Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: December 8th thru the 15th

For the New Moon at 20º Sagittarius, read for your Rising Sign as well as your Sun Sign: 


(New Moon in the 9th House) The New Moon on December 12th is planting seeds to be germinated in the future. It comes with flashes of insight and reminders of a deeper and more meaningful purpose. But in order to fulfill that purpose, you are first going to want to do an inner review. This may require you to go on retreat, or take a brief respite from the world at large. This can include embarking on a journey, or taking advantage of some sort of spiritual or cultural retreat. Although it may not seem to be so at the time, this is important. For sometimes we need to take a detour, perhaps even get lost, in order to find ourselves again in the scheme of things. It allows you to see things from another perspective, and gives you time for reflection and review. Sometimes when we take ourselves out of our busy lives, it allows us to look at what we are doing, and where we are heading in a more objective and impartial manner. This brings greater clarity, and hopefully allows us to make much better choices in the future. You may find yourself inspired to take up a new teaching, or want to learn something new. But you might want to wait until after the New Year when Mercury ends its retrograde phase, which begins simultaneously with the New Moon. But that does not mean you cannot make intentions. Perhaps a good intention with the New Moon might be: May I obtain a clearer vision and understanding of my higher purpose and goals. 


(New Moon in the 8th House) The New Moon in Sagittarius is a great time to think in terms of freeing yourself up in order to make room for ever better things to come. This can be about releasing and letting go of things that you have been carrying. That can be literal. But it can also be about emotional and psychological baggage that you’ve been holding on to. This could be all the more so due to Mercury stationing less than one day after the New Moon for its retrograde phase, which lasts until New Year’s Day. Use the period to reminisce and reflect on the past, allowing you to assimilate and process the experiences of the previous year, as well as to allow old burdens to slide off your shoulders. Sagittarius is a sign of freedom, and you will want to be free to experience ever better things in the future. Focus in on those things, people or experiences that you want to be more committed to, while giving yourself permission to let go of those things that are serving as distractions, or depleting your valuable time, money and resources. Where might you want to pay down your debt, and/or let go of certain obligations that are proving to be too much? Therefore, a good intention for the New Moon on December 12th might be: Through eliminating, cleansing and laying to rest the past, I clear the way for positive growth and change. 


(New Moon in the 7th House) The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12th is a good moon for Gemini to connect with those people who make you feel larger than life. The sorts who fill you with good cheer and hope for the future. This is when we are more likely to make commitments, meet new people, or renew a relationship that you already have. But in light of the fact that your ruling planet, Mercury, will be stationing for its retrograde phase less than one day after the New Moon, the 3 weeks following the New Moon can be good for reflecting on previous relationships that once were. This can include thinking about people from the past, or even reconnecting. But perhaps more importantly is thinking about the relationships that you have had up until now, and what they have meant to you. These retrograde phases of Mercury are very good times for reflection, review and processing all of the events that have occurred earlier in the year. Doing so, can help to clarify your mind, and allow you to make better choices in the future. A good affirmation for the New Moon in Sagittarius might be: I grow larger when I connect with those people who inspire me to reach high. 


(New Moon in the 6th House) New Moons are about renewal and new beginnings. And this New Moon on December 12th, is about restoring your over all well-being. Sagittarius is an optimistic and hopeful sign. And therefore holds great promise. For it is a moon that looks to the future with anticipation and hope for things to come. That can include investing your current occupation with a sense of renewal, but generally speaking this is a moon of over all well-being. This can be achieved through such things as sustainable and healthy routines; readdressing your diet; organizing your work environment and schedule; and looking for ways to improve work habits and your relationships with co-workers. Normally this would be a great time to begin a new healthy habit or lifestyle. But know that it might not stick, as less than one day after the New Moon, Mercury stations for its retrograde phase. That does not mean you cannot sow the intention to do so, just know that you will have more success with any new resolutions by waiting for the New Year. Rather, use the retrograde phase of Mercury to explore your options, or try some things on for size first. And then after the New Year, make a commitment to follow through with the ones that do feel like a good fit for you. A good intention for the New Moon might be: May I find the best healer, guide, or healing modality that will bring increased energy, health and well-being. 


