Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: September 15th thru the 22nd

“Mercury” as taken by Mariner 10 (1973)

For the week of September 15th thru the 22nd, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well: 


If you have used the retro phase of Mercury to your advantage, you probably have already organized bits and pieces of your life. Now take all that organizational intention, experimentation, and personal insight to create some sort of a plan or road map. What has worked, and what hasn’t? Did that diet work or not? What about that new routine? It’s all about the Virgo sector of your chart this week, and for Aries that places the emphasis on things like: Healthcare, prevention, and those things that support your health and well-being. As well as creating healthier and more efficient routines and habits both in your personal life as well as at work. The aim is for self-improvement, and focusing primarily on those things that help to promote your well-being. That includes both mental and physical well-being. Perhaps some of the most important things that Aries can do for their health and well-being are things like: scheduling in rests and breaks in your busy life to restore adrenaline lags, and/or balancing the heat in the body with ‘cool’ foods and cool-downs. Walking meditations or daily runs for mind and body health; and eating healthful, whole and fresh foods when available. Then make the intention to simplify and organize your life and environment in order to create a more efficient and inspiring work and living space. 


Now that your ruling planet Venus appears to be moving forward once again, you could also be receiving some of the benefits and rewards, that are well nigh due. A square between Venus and Jupiter this weekend can help assure that this is so. Do embrace it, but don’t take it for granted. Like a grand crescendo, all of the Venus energy that was building up during the 40-day retrograde phase of Venus are now being released with an exuberant display of love and appreciation. Combine the re-surging momentum of Venus with the direct station of Mercury, and it can finally feel as if you are finally able to proceed with plans and intentions in your personal life. The retrograde phase of Venus in Leo had a great deal of creative energy. The 3-week retrograde phase of Mercury also had a tremendous amount of creative potential. It may not have been possible to act on any creative ideas during the retrograde periods, but with the New Moon in Virgo on Thursday, and Mercury’s station on Friday, you are now being given a green light to move forward with any new initiatives or plans that are particularly meaningful to you and your long-term prospects. 


There are two events that are particularly meaningful to Gemini this week: 1) your ruling planet, Mercury, is at its direct station on Friday, and 2) the Sun’s opposition to retrograde Neptune. The direct station of Mercury is often a time in which we are being given a green light to proceed with plans and initiatives, but this is especially so with an extra boost from Thursday’s New Moon in Virgo. This combination places a lot of attention to the Virgo sector of your chart, which for Gemini has to do with things like home and family, and many of the emotional and physical foundations of your life. All those things that support you and bring  feelings of safety, security and a sense of belonging. During the retrograde you probably found yourself exploring and considering these areas of your life. And because of this certain ideas and initiatives may have been born. Now is the time to lay out a plan, and consider proceeding with any new plans. The Neptune opposition each year is a time in which we are asked to pay attention to those areas where we are feeling most vulnerable, or some how undermined and depleted. Note that by focusing on the Virgo sector of your chart, helps to counter any feelings of doubt or uncertainty. The stronger your base, your roots and foundation, the better able you will be to navigate the uncertainties of the outside world.  


Cancer is especially sensitive to the whims and vagaries of the lunar cycle, and if you have not yet had the opportunity to set your New Moon intentions with Thursday’s New Moon in Virgo, you still have time to do so. This is especially so, as Virgo-ruler Mercury stations on Friday, ending its retrograde phase. Together the New Moon and the station of Mercury are like a green light, allowing us to proceed with initiatives and ideas that had been percolating on the back burner for the past several weeks. Perhaps you’ve been trying some ideas on for size. Perhaps you’ve been looking at things from another perspective. Taking what you have learned from recent weeks, see if you can devise some sort of plan for the future. With the Sun’s opposition to Neptune this week, we are all being asked to proceed even though we are under a cloud of uncertainty. This requires a certain amount of faith. One of the remedies for the Neptune opposition is to focus in on the Virgo sector of your chart. And for Cancer that includes having a well-thought-out plan, or intention. When we set intentions with the New Moon cycle, we do so at a time when we are going with the tide, making it easier to follow through with goals, and commit to them. Statements of intention allow you to change course or adjust your path, and give you a sense of purpose. So get out your journal, write down your intentions today, make them clear, make them achievable, and make them your own.  


