Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: January 19th thru the 26th

“I want Change” by Banksy

For how Pluto’s entrance in Aquarius might affect your sign or natal house placement: 


(11th House) Many an Aries has seen a complete overhaul of their worldly status and the ways that people perceive you to be. And now that Pluto is moving into the sign of Aquarius, what you do with that status may depend on a number of things. One issue that may need to be addressed, is this awkward feeling of being something of an outlier. Not quite accepted within the fold. And over the years ahead, some of your greatest angst and mis-steps could be found when you try to hitch your wagon to some larger movement, that instead of furthering your hopes and prospects, leads you astray. Aries is independent. And thankfully so. So you are less likely to be swept along with the tide, no matter how popular. There will come that time when you will ask: Wait a minute, can you run that by me again? Motives are huge when Pluto is involved. So you might want to question the wisdom of joining a group for the wrong reasons. Are you doing so for some sort of ego gratification, or to gain some sort of power or prestige? Or are you doing so in order to work with others for the sake of a greater cause. When we support each other through shared experiences, working together through the difficult, the challenging, the good and even the celebratory, together we can grow in ways that we could not do on our own.


(10th House) Pluto entering Aquarius can be something of a life changer for Taurus. For you are being tasked with taking greater control of your own life and destiny. There may even be some individuals or events that conspire to lead you in that direction. When Pluto enters this sign it could even feel like you have something of a calling, and that there is something important that you are capable of accomplishing. Whether or not that includes wanting to make a difference in the world, or to make a difference in a particular sector, how you go about achieving that will be important. Some of the questions you will need to ask yourself in the process will be things like: How much do I really want to achieve these goals? Do I really believe in what I am doing? And am I truly passionate about the goals that I am committing to? The more that you believe in what you are doing, the more confident you will feel about doing it. And then you might want to ask yourself, why you are setting these goals for yourself. Are you merely wanting to satisfy your own ego? Or do you recognize the extraordinary task that you are being given, which is to be an agent of transformation, not just for yourself, but for others. Knowing this, go with confidence in order to meet your destiny. 


(9th House) For the past 15 years, many a Gemini has been experiencing a tremendous period of change and transformation in their lives. An old phase of life has been giving birth to another, and now that Pluto is entering the sign of Aquarius, you are ready to meet the world on its own terms. And perhaps even pay a role in transforming the world in some remarkable way. One of the things that can happen, now that Pluto will be in Aquarius is that you will fee seeing things in a whole new light. And many of the views that you previously held will begin to change. You come to realize that there might be another way of looking at things, a whole new perspective that affects what you believe to be true. And this can be so exciting to see things from this perspective, that you will want to share it with the world. However, within that context you could also find that not everyone will agree with you. Shocking as this might seem, it will help you to reassess what you are seeing and believing and experiencing. Pluto has this remarkable way of unveiling the truth, piece by piece. And with those incremental pieces of truth you find yourself evolving in significant ways. 


(8th House) For the past 15 years that Pluto has been in Capricorn, much of your life has been revolving around others and their demands and expectations. This led you to reevaluate your relationships to others. But perhaps more importantly, to learn about yourself. And now that Pluto is entering Aquarius, you are taking that self-knowledge to a whole new level. Be prepared to take a deep dive down into the Plutonian world of transformative change. By the time that Pluto leaves Aquarius some 20 years from now, your life will have changed in some considerable ways. At some point over the next 20 years, many a Cancer is likely to have some sort of important, transformative experience that will change your reality. While Pluto is in Aquarius, it will dare to dig deep down into the firmament of your psyche, to ever deeper layers, where all sorts of emotions and buried secrets lie waiting to be discovered. Like Persephone you are being called to delve into the underworld. Like an initiation, a purification, or trial, you are being urged to discard whatever is standing in the way of your own spiritual and evolutionary progress. 


(7th House) For the past 15 years that Pluto has been in Capricorn, Leo has been doing some really hard work. This could be your actual work: all consuming, driving, and intense. But it could also be other things that you’ve been dealing with, such as a health issue, or anything that has been threatening your over all well-being. But now that Pluto is entering Aquarius, much of that which has been consuming you in your daily life, will now be projected on to others. In some way, other people in your life, whether that be a close partner, a business ally, a mentor, a guide or an advisor, in some way they are going to be playing a significant role in your life. These are people who can serve as catalysts, compelling you to look back at yourself, and to grow in some important way. There may be moments of profound obsession. Moments in which you wonder what on earth you are thinking. But in the process you are learning a great deal about the way you do relationships, and why you are drawn to the sorts of people you have, both now, and in the past. Know also, that this is less about them, than it is about you, and your own profound ability to evolve and grow. 


(6th House) Over the past 15 years, Virgo has been receiving confirmation for what you are truly most passionate about in your life. It was about discovering what your heart and soul were yearning for. This may have been a life calling, a romance or an all-consuming hobby. But in some way your heart was being ignited. And now that Pluto is entering Aquarius it is asking you to apply some of that passion to what you do. This could be about your work. And for the next few decades of your life you are being asked to work really really hard. Therefore if you are going to be working hard, make it something that you are passionate about. Something that you would want to do even if you weren’t being paid to do it. Something that doesn’t even feel like work. Another thing that Pluto will be asking of Virgo, is to make your health and well being more of a priority. And that includes all those things we do on a daily basis to maintain our well-being: eating the right foods, getting enough sleep, using your time effectively and efficiently, through your daily routines. Even all that daily stuff can feel like hard work when Pluto is in Aquarius. But it can also be a remarkably revealing and healing experience in the process. 


