Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: August 25th thru September 1st

For the Full Moon in Pisces for your sign or natal house (if you know it):


(12th House) Your ruling planet Mars enters Libra this weekend. This could feel a little like you are needing to allow others to take over in some way. Aries rarely feels comfortable when someone else is in the driver’s seat. That’s your seat. But when Mars is in Libra, it can feel like some things are just out of your hands. You may need to concede, and make compromises. Aries hates having to relinquish control, but some circumstances may call for this. Throw in the Full Moon in Pisces, and a Super Moon at that, and the uncertainty that accompanies it could feel confounding. Full Moons can sometimes bring endings. Know that if this is true, what feels like an ending, could also be an opportunity for a new beginning. But before you get there, you have to arrive at a place of acceptance. The Full Moon is conjunct Saturn, the planet of reality, therefore anything that you’ve been in denial about or was avoiding, can no longer be ignored. In some way you are being compelled to face reality, even if it is the very thing you fear the most. But by facing reality you will see things in a different light. Which in turn allows you to make better and more informed decisions, even if the reality you are facing is not necessarily what you had hoped for. 


(11th House)The 7 years in which Uranus transits your sign can be life changing. And the events that accompany the stations of Uranus while in your sign can be pivotal. On Monday, Uranus will station at 23º of Taurus for its retrograde phase which lasts 5 months. These stations of Uranus can be enlightening and self-illuminating. Sometimes in surprising and unexpected ways. The end goal of Uranus in your sign is self-realization, and to live your highest truth. This is about gradually becoming your truest and most authentic self. Likewise, the Full Moon on August 30th that follows the station of Uranus on the 28th, also has the capacity to bring things out into the open. Normally the Full Moon in Pisces can be a time of rewards and opportunities for Taurus. It could even fulfill a cherished hope. However with the Full Moon conjunct the planet Saturn, it can also bring endings and conclusions. Truths can come out that might require you to make an adjustment. You could see things in a different light. Saturn is a planet of reality. Saturn in Pisces is asking us all to base our dreams and hopes on a more realistic foundation, which in turn can allow those hopes and drams to be more achievable. 


(10th House) We are in full blown Mercury retrograde phase, where phones won’t cooperate, and messages get lost. But these minor inconveniences of daily life where glitches occur and we get distracted and detoured, are nothing compared to the real work we are doing within: Making sense of the insensible, processing and assimilating all of the experiences of the previous year and beyond. And when you throw in an illuminating Full Moon, such as we are having this week in the sign of Pisces, be prepared to face some hard truths. The Full Moon in Pisces can sometimes be a time of reward for Gemini. A time when you are being seen, noticed or recognized in some way. This can be through your work, or a company you work for. It can also be a time of consequence or culmination of something that had been percolating on the back burner, and can no longer be ignored. Full Moons are revelatory, and this Moon can reveal something about an authority, an elder, a boss, a parent or someone you look up to and respect. Whatever comes out in the light of the Super Full Moon on Wednesday, it can have an impact on what role you are going to be assuming moving forward.


(9th House) Full Moons can bring revelations. Things previously hidden, or that you had not been aware of can come to your attention. Full Moons are illuminating. Accompanied by Saturn, and a bevy of retrograde planets, what you learn in the ambit of the Full Moon on Wednesday can allow you to see the reality of your situation. The Full Moon is in Pisces. And Pisces is where we harbor our illusions, our dreams and ideals. But with Saturn, the planet of stark reality, traveling through this sign, you will see some of your weaker dreams and illusions, dissolving like so much mist rolling in from the sea. Those are the ideas, dreams, beliefs that are probably based on a weak premise. One that has very little ballast. However, do not be dismayed. If you see some of your ideals and beliefs being shattered in the wake of the Full Moon in Pisces, it will also make others stronger. For whereas Saturn questions those ideas and beliefs that are not founded on a firm basis, it also fortifies and helps you to make others, those that are actually achievable, a closer reality. Saturn is just keeping it real, in order to make sure that we are on the right track. 


(8th House) As Uranus stations at the top of your Solar or natal chart, it could feel as if you are preparing for the next leg of a long-awaited journey. The retrograde phases of Uranus, which last for 5 months, are an important time each year that allows you to adjust to any changes that have already been made, or to help you internally prepare for any changes you might be planning on making in the future. It can also be a time of reckoning and questioning the path that you are on. If it is equal to you, and is a path that resonates with you, heart and soul, then you will receive confirmation for this over the next 5 months. But if you are feeling limited in your personal expression, then this would be when you would be getting that restless feeling of wanting to search for something more in alignment with your most authentic self. The Full Moon shining a light on Saturn this week is asking you to take your time. There is no rush here. In fact Saturn retrograde in Pisces is giving you permission to back out of certain situations and old tropes that are proving to be less than what you had thought them to be. This in turn will make room for even better things to come in and take root in your life. 


(7th House) Mars is leaving your sign this weekend, and with Mercury now in its retrograde phase, it may be all you can do to keep yourself motivated. When Uranus stations for its retrograde phase on Monday, we will have a total of 6 planets all in their retrograde mode. It would be amazing if we can get anything done with all those retrogrades! However things can seem to get sped up right before a Full Moon. And we have a Super Moon coming up on Wednesday. And this one will be especially intense for Virgo. Not unusual for certain situations to be brought to some sort of conclusion, or for emotions to be on full display. The Pisces Moon can be a very emotional moon. There can be a bit of nostalgia with this Full Moon combined with all the retrogrades. Nostalgia for what once was, and needing to say goodbye to those things, people or circumstances that are now needing to move on. Or perhaps it is you, who is needing to move on, leaving pieces of your life behind. It can sometimes feel like things are ending when the Full Moon is tied up with Saturn in this way, but know that these endings can also be a prelude for new beginnings to come. 


