Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: August 18th thru the 25th

For Mercury retrograde in your sign (and/or natal house if you know it):


(6th House) Use the retrograde phase of Mercury to organize any chaos in your everyday life. That can be as simple as sorting out any accumulated paperwork, tying up loose ends, and taking care of any red tape or chores that you had previously been avoiding. Take care of any unfinished projects. Especially those that require extra detailed attention and focus, and that you normally wouldn’t have any patience for. By clearing out any backed up clutter in your every day life and environment, it then allows you to sort out the clutter in your own mind. This retrograde phase of Mercury is a great time for Aries to cultivate greater efficiency in your work. One way to do that is to cull out distractions that are only getting in the way, and look for ways to streamline your daily routines. To make the best use of the retrograde phase which lasts until September 15th, remember to keep it simple, and don’t make things more complicated than they already are. Ask yourself: What adjustments can I make in my diet, or daily routines in order to better support my health and well-being? Might there be better ways to improve my work flow, or do what I do more efficiently? 


(5th House) Although Mercury retrograde phases are notorious for mayhem and creating a bit of chaos, this retrograde period which lasts until September 15th can also be rich in creative insight and innovative ideas. This is especially so this week as Mercury makes a trine to Uranus in your sign. Pay attention to any ideas that seem to spontaneously arise within your mind. Reflect on them and engage them. You may not want to act on them right away, but you probably will want to later on when Mercury will be in its direct phase again. In order to make the most of this retrograde phase, take some time out from your busy schedule in order to connect with yourself, and do the things that you love to do. Worry less about producing and step out of your own way. Revive an old hobby that you once loved so well. Revisit an old flame. Reflect on those times in your life when your heart was brimming with pride. Venus in its retrograde phase in the sign of Leo has been trying to connect you with your heart center. Mercury in its retrograde phase will be doing so as well. 


(4th House) A change in perspective could throw you into a temporary state of mental chaos and confusion until you adjust to the new paradigm that is trying to emerge. The thing is, with the retrograde phases of Mercury, we may not be able to totally identify what is bringing on this state of inner confusion. If you do find yourself on edge, or beside yourself, seek sanctuary with those you trust the most to support and understand you. Sometimes words can get lost, confused or muddled during these retrograde phases. But the silence between the words can speak volumes. That can go both ways. One advantage to allowing some quiet time to seep into your life, is that you will be more receptive to any new information that is being introduced at this time. This information could find you taking a deep dive into the past, bringing up old memories or even issues that you had thought laid to rest a long time ago. However by the time that the retrograde phase comes to a close on September 15th, you could feel like a whole lot of baggage had been carefully unpacked, sorted and put on the shelf, allowing you to then proceed with a much lighter load. 


(3rd House) Although it is not generally advised to make major decisions or agreements when Mercury is in its retrograde phase, know that there can be exceptions to this rule. However, do expect that you may need to revisit a decision, make amendments, or change your mind later on when Mercury is in its direct phase once again (after September 15th). Yet there is something incredibly illuminating about this particular retrograde phase that allows us to notice details, make connections and see solutions where previously we only saw obstacles. Therefore this retrograde phase of Mercury may still have issues with communications, and travel plans may go awry. But it is an excellent time for doing any sort of research, for taking care of paperwork, or finishing off projects that you’ve been avoiding. But don’t be dismayed if you find yourself spiraling down the retrograde hole of non-productivity. For this is also an important time for reflection, reminiscing, and remembering. This is the way our mind sorts out and makes sense of all the information and experiences that we have been accumulating. And so this is also a very important time for making sense of the insensible, and cultivating our own mental health and well-being. 


(2nd House) The retrograde phase of Mercury allows us to step back and make sense of certain areas of our lives. Generally speaking, because it is in Virgo, it is excellent for sorting, organizing, filing away and creating order out of the chaos. You may find yourself concerned about a financial matter, or finances in general, as you reflect on recent events or decisions already made that have an impact on your current financial circumstances. Although it is not generally advised to make major agreements or decisions when Mercury is in its retrograde phase, it can be a time to sort out some of the details, or to revisit, revise or update any unfinished business or agreements that had been lounging on the back burner. But also be open to any new innovative ideas, or creative solutions. You may not be able to implement these right away, but do consider them, sit with them, reflect on them. Be receptive and flexible. Pay attention to these moments of illumination and insight. For although retrograde, there is so much that can be learned during this insightful phase of the Mercury cycle.


(1st House) Use the retrograde phase of Mercury to reacquaint yourself with yourself. It is not unusual during these phases to find yourself reflecting, reminiscing and remembering the past in some way. This is our opportunity to sort through the various experiences in our lives, from a different perspective, which can help us to make better sense of the insensible. Do also note that it is not unusual to feel more anxious, or even overwhelmed during these retrograde phases. If that is the case, it is a hint that you are needing to slow down, and focus more on your own self-care. Use the retrograde to set better limits with yourself and others, and to implement better habits and routines that will support your physical and mental health and well-being. Mercury has domain over the nervous system, our diets, our routines as well as the breath. Therefore use the breath as an anchor and a reminder throughout your day to pause, reflect and gather your thoughts. And take advantage of the upcoming harvest season to improve your diet, and simplify your lifestyle. Know that the small adjustments you make during the retrograde (which lasts until September 15th) could benefit you for months to come. 


