Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: July 14th thru the 21st

“Supplement turc Osman - Cancer” (1582)

For the New Moon in Cancer for your sign or house placement: 


(4th House) The New Moon in Cancer usually brings a reminder to pay attention to all those things that support you. There is often an urge to retreat to those places, people and activities that are familiar and with whom you feel a deal of comfort. But as we arrive at the New Moon this year, you may be feeling a bit drawn and quartered. Perhaps you are torn between conflicting obligations. Perhaps you are feeling that a great many demands are being made of you with a lot of expectations and little progress. Don’t be surprised to see your ire and impatience rising as we approach the New Moon on Monday. The New Moon can be used to set better boundaries and limits with yourself and others, in the light of all this. Rather than exhausting yourself in trying to be all things to all people, take some time out to pause, and regain your bearings. Retreat into the healing waters of the Cancer New Moon, perhaps by creating a sanctuary within your own home, where you can find peace, safety and security. This will then give you the strength to march back out into the world, and meet it on its own terms. New Moons are about new beginnings and for Aries that can include: New beginnings concerning home and family; Nesting; Making your home environment more personable or comfortable; improving relationships with family and/or parents; and finding ways to celebrate the significant events in your life that have led you to where you are now. 


(3rd House) We will speak more to this next week, but for now know that your Venus is slowing down in preparation for its retrograde station on July 23rd. In many ways we are all being advised to slow down the pace of our lives. But as a Venus sign you will come to appreciate the opportunity to turn within, in order to find inner refuge and sanctuary. Use the New Moon to double down in this effort to slow down the pace, by beginning with your own mind. You will be grateful for the opportunity to do so. For by purging your mind of extraneous demands, you will see more, notice more, and feel more. As a benefit to Taurus, the New Moon is making a gentle, but creative, aspect to Uranus, which is currently in your sign. The Cancer Moon craves familiarity, but the transit of Uranus has been opening you up to possibility outside of your usual realms. The New Moon dares you to look at the world from another perspective.  Doing so can have remarkable consequences, opening you up to all sorts of creative and innovative ideas. New Moons are about new beginnings, and for Taurus that can include: beginning a new class; learning more effective ways to communicate with others; becoming more involved in the community or neighborhood; making an effort to get in touch with siblings or old mates; starting a journal; and making a commitment to allow your imagination to grow and thrive. 


(2nd House) Although seemingly under duress, the New Moon in Cancer is about new beginnings, or new approaches surrounding things like: financial security; self-worth; self-esteem; material resources and insights on how to increase personal value. Unfortunately the New Moon is caught in the cross-hairs of a Grand Cross, vying with the likes of Pluto, which seems to be piling on the expectations and demands of the outer world with no end in sight. Some of this just feels like there is nothing to be done about it. That some things are just that much more powerful than ourselves. And yet, the New Moon is planting seeds of hope, even under stress. Ask yourself: What steps can I take to be more financially secure? What are the things I need, and what are the things I can do without? It is also a time in which we are being asked to build confidence, self-esteem and self-worthiness, asking: how well do I value what I have to offer to others? And how well do I feel valued and appreciated by others? But ultimately the New Moon in Cancer for Gemini is about creating greater security in your life, in whichever way is most meaningful for you. This can include circling the wagons in order to protect yourself, but only in the most wholesome and healthy ways. 


(1st House) New Moons are about new beginnings, and never is this more so than when the New Moon falls in your own sign, as it will on July 17th, which brings all things Cancer to the foreground of our lives. This can feel even more so, as this New Moon is involved in a Grand Cross with transformational Pluto and the Nodes of the Moon. Like harbingers of growth and change, Pluto and the Nodes are compelling you to move under duress. But know that the New Moon is guiding you to take that first step forward into your future. Those Cancers who are born between July 14th thru the 20th, or who have 22-28º of Cancer Rising, will be the most sensitive to this feeling of inevitability and transformation, but all Cancers will be feeling like they are moving through some sort of initiation process into the next stage of their life. In order to get there, you are being asked to reacquaint yourself with yourself, and all things Cancer. And that includes getting in touch with your own emotions and feelings. This is important because it will increase your own self-awareness of what you are needing to focus on, and allowing you to make the right sorts of decisions that will ultimately bring you a greater sense of personal security and happiness. 