(6th House) Now that Mars is entering your sign, you are being given the green light to move ahead with plans, or take some kind of action. Mars could inspire you to take some new initiatives, or make plans to do so in the not too distant future. Could be inclined to want to start a new health venture. Perhaps start a new exercise plan. Not anything too aggressive. Perhaps something that will at least get the blood flowing and the energy revitalized. At least for the time being. Do be mindful of all the retrogrades. Often things started during the retrograde phase of Mercury could easily peter out when it turns direct again in mid-September. Start slowly. Test things out to see if they are working for you or not. Over all, your health, and perhaps the health and well-being of others are at the top of your list right now. Things are likely to be disclosed and/or clarified with the Full Moon in Pisces on the 30th, so you will know more after that. This Full Moon is asking all of us to face the reality of a situation, so that something that has been brewing can now no longer be ignored. 


(5th House) Your ruling planet, Mars, enters Libra this weekend, which can often feel as if you are needing to withdraw from the hubbub of the world for a bit. Libra is a sign of equilibrium. And in order to restore that equilibrium you are required to lay down your tools, and go into retreat. From now until October 11th, every time you attempt to assert yourself, you will feel like you are undermining your own progress. This is a good time for planning initiatives from behind the scenes, get all the research done, and prepare for when Mars enters your sign in October, and life takes on a more proactive quality. And use the upcoming retrograde phase of Uranus to internally adjust to any changes that you have already made, and/or changes that you plan to make in the future. Lots to unravel here. And making those internal adjustments will help to ease you into this next phase of your life, and through any challenges that may await. In the mean time pay attention to the Full Moon in Pisces this week. Conjunct Saturn it could feel as if you’ve waited more than long enough to make your dreams a closer reality. Patience is a Saturn quality. Just know that good things come to those who wait. And it will be worth it. 


(4th House) The Full Moon in Pisces lays bare all of your feelings. Nothing remains hidden for long with the Full Moon in Pisces. Everything. The good, the not so good, and even the ugly will be on full display. Full Moons are often emotional, and this one has an added quality of having to face the reality of a situation. No denial. No pretense. These are times of culmination and illumination. And anything that had been percolating on the back burner is now coming to a full boil. Like standing on a threshold, you wonder if you dare to take the next step. Know also that you are not alone. Gather your tribe. Pull them in with you. It is time to bolster up your support systems. Full Moons can sometimes feel like a conclusion. But know also that this is a transition into a new state. So even if there is some remorse for what you are leaving behind, know that the events that are transpiring are setting the stage, and creating a foundation for something even better. 


(3rd House) We continue to evolve and grow internally, even though the external things in our lives don’t necessarily reflect this. But because of these internal changes, we can never quite see things the same ways as we did in the past. Full Moons, like the Super Moon we are having this week on Wednesday, can make that all too obvious. And within the light of the Full Moon in Pisces expect all sorts of things to come to the surface. Things like feelings, memories, and even some compelling lessons about yourself and your own perspective. What ideas about yourself and who you are, are you still holding on to, even if they may no longer be valid for who you are and where you are now? This Full Moon is conjunct your natal ruling planet Saturn. And Saturn wants you to grow. And one way to do that is by seeing things as they actually are without pretense or denial. Seeing things as they are, allows you to make more grown up, practical and mature decisions moving forward, which will greatly benefit you over the years ahead.  


(2nd House) Full Moons can be illuminating, and this one is no less so. With the Full Moon in Pisces there can be an element of uncertainty and unknowables. Like standing at a crossroads, but not being able to see where either road leads due to the mist and obstacles that seem to be standing in the way. And yet, Aquarius stands here on the threshold of something, expecting some sort of change over the year ahead, just not necessarily sure what that change entails. One thing is sure, and that is Aquarius has been learning to embrace all that is authentic and true about themselves. One piece at a time. This Pisces Full Moon is a Super Moon. And it is shining a light on your current priorities. Saturn in Pisces has been challenging many an Aquarius to focus on their financial circumstances, balance the ledgers, and cull out those things that are unnecessary, while focusing on those things that you truly want and/or need. Remember the priority list. What are those things that are worth saving for? Perhaps sacrificing for? Investing in? Focus on those things that will bring their own rewards in the end, the sort of investment that keeps on giving back over and over again. 


(1st House) The Pisces Full Moon at 7º of Pisces, is a Super Moon, the largest Full Moon of 2023. All those with personal placements at around 7º of Pisces or who are born between the 23rd of February and the 1st of March will be feeling this Moon. Emotional. Revealing. Full Moons can feel like culminations \. Nothing remains hidden for long at these Full Moons that lay our hearts on the altar, and demand that we pay attention. At this Full Moon you can see the results of certain causes already set in motion. It also allows you to objectively stand back and see the trajectory of the course that you are currently on. Full Moons can be illuminating in this way. Like standing on a threshold. And this one seems to be shining a light on what you are needing to access in order to meet the challenges that lie ahead. Qualities like responsibility, self-discipline and looking at things the way they are, rather than the way you might prefer them to be. And that includes the warts and all, and all in all.  The Moon is conjunct Saturn, retrograde, and yet still asking you to take hold of the reins of your life. When Saturn first entered Pisces earlier this year, it could have felt like much of your life was ending. And yet this transit of Saturn in your sign is very much about a new beginning. And in order to make that beginning more realizable, you are being asked to be calm, stand firm, and take hold.