(5th House) Many a Libra may have found themselves stretched out on the therapist’s couch these past 15 years that Pluto has been in Capricorn. If not actually, then figuratively. For Pluto has been digging down deep into the lower layers of your psyche in order to undo any and all of the damage that had been previously inflicted. But now that Pluto is entering Aquarius, in some way you are being asked to put down some of that emotional debris, take a load off of your psyche, get up off the couch, and relieve yourself of all that added psychological weight. That can include things like: all those inner dialogues, the should haves, the could haves, the emotional abuse that used to take place inside your own head. Then after releasing yourself of all of that weight that you’ve been carrying around with you all these years, just think of what it would finally feel like to walk freely out into the world without all that commotion going on in your mind. It is time to heal. And it is time to connect with some of your deepest passions and soulful yearnings. Whether that be through a passionate romance, or a deeply compelling activity, hobby or creative endeavor. In some way, you are going to be drawn towards that which will reignite your passions, and fill your life with ever deeper meaning and purpose. 


(4th House) Whatever it is that you’ve been learning and discovering and realizing over these past 15 years, if anything will compel you to ask ever deeper questions over the next 20 years that Pluto will be in Aquarius. This could even be something of a dramatic sea change for Aquarius. And it is likely at some point that Aquarius will experience some sort of dramatic event that will change your whole life in some remarkable way. Great endings and great beginnings can occur when Pluto is in Aquarius, which can then serve as a catalyst for emotional and psychological change. For it is just these sort of events that find us questioning the past and all of the events that have led you to this point in time. And so you will be embarking on a journey of understanding. Understanding why you do the things you do, and where all those crazy compulsions came from in the first place. Was it your parents? Or is this something much deeper, perhaps something passed down from generation to generation, or perhaps even lifetime to lifetime. Know that whatever is being revealed to you over the next 20 years, is nothing less than changing patterns that have been time matured through the years. It’s now time to change the patterns. 


(3rd House) For the past 15 years, many a Sagittarius has been reevaluating what it means to be a person of worth and value. And as a result many a Sagittarius has seen their whole lives transformed. But now that Pluto will be entering Aquarius for the next 20 years, you are likely to experience some deep inner changes and psychological realizations about yourself. You will no longer be satisfied with pat answers to questions, but will find yourself wanting to get to the underlying truths. Your mind will become more focused and compelled to ask ever deeper questions. As a result you everyday communications will also change. No more will you avoid touchy or uncomfortable subjects. No more will you be bothered with light social conversations. You want to know everything. Even the stuff that nobody wants to talk about. And especially about those things that are hidden. If you’ve been getting the inclination, this is when you are more likely to begin an intensive course of study or research; to explore hidden mysteries, or that which lies beneath the surface. This can be anything from exploring the human mind, solving a mystery, metaphysics, or the relationship of the mind and body. Sagittarius is itching to know, and you won’t stop until you have the answers. 


(2nd House) For the past 15 years, many a Capricorn has been through a profound period of transformation. Whether that be physically, mentally, or professionally, some sort of great ending or great beginning was likely to occur at least once. If not more than once. Like a phoenix throwing itself into the fire, the aim was to reinvent yourself in some significant way. And now that Pluto will be entering Aquarius, you could see yourself examining your priorities. Some Capricorns may feel like they are forced to reprioritize due to circumstances beyond their control. This can force you to reevaluate your source of income, make better investments going forward, but perhaps more importantly examine those things that you truly consider to be most important and valuable to you. Expect these all to be totally transformed over the next few decades that Pluto will be in this sign. It is not unusual for people to totally revamp or rebuild newer and better foundations and ways of earning a living, from which you can rely on well into the future. But perhaps the most important theme that Pluto can bring, is not so much what you own, or how much you have in the bank, but the ways in which you value who you are and what you have to offer.  


(1st House) For the past 15 years many an Aquarius has been going through a process of deep internal growth and personal understanding. Along the way all sorts of demons were probably unearthed in the process. And these were further complicated with all sorts of losses, and ghosts rearing their heads. One thing that can become apparent is that through acceptance and forgiveness a whole new level of understanding can be achieved. And now that Pluto is entering Aquarius, that’s when the true transformation can finally begin. When the planet of birth, death and rebirth enters your sign be prepared for some sort of important and life-changing experiences to come along and change your whole life. This is not always easy. Pluto has this tremendous capacity to bring us to our knees, before it picks us up and re-empowers us, in a new guise, in a new role, in a whole new life. This might not be right away. But at some point over the next 20 years, there is likely to be some sort of life-changing event that will totally transform your life in some significant way. This can include changing your appearance, changing your career or discovering a new calling. The idea is that you are going to be evolving and growing in ways that you might not even imagine.


(12th House) For the past 15 years Pisces has been sharing their unique gifts with the world at large. Most likely this process has evolved over the years. And some of these unique gifts were not necessarily about work, or what you do in the world, so much as how you have shared yourself and your insights with others. When we support each other through shared experiences, working together through the difficult, the challenging, the good and even the celebratory, together we can grow in ways that we could not on our own. But now that Pluto is entering the sign of Aquarius, you are going to find yourself becoming progressively more introspective, perhaps retreating, or even fleeing from the outer world, while seeking some form of inner refuge. This is not merely to get away from it all, but is also a search for inner meaning. This could lead you to venture on a spiritual path, or to better understand your own psychology. But it could also open up a whole world of psychic wonder and depths. This is a place of both vulnerability and energetic healing for Pisces. As well as a period of great internal purification. And it would not be unlikely that at least one spiritual or psychic experience could literally change your whole perspective and outlook on life.