Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: September 8th thru the 15th

“Harvesting” by Pieter Brueghel the elder

For the New Moon at 22º Virgo for your sign or natal house if you know it: 


(6th House) The New Moon in Virgo can bring you the energy and incentive to reorganize your environment, find more efficient ways to do your work, and/or reinvest your daily life with a sense of renewal and purpose. Things change. And our needs evolve over time. And this New Moon gives you the opportunity to make any adjustments as needed. This can be about taking care of a health issue. Or starting something new that can help to improve your life in some way. Even small changes can bring positive results, and open you up to new possibilities when the New Moon is trine Uranus as this one is. What creative changes might you want to make in your work, or in your work environment? What do you want to change perhaps in your daily routines, habits, or diet that would better support your health and well-being? Is there something new and different that you would like to try? Some area of your life or environment that needs a little pick-me-up? Use the New Moon in Virgo on September 14th/15th to give it a whirl. 


(5th House) While Uranus is in its retrograde phase, we are all encouraged to identify with our own internal truth, in order to live a more authentic life and lifestyle. This has been especially so for Taurus these past 5 years that Uranus has been transiting your sign. The New Moon in Virgo is trying to inspire you to find some form of personal self-expression that supports that which is unique and special about yourself. Something that you thoroughly relate to and identify with. And that includes people that support and inspire you to do so as well. Is there something new that you’ve been wanting to try, but hadn’t had the motivation? Something that sounded like fun, or looked intriguing? Use the New Moon on September 14th/15th to stretch yourself a little, and try something new. Learn a new skill, or further perfect one that you already have. Go out somewhere different, and beyond your usual haunts. You’re not going to know if something fits your new and ever-evolving self or tastes until you try it on for size. 


(4th House) Use the upcoming New Moon next Thursday on the 14th (or 15th when Mercury finally goes direct) to make any much needed changes at home. Maybe even move some things around. It’s amazing what can happen when you move a piece of furniture across the room. It changes your perspective and allows you to see things in a whole new way. The New Moon is in Virgo, a particularly fastidious sign, great for cleaning out the cobwebs, organizing the cupboards, and sprucing things up a bit. If you’ve been planning any sort of changes at home, this is a good moon to work with. The New Moon in Virgo is often when you will focus on the home and your personal environment, and so is a good time to make this area a priority. Whether that means reaching out to and connecting with family members, or creating a more work-friendly wfh environment. The benefits of doing so, within the bounds of the New Moon next week, could exceed even your own expectations. 


(3rd House) Each New Moon sets the tone for the month. And what each of these New Moons have been preparing you for has been some sort of imminent change. Generally speaking we tend to lean towards that which is comfortable and familiar. But with the current series of New Moons we are being asked to stretch beyond our comfort zones just enough to be aware of what sorts of changes we might want to make, or should prepare for. Even if we re not planning on making any changes. Stretching ourselves in this way helps us to grow, to reach beyond our current expectations, and into a world of greater possibility and potential. The New Moon in Virgo next Thursday is asking you to be open to receiving new information. You don’t necessarily need to accept it. Just be open to it. Even in your every day life and environment, there are opportunities to learn. Even the most mundane conversations can prove to be enlightening in this sort of weather. 


(2nd House) The New Moon in Virgo is when you find yourself reassessing your financial situation. All the more so now that Mercury is slowing down for its direct station along with the New Moon. And this Moon is asking you to think a little creatively or outside of your usual ways of doing things. It’s suggesting that you do things a little differently than you have in the past. This may require little creative ingenuity but that’s the big advantage with this Moon. It has the capacity to show us solutions, where previously we only saw dead ends and obstacles. And sometimes it’s only a matter of being willing to look at a situation from another perspective, or to see that there are easier or better ways of doing things. It may require you to stretch a little out of your comfort zone, but note that with this New Moon, even small changes can have remarkable results. 


(1st House) Every year we have a New Moon in Virgo, which for you is a time of renewal. Like a rebirth, you are beginning your new year. Those Virgos born between September 11th and 17th or who have 19-25º of Virgo Rising will be most receptive to this New Moon energy, but for all Virgos it is like you are being given a green light. And this is especially so, because your ruling planet, Mercury, will also finally be at its direct station just one day after the New Moon. As Mercury appears to make its adjustment to the direct phase, you will also be feeling like you are returning to ‘normal’. It is a gradual process. But one in which it will finally feel like the pieces of your life are finally coming together. Or at the very least you will know where you stand, and what you have to work with. New Moons are always good times to make new beginnings. And especially so when the New Moon is also in your own sign. This Moon goes a little further, asking you to look beyond your usual everyday haunts. Perhaps try something new and different. Or look at something from another perspective. Even the smallest of changes can bring remarkable results when sown with the New Moon in Virgo.  


