Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: September 29th thru October 6th

For the Full Moon in Aries for your sign (or natal House if you know it): 


(1st House) You are bound to feel a Full Moon when it falls in your sign, this would be especially so with a Super Moon (which occurs when the Moon is also close to the earth in its orbit). Those people whose birthdays fall between the 23rd and 29th of March or who have 3-9º of Aries Rising, will be especially sensitive to this week’s Full Moon which falls Thursday - Friday, but all Aries people will feel this one. Full Moons can be times of culmination and endings, and in your own sign will bring extra attention to any personal challenges you may be facing, as well as your feelings about these. Feelings are on the surface at these times, so don’t be surprised if you feel the sudden need to confront someone, or to defend yourself and your territory. The Full Moon in Aries has that warrior edge, so be prepared to dust off the armor. That warrior aspect is more likely to emerge if you have been overly compromising, or bending way over backwards in order to keep the peace. Mars in Libra this week will still want to seek diplomatic ways to defend your turf, but there’s only so far you will go. And when the Full Moon is in Aries, this is when you are most likely to say, “Enough is enough!” Where are you needing to draw the line? Where have you had just about enough? And what do you need to do to reclaim your space?  


(12th House) I’m sure there are quite a few Taureans out there just waiting for the dust to settle, so that they can furrow down into their own little routines again. Even if it has to be a whole new routine, may it at least be a routine. However, with a Full Moon in Aries and the current prognostications, it is unlikely that things will settle down all that much. And part of that has to do with what is going on behind the scenes in your personal life. Full Moons have this way of bringing things out in the open. And for Taurus, the Full Moon in Aries can bring all sorts of things to the surface that you didn’t even know were there. This is also a time in which you are more inclined to not want to share your most private feelings. If you are feeling especially agitated, but without an outlet, or being able to put a finger on anything in particular, you might want to work it out by working it out. Work it out at the gym. Get a deep-tissue massage. Sweat it out in a sauna. There can be something deeply satisfying and purifying about the Full Moon in Aries when you get down to those deeper layers, and release any pent up frustration that has been accumulating. 


(11th House) Mercury is picking up speed again, and will be leaving Virgo and entering the sign of Libra next week (Wednesday or Thursday depending on where you are). Combined with the Full Harvest Moon this Friday, this could bring the completion of some sort of goal or cherished hope. And even though it may require you to make some concessions and compromises in the mean time, this could help to see your hopes fulfilled in the long term.  Mercury in Libra is a very social Mercury. But even before it enters Libra later on next week, the Full Moon on Friday could give you something of a head start. As if Gemini needs an excuse to mingle, be prepared for a few distractions this weekend. They will be hard to avoid. Whether that means lending a willing ear, or sorting through everyone’s problems, Full Moons just have this way of bringing everything to a head. And although Mercury in Virgo is very useful for problem-solving, one of the advantages of your ruling planet entering Libra next week is that the sort of objectivity that Mercury in Libra brings can help you to more fairly weigh any important decisions that have been hanging in the balance. 


(10th House) There is a Super Full Moon in Aries on Friday. The Harvest Moon will rise in its glory Thursday evening, and then set in the early morning hours on Friday. The Aries full Moon can bring the culmination of all of your efforts that you have been focused on since the Aries New Moon on March 21st. One thing about these Aries Moons is that they can give Cancer that boost of confidence you may be needing in order to overcome any daunting challenges you have set for yourself. Those Cancers born between the 24th and 30th of June or who have 3-9º of Cancer rising will especially feel this is so, as the Full Moon brings all sorts of activity to a head both in your personal as well as in your public life. But in order to bring your outer goals to completion, it looks very much like you are needing to bring a situation to conclusion in your personal life first. And because Full Moons can bring things to a head, and the Aries Moon is a particularly feisty moon, you may find yourself needing to courageously defend your position. What are you needing to release in order to put more emphasis on your career, or long-range goals? What conflicts in your personal life need to be resolved in order for you to feel free to pursue your own goals? In what ways are you needing to declare your own independence and free will? 


(9th House) The Full Moon in Aries can often be filled with energy and chutzpah, and sometimes even a little contention. Full Moons bring things out into the open, and compel people to feel as if they need to defend themselves, or some sort of cause. Often fiery, and even argumentative, this Full Moon has been building up a bit of resentment and steam, which could be losing patience by the time the Full Moon culminates on Friday. Because of all the activity that the Aries Moon can bring, you may feel as if you are being rushed to complete any loose ends that have been lying around: making that important call; filing those papers. Just remind yourself, that the faster you go, the more behinder you get. And you won’t want to do things or make judgments impulsively or out of anger. The Aries Moon is in stark contrast to the Libra Sun, which feels the need to defend itself in the name of fairness, and to help to restore the balance. When motivated from this position of justice and fairness, you will then come to no harm. .


(8th House) Mercury is now moving at a good pace as it makes its way through the latter part of your sign. By Wednesday (or Thursday) of next week it will then enter the sign of Libra. What Mercury in Virgo is very good at is solving problems, sorting through all sorts of details, and creating order out of what chaos may be left behind by the recent retrograde. The Full Moon on Friday can bring some of that all to a head, as it feels as if you are needing to put out quite a few fires, in order to restore the peace. Luckily the Full Moon is in Aries, a fiery and tempestuous Moon, but perhaps just the sort of Moon to bring any lingering conflicts to a necessary conclusion. Full Moons can also bring things that were previously hidden out into the open, so that they can no longer be ignored. This can leave you feeling vulnerable and exposed. But it can also bring you the courage to ask for compensation, or to be paid what you are owed. Or to revise a previous agreement that you had made, but no longer feels fair. There is no beating around the bush with the Full Moon in Aries. Especially when you are feeling motivated to right any imbalances and redress any wrongs. 


