Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: July 7th thru the 14th

“The Blessings of Fire” by Ainslie Roberts

For the week of July 7th thru the 14th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well as your Sun Sign: 

~ Note: a number of clients have mentioned that they have been reading their Moon signs too! Be willing to experiment. See which resonates the most with you: Sun sign, Ascendant or Moon.


The Nodes of the Moon moving into Aries/Libra is something of a sea change for all of Aries-kind. Including the eclipse on April 20th of this year, there will be a total of 3 eclipses in your sign related to this nodal shift, which could be seen as significant turning points in your life. If there are things that you’ve been wanting to change, the Aries/Libra nodal shift can help to make that happen. Like an initiation to a higher degree, the North Node in Aries brings new opportunities that can draw attention to the areas of life where improvement is needed. As a result these Nodal events can bring opportunities for self-renewal, a better you, and a better life. Areas of your life where they are likely to have an impact, is on your Self, your Environment, Self-development, Your body, Your Health, and some of your closest relationships. Meanwhile, this week your ruling planet Mars enters Virgo, where it will be until Aug 27th. This could be especially helpful if you are wanting to organize your workspace, your schedule or your life (looking forward to this one!). But is also really good for perfection in the performance of action and putting ideas into application; taking on a health, diet or exercise regimen, and focusing on activities and initiatives that also promote self-improvement. 


The North Node entering Aries is asking all of us to focus on what it is that makes us unique, and more of an individual. But also to recognize what may still be standing in the way of you being able to more fully express that individuality. This may mean having to release some old habits or ways of doing things that are merely undermining your effectiveness. In what ways have you been seeking approval from others, rather than trusting yourself, and your own inner knowing. In what ways are you trying to keep yourself busy, or trying to placate others, in hopes that you can make them feel better; rather than focusing on those things that will bring you greater personal gratification. There can be an inclination that if you keep yourself busy, focusing on fixing everything around you, then you will have time later on for yourself and your own needs. But actually the North Node in Aries will be trying to show you, that if you take some time out of your life in order to connect with yourself, and fulfill your own inner needs and yearnings, then all those other things will automatically fall into place as well. Not doing so could actually reach some sort of crisis point after a while, so anything that you’ve been avoiding having to deal with, or trying to hope will just go away, will come to a head around the eclipse points over the next 18 months.  


Your ruling planet, Mercury, enters sunny Leo this week allowing you all to get in touch with your own inner creative  muse. That inner flame that is uniquely your own. Give it some form of expression, perhaps through your own voice. If you speak from the heart and soul, others will hear you, and pay attention. And as it moves into Leo it will also make you more aware of the ways that your life is perhaps shifting in readiness for the next leg of your journey. Some of these may feel a little uncomfortable, as it could find you venturing into unexplored territory. Territory that could also feel a little exciting. Over the next 18 months Gemini is being positioned to expand your presence into the outer world. As a result you will find yourself inspired through others: New friends, New associates, New groups or social networks. The impact that these have can even change the direction that your life will take in the foreseeable future. Another thing that could occur to you during this period of time, is that you can accomplish so much more in the company of others, than you possibly could on your own. 


Cancer is a sign with a long memory. Especially so with memories that are emotionally invested. But there are also those memories that we carry with us from lifetime to lifetime (so they say) that are not conscious, but still carry a great deal of weight, and remain in the dim recesses of our hearts as feeling, intuition and a sort of remembering. Each time the Nodes of the Moon change signs, they unearth new vague remembrances with all of their varied connections and experiences. Over the next few weeks the Nodes are moving back to the signs of Aries and Libra which for Cancer are critical signs having to do with both your outer as well as personal roles, your public vs.your private life. And as a result of the Nodes being in these signs there could even be transformational events related to things like home, property and family; but also your outer public life and reputation. Great beginnings and endings can occur when the Nodes conspire to spin their webs and weave our destinies. All the more so when we stand at cross-quarters to the Nodes as Cancer will be doing. As a result the next 18 months can bring matters to a head concerning: home, family, property, the final end of a matter and your public status and reputation. 


Mercury is the first inner planet to enter your sign this season, even as we are still drifting through the sign of Cancer. Mercury entering your sign awakens your communications skills, and asks you to speak from the heart. At the same time that Mercury enters Leo, it will also make us all the more aware of the shifting Nodes. The Nodes of the Moon are not actual bodies, but they can be extraordinarily relevant, depending on the sign and house that they are traveling through. For the next 18 months, the Nodes will be in the signs of Aries and Libra, shifting the narrative for Leo to things that have a great deal to do with communications, and the sharing of knowledge and information. In some ways it can even open up your awareness to a higher vision. Perhaps a path that appears to unfold before you beckoning you out into the world. What you see, what you learn, what you experience, even in your everyday life, can have a profound effect on your mind. So much so that you may not be able to see things quite the same way again. So put aside some of your skepticism and trepidation, and trust that path that is opening up before you, is taking you exactly where you need to go. 


Your ruling planet Mercury enters Leo this coming week, allowing you to get in touch with your own unique voice, and personal mode of self-expression. In order to get the most benefit you are being asked to turn down some of the noise and distraction of your life, so that you can open up your heart and your senses. There is something of a wait and see period that Leo season can bring. And with Mercury at the vanguard of the sign it begins with an urge to find your own inner sanctuary and place of peace. Some place that allows you to reflect on the past, and make sense of the present. At the same time that Mercury enters Leo it also makes us all the more aware of the shift of the Nodes of the Moon. Over the next few weeks, the Nodes will be moving back into the signs of Aries and Libra, where they will remain for the next 18 (+) months. For Virgo this can bring matters to a head in areas of your life that have to do with money, possessions, debts, investments and possessions. There can sometimes be changes in income or resources for you when the eclipses fall in these signs. But perhaps more importantly is how well you come to value yourself, what you do, and what you are or are not willing to chain yourself to for the sake of having greater security. 


