Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: January 12th thru the 19th

For the week of January 12th thru the 19th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


The recent New Moon on January 11th, stood as a reminder of being at a cross roads between one era and the next. And when that happens, elements from the past can compete with what you might hope to achieve in the future. So, in a sense, you are being asked to relinquish some things from the past, in order to be able to make whatever goals, or plans you are currently working on, more achievable and sustainable. Your mission this week is to focus your energy so that it can be fine tuned and honed, narrowing in on your most important goals. Create a plan for the future, and marshal your forces in order to see those plans implemented and brought to completion. This requires a certain discipline and fortitude. The sort of discipline that Mars in Capricorn can bring. Whatever goals you set for yourself this week, Mars in Capricorn brings you a greater sense of purpose, as well as the drive and determination to see things through to their conclusion. 


Jupiter represents our big vision for the future. And when Jupiter is in your sign, as it has been since last May, and will be through the end of May this year, it sets the tone for a whole new 12 year cycle of growth and understanding about what that vision looks like for you. This could include being drawn into the confidence of a wise and gifted counselor who has your best interests at heart, and is showing you the ways to expand your horizons. Perhaps even beyond your previous expectations. Jupiter has been trying to show you what your greatest potential could be, and Saturn is here to show you how to make that potential a closer and more achievable reality. Do take your vision for the future seriously. But also temper that vision with the sort of wisdom that only comes through hard-won experience. You have worked hard. You have been there and done that. And now you are thinking about what the next steps will be. Make those steps equal to yourself, and doing so, look confidently towards the future. 


Now that Mercury will be entering Capricorn this weekend, it could feel like you are finally coming out of a foggy quagmire, and able to make better sense of the circumstances of your life. Not only will this allow you to see things more clearly in the present, but also allow you to create some sort of road map for the future. Mercury in Capricorn tells us that is it time to get serious. See if you can take some of the plans that had been brewing on the back burner of your life, and find some practical ways of making them real. Mercury in Capricorn is about taking the steps in order to be prepared for the future. And it brings the extra focus and concentration that you need in order to accomplish those goals. May consider issues surrounding finances and affordability, within the context of what is practically and realistically sustainable. Learn how to set healthy limits with yourself and others, crunch the numbers, and be realistic about what is or is not possible. The rest will naturally fall into place. 


With Pluto in the very last degree and minutes of the sign of Capricorn, we are about to close out an era in society. But this can be in our own lives as well. Think back on that last 15 years and all that has happened. This could have been a very intense period for Cancer, littered with the remnants of former lives, former loves, and former dreams. So, for many a Cancer, it will be none too soon to see the Pluto in Capricorn era in the rear-view mirror of our lives. One of the areas that Pluto was most likely to operate was probably through your closest and most intimate relationships, for that is where the work was needing to be done for Cancer. This is when other people serve as catalysts, forcing us to look at ourselves, our own lives, and why we do relationships the way that we do. For the next 20 years that Pluto will be in Aquarius will put Pluto in its true role of personal and psychological transformation. The Pluto journey is not for the faint of heart, but while in Aquarius it can bring you glimpses into your whole meaning and purpose, your very own raison d’être, in such a way that it can totally transform your life. 


Take advantage of this week to tie up loose ends, organize your work space, create some order, as well as to orchestrate some sort of plan for the future. Sorting out all those details will be very helpful right now, because it could feel for many a Leo, especially those in the early degrees of the sign, to feel like your life is about to be transformed. Perhaps in some very significant way. For on January 20th, on the same day that the Sun enters Aquarius, so will the planet Pluto. But before it does so, the Sun will make its last conjunction to Pluto while it is still in the last degree and minute of Capricorn. As a result, a number of Leo’s will be doing some serious soul-searching. Pluto has to do with our relationship to power, and whether or not we feel like we have control over our life and circumstances. An era is coming to closure with this last conjunction. And with it we will finally, once and for all, close out certain areas of our lives. May it then make space, for ever better things to come.  


Thankfully, your ruling planet, Mercury, enters Capricorn this weekend. This could feel as if you are finally coming out of a fog, and able to see the light of day. Things not only look and feel clearer, but having Mercury in your fellow earth sign, can also bring you the confidence to be able to make plans, and organize your life. And whereas many a Virgo may have felt like they didn’t know if they were coming or going for the past month, or whether or not they knew what tomorrow would bring, it is now possible to set goals and create some sort of road map for the future. There is also a conservative hopefulness that can arise. Therefore look at the possibilities ahead, create that plan, organize your life and your environment, and get all of your priorities in order. Then, once you have your priorities in order, use the discipline and focus of the Capricorn transit to follow through. Virgo is on a mission. 


