Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: June 30 thru July 7th

Full Moon by Tao Lengyue

For the Neptune station and Full Moon for your sign or natal house:


(12th House) One of the things that can be revealed in the light of the Full Moon on Monday, are all the things that you have accomplished over the past year. Like a culmination, you are standing at the peak of a mountain, looking back from where you’ve come, and also getting a glimpse of the future, and where you might wish to go from here. Bask in the glory of your achievements. And focus on what more you would like to do. Full Moons can often bring a bit of activity. But betwixt and between the call of the outer world, and the needs of your personal life, take some time out for your mental health and well-being. Distracting, and perhaps a little disorganized, Neptune is asking us all to slow down the pace, and put the focus within. Even in the height of this glorious Full Moon. Not doing so will just exhaust you. It is time to tune out the noise and commotion of the outer world and tune in. Not easy for an Aries. And harder still with an active Full Moon. But once we get beyond that Full Moon, be grateful for the sense of renewal that a bit of retreat from the world can bring. 


(11th House) Neptune stations on the 30th luring us into a fugue of wistful dreams and anticipatory hopes. When Neptune stations here high hopes and disenchantment collide. This will not stop the forward momentum from continuing, but it can bring a momentary interlude that can help to get you back on track with your highest ideals. We are being asked to question false promises, and unrealistic schemes. If something appears to be too good to be true, question it. If something feels a little too cultish, look deeper. This is a time in life in which you are being asked to fulfill some of those hopes and dreams in the company of others. Just make sure it’s the right company, and that they are on the same page, seeking the same outcomes. Groups can bring healing and inspiration. Doing Pisces activities with others such as Mind/Body work, music, art, or performing some sort of altruistic service can all be benefited. Do pay attention to how you feel when working towards a mutual cause. Cultivate associations that feed your spirit, and avoid those that diminish it. This will be your homework during the retrograde phase of Neptune which lasts through December 6th. 


(10th House) It will be hard to avoid the influence of the magnanimous Full Moon on July 3rd, as it will oppose your ruling planet Mercury. This can bring a lot of activity, especially leading up to the Full Moon. Nor should we ignore what we are being shown in the wake of the Full Moon, however there is something to be said for gradually easing into the retrograde phase of Neptune. Neptune will station on June 30th, and from now until the 20th of July, we will be adjusting to the expectations and needs of the retrograde phase. It is during this phase that we are being asked to cultivate our own inner Neptune. Neptune facilitates our connection to the divine, our own spiritual nature, and that which brings greater meaning to our lives. As a result you could find yourself inspired to pursue goals that can and will bring greater meaning into your life. This may or may not be through career or work. And if you are not able to do so through your current roles, how might you do so through other activities that can bring that same sort of meaning and purpose to your life? 


(9th House) The Full Moon in Capricorn can bring a lot of things out into the open. Emotional encounters with others can help you to clear the air, and bring confirmation for decisions made. It can even be a time of reckoning. Full Moon times can also be busier than usual, which can distract from the needs of the Neptune station on June 30th. Neptune will be in its retrograde phase until December 6th, in which we are all being asked to more fully connect with our own inner Neptune: our spiritual goals and ideals. Not making space for these, can make it seem like there is something missing from your life. With Neptune in Pisces there could be an inclination to seek spiritual confirmation from others, perhaps through a specific group, and in the world at large. And although all of these may be inspiring in their own way. Ultimately, the most likely place to find this confirmation is within, in the still quiet recesses of your own mind and heart. Higher meaning can sometimes be found in the strangest places, but the most important journey takes place during the months that Neptune is in its retrograde phase. For this is where we make that connection to our own inner spirit, and inner knowing. 


(8th House) Full Moons are often a time of culmination, reward, or revelation. The Full Moon in Capricorn could bring confirmation for a job well done, or see the positive results of a health regimen you’ve been working on. But Full Moons can also be times filled with activity, especially the days just preceding the Full Moon. And this can distract from the work we are needing to do now that Neptune is stationing for its retrograde phase. Planets are always stronger when they station. We become more aware of the boundaries eroding, the confusion seeping in, and the disenchantment lurking in the corners of our lives. It could even feel like an unraveling. But beneath the lingering doubts and trepidation, are also tremendous opportunities to cultivate our own inner Neptune. This can include cultivating an understanding of the workings of your own mind, finding deeper meaning even in the most trying of circumstances, finding spiritual solace, and literally coming to understand what it means to sacrifice for something that you consider to be much higher than yourself. There is also something here to be learned about being open to receiving. Receiving financially, emotionally, and even psychically, opening you up to a whole new world of experience.


(7th House) Neptune stations for its retrograde phase this week Coming right on the heels of the Saturn station it all could feel a little overwhelming. Saturn has been trying to set better boundaries, create better systems, and then along comes Neptune to undo it all. Whatever strategies you were trying to sort out could feel nullified by the uncertainty of Neptune. It can also have you questioning your alliances, as it has been since Neptune first entered Pisces in 2012. Perhaps inadvertently led astray, or even deceived,  the Neptune in transit can leave you feeling pretty skeptical and disheartened. And Neptune’s station this week can increase that feeling of vulnerability. But rather than diving down the well of suspicion and doubt, the combination of both Saturn and Neptune transiting Pisces can be used to establish healthier relationships and alliances. The sorts of relationships that support your ideals, not only intellectually but also emotionally. Relationships of the heart, but with your eyes wide open. 


