Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: January 5th thru the 12th

For the New Moon at 20º Capricorn for your Sun sign or Rising sign: 


(New Moon in 10th House) Standing at a crossroads between the past and the future, the New Moon in Capricorn is a time each year in which you are asked to more fully explore your potential. And that can include taking whatever steps are necessary in order to get the ball rolling. Capricorn is a sign often associated with setting goals for the future. For Aries, achievement does have an element of competition and wanting to succeed. Perhaps to even make some sort of personal best. However it is less about impressing others, or being flattered and cajoled by the glitter and glamour of rewards, as it is about proving yourself to yourself, and being the best that you can be. Therefore when creating your own individualized road map for 2024, make sure that it is a map of your own making, without being distracted by other’s expectations. Rather, focus on those things that would make you feel most accomplished. In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson: “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” A good intention for the New Moon on January 11th might be: May I recognize and follow the path that is best for me. 


(New Moon in 9th House) Now that Jupiter has stationed direct in your sign, it will be encouraging you to commit to fulfilling some sort of big vision for the future. Whether that means fulfilling a dream, embarking on an adventure, expanding your horizons, or exploring new alternatives, this is about making that commitment to follow through on whatever plans had been percolating behind the scenes. The New Moon on January 11th, is about making just those sorts of commitments, that can open your world as well as your opportunities. The New Moon in Capricorn is your pathfinder Moon, inspiring you to explore farther horizons. This is a New Moon about growth, as well as the ways to realize and achieve that growth. It can be as simple as making yourself more informed about a subject. Or perhaps planning your next vacation to explore those new horizons. But it can also be about creating a road map that will allow you to fulfill that big vision and hope for the future that has been brewing these past several months. A good intention for the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th might be: May I have the wisdom to recognize my true path.  


(New Moon in 8th House) It could have felt like you have been walking through a cloud of uncertainty ever since Mercury entered its retrograde phase in mid-December. Your ruling planet Mercury will make its final square to Neptune on Monday, so you may not have full clarity until Mercury enters Capricorn on the 13th. In the mean time this will continue to make it difficult to make plans and sort things out. Just before Mercury enters Capricorn, we have a New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th, daring us to look boldly towards the future, and think about making all sorts of commitments. For Gemini, never are you more in tune with the concept of impermanence, than when we are in Capricorn season. For this is when you are straddling the divide between the old and the new. Use the New Moon in Capricorn to not only make your own realizable and achievable resolutions for the year ahead, but to revise old goals that you have since outgrown. Ask yourself what sorts of changes and improvements you might want to make this year. And then consider what steps you might need to take in order to achieve them. A good intention for the New Moon on January 11th might be: I want to see myself embracing the sorts of changes that will allow me to grow perhaps even beyond my previous expectations. 


(New Moon in 7th House) The feeling of being between an old order and a new one could be especially strong with the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th. Kind of like standing on a threshold between the past and the future. Even so, there will still be a part of you looking longingly back at what could have been, or what once was, even as another part of you is looking with anticipation towards the future and the possibilities that it holds. The New Moon in Capricorn stands as something of a culmination for the year, in which you are able to see all that has brought you to this place and time, while also seeing the different paths unfolding before you. And it also includes those people who will be accompanying you along the way. Use the New Moon on Thursday to further strengthen your most important relationships, while opening your heart to any new relationships you might be making over the year ahead. The New Moon in Capricorn is a good moon for Cancer to connect with those people that you know you can truly rely and depend on well into the future. A good intention for the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th might be:  May I come to appreciate and recognize those people who will be there and support me on my path going forward.   


(New Moon in 6th House) As you now stand on the threshold between the past and the future, you might want to ask yourself what is standing in the way of you walking freely into the future? Are there still some obstacles that need to be removed? And in what ways are you still clinging to the past, or attached to previous obligations that you have long since outgrown? In some way you are being asked to grow, move on, and expand your horizons this year. So taking care of all of these loose ends are essential for that to occur. The New Moon in Capricorn is a ‘taking care of business’ sort of Moon, where details are meant to be sorted out, and your everyday life reorganized. While doing so, try to make your health and well-being one of your priorities right now. That can be as simple as beginning a new health regimen, or paying greater attention to your diet. Or it may mean taking care of a lingering health issue that had been hanging in there for some time now. New Moons are about renewal and new beginnings, and this New Moon is about restoring your over all well-being. But it can also be about making your daily occupation something of a priority as well. That can include things like organizing your work environment, using your time more productively and efficiently, and looking for ways to improve your overall life and lifestyle. A good intention for the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th might be: May I organize my life in such a way to support my over all health and well-being. 


(New Moon in 5th House) It is difficult to plan anything or organize your life and schedule when your ruling planet Mercury had been retrograde, AND square Neptune. Although Mercury is finally out of its retrograde phase, it still has one more square to Neptune on Monday. This could feel like a retrograde hangover, with a lingering feeling of uncertainty clouding the proceedings. You may not achieve full clarity until the 13th when Mercury enters Capricorn. However, even before then, the New Moon in Capricorn encourages us all to commit to some sort of plan for the future. And this can be even as we are still trying to sort out certain obligations and concerns carried over from the previous year. Just make sure that you don’t allow these to hold you back from fully embracing the new opportunities that may be opening up in the New Year. The New Moon in Capricorn is a reminder for Virgo to focus on who you love and what you love to do. It can also be a more propitious time to make any New Year’s resolutions, as they are more likely to gain traction when made on the New Moon. Another way to ensure their success, is to focus in on only one or two of the most important resolutions you might want to make for the year ahead. Make them clear and unambiguous. Then commit to making them an achievable reality. A good intention for the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th might be: I want any resistance, or obstacles to joy and happiness lifted from me. 


