Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: October 18th thru the 25th

“Sisyphus” - detail from the Roman de la Rose manuscript

For the week of October 18th thru the 25th, be sure to read your rising sign as well: 


Your ruling planet Mars is appearing to slow down as it is now in the shadow of its retrograde phase. The retrograde doesn’t actually begin until December, however as Mars is now crawling through these last critical degrees of Cancer it is gradually forging a path for something new. Why this is so relevant right now, is that so many planets are in the very last degrees of their signs, which gives this feeling of standing at a threshold. It could feel as if the various departments of your life are all conspiring to thrust you out of the comfort of your nest, and then launch you out into the next phase of your life. But in order to do that launch successfully, you are needing to change up some old patterns, release some unwieldy habits, so that you can more freely consider the possibilities that are waiting for you in the future. Change, even good changes, can feel a little scary, and like you’re going to lose your bearings. Even for an Aries who is usually more than ready to leap into the next best thing, this sort of change feels a little trepidatious. Part of this is because change implies that something might end. And that may even be true. Just know that if something is coming to an inevitable end these coming months, you are merely being asked to tie up some of the loose ends of a life that was, in order to make room for something even better to come in.


Even though it may not be all that obvious, it seems that the fates are weaving their tapestries, in order to bring you where you need to be. Whenever we enter Scorpio season, you get the feeling that the fairies are busy scurrying about on their magical wings in order to take their command posts for the Winter months ahead. And that’s despite whatever all else is happening in the world at large these days. Your world is daring to get that much larger, more daring, more life-changing. But in order to get there, certain internal adjustments are being called for first. Primarily your own beliefs about yourself, and who you are. You are needing to do this inner work, in order to prepare yourself for the next stage of your life. And in order to earn your own wings, you are first being asked to believe that it is possible. Ask yourself how you may be keeping yourself back. What narratives are you still carrying like so much unnecessary baggage? How often does the word impossible creep into the conversation? It may take a leap of faith and a lot of effort to get there, but know that in the end, when you do get to the other side, a whole new world will be waiting there for you. 


We have all been feeling a little stuck lately. But there are a few ways to avoid this, and get unstuck. One way is by having the insight and courage to see the ways that you may be undermining your own progress. It takes an incredible amount of humility and honesty, to admit that there might be better ways of approaching a situation. This can happen when you are feeling a little stuck and looking for practical solutions. That can be as simple as changing old patterns, habits or assumptions. Or learning better ways of communicating with authorities and co-workers. Or even being willing to enter the lion’s den, or the very source of the problem, in order to set the record straight. But perhaps one of the most important tools you can use this week, is being very clear with yourself as to what your goals are, and then creating a plan and a strategy to achieve them. Piece by piece. Step by step. This is not a rushed process. There is too much to undo. Not only from your own standpoint, but also in the attitudes, values and expectations of others. And perhaps even in society at large. You may not be able to change others, or change the world. But in some way you can create strategies to set the record straight, and then set the example for others to follow. 


There is a bit of sketchy weather coming up over the next several weeks. And there will be various junctures which could feel somewhat critical. This coming Sunday might be one of those turning points. At first you just may be feeling like you are stuck between a rock and a hard place, and there isn’t very much to be done. But do pay attention to whatever it might be that appears to be holding you back, and preventing you from being able to make progress. Look for red flags. Whatever it is that is now pushing your buttons. In the sort of weather we are having, we often become aware of having put up with certain inner conflicts and perhaps even oppressive circumstances in our lives, that may have been in existence for a really long time. Perhaps they only existed as an underlying feeling of angst or discomfort. Because we became accustomed to these, it is easy to choose familiarity. That’s the way it has always been done. That’s what everyone else believes. But as these conditions become more obvious to ourselves, we have to ask ourselves why? Why do we go along with the program? It may be that it’s easier to live with a familiar lie, than it is with an uncomfortable truth. Until you can’t ignore it any longer. And that’s a bit of what this critical juncture feels like. The next step is to figure out what you need to do about it. 


This week the Sun is shining a spotlight on some of the more uncomfortable issues in our lives. And things that you may have been putting up with for some time, can no longer be ignored as a result. Oftentimes, in an effort to keep the peace, not rock the boat, or disrupt the status quo, we find ourselves going along with the program. Until you just can’t any more. One thing that could become evident, is that what we had previously always assumed to be true, and thought always would be, might not be all that accurate. The world is changing and evolving, and has been all along. And this will be much more obvious this week than it might be at other times. And it becomes evident that there is no other option but to get on board. And as we move into Scorpio season this week, we’re all going to be playing a game of truth or consequences. Watch for power plays and shifting alliances as a result. You can only keep up the pretense that the emperor’s new clothes are the best thing ever up to a point. But with the sharp eye of discrimination it’s bound to become evident at some point that not only does the emperor have no clothes, but there probably never were any to begin with. It’s time to get real, and believe your own eyes. Not what others are telling you. 


One of the advantages that Virgo has this week, is that your ruling planet Mercury is in the sign of Scorpio. This is a Mercury that can see right through lies and pretension with the sharp sword of discrimination, and a detective’s ability to suss out the truth. Nothing stays hidden long when the Sun shines a light in the dark as it will this week. And Virgo is right there on the front lines taking notes and snapping photos. You are going to want to keep a record of the proceedings. Not only because you want to have proof. But because you need to keep reorienting yourself to reality. And that can include also having realistic expectations of others. It really is about keeping things in perspective. If we have unrealistic expectations, and others are incapable of living up to them, then we’re only going to get frustrated and angry. Accept others for who they are and where they are. Then focus on what is right there in front of you, and the things that you do have control over. And this will be your guiding light as we move over the treacherous threshold that we are being faced with, as we move into the next new and as yet untried era of our lives. 


