Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: December 22nd thru the 29th

Full Moon in the Arctic

For the week of December 22nd thru the 29th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Pay attention to what is coming to the surface with the Full Moon this week: Old memories, a well of deep emotions, and even some old wounds. They are trying to tell you a story about where came from, and where you may go from here. Perhaps more importantly they are trying to reorient you to where you are now. Full Moons have this way of bringing things to some sort of culmination and conclusion. Do pay attention to what is being brought to the surface. All the feelings included. Something is shifting with this Moon, and you won’t want to miss it. Although we can gain greater understanding when we look back, life ultimately needs to be lived forwards. Whether you are taking a deep dive in order to commune with the ancestors, celebrating with kith and kin, or bundling up by the hearth fires, when you are able to resolve the past, wrap it all up in tissue paper, and send it out into the universe, you will find yourself on a better footing to then greet the future.


Your ruling planet Venus is winding down its stay in the sign of Scorpio with a magical trine to Neptune and sextile to Pluto. Love deeply, and live intensely this week. The Full Moon mid-week is shining a light on the festivities. Holiday seasons are often something of a mixed blessing. Hopes for the future mingle with nostalgic reflections on the past. Many a Taurus has been seeing their lives evolving and growing in ways that are sometimes unfathomable. And as a result it is difficult to trust what tomorrow may bring. There can be something of a burst of activity with the Full Moon on January 6th, filled with pleasant surprises and moments of illumination. But once that all subsides, take whatever opportunity you have to slow down and honor what the present moment is bringing you. There is meaning in even the most subtle of events. So seek peace, and surrender to what is. Breathe deep, and take stock of your surroundings, focusing not on what should have or could have been, but on what is. For this is the foundation for what is yet to come.


Your ruling planet retrogrades back into Sagittarius this weekend, greeting Mars along its way. Perturbed and bewildered, you feel an urgency to go, even as you are looking mournfully back from where you’ve come. The problem is, you cannot see the future clearly from this vantage point. No one really can these days. And you are needing to make some choices without being able to know what the outcome will be. In some way we are all being asked to have faith, that the decisions we make are going to bring us precisely where we need to be in the end, even though we have nothing to back that up. There may be some clarity after your ruling planet stations direct again on New Year’s day, but even that looks a bit ambiguous. The pieces are indeed slowly coming together. Something is shifting from behind the scenes and once it is able to make itself more fully known to you, you will finally feel more confident about creating some sort of plan. In the mean time, pay attention to what is being revealed within the light of the Full Moon in Cancer on Tuesday the 26th. For that has the ability to bring at least a brief moment of clarity, even in the midst of all this uncertainty. 


A Full Moon in Cancer on the 26th brings things to a culmination. Under the light of a Full Moon something is coming to fruition, or being laid bare for all to see. Emotions are often on the surface with a Full Moon in Cancer, so don’t be surprised to find yourself swimming in a sea of feelings. Imaginative, introspective, and nostalgic, watch for moods shifting along with the tides, as we all wear our hearts on our sleeves. This Moon is always an important time for you. For this is a culmination not only for the month, but for the whole year that was. It stands as a turning point, as you reflect on where you’ve come from, as well as where you see yourself going in the future. And even as you are brushing off the dust and cobwebs of the year that was, there is also a certain anticipation. The Full Moon on December 26th will be especially strong for those Cancers born between the 23rd and 28th of June or have 2-8º of Cancer rising, but all Cancers will be resonating with this Full Moon. The dreams and hopes of yesteryear are giving way to something new and different. Even if you don’t seek it, it will still end up finding you.


At the Full Moon in Cancer, we are all being asked to pause and look in the rear view mirror, while preparing ourselves for the year to come. It may well be that you are ready to leave much of the prior year behind you. And yet, when you look back and reflect, you are also given the opportunity to see the possibilities of the future just barely emerging. On the 30th/31st Jupiter will be stationing direct, ending its retrograde phase. Each time Jupiter stations it is accompanied by a trine to the Sun bringing promises of ever better things to come. In some way it is trying to revive that indefatigable and enthusiastic child-like joie de vivre that Leo is so well known for. The sort of anticipation that comes with new things, new possibilities and new hopes. But in order to embrace the possibilities of the future, you are first being asked to release the burdens of the past. New paths will soon be opening up. And all you will have to do is walk through the door. Just keep asking yourself in the mean time: Are we there yet? And eventually you will be. 


This weekend Mercury will retrograde back into Sagittarius in order to tie up some loose ends. But not without a bit of confusion, as you patiently try to read the tea leaves scattered at the bottom of your cup. No matter how hard you may try to scry the tea leaves, the future remains inscrutable, which could prove to be frustrating. This is to be expected with your ruling planet all retrograde and frolicking in the land of Sagittarius. But know that even when Mercury finally stations direct on the 1st, things may still feel vague and unsure. And patience is in short supply when you are being urged to make a decision one way or another. But patience will be the only way out of this fog, for there are no definite answers until the fog lifts of its own accord. There may be a few hints however in the light of the Full Moon on Tuesday. Full Moons can be both revelatory and insightful, revealing things that were not previously apparent. Like a light shining over the ceremonies, this Full Moon is daring to align you with your hopes and dreams. You just have to have a little faith and patience that it will. 