(6th House) Each year, Cancer season reorients us towards things like home and family, community events and sharing. And for Libra this is especially so at the time of the Capricorn Full Moon, such as we are having on July 3rd. It can also bring a great deal of activity in those areas in the days leading up to the Full Moon, which can be great. But it can also distract from the needs and requirements of the Neptune station this Friday. Unbounded, vulnerable and distracting, when we don’t create the right circumstances for the whole Neptune experience, it could leave us feeling drained and disorganized. Making space for Neptune to do its good work includes slowing down. Perhaps using the recent Saturn station earlier this month to shore up boundaries that had become eroded. Then use the upcoming retrograde phase of Neptune to further cultivate healthier habits and daily routines, while incorporating activities that also support your emotional and spiritual well-being. Saturn will help to ground you. But Neptune aims to help you create the sort of life and lifestyle that will bring ever deeper meaning. 


(5th House) Neptune has been scoring Scorpio on a journey of compassionate understanding, especially towards those with and for those that you love the most, and perhaps are in your immediate care. This is about understanding from the heart center, and opening you up to a broader level of compassion. You may not totally get where people are coming from. But through acceptance and this heart-generated understanding it doesn’t really matter in the end. Neptune in Pisces, for Scorpio, is about understanding compassionately, accepting others unconditionally, without judgment or expectations. Neptune’s station this week can also bring a well of inspiration, which is just itching to find some avenue of expression. Whether through your relationships with others, through some sort of artistic expression, or through good works. Neptune’s station for its retrograde phase is asking you to connect with your own inner muse. Which in turn can open up a door to a whole new way of being.


(4th House) It’s not unusual to find Sagittarius wistfully taking chances and living with uncertainty, even without the assistance of Neptune. There’s no telling what tomorrow may bring, and Sagittarius is almost always ready for an adventure! Neptune adventures can at times be a little confounding. But they can also be profoundly inspiring. This is when we aim to return to the motherland. To revisit the history of the ancestors. To experiment with relocations, and to allow yourself to be filled with wonder and possibility. One thing Neptune can do is make us feel a little displaced. Even in a place that you once knew so well. Even in your own home town, where the previous supports systems appear to have be unraveling. However it’s not the place that brings that inner sense of meaning and belonging. That is something that you carry with you from place to place. Therefore no matter where you find yourself over the next 5 months, fill your environment with greater meaning and purpose. Be inspired. There’s no telling where you will find your own inner muse when Neptune is in its retrograde phase. 


(3rd House) There is a Full Moon on July 3rd at 11º Capricorn. Full Moons have this way of bringing things out into the open, or to some sort of completion. They can also accompany a bit of activity and commotion as we approach the Full Moon on Monday. Those born between December 31st and January 6th, or have Moon or Ascendant at around this degree of Capricorn will feel it most strongly. But for all Capricorns this is a time of culmination. So it may be a distraction from the Neptune station on June 30th. Neptune’s influence is more internal, emotional and psychological. It can just overwhelm us with an abundance of feeling and a bit of unraveling. Or we can step through the Neptunian veil into a world of wonder and the imagination. To gain the most benefit from the Neptune station we are asked to turn down some of the outer noise, so that you can listen for the voice of Neptune, like a whisper in the silence. For it is there that you will find yourself and your own spiritual center. The retrograde phase of Neptune which lasts until December, is time to give space to and cultivate the spiritual and creative aspects of your mind and heart. 


(2nd House) When planets station they are that much stronger. Neptune’s influence as it stations can be a bit insidious. It engulfs us in feelings. In premonitions and sometimes forebodings. Even though there isn’t any reason for us to be feeling that way. For Aquarius, the story has been, and continues to emphasize things like self-worth, and self-esteem. For some this can feel like you are living your life on a wing and a prayer, hoping for a windfall, or some other higher power to sweep in and bail you out. For others, living on a wing and a prayer was a life choice which allows you to live a life of quality and meaning, even if it means having to cut corners, or live with financial uncertainty. With the station of Neptune you will find yourself questioning your choices. But you could also receive confirmation for making the choices you have. It’s about what really matters in the end: Are personal satisfaction and inner fulfillment more important to you? Even if it means doing with less? Or are you willing to sacrifice these for the sake of greater financial stability?


(1st House) It can sometimes feel as if we are coming undone when Neptune stations in our own sign. There is a bit of a contradiction for Pisces these days, caught between the stern boundaries, obligations and responsibilities of Saturn recently stationed in Pisces, and the boundary-less confusion and uncertainty of Neptune, now at the tail end of your sign. Like shoveling snow in a blizzard, Saturn is trying to create order out of the inchoate confusion left behind by Neptune. But Neptune asks us to just be. Be present. Accept the uncertainty as a reality of our mundane existence. And each year when it stations for its retrograde phase, as it has since 2012, it asks you to reacquaint yourself with your own inner truths, your highest ideals, and your ever-evolving quest for spiritual understanding. This is about connecting to those things and experiences that bring you deeper meaning, that make you feel like your life has a purpose, and that you are connecting with something higher, perhaps more esoteric, perhaps even more real than the real world itself.