Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: January 26th thru February 2nd

January 26th thru February 2nd: For the station of Uranus for your natal Sun or Rising sign: 


(2nd House) As Uranus stations on the 27th, ending its retrograde phase, you might want to ask yourself: What is really inspiring you right now? What is kindling a spark in your fiery soul? What is energizing you in such a way that it almost feels like a renaissance? When Uranus was in Aries (2011-18) you were being encouraged to be a truer version of yourself, come what may. To toss off any self-imposed shackles and boldly embrace the real you. However, being yourself in a world that is constantly trying to get you to conform and go along with the program can be difficult. You do have to support yourself in the material and mundane world. There are promises and commitments to be kept. But in some way you are being asked to consider how you can fulfill those promises and commitments without compromising that which is uniquely you. We all need security. But not if it is at the expense of your creative freedom. This week you stand at a juncture between a past that you had grown accustomed to, and a future that is daring you to step outside of your usual ways of doing things. And whatever it is that is kindling that spark in your soul, is now about to be ignited. 


(1st House) This is a week in which Taurus is being encouraged to try something new and different, provided you don’t have too many expectations. This could find you going off the beaten track, or considering new options. And what is revealed to you in the process about yourself, and who you are, could be immensely enlightening. Just do not confuse the catalyst, with your actual goals, for they are not likely to be the same. Do be inspired. Uranus is stationing in your sign! Pay attention to what is being revealed to you. For it could totally change your heart and mind about something. Each time that Uranus stations in your sign is a reminder of what it means to follow your own path, to be true to yourself and your own vision. Many a Taurus has been working to redefine themselves, to break old patterns, and reveal yourself in your true essence. For this is not about becoming someone or something different from who you were, so much as being a more honest expression of who you already are. There may be a few twists and turns ahead, but know that a plan is already unfolding. Just follow the road map as it evolves, and it will bring you to where you need to be. 


(12th House) Your ruling planet Mercury is standing at a juncture between the past and the future, in which you are able to see all of the events that have brought you to this place and time. But Mercury in Capricorn also aims to tantalize you with a future that just beckons you to consider new possibilities. However, when Uranus is in the 12th House, or for Gemini, when it is in Taurus, it is good advice to stay as much in the present moment as you can. It could even feel as if pieces of your past life are swiftly changing, or getting lost in the shuffle. It does no good to dwell on what might have been. But do take from the past what is valuable. The only thing we can truly hold on to and rely on is in the present moment. But we are also constantly growing and evolving, and what might have been true in the past, is probably no longer valid for who you are now. And as a result, although your past may no longer define you, it can still hold answers to some of the conundrums of your life. And let you know who you are now capable of becoming. 


(11th House) You are being given a different vantage point as Uranus stations this weekend. This should help you to be able to make whatever adjustments may be needed in order to put your aspirations, your hopes and wishes, more in alignment with your true path. You will not tolerate anyone or any group that tries to get you to go along with the crowd, or tries to get you to conform to the status quo. On the other hand, do allow yourself to be inspired by those who show you that you don’t have to keep going along with same old narrative. They are helping you to see that there are alternatives. Uranus dares to open us up to possibility. Take advantage of a configuration this week between stationing Uranus, and Mercury/Mars to find solutions to problems, or to be open to new and inspiring ideas. Your mind is quick, alert, and ready to take action. And even if you can’t act on these new ideas right away, make sure that you pay attention to any intriguing or enlightening thought and ideas that may spring to mind. You will be glad you did.


(10th House) If there is an aspect of your life or career that has become stale or limited, that’s where changes will need to be made. We continue to grow internally even when our external lives no longer reflect that. In which case, now that Uranus is at its direct station this weekend, it will accelerate the process. All the more so with the recent Full Moon in your sign. Many a Leo has been reassessing their life goals and future these past few years. You have been outgrowing some of the structures of your life. And if you are aware of an underlying restlessness, that could even feel a bit like a tempest in a teapot, know that you have outgrown certain aspects of your life, and are ready to move on. And that would be true even if it doesn’t seem like much is happening externally. Internally you are growing by leaps and bounds. And now the external world is needing to catch up with the person that you are becoming. Uranus aims to break down those structures that are limiting your growth. And the station of Uranus this week, can help to accelerate that process. 


(9th House) You are standing at a crossroads in your life. And it is at this juncture that you are being asked to take a leap of faith. Will you continue to cling to that which you know and are comfortable with? Or are you willing to try something new? If there is something new and different coming into your life, it is doing so with the intention of completely altering your whole perspective. In some way you are being asked to look at your life in a new way, and a new light. Use the creative energy of the station of Uranus on the 27th to look for solutions above and beyond your usual agenda. Go off road. Take a few risks. Allow something new to enter your heart and your life, that also challenges any previously held ideas and beliefs. If anything, the station of Uranus wants you to expand your vision beyond your usual limitations. Just know that once your eyes are opened, you will never quite see the world the same way again. 