There are several events this week that are important to Leo. One is that Venus in Leo is now appearing to pick up some speed again, which can bring you some of the rewards that had been pent up and simmering on the back burner of your life these past few months. Embrace all the love, knowing that it is well nigh due. Let it shower over you. But also know that this is just an inkling of what is yet to come later on down the line. And whatever initiatives you are setting in place now, have a greater chance of growing. All the more so now that Mercury is stationing direct within the ambit of Thursday’s New Moon. These are all positive indicators for receiving rewards, support and vindication for your talents and achievements. Embrace them, even if you are feeling a little doubtful. The Sun’s opposition to Neptune this week can cast a shadow over the proceedings that you can’t fully ignore. Kind of like it is all a pretense, preparing you for some sort of let down. Know that whatever rewards received are real. And remain focused on the here and now. Regrets about the past, and worries about the future will get you nowhere. Rather, focus on what you can do now, making yourself stronger and more confident in yourself and what you have to offer. And then you will be in a better position to face whatever the future has in store. 


There are two events that are particularly meaningful to Virgo this week: 1) your ruling planet, Mercury, is (finally) at its direct station on Friday, and 2) we have the opposition to retrograde Neptune. The direct station of Mercury is often a time in which we are being given a green light to proceed with plans and initiatives, but this particular Mercury station is getting an extra boost from Thursday’s Virgo New Moon. This places a tremendous amount of attention on your sign, and in the sector of your chart that has to do with new beginnings, and starting new initiatives. Kind of like a second chance, or a resurgence of personal and mental intention, you are getting the feeling of being able to move forward with your life and plans. This will be especially so if you have found yourself caught up in distractions, necessary detours and unexpected delays over the past several weeks. But also know that due to the Neptune opposition this week you are also facing a certain amount of uncertainty and unknowable outcomes. So rather than focusing on all the hidden dangers over which you have little control in the world, focus on that which you do have control over: yourself. Make yourself strong physically, mentally and emotionally. And do so from the most practical (eating healthy, fresh and wholesome foods where available; creating healthy routines; and focus in on those activities that ease stress and anxiety) to even the esoteric and creative (fill your life with music, soulful and inspiring activities that fill your life with meaning). At the very least, making yourself strong will prepare you to face whatever it is the fates may be weaving on their looms in the roots of Yggdrasil. 


Now that your ruling planet Venus appears to be moving forward once again, you could also be receiving some of the benefits and rewards, that were being held at bay and are well nigh due. A square between Venus and Jupiter this weekend can help assure that this is so. Do embrace it, but don’t take it for granted. Like a grand crescendo, all of the Venus energy that was building up during the 40-day retrograde are now being released with an exuberant display of love and appreciation. Combine the re-surging momentum of Venus with the direct station of Mercury, and it can finally feel as if you are able to proceed with whatever plans had been percolating on the back burner of your life. But you might not want to come out of the gate running just yet. We are still in Virgo season, and until the equinox on September 23rd you will want to make sure that you have all of your ducks in a row before you proceed. That means continuing to tie up loose ends. Especially those that you weren’t able to get to over the past several weeks. You may not be able to see the whole picture just yet. So you won’t necessarily want to show your hand or disclose your intentions. Stay working silently but intently in the background. And make sure that you dot your i’s and cross your t’s. For you just never quite know what is lurking around that next corner. 


Now that Mercury is (finally) stationing direct on Friday, and so close to Thursday’s New Moon, you could feel like you are ready to proceed with all of your plans and initiatives. But don’t be dismayed if you can’t seem to gather up enough motivation and steam to get things moving. Your ruling planet is in the sign of Libra, which can be great for yoga classes, sound baths and retreats, but lacks the drive that you are normally accustomed to having at your disposal. On October 11th, Mars will enter your sign, bringing with it all sorts of drive and direction. In the mean time, you can still take advantage of the surge of momentum from the New Moon cycle and Mercury direct to get certain projects brought to completion, once and for all. Just note that you are being asked to approach everything with a certain amount of balance and moderation as your Mars is still in this 'wait and see’ mode.This is very good weather for finishing plans that had already been started, and bringing them to conclusion. And if you just don’t have the energy to get new plans started right away, at the very least use the momentum to create a plan of action for the future. On October 11th, not only is Mars entering your sign and investing you with extra strength and initiative, but your co-ruling planet Pluto will also be at its direct station. At that point you will be able to plough full steam ahead.


