Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: August 4th thru the 11th

The Venus Mandala

For the week of August 4th thru the 11th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


Rather than enthusiastically jumping in and fixing everyone and everything, Mars in Virgo asks you to take a few steps back, and cautiously observe the situation first. There is an element of humble acceptance for your current circumstances, as well as people, being ‘as they are’, when Mars makes its way through the sign of Virgo. This will help you to nimbly make your way through any sudden shifts and changes that the current weather may bring, but it also allows you to know when you want to push ahead, and when you want to hold back. When Mars is in Virgo, as it will be through the end of August, you will find yourself motivated to improve your health and well-being, and to do whatever is required of you towards this end. Use the optimism and confidence of the recent Mars/Jupiter trine to further support you in your goals. If you can channel even a bit of that enthusiasm and optimism towards fulfilling your goals, it will serve you well in all of your endeavors this week.  


Be prepared for a few twists and turns this week. That is, if you haven’t already experienced a few surprising detours. As Venus makes its way back through the sign of Leo it is now mixing it up with unpredictable Uranus, perhaps creating a little tension in your personal life as a consequence. One thing that Venus aims to show us are the ways that our earliest life eperiences can have an impact on the relationships we have now. In this way, Venus/Uranus transits can also be extremely illuminating. And although they may be stirring up conflict within your personal life, take some notes. For what is being revealed within that conflict, is an opportunity to achieve some sort of healing. Ultimately, the retrograde transit of Venus can help to improve and bolster up all of your relationships, and especially family relationships, if you are willing to look at a current situation from another perspective. Also note, that through these experiences we can achieve greater wholeness by accepting and appreciating the differences in each other, and what we have to learn from each other. 


Don’t expect things to go totally smoothly, thanks to Venus stirring things up in its retrograde mode (there’s no telling who is going to pop up from the past, or make some sort of scene with this weather). However, Gemini does have something of an advantage due to a Mercury/Jupiter trine holding you up for most of the week. If nothing else, good humor, laughter and an optimistic outlook can help you deal with just about any unforeseen circumstances. Mercury/Jupiter wants you to look at the bigger picture. You may not necessarily see the way that you can achieve those long goals. But with a modicum of good luck, and a good outlook, there’s no telling how far you can go. Positive attitudes reap positive results in this weather. This is a good week to share your thoughts, share ideas, and look at things from a whole new perspective. 


After the Super Full Moon on the 1st, many a Cancer may be in recovery mode. Note that the next Full Moon at the end of August (which also makes it a Blue Moon), will be the largest and brightest Full Moon of the year. But as we part from the Full Moon on the 1st, the Moon is already waning. And at the last quarter Moon on Tuesday (or Monday), you may find yourself in a state of triage. Perhaps overwhelmed by the too muches, and feeling a bit over-extended, you could find yourself in something of a cleaning and clearing out mode. The Last Quarter Moon in Taurus is asking us all, but especially our lunar brethren in Cancer, to make a priority list of the things that are most important to you. What (or who) is no longer relevant, and/or taking up too much space in your life (and your cupboards)? What and how can you best invest your valuable time, energy and resources? Where do you need more room and space in your life? And how can you make enough space in your life so that new things can come in? 


Whenever the Sun aspects Jupiter, as it does this week, it can feel hopeful and optimistic. The only drawback with the square, which we have this week, is the tendency to exaggerate, or overdo things. Combined with the Venus/Uranus square this week, you might want to be mindful concerning large expenses or indulgences, as the tendency to exaggerate the qualities of something is more likely. In order to be more sure about a commitment, step back and ask yourself, what is your heart saying? Is this true? Is this real?  Is this actually achievable? Sun/Jupiter weather can be great for celebrations and parties, because we tend to feel larger than life. However it can also exaggerate our feelings, egos, and even our expectations. Because there is still the possibility for some of these expectations to take hold, we are without blame to be so optimistic. Nonetheless, any tendency towards over-optimism is best tempered by keeping your feet squarely planted on the ground.  