(7th House) From here on the majority of the eclipses over the next 18 months are going to be in the signs of Aries and Libra in which our karma is playing out through our relationships with others. And although the Super Full Moon in Aries on Friday is not an eclipse, it could yet still prove to be illuminating in this regard, and act like something of a preview for what is yet to come. It is not unusual for Libra to find themselves navigating through the landscapes of other people’s lives. And the Full Moon this weekend could be shining a light on what that means for you, as you find yourself juggling everyone’s problems and weighing in where needed. This Moon could be particularly challenging for those Librans born between the 26th of September and the 2nd of October, or who have 3-9º of Libra Rising. It will be hard to avoid, as other people’s needs and circumstances seem to take precedence over your own. Note that things are often brought to some sort of climax at these moons. If it gets to be too much, you could find yourself overstretched and floundering for ways to restore the balance. And as a result of what you find this week, you may need to reevaluate how you are going to be handling your obligations and responsibilities to others moving forward. 


(6th House) Full Moons such as the one we are having on Friday can bring some inner conflicts out into the open, that cannot and will not be ignored. These can be expressed as health concerns. Either a health issue that needs to be addressed, or the ways in which you are needing to better support your well-being through better habits and routines. In fact you could see the benefits and results of any new initiatives begun with the New Moon in Aries back in March, as well as the consequences of not doing so. Pay attention to what the Full Moon is shining a light on in your life right now. That may be something that you are needing to deal with in your health, not only physically but also your mental and emotional well-being. Full Moons are also notorious for disrupting our sleep and peace of mind. And this one will be especially so for many a Scorpio, particularly if there is too much going on in your life that is disrupting your usual routines. You may find that you are holding on to too much, perhaps way more than you can carry. See what you can put down, in order to be able to focus on your immediate concerns that are right there in front of you. 


(5th House) The Super Full Moon in Aries can be something of a fun moon for Sagittarius, drawing those you love to rally round you and shower you with love and appreciation. And leave it to Sagittarius to find a way to take the opportunity to show off just enough to tell some of their favorite off-color jokes or bask in the light of your own good will. In Libra season we are asked to sow gratitude for all that we have gathered over the previous year, and the Harvest Moon on Friday is your opportunity to pay special attention to those things that you are most proud of. This can be something that you have created; a child of whom you are exceedingly proud; or a new personal best that you had achieved. Aries is a sign of action, so it might not be unusual to find our Sagittarius brethren dancing under the brilliance of this Super Full Moon. But whether or not you will be wearing your fancy dancing shoes, or kicking up your heels in some other way, you are likely to see the activity amped up in your life. Full Moons can do that. They can also be revealing. Therefore pay attention to what the Full Moon is shining its light on this weekend. It’s trying to show you something important. 


(4th House) The Super Full Moon in Aries will especially effect those Capricorns born between the 24th and the 30th of December, or who have 3-9º of Capricorn Rising. But all Capricorns will likely be feeling the Full Moon vibe this Friday. Strongly compelling, the Full Moon is illuminating the conflict between your personal life, and your responsibilities and obligation to the world at large. For those who have been thinking about making changes at home, perhaps even moving, renovating or upgrading, this might be the Moon that sets everything in motion, or brings things to some sort of culmination or conclusion.Perhaps you have been thinking about working from home. Or perhaps making some adjustments at work that will allow you to have more time for your personal needs. It may be that you are needing to establish greater balance between your personal needs and your obligations to others. Trust your feelings. They are particularly strong when the Moon is Full and in Aries. And you will want to hear what they are trying to tell you. 


(3rd House) It is not unusual to see the activity of our lives speed up around the Full Moons. Perhaps all the more so with this Super Full Moon in Aries on Friday. For Aquarius this could have a particularly speedy quality about it: lots of commotion, lots of running around, lots of communications, lots of emails, conversations and messages; all of these culminating and preoccupying your mind. This is another reason why people find it difficult to sleep. Like all sorts of things making a bit of noise within our own minds, it can be difficult to shut it off. It could also be that you feel an urgency to speak your own mind. The Full Moon in Aries can be a little contentious however, so see if you can find some middle ground between not compromising your own point of view or beliefs, while still figuring out ways to settle agreements with others. If you have been dealing with some sort of legal action or court case, this would be when you might see the results, or settlement of any judgment, which will then allow you to move forward, less encumbered by any conflicts previously hanging over you. The Full Moon can show you the benefits and results of any new skills, or things that you have been studying or working on developing since the New Moon in Aries in March. 


(2nd House) Full Moons are often times of culmination, in which we receive the rewards or consequences of previous efforts, and decisions made. For Pisces, the Full Moon in Aries could have something to do with certain business or financial decisions made earlier this year. Now perhaps you are receiving either the results and rewards or the costs of doing so. It will be something to note, because the eclipses are going to be taking place in the houses symbolized by where the Sun and Moon fall with this Full Moon, which could prove to be something of a turning point over the next 18 months. For instance, perhaps looking for ways to be more financially independent over the next 18 months. You may feel compelled to be more independent as outside sources become less reliable, or a source that you previously depended on may not longer be available. Trust what your heart is telling you. You may not want to have to compromise your independence by asking others for help. With Saturn now in your sign, Pisces is learning a lot about self-reliance, and personal resourcefulness, which ultimately can and will develop greater self-esteem and self-worth. And this Full Moon is bringing this all into relief in some way.