When the Nodes of the Moon move on to the Aries/Libra axis, you could find your life changing in extraordinary ways. Great beginnings and endings are associated with the years that the Nodes are in our own sign and for Libra, having the South Node here can even be something of a turning point. But like an initiation, or an opportunity to move up to a new level, you are first being asked to release any old patterns and habits that are no longer helping you, and in fact may be holding you back, and preventing you from having healthier/happier relationships with others. Great beginnings and great endings occur in the lives of Librans, when the North Node is in Aries. Like mystical and magical matchmakers the Nodes collude to bring certain individuals together while parting others. You may even make a connection with someone who can have a significant bearing on your life and destiny. The Nodes here can bring a new phase in a relationship, or a significant change in your partner’s life that also impacts you. One thing that could become apparent to you is that you don’t necessarily have to keep doing things the way you have in the past, and that there might actually be a better way of living and being. 


Your ruling planet Mars enters Virgo this week, bringing Scorpio along for the ride. When Mars is in Virgo, Scorpio is inclined to want to participate in groups that promote initiatives benifiting Virgo areas, related to the environment, nature, service workers and those who do not necessarily have a voice of their own. There is also an element of humility that comes when Mars is in Virgo, recognizing that when you meet people where they are, you can most skillfully make yourself, and what you have to offer, more accessible. If you do find yourself working within a group don’t be surprised if you are asked to take on something of a leadership role, this would be especially true if this were something work-related. Over the next 18 (+) months, look for ways to be able to channel some of your passions into something worth your while, attention and energy. Something that has the capacity to make a difference in the world. In order to make the most of this period in your life, be willing to let go of previous notions about yourself that instead of supporting your sense of self, is only defeating yourself. In order to be a better, healthier, more invigorated version of yourself, use the courage of your inner Martian warrior to lead the way.  


In the years that the Nodes of the Moon are in Aries and Libra, Sagittarius will be more preoccupied with finding modes and avenues of personal self-expression. In the process you may also notice some turning points involving friendships and associations; certain networks and groups that you were previously concerned with. Focus on cultivating your more intimate and heart-centered relationships with children, loved ones, and affairs of the heart.  But perhaps what will stand out the most over the next 18 months, are the things that you are creating. This can be a product, an idea, a hobby, a vision, an event connected to your children, or an important social event. This can be about creating your own brand, shining a light on something that you do well, or a mode of expression that some how feels personally transformative. Many a Sagittarius has been redefining themselves in the world these past 7 years, and this is your moment and opportunity to show the world, and yourself, what you are now capable of doing/creating/manifesting, as a result of all of this work, angst and toil you’ve been undergoing these past so many years. 


When the Nodes of the Moon are in the signs of Aries and Libra, as they will be for the next 18 (+) months, Capricorn will find some important areas of their lives highlighted. This can include things like, some sort of change or shift in your career; a change in status that affects the direction that your life was taking up until now. It can also put a great deal of emphasis on your personal life, especially those things involving home, family, parents, and property. Great endings and beginnings can occur, so that you find yourself preoccupied with where you are living, or who you are living with. It is not unusual for people to consider moving, or to have some sort of transformational changes happening within your family, or with family members when you are at cross quarters with the Nodes, as you will be for the next 18 months. Aries is a sign of new beginnings, and new initiatives, and although you may have considered yourself rather settled, the ultimate goal is about the search for that place that brings out your truest and most authentic self. Expect to see turning points in your life concerning: Home, Family, One of your Parents, Family members, Early childhood, your Ancestors, your Homeland, Support systems, and the final conclusion to a matter, that then leads to a bright new beginning. 


What you hear, what you learn, and what you see can have a profound and transformative effect on your mind and perspective over the next 18 (+) months that the Nodes of the Moon will be in Aries and Libra. This can be the result of something you read or learn about; perhaps something you study. Something you hear about, or catches your eye. Even random conversations in your everyday life can have a profound effect on your perspective. One thing that can become apparent, is that great truths can be found where you least expect them, and that you don’t have to go meditating on the side of a mountain, or lock yourself away in a monastery in order to find the answers you seek. When you are ready to drop your skepticism, or are wiling to humbly stop and listen, that is where and when some of the more profound truths can be found. And you don’t have to go very far to find that. It is within the confines of your immediate environment that you find yourself becoming a conduit for deeper and more profound truths and realizations. Could expect some turning points concerning: learning experiences, enlightening conversations, events close at hand in your own neighborhood, or on short day trips, or with neighbors, classmates, siblings or cousins. 


As the week opens, and just before the planet Mercury enters the sign of Leo, Pisces will be subject to a profound internal awareness and understanding. Inspiring, beguiling, and insightful, it would behoove you to pay attention to what you are perceiving in the wake of the recent station of Neptune. And then as Mercury enters Leo on the 10th/11th it aims to make us aware of a transition taking place, as the Nodes of the Moon prepare to change signs. The Nodes of the Moon are not actual bodies, but places where the Sun, Moon and Earth will be brought into perfect alignment over the next 18 months. There is something metaphysical and mystical about the Nodes that are focused on the evolutionary progress of the soul, while here in manifestation. Now that the Nodes of the Moon will be in Aries and Libra, Pisces will be directed towards the natural ebb and flow of the cycle of reciprocity. The cycle of giving and receiving. If the cycle has become imbalanced, the Nodes will conspire to find ways to restore the balance, removing those things that are upsetting the natural flow, while restoring your own relationship to things like: self-worth, self-esteem, ownership and receiving. Cultivating initiatives that promote all of these will bring their own rewards.