You may have already noticed a bit of quirkiness in the air, what with the upcoming Venus/Uranus square this week. And that probably cannot be totally avoided. However, Virgo seems to have something of an advantage, with a trine between Mercury in Virgo and Jupiter. This is a transit that allows you to see humor in even the most ludicrous situations, and to have faith that everything is going to work out in the end, no matter what ridiculousness may arise. This is a good transit to begin a new study, attend a talk, or share your ideas with others. You are feeling pretty positive, and that optimism can be contagious. So it is also a good week to negotiate a proposition. It is also a good week for travel, or any activity that serves to open up your mind, or allow you to see things from another perspective. It is a lucky and positive transit, so use it to your best advantage, and use it well. 


As Venus and Uranus square off this week, you will notice something of a difference in the air. Relationships are shifting, alliances are changing. Some may even be ending, as surprising revelations come to light. The planet Uranus can be illuminating. And perhaps even more importantly, what we are learning about each other this week, can help us to accept and understand our differences, without trying to change one other. And by reaching this level of acceptance and understanding, we are also given an opportunity to heal and mend any floundering relationships. As a result, a certain amount of flexibility and open mindedness is being called for in this weather that is filled with all sorts of surprising twists. One other thing that we can take away from all this, is that we don’t have to keep doing things the way we always have in the past, and that there are alternatives. Dare to look at a situation from another perspective and there’s no telling what you could learn. 


Motivated by a sense of righteousness, you could feel more energized. See if you can channel even a small amount of the recent Mars/Jupiter trine to invest this coming week with a bit of enthusiasm and forward momentum. This will help you to navigate some of the more slippery trails you might encounter, or unexpected twists and turns that might waylay you along the path. What this week is good for, is implementing any plans or promises that you had made to yourself in the past few weeks. Beginning any new initiatives, or following through with those that were begun recently, are more likely to succeed. If you already started something new, how can you make it more sustainable? Mars is in the health sign of Virgo, so this would be valid for any new health plans, regimens or goals for self-improvement that you’ve been hoping to achieve. 


Watch for any tendency towards extravagance this week, especially around the last quarter Moon on the 7th/8th. That is a Moon for cutting back, rather than taking on more debt or responsibility. And you won’t want to make any promises that you are not going to be able to keep. The reason you are inclined to want to spend more, do more, promise more, is because you are feeling optimistic and in a good mood. Channel that optimism into plans for the future, just don’t sign on the dotted line. At least not yet. An unpredictable aspect to retrograde Venus could bring a few unexpected surprises in their wake. What this week is good for: good humor, laughter and the willingness to look at the big picture. Do be enthusiastic. Do look at the brighter side. This will help you to navigate yourself through the reefs and shoals of the week ahead. Just don’t commit to anything without making sure you have all the facts first. 


In the middle of this retrograde phase of Venus we are likely to see all sorts of twists and turns in all sorts of your relationships and alliances. This may or may not be the last straw. But it certainly can shed light on certain areas of our lives. Capricorn does not like to make changes unless they absolutely have to, and will often make many concessions in order to maintain the status quo. But with Venus all retrograde, certain elements in your life are likely to be revealed. At the very least it helps you to see things from a whole new perspective. And by doing so, greater wholeness can be achieved. What you learn may be surprising and unexpected. But it can also bring some unexpected breakthroughs. For when you are able to accept and appreciate the differences between yourself and others, you can also appreciate what you have to learn from each other. 


There may be a few twists and turns ahead in relationships and alliances this week, which may not necessarily be a bad thing. Those relationships that are faltering may find themselves challenged. But there are also opportunities to see relationships in a whole new light. Flexibility and open mindedness can allow you to better appreciate and understand people. And one thing you may come to consider is that you don’t necessarily have to approach certain relationships the same way that you have in the past. That there might even be a better way to do so. When you are able to achieve a certain level of acceptance for where people are, and who they are, then greater wholeness and healing can also be achieved. Be prepared for a few enlightening surprises and unexpected twists. Just know that the end result can also bring healing and understanding.


There may be a few surprising twists and turns over the course of the week, if there haven’t already been some up until now. So do be flexible, and prepared to move in a new direction if it is necessary to do so. But generally speaking when all is said and done, you should be able to take advantage of the general good will and sense of enthusiasm that is wending its way through the background of your life. If nothing else, a positive attitude, a sense of humor, and a lot of good will can go a long way. Try to step back in order to see the bigger picture. You might be surprised at what you find there. Try to avoid over-extending yourself, or making promises that you cannot possibly keep. But do keep that sense of optimism, and sprinkle it with a few grains of acceptance, and even the most annoying distractions can be easily negotiated.