(12th House) The New Moon in Cancer for Leo is about tying up the loose ends of the year that was, and bringing things to closure. Cancer season is a time of withdrawal for Leo, who aims to bring elements of the past to some sort of final conclusion. This is not easy when we find ourselves moving through the throes of change and transformation. But it is necessary. And so we persist. This New Moon, caught in the cross hairs of a Grand Cross of revolutionary change, can bring a yearning for finality. Know that when and if that finality is reached, it can also bring freedom and release. Ultimately, for Leo the New Moon in Cancer is about cultivating inner peace and security, so that no matter what happens in the outer world, you will be able to stand firm and resilient. The New Moon in Cancer, for Leo, can be about: Exploring the past; Reminiscing; Making space to dream, connecting with your feelings and your imagination; Connecting to your dreams; and Entering a Sacred Space. For those creative Leos out there, the New Moon in Cancer, combined with the upcoming retrograde phase of Venus can also be a time of great creative inspiration. So use the New Moon in Cancer to make the intention to nurture your imagination and your capacity to wonder. 


(11th House) Generally, when Mars enters your sign, as it did for you on the 10th, it aims to energize and motivate us. That still may be true, but it is hard to get started when one obstacle after another keeps cropping up, blocking you in your path. Trying to keep pushing right now will probably only lead to frustration and a bit of resentment. Therefore, use this week to practice patience instead. Create some sort of plan or strategy, for what you will do when the obstacles are removed. Then you can resume your plans. New Moons are times of new beginnings. And if you are not able to proceed right away, this should not stop you from creating a plan, or exploring the myriad of options that await you. And do toss your intentions and dreams into space, so that when the time is right, you will attract and recognize the conditions to make them a closer reality. Do not be discouraged if you are feeling stuck. If that is the case, know that it is only a temporary condition. The New Moon in Cancer is your wishing Moon, which asks you to think in terms of possibility. And if you can’t make this wish a reality right now, make the intention to have the conditions arise to make it possible in the not too distant future. For Virgo, the New Moon in Cancer is about: Networking with others; joining a group that shares the same goals as you do; initiating friendships and alliances, or making deeper commitments to the one’s you have; and for connecting with the hopes and wishes that you would like to see realized this coming year.  


(10th House) It’s amazing what hoops a Libra will jump through in order to maintain the status quo, and to keep the peace. But at what expense? The New Moon in Cancer is about new beginnings. But with this Moon the beginnings might need to be a little more radical. Perhaps you have arrived at a point where it has become obvious that you are not growing, despite the fact that you’ve been fulfilling all of these demands and expectations from others. Instead of achieving a state of peace, it could begin to feel more like a state of oppression. The Nodes are shifting signs, even as the New Moon culminates at the top of your solar or natal chart, and what might have sufficed in the past is well nigh due for a change. We are all stepping through a portal into a new paradigm as a result. Use the New Moon in Cancer to envision the future that you would like to be living. And to be the person that you aspire to be. It may require you to rock the boat a bit. But sometimes the boat needs a little rocking. Use the New Moon in Cancer on Monday to focus on 3 things: Creating greater security for the future; Using your imagination to visualize what that future could possibly look like for you; then Creating the Plan that will bring you there. 


(9th House) New Moons are times of new beginnings. And this is also true for the New Moon in Cancer on July 17th. However with the Moon’s opposition to Pluto, and an accompanying Mars/Saturn opposition this week, you may not be able to make progress quite as easily as you hope. At least not right away. If you are patient and willing to wait until the Mars/Saturn opposition separates, you can use the time constructively by developing strategies for how you would like to proceed when the obstacles finally fall away. That being said, if it weren’t for all of those conflicting obstacles, for Scorpio, the New Moon in Cancer can be a call to adventure,. If you can’t fly off to some exotic locale, use the New Moon to broaden your horizons in other ways: Learn about another culture; Learn a new tradition; study another language. Enroll in a school program or course. Learning, teaching, spread broadcasting a message, all are ways to learn about or impact the larger world. Cancer, for Scorpio, is where you go to expand your knowledge, increase your understanding, and explore the world of possibility. There is no telling where this Moon will bring you, if you are willing to explore all horizons, near and far. 


