welcome in the new year to come. It also has a deeper, more spiritual significance that resonates with cultures throughout the world, illuminating hearts and minds. Sometimes just making enough space for those things that bring greater meaning into your life can make all the difference and help you to more clearly identify what new initiatives you might want to focus on going into the New Year. 


Hold fast. Many a Pisces has been on the brink of building something important. Perhaps these have been riddled with delays, and perhaps even a few steps back. Know that this is all part of the process. And although things have appeared to be so uncertain these past few weeks, the Solstice could help you to find greater clarity and certainty moving forward. With a strong sextile to Saturn transiting your sign of Pisces, there are opportunities here to make good on a promise, solidify your commitment to a project moving forward, or help you to create a plan for the foreseeable future. It’s not for nothing that it has become a tradition to set resolutions with the New Year in the sign of Capricorn. This is a sign that has sticking power and determination. But in this first Solstice week, we would all do well to pause and savor the sacredness of the moment. Mercury is in its retrograde phase, asking us to reflect on the year that was, distilling and making sense of all that we have experienced and accomplished. And within that frame of reverence we are also being asked to consider where we intend to go from here. A new hope is emerging.