(New Moon in the 5th House) For Leo, the New Moon in Sagittarius can bring a renewal of hope, as well as anticipation for the future. This is often an inspirational moon for Leo, in which they find themselves coming up with all sorts of creative ideas and ventures. It’s as if a door is opening, allowing you to leave some old baggage behind, in order to discover a whole new world of possibility. Be open to the abundant that the universe has to offer, and throw your dreams into space. There’s no telling what they may bring back. And don’t be surprised if some long overdue rewards might be coming your way. Less than one day after the New Moon, Mercury stations for its retrograde phase, which has the capacity to find lost objects, and make good on old debts. The retrograde phase which lasts until New Year’s Day, is also a very reflective and introspective period, and when paired with the Sagittarius Moon can help to reacquaint you with your creative side, as well as your own inner child and capacity for joy. Therefore a good intention for this New Moon on December 12th might be: I want all obstacles to joy and happiness be lifted from me. 


(New Moon in the 4th House) The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12th puts the emphasis on home, family, the people you live with, and those all important support systems in your life. These are times of renewal in which you aim to shore up those communities, gather the tribe, and reconnect with those people that you rely on to help put the pieces of your life together. These are the people that you know you can count on. It can also be a time of year in which you might want to make small improvements in and around the home. It’s something of a nesting Moon, but for those who have Sagittarius on the cusp of this quarter of the chart, it can be anywhere you go to in order to be rejuvenated and restored. Insights can also be gained in the wake of the New Moon. All the more so with Mercury stationing for its retrograde phase less than one day after the New Moon. Reflecting on the past, through your children, if you have them, or back to your own early childhood and roots. Doing so during the retrograde phase that lasts until January 1st, can help you to put things in perspective in a healthy way. If you are so inclined, a good intention for the New Moon in Sagittarius might be: I want to appreciate the patterns and events in my life that have led me to where I am now. 


(New Moon in the 3rd House) If nothing else, the New Moon in Sagittarius aims to improve your outlook and expand your vision beyond your current circumstances. It’s a reminder each year that there is so much more to experience, to see, to learn, to hope for. New Moons are times of renewal. And for Libra with the Moon in Sagittarius this is more of a mental renewal, restoring your faith, and giving you something exiting to look forward to. This is a great Moon to make the commitment to learn something new, or to go back and review a topic or a study that got put on the back shelf of your life. Less than one day after the New Moon, Mercury stations for its retrograde phase, which will find many of us wanting to explore those projects gathering dust on the shelf. Pick up that book you never finished. Review that course you took. For the 3-week retrograde phase of Mercury which lasts until the New Year, review, reminisce, connect with family. Sagittarius is a social sign for Libra, and much can be gained through social discourse, gatherings with others, and general good cheer. A good intention for the New Moon on December 12th might be: I want to see myself filled with the faith and confidence that things will work themselves out in the best way possible. 


(New Moon in the 2nd House) For Scorpio, the New Moon in Sagittarius is a time of year in which you are being asked to reassess your priorities, and within that context, make a deeper commitment to those priorities that are the top of your list. What are those things that you most want to spend your precious time, money and resources on? Use the New Moon to reinvest your precious resources in a way that is most likely to bring you the greatest rewards. This can include sorting out finances. But it can also be about honoring those things in your life that you truly most value. Within that context, Mercury is stationing for its retrograde phase less than one day after the New Moon on December 12th. Use the upcoming retrograde phase which lasts until New Year’s day, to reflect, reminisce, and reevaluate. And be willing to allow a certain amount of down time in your daily life in order to be able to do so. Making sense of the past, assimilating and processing your experiences over the year, can lead to greater clarity moving forward, especially where it concerns your foremost priorities. Therefore a good affirmation for this New Moon might be: Knowing what my true priorities are is key to understanding who I am. 


