Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: September 22nd thru the 29th

For the week of September 22nd thru the 29th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


A little extra determination and discipline will be required of you this week, if you intend to get anything done. Thankfully both Mercury and Venus are direct once again, but unfortunately all of the big outer planets are not, making it feel as if you are swimming against the tide. Having your ruling planet, Mars, in laid back Libra really doesn’t help. So you may be wondering, what all happened to your usual gumption and get-up-and-go? It will return in due time. But in the meanwhile, it is probably best not to be overly ambitious. Focus on accomplishing what you can, given whatever your current limitations may be. Take one task at a time, one day at a time. And be grateful for any lulls or delays in your life, for these could prove to be fortuitous in the end. 


Your ruling planet Venus, now in sunny Leo, is closing in on a square aspect to Uranus for the 3rd and final time. The last two were on July 2nd and August 9th, the final square being on September 29th. Uranus has been urging Taurus to live more freely and more authentically, and anyone or anything that is standing in the way of you being able to do so, will not be tolerated. As a result certain relationships could feel somewhat stressed, and a restlessness for greener pastures can push you beyond your comfort zone. This can begin with a minor flirtation with a new idea, or a whole new venture, or even a new person. Be intrigued, and perhaps a bit beguiled with the Venus/Uranus square. Try new things on for size. Just don’t hang your hat on it. These ventures are meant to be a catalyst, to shake you up, and open you up to the possibilities of what could be. But are unlikely to be dependable or for the long term. 


For the third time, your ruling planet Mercury will be exactly trine optimistic Jupiter on Monday. The first two times were on August 9th and during its retrograde on September 4th. In some way you are being asked to open your mind, and broaden your outlook. This can occur in so many ways: perhaps by learning something new; or through travel; through an enlightening conversation with someone near and dear. Or simply by paying attention to, or seeing someone or something that was right there in front of you all along, in a whole new light. Due to the optimistic nature of Jupiter, positive attitudes reap positive results, possibly even opening doors and bringing new opportunities. This is the sort of weather in which even small and seemingly insignificant ideas can lead to much greater possibilities. 


We open the week with a 1st quarter Moon while simultaneously celebrating the Libra Equinox. This is the time of month when things seem to pick up and begin to get busy. Any new projects begun around the New Moon on September 14th will begin to pick up steam this week. It will take a bit of personal effort, but whatever efforts you make this week are going to benefit from the momentum of the growing Moon. Look for results or confirmation by the Full Moon on the 29th. In the mean time, set goals for yourself, and follow through, placing your focus on what you want to get accomplished. The equinox is a time to sow peace and gratitude. Make a gratitude list and send it out into the world. Any and all positive energy sent out at this time will help to ameliorate any discordant energy, either at home or in the world at large. 


Now that we are entering Libra season communications will become that much more important in achieving your goals and making fair and equitable agreements with others. As a result of what you hear or learn, there are reasons for you to feel confident and optimistic. However do not expect miracles overnight. Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground in order to make the most of this week. And don’t take anything for granted. Do use the positive outlook to push yourself just enough beyond your comfort zone in order to take on challenges you normally would not have the nerve for. So long as you are mindful of your own and others boundaries, no harm is done, and you can still make good progress. 


Your ruling planet Mercury will be making a trine to magnanimous and optimistic Jupiter for the third time. The first two times were on August 9th, and then again on September 4th. This third and final time is like the fulfillment of a promise that was germinating throughout the whole retrograde phase. Any ideas or plans that had been percolating these past several weeks, are now being given wings to fly. Use the momentum throughout the week to push forward with your plans, the results of which might even exceed your previous expectations. This is a good week to go for a consultation or interview, start a course of study, travel, or make plans for the future. The Mercury/Jupiter trine is a positive and lucky transit. This is the sort of weather in which big ideas and big visions are born.


As Venus squares off for the 3rd time with Uranus this week you can expect a few more twists and turns. The previous squares were on July 2nd and August 9th, bringing home some truths and revelations about certain relationships, and perhaps even the ways that you do relationships in general. The planet Uranus can be illuminating. And as a result of what you have learned these past few months, you are now capable of reaching a whole new level of acceptance and understanding. It may take a certain amount of inner adjustment but the end result could feel very freeing. One thing that should have become apparent is that we don’t have to keep doing things the same way over and over again, and that there might actually be better (and perhaps healthier) ways of approaching the same topics. If nothing else, use the Venus/Uranus square to be open to new alternatives.  


Thankfully both Mercury and Venus are now direct and picking up speed once again. However, with Mars in lackadaisical Libra and all of the planets beyond Mars retrograde it will still require a great deal of effort to gain any forward momentum. It is not unusual when Mars is in Libra, for Scorpio to take a ‘wait and see’ attitude before making any major decisions or commitments. This is often when you are in more of a planning stage, or even a time of withdrawal and retreat, reserving your energy for when Mars will enter your sign on October 11th. In the mean time, take advantage of any lulls or delays to take care of old projects and bring them to completion. You will want to tie up any loose ends any way, in preparation for any new starts or changes that will come when the Sun and Mars are firing up Scorpio in late October and November. 


What practical advice have you received these past few months? What useful skills have you learned? Or perhaps did you received some important information about your general health and well-being? Whatever interventions made or new information received are most likely to show their benefits and rewards this week. You may even receive some good news! This is also a good week to move forward with any plans that had been delayed during the retrograde phase of Mercury. And you can do so with greater confidence, seeing the results and rewards of recent decisions. And now that you are more fully informed it will be easier to make new decisions and plans going forward. This is a good week to work out those plans and get advice about your prospects. 


Although it may feel like others are pushing you in a certain direction, or seem to be making certain demands of you, it is important to be clear with yourself and others as to precisely what you want, and which direction you see yourself going. And also what your limits and boundaries are. Don’t allow any self-doubts or inhibitions hold you back from fully expressing yourself. Certain individuals may not usually have this effect, but at this time they arouse certain feelings of inadequacy. This could lead to a bit of frustration and even anger. Step back. Allow any internal negative dialogues to pass through without attaching yourself to them. And know that as a Capricorn you win when you are both patient and persistent. 


Venus is square Uranus next week on the 29th for the third time. The previous times were on July 2nd and August 9th when Venus was in its retrograde phase. It was during the Venus retrograde that many were exploring their current and past relationships, and perhaps coming to some illuminating and unexpected conclusions as a result. Relationships change. You see people in a whole new light. It could also happen that sudden and unexpected events in your personal life, can bring a whole new perspective or a need to make adjustments. These would be the sort of adjustments one might make if you were to move, or someone close to you suddenly moved away. Squares such as these can shake things up and bring a bit of chaos in their wake. But sometimes we need to shake things up in order to see things from a whole new perspective. 


Communications abound this week as Mercury is making the last of 3 trines to your ruling planet Jupiter. The previous two trines were on August 9th and September 4th during the retrograde phase of Mercury. As a result throughout this period, all sorts of possibilities were being considered and most likely discussed. But it is now, when Mercury is fully in its direct phase that we can put some of those ideas that were percolating over the past few months, into application. Or it could be that you see the results and rewards  for decisions made, or plans begun way back in August. Mercury/Jupiter can bring good news, as well as good tidings. Do do expect some good cheer as well. This is also a good week for: going on an interview, having that important conversation, hashing things out with others, or learning something new.