The New Moon in Capricorn was asking you to focus in on your own personal needs: your physical, mental and psychological health and well-being included. And that can include addressing some old habits that are now well due for some sort of overhaul. There are still a few details that are needing to be sorted out for Libra over the next week. But once all that gets sorted out, at least you will know where you stand. Nonetheless, in some way you are needing to pay attention to the bare fundamentals of your daily life, in order to make your daily life and activities more organized and more achievable. Don’t be too hard on yourself, if you find yourself drifting off. A square between Venus and Neptune this week is more inclined towards wistful day-dreaming rather than constructive, reality based initiatives. But that should not deter you. By focusing even a little bit on your daily schedule, and those things that support your health and well-being, it will help you to set new and better foundations and routines that will support you for months to come. 


One of the advantages of having your ruling planet, Mars, in Capricorn, is that it just feels so much more organized. Capricorn is a sign of foresight, organization and self-disciplined focus. And by engaging both Jupiter and Saturn at the same time, it is well situated to create a well-thought-out strategy and road map for the future. You could also find that conversations and communications abound, while you are busy trying to take advantage of opportunities as they arise. There is a quickness to the atmosphere, however it is not impulsive or scattered any more. Rather it is directed and the tendency is to think things through thoroughly. Be alert. Keep your mind open. Remember to listen as well as talk. And you will be amazed at how much can get accomplished this week. 


Now that your ruling planet Jupiter has stationed direct, it could open up opportunities for you to create better initiatives in your work and work environment. It can also serve as an incentive to embark on a new health plan that will improve your over all well-being. As a result you will find yourself freed up to do more of the things that you enjoy doing. Things such as diet, health topics and support systems that are particularly relevant to you can increase your productivity and make you feel more confident about creating a plan for the future. Practicality and common sense can keep you from over-doing or taking too much on at once. This allows you to more wisely invest and use your valuable time, money and resources in order to fulfill your goals for the future. Now, and for the next several weeks, look for ways to make your ideals a closer reality, or at least lay the foundation for doing so. 


Now that Jupiter is direct once again, it can bring you the confidence to create a well-thought-out plan and road map for the future. After the New Moon in Capricorn on the 11th, we are all now looking more boldly towards the future. Part of this is because we can see things more clearly, and the Capricorn qualities of organization, self-initiative and self-discipline allows us all to focus on our goals for the year ahead. This is particularly so for Capricorn who can take advantage of the last few days of Capricorn season to use that focus to marshal all of your energy and resources towards seeing whatever goals you set for yourself, through to their completion. One of the advantages to having Mars in your sign until mid-February is that it also brings you the motivation and the desire to get things moving, strategize and position yourself for weeks to come. 


With Pluto in the very last degree and minute of Capricorn this week, we are now looking at the end of an era. If you were to look back on the last 15 years, it may feel as if there had been a great deal of decimation in your life, as many things from the past were ending, once and for all. And for those early degree Aquarians it could even feel like your life is starting all over from scratch now that Pluto will be entering your sign. For the 20 years that Pluto will be in your sign, many an Aquarius is likely to see their lives completely transformed, reinvents and realigned. On January 20th both the Sun and Pluto will make their grand entrance into Aquarius, simultaneously and together. So even now there is an anticipatory feeling of what is yet to come. In the mean time, use what remains of Capricorn season this week, to tie up loose ends, bring old projects to completion, and make room for new and ever better things to take root. In some profound way a new era is about to unfold, and it will be carrying Aquarius along for the ride. 


Now that your ruling planet Jupiter is direct again, it could open up all sorts of opportunities. While in the sign of Taurus, Jupiter will continue to look for ways to expand your mind, your knowledge, and your perspective. What is so beautiful about the next 6 weeks is that there also exists an opportunity to put some of what you have recently learned over the past 8 months, into some sort of practical application. This can be very useful. For instance, being able to create a strategy, or organize a plan for the future. Saturn in your sign of Pisces is making a sextile aspect this month and next, to Jupiter, which gives you the discipline to not only apply what you have learned, but also to focus in on those priorities that will help you to make the wisest and best choices moving forward. For the next several weeks, look for practical ways to make your hopes and ideals a closer and more manageable reality. Or, at the very least, take the first steps towards setting the foundation to do so.