(8th House) Sagittarius is never at a loss for new ideas. But you may find it difficult to implement them right away. However, if you are patient, and able to wait until the obstacles fall away, you can use the time to create some sort of strategy for the future. We are all navigating our way through an extraordinary time of change, symbolized by the New Moon in Cancer on July 17th. New Moons are usually times of new beginnings, and this one is no less, even if we are not able to get started right away. This is still a good time to set those intentions, and create your own plan for change. For Sagittarius, the New Moon in Cancer is about deepening commitments, and going that one step further. Do explore those things that are standing in the way of you being able to take that next step, whether it be a person, a debt, the need for additional resources, getting permission from others, or just your own reservations. The New Moon in Cancer is your Moon to say No More to those situations that had become too much of a burden, or overly oppressive. It is also an opportunity to reinvent, rebuild, rehabilitate, call in your debts, prepare for the future, and mend what had previously become broken.  


(7th House) The New Moon in Cancer is a time of new beginnings. But this particular New Moon is also about transitions. For anything that you have been putting up with, anything that you had been tolerating, may now be reaching that critical point in which it will no longer be tolerable. You could keep ploughing along, in order to maintain the status quo. But at what expense? It may be, that due to certain obligations you cannot make any sweeping changes just yet. But due to necessity there could be some changes that are well nigh due. You can use the New Moon in Cancer to help you to make that transition from a state of exhaustion, frustration or oppression, towards a place of greater security. One way to do that, is to use the New Moon in Cancer to enlist helpers, seek advice from experts and counselors, and receive confirmation and guidance. A good intention for this New Moon might be: I want to attract the support system or people who are best for me and my situation. Also, in light of the upcoming retrograde phase of Venus, this is also a good time to explore your relationships, which can include your mutual expectations of each other, but can also include why you do relationships the way you do, and what you might want to do to improve or further commit to your current relationships, as well as any new ones you intend to make in the future.  


(6th House) New Moons are times for new beginnings. And the New Moon in Cancer is none the less so, even if it does seem to present those opportunities in the face of lingering obstacles, delays and perhaps a bit of frustration as a result. However, if you are patient, and are able to wait until the obstacles fall away, you can use the time until then to plot your course, and plan your strategies. In the mean time, the New Moon in Cancer can be used to improve your work environment. This can be by literally changing it, or seeking to improve relations with your co-workers, or learning a new skill that can allow you to do your job more efficiently. It can also be about looking for greater security in the job situation.  The New Moon in Cancer can also be used to either update or create new routines, or health initiatives. That can include acknowledging the ways that emotional and psychological health can impact your physical well-being and vice versa. All the more reason to look for holistic treatments that treat the whole being, body and mind. Therefore a good intention to make with the New Moon in Cancer might be: May I find the best healer and/or healing method that will fully restore my well-being. Or perhaps: May I find the best remedy to promote sleep and/or relaxation. 


(5th House) Many a Pisces will be feeling the stress of having your Saturn in your sign this week, now that Mars is transiting the opposite sign of Virgo. This makes it difficult to either want or be able to compete or assert yourself with others. As a result you will find yourself letting many things go, which will only then lead to resentment and feelings of frustration. Knowing that many of the obstacles that you are currently feeling are only temporary, can help you to pull back and wait for the aggravation to subside. Which it will. And use the New Moon to focus on the things, people and activities that allow you to restore you to your happy place. Make time for the people you love, and to do the things you love with them. Rediscover what it feels like to wonder and see through the eyes of a child once again. Perhaps spend some time near the water, where you can reconnect with your element, and allow the calm, cooling waters of Cancer to heal your mind and heart. The Moon in Cancer can also bring the motivation to make a deeper commitment to a creative past time, if you are so inclined, or to focus on a particular outlet through which you can more fully express your feelings, your angst, and your heart-felt yearnings. Then make the intention with the New Moon in Cancer to connect with your heart center. For this is what will support you in even the most difficult and frustrating of circumstances.