Even as the future remains inscrutable with Mercury backtracking into Sagittarius this weekend, you are being given something of a glimpse into what may be with the Full Moon in Cancer on Tuesday. This is a Moon that brings events in your personal life to some sort of culmination and conclusion, as you stand at the threshold of the new year to come. Jupiter’s imminent station on December 30th/31st holds promise. And yet, there are still so many variables that need sorting out. Although it may feel frustrating to do so, you are being asked to be patient and wait until all is revealed in the New Year. In the mean time, sit with the magic of the moment. Your ruling planet is in the last degrees of passionately compelling Scorpio. Ruminating, beguiling and some how compelling, you have been sorting out the threads and the priorities of your life over the past few weeks. And in the process you are coming to terms with something much deeper and far more meaningful. This is a sacred time of year. Embrace it. The future will sort itself out in its own time, in its own way. For now, you are needing to simply be. 


In order to know where we want to go, we need to  find ourselves in the scheme of things, and know fully who we are. At the Full Moon emotions can come bubbling to the surface. All the more so with the Full Moon in emotionally laden Cancer where memories swirl up through the cosmic mists of time, carrying with them all of their associated feelings. Pay attention to those feelings, for they are trying to clue you in to a story about yourself and your history; but also where you might be wanting to go in the future. Unfortunately that’s easier said than done with Mercury in its retrograde phase. And with Mercury and your ruling planet Mars square Neptune, if anything, it feels like you are needing to make your way through a fog, where the future is unknowable, and there is no telling where you are going to land. In some way, we are all needing to go on faith, that we are being brought precisely where we need to be, and having to trust that all will be revealed in the end. It just requires a little trust and patience. 


This weekend Mercury will retrograde back to Sagittarius for some unfinished business in your sign. This could include sorting out all sorts of glitches and trying to get a handle on our plans. The problem is, that it seems next to impossible to make any sort of plans in an atmosphere in which the future is being obscured. Like clouds drifting over a lens, we cannot see our way forward. Although patience is in short supply, that is precisely what we are being asked to do: have patience. At least until the fog lifts and we can see our way forwards towards a new path. The other thing we are being asked to do is have faith. The sort of faith that believes that things will all work out, in its own time, in its own way. In the mean time, use the Full Moon in Cancer to feel your way forward. Trust your instincts, and listen to your heart. With the Full Moon in Cancer all of our feelings and emotions will rise to the surface, bringing with them an inner knowing for where we need to be going now, and what we need to do.


The New Moon in Cancer is a time of culmination for Capricorn, in which you are able to see things in a much more objective way. If you are happy with where you are right now, and satisfied with your accomplishments then this will feel like a time of celebration and reward. If there are some adjustments that you might wish to make, this is when they will be most apparent. For this is when you receive the results, and or consequences for choices made in the past. It can also be a critical time for tying up any loose ends that had been ignored until now. Doing all of this end of year work, tending to your personal environment, friends and associates, will then allow you to proceed with confidence into the New Year. Just before Mercury retrogrades into Sagittarius this weekend, it first makes its inferior conjunction in the very first degree of your sign. Use this conjunction as well as the Full Moon to tune into some sort of vision for the future. You may not be able to implement it right way, but you can plant these essential seeds, that will then be able to reach fruition in the New Year. 


It is traditional in many cultures to do a major clearing out just before the New Year. In this way you do not enter the New Year carrying the soiled remnants of the previous year with you. There is something both practical and symbolically useful about clearing out the cupboards and sweeping out the cobwebs of the past. In this way we are preparing for the New Year to be. Clearing out the cupboards of your life can also be something of a metaphor for releasing that which you no longer need, and fixing that which had become broken. By now, many an Aquarius will be ready for something new to make its way into your life. And even if you don’t think that you need it right now, and even if you aren’t looking for it, know that it just may find you instead. And also know that even if you have no idea what the New Year will bring, in some way you are also being asked to trust that it will bring you precisely where you need to be. 


At the Full Moon emotions can swim to the surface. All the more so with the Full Moon in emotional Cancer where memories swirl up through the cosmic mists of time, carrying with them all of their associated feelings. Pay attention to those feelings, for they are trying to clue you in to some realities about whether or not you are on the right path. On December 30th/31st your ruling planet Jupiter will make its direct station, ending its retrograde phase. Each time Jupiter stations it is accompanied by a trine to the Sun bringing a sense of optimism and hope for what the future will bring. This will only be amplified by the Full Moon on Tuesday, which is sextile Jupiter, while also trine committed Saturn. We may not see where we are going right now, but in some way we are being asked to trust, that all will reveal itself in its own time, and in its own way.