(12th House) Even though things could feel a bit noisy all week, loaded with all sorts of stuff from the past, it is all the more reason to make that extra effort to create a space of sanctuary for yourself. Your mental and emotional well being will benefit if you can. And although the retrograde phases of Mercury can bring a bit of mayhem, they actually can be opportunities to create greater order. This will be an especially useful retrograde (which lasts until September 15th) to tie up any loose ends, and take care of projects that you have been avoiding, or put on a back shelf and then forgot about. There could be an inclination to withdraw from the world. That is okay. Especially if there are things that you are needing to wrap your mind around or concentrate on. This retrograde could in fact find you working on a project to the exclusion of all else. Or preoccupied with a a compelling idea or subject that was recently disclosed. What this retrograde phase can be good for: Going on a retreat. Personal insights and revelations. Making sense of the past. Finding inner inspiration and understanding. Working on a project. 


(11th House) One of the advantages of the retrograde phases of Mercury, is that it allows us to make sense of recent events, information and experiences. What with the recent eclipse energy over the past 18 months, if anyone needs to step back and sort things out, it would be Scorpio. One of the advantages of Mercury being in Virgo is that it has this tremendous ability to make connections, organize our thoughts and our environments, and make sense of the insensible. As you find yourself moving into reflective mode, you could make some surprising realizations. This could change your perspective. Be willing to change your mind, but also be flexible, and open to other information that will continue to roll in. It is not unusual for us to change our perspective more than once as Mercury appears to change directions. If you are open and receptive, you could find yourself in a whole other place by the time Mercury is direct again on September 15th. Some things that can happen during the retrograde phase of Mercury: Changes within a group that you belong to, or deciding to withdraw. Some friends may leave. Others may re-emerge from the past. Revisiting a dream or an aspiration that you once had. 


(10th House) With Mercury retrograde in the 10th house, many a Sagittarius might want to take some time out to reexamine their goals, their lives, and their future. This could be literal, as in taking a bit of a vacation from your usual activities, in order to get a more objective perspective, or reboot. The retrograde phases of Mercury can bring a little mayhem, and even some confusion. If you are feeling some uncertainty about the direction you want to go, take some time to just sit with it. Oftentimes what seems like a really good idea when Mercury is in its retrograde phase, will have its faults revealed later on when Mercury is direct again. As a result you probably do not want to make any major changes right now, or go off in a new direction. Rather, use this time to sit back and open yourself to possibility. There is a lot of creative and innovative energy tied up with this retrograde phase, and so you might want to pay attention to any new ideas that are percolating. Then, when Mercury is in its direct phase once again after the 15th of September, you can see whether or not you can put them into application. In the mean time, facilitate the sort of environment that will allow you to connect with your true purpose, which will help you to determine what goals you might want to focus on for the next leg of your journey moving forward. 


(9th House) When we at first enter the retrograde phase of Mercury this week, you may be met with a bit of confusion and apprehension. But worry not. This retrograde phase could actually prove to be a bit enlightening. But in order to make the most of it, you are being asked to be a little flexible, and open yourself up to possibility. Give yourself permission to look at a question from a completely different viewpoint. This may mean having to drop some previous beliefs or conceptions in order to do so. But also give yourself permission to change your mind, perhaps even more than once. If you find yourself confused, that’s okay too. Dare to dive in, and learn more about a specific topic that could shed some light on the situation. Then sit back, reflect, and think about what is being revealed to you. Don’t make any major changes or decisions just yet. But do pay attention to what you are learning, for it could have a profound effect on your perspective and decisions later on when Mercury is direct once again. 


(8th House) Is there something that you want to withdraw from? Something that perhaps is proving to be a lot more trouble than it is worth? Or perhaps something is turning out not to be what you originally had hoped it would be. In which case you are ready to move on. In a sense, Mercury entering its retrograde phase is giving you permission to just say No, when you need to say No. On a completely different note, this Mercury retrograde period also has a very practical connotation. Especially in light of any recent events, you may be thinking about the ways that you can make yourself more secure, and/or more financially solvent. That can include things like: Paying down your debt. Paying off a mortgage. Making sure that you have your safety nets in place: adequate health or life insurance; preparing a will; or creating a plan for the foreseeable future. And although you may not want to sign any contracts until Mercury is in its direct phase once again after September 15th, this is a good tie to get clarity about what you need, what it is going to cost, and what will bring you the security you are seeking. Occasionally, Mercury retrograde in this location of the chart can return things to you that had been previously lost or misplaced. It’s a little magic that way. 


(7th House) It can often feel as if we are not being heard when Mercury is in its retrograde phase, as it will be from the 23rd of August thru the 15th of September. So why waste your breath? Our laments and proclamations are just falling on deaf ears any way. So why bother? However, if you are more aware of the possibility of miscommunications, or not being heard properly, avoid making any major commitments or signing contracts. At least until you are absolutely sure that you are both agreeing to the same thing. And although this is probably not the best time to be signing on the dotted line, it is a good time to negotiate, or hash out your expectations of each other. If you do have to make agreements over the 3 weeks of the retrograde phase, do not worry over it. It may be that you will need to re-negotiate pieces of it later on, or there may be some unforeseen delays. But life goes on, and we can’t always schedule things around the retrograde periods. What this retrograde phase is good for: Reevaluating your expectations of partners and allies, as well as their expectations of you. Clarifying your responsibilities to others. Getting second opinions. Reunions and second chances.