(New Moon in the 1st House) When the New Moon falls in your sign as it will this month, it is an opportunity to not only make a new beginning, but to also reacquaint yourself with yourself. And you can do this even in the face of uncertainty. Even if you do not know what the next day will bring, or the next after that. You are evolving and changing and growing, and giving yourself permission to do so is part of the grace that a New Moon in your own sign can bring. And part of what allows you to adjust an ever changing world and reality. The New Moon at 20º Sagittarius 40’ will be relevant for all Sagittarians, but especially those born between December 10th and the 14th, or who have 16-23º of Sagittarius Rising. And there is one gift that Sagittarius has, that will allow this New Moon on December 12th to be more fully supercharged, and that is the gift of optimism, foresight and faith. Use the New Moon to renew your hope in the future. To restore your faith, and to believe in yourself and your burgeoning potential. In less than a day after the New Moon, Mercury stations for its retrograde phase which will last until New Year’s Day. Use this sublime and spiritual time of the year to reflect on the year that was, and to make a reckoning on what you have learned/gained/accumulated and come to more truly value in the process. A good affirmation for this New Moon might be: May I be open to the abundance that the universe has to offer. 


(New Moon in the 12th House) The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12th is an opportunity for Capricorn to slow down the tempo of their lives, tune in, and perhaps do some inner soul searching. This will be all the more so, for less than one day after the New Moon, Mercury stations for its retrograde phase in your sign. When Mercury is in its retrograde phase we are all inclined to reflect on the past. Perhaps even take a retrospective tour of the year that just was. This allows us to make sense of the experiences that have occurred. And within that context we come to more fully appreciate all of the choices and decisions that have brought you to where you are now. In order to facilitate this process, use the New Moon inclination to tie up loose ends, turn down the noise in your life, and retreat from the maddening crowds. Connecting with yourself becomes almost imperative. Read the runes, meditate, find your own place of sanctuary. The gods are trying to speak to you in their tongue, and you will want to create the best sort of environment in which to facilitate that process, and make peace with the past. This will then make room for whatever new beginnings, or plans are emerging form the Solstices and Capricorn season that follows. A good intention for the New Moon in Sagittarius might be: May I create the best conditions that will allow me to connect with the still small voice of intuition and/or my own inner guides. 


(New Moon in the 11th House) The New Moon on December 12th is your wishing Moon. And you might want to use the New Moon to connect with your most heartfelt aspirations and hopes for the future. Therefore dare to dream your dreams and allow your vision for the future to take on some sort of practical and achievable form. This is a good time of the year for Aquarius to think about the future and the ways that you can expand your presence into a larger community. This can be accomplished by networking, joining a group that shares a common vision, or to accomplish goals that you would not be able to do on your own. This is when Aquarius asks: Where should I go from here? And who can help me to achieve my dreams? Curiously, less than 1 day after the New Moon, Mercury stations for its retrograde phase which lasts until New Year’s Day. Mercury can distract us from our intentions, and lead us along a wandering route down the garden path during the weeks that it is in its retrograde phase. However it is also a good time to reflect on the year that was, and connect more deeply with your heartfelt intentions. Therefore a good intention for this Moon might be: If this dream is meant to be fore me, may the best possible circumstances arise to see it fulfilled. 


(New Moon in the 10th House) The New Moon in Sagittarius on December 12th asks Pisces: In what way do you want to be an inspiration for and and example for others to follow? This is a Moon in which you are asked to create some sort of vision for the future, tie it up with fancy tissue paper and bows, and then send it out into the universe. This is the time of year in which you are often asked to think about the future: what sorts of things you might want to accomplish; and how you can use your talents and resources in the most efficient way. Curiously in order to obtain a clearer vision for your future, you might first want to reflect on the past. Less that one day after the New Moon, Mercury will station for its retrograde phase which lasts until New Year’s Day. During the retrograde phases of Mercury we often find ourselves reflecting on the past, and trying to make sense of what has brought us to this place and time. That can include taking inventory of the previous year, the decisions made, the achievements you have accomplished, and the twists and turns along the way. These retrograde periods are important times to process and make sense of our past, in order to make better decisions going forward. Therefore, a good intention for this Moon might be: May I obtain a clearer vision and understanding of my higher purpose and goals.