(8th House) As Uranus rocks and rolls around in the sign of Taurus, it could be stirring things up in ways that you might not have expected, or perhaps even imagined. Old denizens from the underworld, that you had thought safely laid to rest, are now stirring things up in unexpected ways. This is because Uranus is now opening the door of your own inner dungeon just enough to allow those demons to escape, even if they must wreak havoc with your psyche. These could be pieces of yourself that you would normally try to keep under wraps, and are usually successful at it. But in some way, these forbidden feelings and longings are now asking for recognition and acceptance. They want to be seen. Those dark yearnings are trying to show you what you have been needing all along, but were ignoring. And also know that along with all the scary and forbidden demons that are being released, also arises something magical and wonderful, something that has been trapped deep within your soul, just wanting to be free. For Uranus, now stationing in Taurus, dares you to open up to to whatever it is that has been lying in wait for just this opportunity to finally be unleashed. And it could even transform your life. 


(7th House) For years Scorpio has been struggling to redefine themselves as social beings. And now you find yourself at a crossroads in your life. A crossroad between the way that you previously defined yourself through your relationships, and the person that you are now becoming. In the process some old rules are being broken, and you find yourself making a lot of exceptions that you previously would not have made. This is what evolution looks like. An unfolding from within outwards. As you have been outgrowing your previous life, you are finding that the people that are now in your life may be quite different from what you were previously accustomed to. And in the process you are learning a great deal about yourself, and what your expectations are of others. One thing that may come as something of a surprise is how much more independent you are these days. And the more tied up you are in other people’s needs and expectations, the more stultifying it will feel. For whether you realize it or not, you are needing room to find yourself. And what can follow is a whole new way of relating to others. 


(6th House) Sometimes when Uranus stations, as it is on the 27th, we feel this over-riding urge to flee. To escape. You just want to do your own thing, and don’t want anyone telling you what you should be doing with your life and lifestyle. And anyone, or anything that stands in the way will either be resisted or removed from the equation. So if there are some inconsistencies in your life right now, know that you are not being abandoned. Rather you are being given the freedom to further experiment with the idea of possibility, and maybe even the new and untried. This can be applied to your work, where suddenly you see all these innovations and changes. You are not becoming redundant. Rather you are being challenged to learn new skills. Likewise with your health and well-being where you can’t seem to keep up with all of the latest innovations, trends and magical cures. They’re not trying to trick you, so much as show you that there may be alternatives that you might not have previously considered. And could even change your whole life. Try some things on for size, and let others go. You will not be happy with anyone trying to force things on you. But the more flexible and willing you are to be open to the new and untried, the more you will benefit from this week’s transitions.  


(5th House) Capricorn likes their rules and their structures. They like things to be reliable and true. It gives them something to hold on to. It just feels safer. Yet there is also something else that is urging you to think more creatively. And perhaps even more passionately. Perhaps you need to consider even breaking some of your previous rules, and your usual conventional ways of doing things. Maybe even be a little more spontaneous and let yourself go. The planet Uranus stations this weekend, which can totally upset the status quo, and even upend our lives sometimes. But that can also be a good thing. For we can limit ourselves with too many rules of propriety, to the point of utter stagnation. Uranus will have none of that. Dare to try something new. Go somewhere special. Meet someone new. Rekindle your inner creative muse and spark, and release some of the shoulds and judgments. Your passions are asking to be unleashed. And the more that you have been denying them, the greater the necessity to feed them. And they will not be ignored. The results will be your own reward. 


(4th House) The search for your place in the world stems from something much deeper. You are searching for a way to align your inner self with your outer world. And finding that place that allows you to fully evolve into the person you need to be, becomes that much more important. And as your modern ruling planet Uranus stations direct on the 27th, do not be afraid of what is coming from the depths of your subconscious. Perhaps even from the dark recesses of the forgotten past. There is something deep down within you that is being asked to be recognized and reclaimed. And it will not be ignored with Uranus rolling about in Taurus. It could even feel like something is imminent. That change is well nigh due. It could be that you are adjusting to changes that have already been made. Or that you are now ready to put changes into action that have been in the planning stage these past 5 months. Something was needing to be released, even as you are now ready to step into something new and untried. And in the process it can almost feel like you are giving birth to your own best self. 


(3rd House) Now that Uranus is stationing this weekend, you could see yourself looking at the world through a slightly different lens. It could even feel like the very landscape is shifting. And hopefully in a much better way. Sometimes when Uranus stations as it is now, it can even shock us into an awareness about ourselves and the world in which we live. Or perhaps reveal things to us in a way that we had not seen before, but allows us to connect all the dots. Suddenly seeing things through a different lens can sometimes be disconcerting. But it can also be illuminating. And as a result you may even see some previously held assumptions seem to just fall away. Therefore make the most of the station. So much that had been percolating on the back burner for the past 5 months is now ready to proceed. And the more open you are to looking at things from another perspective, the more you will learn and the more you will benefit. You may even see solutions where previously you only saw problems. In order to facilitate the process, be willing to try something new and different.