It may not be all that obvious, but know that the fates are attempting to bring you where you are needing to go in order to meet your destiny. If you find yourself compellingly drawn in a certain direction, or to a particular person, place or thing.. know that there are other hands at play here. Over the 18 months that the eclipses were in Libra and Aries, alliances were being formed, while others were edging away. And there are reasons for this political and personal reorganization of our lives. We are about to shift into a new era, and anything or anyone that is holding us back will blithely go their own way, while those who are going to be walking this path with you, will remain, even as new ones will be gathering at the door. Now the threshold that we are about to walk over, can be a little treacherous. There are trapdoors, and all sorts of booby traps along the way. But one thing should become evident over the next few weeks, and that is there is no going back to the past that was. There is only one way to go. And that is forward. That will apply to society at large. But it also applies to our own personal lives as well, which can include banishing any old habits or patterns of behavior that are just getting in the way. At times it will feel like you are just putting one foot in front of the other. But remember, ultimately, it is all about bringing you where you need to be. 


We are currently in the shadow of the retrograde phase of your ruling planet Mars, which is gradually slowing its speed along with our motivation. Surprisingly at this time, although it is difficult to get motivated with a slow Mars, it can be helpful for stalwart determination. At least until it comes to a dead stop in early December. For now there is a glimmer of enthusiasm and hope for a future that is waiting on the other side of a threshold that we are all in the process of crossing. But also the awareness that in order to get to that other side we are all going to be crossing some treacherous waters. Scorpio, who is always a little prescient may already be feeling the trepidation. But a trepidation that is currently being ameliorated by that sense of hope for what can be in the future. On Tuesday, we enter Scorpio season which brings all things Scorpio, including yourself, front and center. This is the time of year for you to plant new seeds, to make resolutions, and to recharge your batteries. There may be a bit of ambivalence with Mars slowing down, but know that ultimately this is all in service towards that future that is waiting for you, right over there, on the other side of this transition. We still have a bit to go, and a few more challenges to overcome. But once you get there, there will be no turning back. A new era is unfolding. 


Many will be getting the feeling over the next few weeks that they are being led in a certain direction. Perhaps you find yourself drawn to a particular person. Or wanting to be more involved with your children. Or perhaps a certain hobby. Something that you love. Something that feels important. There is something compelling about this that you may not fully understand, but which will bring a depth of inner meaning if you pay attention to these callings. You could say, it’s really about following your heart, and what your heart is telling you. This is a subtle feeling going on in the background of your life. And that is because there is so much more noise going on in the world, it will be hard to ignore. That too needs to be paid attention to, unfortunately. Sagittarius often will have one eye on the outer world, and another on your own. Which may have you speculating about where in the world you might need and/or want to be in this next phase of your life. And most of us won’t know what to fully expect until after the dust settles over the next several months. Therefore, buckle down, but also pay attention to those callings. They’re important too. 


As part of you stands at the threshold of one era in your life, while looking over an abyss at the next, there can be some mixed feelings and trepidation. There are still tendrils from the past that call you, cling to you, and try to hold you to them. And the truth is, when we cross over to the next phase you are going to be carrying the essence of this last great era of your life with you. You do not really lose anything. Rather you are carrying it with you wherever you go. It’s called experience. And it’s what invests you with a certain wisdom and knowing. That you cannot lose. But there are some things that you might want to leave behind. Such as limiting thoughts, assumptions or expectations that keep you tied to an old way of thinking, being and doing. The sort of narratives that hold you back, and keep you from achieving your full potential. You might want to ask yourself how much your fear of change might be dictating this. And then resolve to let those old narratives go on their way. Many will be feeling like they are required to face their fears, and move through them over the next several months. So you are not alone. It can be like that as we move through transitions. But once we take that first step over to the next era of our lives, there will be no turning back. 


A new era awaits us all, filled with the sort of potential that one would expect at a new birth, with all of its as yet unrealized possibilities. To know exactly what these may be, is yet to be seen. However, there could be both moments of anticipation laced with feelings of trepidation about what might be. And really all any of us can do is just place one foot in front of the other, and move through to the other side. There will be some challenges along the way. Some more treacherous than others. Perhaps the most difficult challenges will be when you are confronting yourself, your own doubts, insecurities and reticence to move into this next phase of your life. But that is the way when we are in these periods of transition. One thing that might be useful, and that might give you some ballast during this time, which will be determined by your own belief in yourself. Not just pretense. But actual belief based on the self-confidence that you are worthy, and deserving of receiving. It could feel at times that in order to get to that other side, you are going to have to make some hard decisions about getting your priorities in order, and balancing the books. But it’s just that sort of security that will keep you grounded and focused over the next several months.  


We are living in interesting times. This is what it feels like when we are in these periods of transition. We will see these transitions and perhaps even some unrest in society. But we are also going to experience this feeling of going through a transition in our own lives. These are like growing pains. And we’re all needing to adapt to what that is going to look and feel like in the future. We may not know what that will entirely be. The future is still unknowable from where we are currently standing. However what your super power is this week, is the understanding of who you are fundamentally, and what are those fundamental beliefs that will serve as your guiding principles going forward. Connecting to these, having the surety and conviction of those beliefs will serve as your ballast going forward, and will carry you over even the most treacherous reefs and shoals. The other super power that Pisces always possesses, is their amazing capacity for compassionate service and understanding. Certain sacrifices may need to be made in the process. But know also that it will be worth it in the end, if those sacrifices are in service to the greater good. This is a great week to sow random acts of kindness, do some sort of charitable service, or to embark on a spiritual journey. For what we sow now, will be returned in droves.