(12th House) Virgo season is a time for Libra to withdraw in order to recoup their energy, and prepare for any new starts to come when the Sun enters your sign on the 23rd. There are often quite a few lose ends lying around at this time that need sorting out. And the New Moon in Virgo is a good time to do so. This can include completing any projects that you have been kicking down the road, or were thinking about and never quite got to. Reorganize the areas of your outer life. But perhaps even more important is to sort through the jumbled pieces of your own mind. Like unraveled skeins of thread all tangled together, it is time to separate and reorganize these threads, in order to make sense of them, and bundle them into into new skeins. You are needing to do this inner work now in order to restore clarity and perspective. The same goes for your outer environment: sort through the closets, reorganize your pantry. These are all metaphors for the inner work that is to be done. Libra does some of their best work when they withdraw from the world, and are able to focus within. But do also be prepared to be amazed at what you discover, as all sorts of illuminating thoughts and memories will be brought to the surface through this process. 


(11th House) Anais Nin once suggested that if we were to throw our dreams into space like a kite, “you do not know what it may bring back…a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country.” That is what the New Moon in Virgo is like for Scorpio. It is an opportunity to toss your dreams into space, or perhaps even try them on for size. For with a New Moon in Virgo trine illuminating Uranus, there’s no telling what it can bring back. The New Moon in Virgo is your wishing moon, and along with Uranus it is also invested with a surge of spontaneous enthusiasm and unexpected illumination. Uranus has been asking us all to be a truer, more authentic version of ourselves. And so whatever intentions or dreams you may decide to throw into space with the New Moon on September 14th/15th, make them your own, and go where you are being called to go. New opportunities can come from out of the blue, or from a new corner. Give them some consideration, even if it means stretching yourself beyond your usual comfort zone. A bit of a change of pace, or even a change of venue, is just what you are needing in order to get you where you need to be. 


(10th House) It is at this time of the year that Sagittarius is looking to the future. And although it may seem as if you have been detoured, and/or needing to step back a bit, (what with the retrograde phase of Mercury and all), the New Moon will be like a green light, asking you to proceed once again. Recent information may have brought some clarity about the direction you are headed, and where you might want to go from here. But the actual possibility to move forward probably won’t come until the New Moon, which is also when Mercury will station for its direct phase once again. Chances are you really won’t have all the information you will need to proceed until then. But that’s okay, because in the mean time you are being introduced to the idea of ‘future possibilities’, even if you don’t know everything, and even if you can’t act on them right away. One of the interesting qualities of this New Moon however, is a reminder that even in the most unlikely circumstances, miracles can happen. 


(9th House) This is the time of year in which Capricorn is thinking in terms of: “What’s next on the agenda?” “Where am I going to go from here, and what do I need in order to get there?” Do I need a license for that? Should I take a class? What more do I need to know? And the New Moon on September 14th/15th is when you are being asked to expand your horizons and your perspective just enough to be aware of the possibilities that are out there waiting for you. If you are not sure about what direction you are headed, this is a really good Moon to seek out some sort of guidance and inspiration. But inspiration can come from just about anywhere with this New Moon, and you will want to be receptive to what you discover and learn over the coming several weeks. Even small changes in outlook can have remarkable ramifications. Expand your vision. Look beyond your usual vistas. Be willing to try something new, or do things in a new way. And be open to possibility. There’s no telling what can unexpectedly arise out of this extraordinary and illuminating New Moon. 


(8th House) This time of year is often a time when you are struggling to get a handle on your life and your prospects. It may feel like you are being inundated with the need to take care of practical considerations, file forms, take care of details, apply for insurance, stock up on necessities. It’s about being prepared for the future. But it is also a time of year in which you are being asked to take greater control over your own life in some way. All those practical things are great. But what’s more important with this New Moon that falls on September 14th/15th, are whatever opportunities arise to get you out of any ruts that you may have got yourself into. Where are you stuck? Are there any habits that you want to change? Are there times when you feel like you’re just running on that hamster wheel of life and can’t seem to get off? This particular New Moon in Virgo is asking you to change things up, get yourself off that hamster wheel, replace bad habits with newer and better habits, and rewrite the script. Sometimes all that is required is to make some adjustments. But even small changes in this weather are capable of producing remarkable results. 


(7th House) The New moon in Virgo is a time for Pisces to establish new partnerships and alliances, and to reinvest in those that you already have, but might want to take to an even higher level. It is also a great moon to use for any projects that require a bit of collaboration and cooperation from others. Or who might have certain skill sets or expertise that you are needing in order to be able to complete that project, or fill in any spaces that are left hanging. But perhaps one of the significant benefits of this New Moon in Virgo, is the inspiration you receive when you are willing to look at a situation from another’s perspective. It can open you up to other possibilities. It can show you that you don’t have to keep doing things the same way you always have in the past (and that there might actually be better ways of doing things!). There’s no telling what you could learn through your interactions with others under the aegis of the New Moon on September 14th/15th. Be open to receiving and learning and being inspired. Therefore this is a great New Moon to initiate: seeking some sort of advice or guidance; consulting an expert; going on an interview; hiring someone new; or being an advisor to others.