Although your ruling planet Jupiter just recently stationed for its retrograde phase, Venus is still capable of showering you with all sorts of accolades that can be a portent of even better things to come in the future. This is due to a square between Venus and Jupiter that is exuberantly looking to a future filled with all sorts of possibilities. Combine the exuberance of the Venus/Jupiter square with Mercury’s direct station on Friday, and you could find yourself filled with a surge of confidence. And this is despite any underlying trepidation about what might be lying ahead. Rather than feed the doubts, focus on the possibilities. It is true, we can’t necessarily see the whole picture at this point. So you are being asked to go on faith that all will turn out as it should in the end. Over the past several weeks you were being asked to take some time out from your busy life in order to get a more objective outlook, and reassess your goals. As a result of what you have learned you were being shown how to approach your goals with a different perspective. And as more and more information came to light, you began to see what you were dealing with. There was a lot of creative energy contained within the recent retrograde phases of Mercury and Venus, but now that both Mercury and Venus have stationed direct and you are receiving a reboot from the New Moon in Virgo, perhaps you can put some of those ideas that were simmering on the back burner, into application. 


There are two important events this week: 1) Mercury’s direct station; and 2) the Sun’s opposition to Neptune. Every year during the retrograde phase of Neptune, it will make this opposition to the Sun which shines a light on our vulnerabilities and feelings of uncertainty. Neptune rules things like shorelines shrouded in fogs, and mirages. It is hard to see our way clearly, and be able to make informed decisions when we can’t see our way forward, and don’t have all the answers. In some way we are being asked to be content with not knowing everything. One way to ameliorate that uncertainty is by becoming informed. Rather than filling in the empty spaces with fears or specters from the imagination, surround yourself with facts, and don’t assume that you already have all the answers. Go to the experts. Ask questions. Use the momentum of Thursday’s New Moon and Mercury’s direct station to investigate, learn and put the pieces of the puzzle together. The New Moon in Virgo was a great Moon to embark on an investigative journey of knowledge. This can include enrolling in a university or study program. Or merely figuring out where you can go to get the answers you seek. In this weather the more informed you are, the easier it will be to navigate the uncertainties that life brings. 


During the weeks that Mercury has been in its retrograde phase you were being asked to look at ways that you can make yourself and your life more financially safe and secure. It may be that you’ve been analyzing and sorting through the different pieces of your life and trying to figure out some sort of plan. That can include paying down your financial debt, but also paying off any karmic debts that were lying around. Are all of your social safety nets in place, and do you have a plan for the foreseeable future? Having all of these elements in place can then allow you to have greater confidence in the future and your ability to handle whatever comes your way. Know also, that Mercury is (finally) stationing direct on Friday, and you are also being bolstered by Thursday’s New Moon, so that you are now free to proceed with all things Mercury: feel free to sign that contract with greater confidence, proceed to make that agreement, and commit to any plans that have been marinating on the back shelf. This is traditionally when you would want to proceed. This does not mean that there are not some doubts and worries simmering beneath the surface. But by having all of these safety nets in place, and paying off old debts, it will bring you just the security you need, to face any unforeseen hurdles as they arise. 


Due to a square between Venus and your ruling planet, Jupiter, this weekend, you could be feeling especially optimistic about your prospects. It could even feel as if you just walked through a shower of well-being and forgiveness. And this is despite the fact that Jupiter just recently stationed for its retrograde phase. Know that this sense of optimism is a glimpse into the potential that can be had when Jupiter is direct once again after the New Year. In the mean time, embrace whatever good will the Venus/Jupiter square can bring. And now that Mercury is stationing direct on Friday, it can also feel as if you can proceed with plans that had been simmering on the back burner of your life these past several weeks. Mercury’s station, accompanied by Thursday’s New Moon is putting a lot of emphasis on the Virgo sector of your chart, which for Pisces has to do with partners, clients, your audience and the external world at large. If you had done your Mercury retrograde homework well over the past 3 weeks, then you will have also clarified your expectations of partners and allies, as well as their expectations of you. And any inspirational ideas received over the past few weeks that Mercury has been in its retrograde phase, can now be initiated and put into application as a result. This allows you to sign on the dotted line with greater confidence, make agreements, while putting doubts and apprehension aside.