(New Moon in 4th House) It could feel as if you are standing on a threshold between the past and the future with the New Moon in Capricorn. There is a certain amount of excitement and anticipation for the possibilities ahead, while also still feeling committed to past obligations. It could even feel as if the past is colliding with the future, as you try to sort out all the various commitments betwixt and between. One advantage to the New Moon in Capricorn, is that it is an organizing moon. Up until the New Moon it has been difficult to make plans, or even know what will happen from day to day. So taking a deep dive into Capricorn can feel like you are finally able to get your footing. We are all craving a little clarity, discipline and organization right about now. And the New Moon in Capricorn aims to get us all back on track. With the New Moon in Capricorn Libra is being asked to make deeper commitments revolving around the foundations of your life, which include things such as Home, Family, and honoring your Roots and Ancestors. For Libra this is a primal sign, signifying both endings and beginnings. Capricorn is significant for its association with honoring traditions, while recognizing your responsibility to others within your care. And within that context you may want to ask yourself: What more can I do to further cultivate my need for security, stability, family and community? A good intention for the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th might be: May I honor my present by cultivating a deeper respect for my past. 


(New Moon in 3rd House) Capricorn is a sign of longevity, strategy and determination.So we might hope that when we make resolutions for the New Year, that they are more likely to take hold. However, the best time to do so, might actually be with the New Moon in Capricorn which falls on January 11th this year. And this is all the more so for Scorpio, as your ruling planet, now also in Capricorn is making some especially good connections for things like: Planning; Creating a Road Map; Implementing those Plans; and putting them into Action. Strategize. Organize. And take care of business. Mars in Capricorn, along with the New Moon in Capricorn, aim to inspire you to realize some bigger vision, and then help you to figure out the practical ways that you can make your vision a closer reality. New Moons are always about new beginnings, and the New Moon in Capricorn is about new and better commitments. Some things this New Moon can be used for are: Learning better communications skills; organizational hacks that can help you use your time more efficiently; further perfecting a skill, or learning a new one; and becoming more informed. A good intention for the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th might be: May I be the better able to lead others through my own example. 


(New Moon in 2nd House) Over the next few months your ruling planet, Jupiter, will be engaged in a sextile aspect with Saturn. This is not a dramatic life-changing sort of transit, but what it does provide, is an opportunity to make some sort of vision for the future a closer reality. Sagittarius is often inspired and looking for that next new project or adventure. Saturn in this case is trying to help you to facilitate that process. And this week the planet Mars is asking us all to further commit and take action. This is given an extra push with the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th. Commitments made, and initiatives begun with the New Moon in Capricorn are more likely to have greater longevity and sustainability. Capricorn is a sign of strategy and commitment. And looking ahead to 2024, what might you want to invest your valuable time, money and resources on, in order to make that vision for the future a closer reality? Begin with your most important priorities and then move on from there. And then think in terms of making that vision more sustainable. A good intention for the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th might be: May I more confidently believe in myself and what I have to offer to others. 


(New Moon in 1st House) When the New Moon falls in your sign, as it does on January 11th, it is an opportunity to not only make a new beginning, but to also reacquaint yourself with yourself. This can include your own needs, your own goals, and your own aspirations. This is an important and transformational year for Capricorn, that can feel a bit like you are straddling both the past and the future. For the past 15 years, many a Capricorn has been evolving, changing and growing, sometimes in extreme ways. And the New Moon in Capricorn can bring a deeper respect for not only what has brought you to this place and time, but an appreciation for where you can go from here. For the New Moon in Capricorn this year also aims to inspire you to ever more loftier goals. Use the New Moon to restore your hope in the future, and to open new doors. Mars, the planet of action, is also in your sign, asking you to make a vision for the future a closer, and more manageable reality. Therefore this Moon is also an opportunity to embrace and honor the changes in your life that have already been made, while being open to being a truer, and even more authentic expression of yourself in the years to come. A good intention for the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th might be: Through respect for myself, may I set an example for others to follow. 


(New Moon in 12th House) For Aquarius, the New Moon in Capricorn is a time for reflection and releasing. Within that context you are being asked to reflect on any changes that have occurred over the previous year, while also giving you permission to release those things that you have since outgrown. This is going to be an important year for Aquarius, as the planet Pluto will be entering your sign on January 20th. Those who will be most affected are Aquarians born in the first few degrees of the sign, but all Aquarians may experience something of a sea change. Through releasing the past, and letting go of what once was, it also allows room for better things to come in when the Sun and Pluto enter Aquarius on the 20th. Therefore ask yourself: What have I outgrown, and is no longer valid for the person I am now? Where am I stuck, and what am I willing and able to do about that? And if there is nothing I can do right now about my current situation, what can I change in my perspective that will allow me to better cope with circumstances as they are? A good intention for this New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th might be: May I see all self-limiting thoughts and doubts lifted from me, in order to make room for ever better things to come. 


(New Moon in 11th House) The New Moon on January 11th is your wishing Moon. Made all the more effective by a close sextile between your ruling planet, Jupiter, and Saturn which is currently in your sign. Jupiter represents your big vision for the future, and Saturn is here to help you make that vision a closer and more achievable reality. It is not likely to be easy. Saturn always makes us work hard when it is in our sign. But Saturn here is also trying to show you what is possible. What is achievable. Use the New Moon in practical Capricorn to connect with your most heartfelt and achievable hopes and wishes for the future. Dare to dream your dreams and allow your vision for the future take on some sort of practical and achievable form. This is also the time of year in which Pisces asks: Where should I go from here? And who is there to help me to achieve my dreams. A good intention for the New Moon in Capricorn on January 11th might be: If this dream is meant to be for me, may the best possible circumstances arise to see it fulfilled.