Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: February 2nd thru the 9th

For the week of February 2nd thru the 9th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


There are times when it can feel as if we have to take a few steps back before were can proceed. There are issues to be tied up, aggravations to be put to rest. And just when you are thinking that you’ve reached a dead end, whatever it is that had been throwing obstacles in your path, is resolved. Like a divine presence extending their hand, frustrations are pacified. Peace and resolution are finally at hand. It’s almost as if the fates of Iggdrasil are asking you to put your feet up and have a cup of well-deserved tea. But perhaps one of the remarkable transits looming in the background of our lives, is that Venus is at the ‘bending’ of the Nodes, and giving a nod in your direction. In some way, Venus is asking Aries to be comfortable with being the center of attention. It may not be familiar to you. But in some way you are going to have to get a little used to it. Even if it does feel a little uncomfortable for you to do so at first. The fates are weaving their webs, and Aries is about to play a leading role. So put your feet up and enjoy the peace while you may.  


Once again we stand in the balance between the past and the future. Between a reality we had become accustomed to, and a new one that is about to unfold. It may be conflicting. There may even be some remorse for what once was. But ultimately the end result can be vastly illuminating. As each of the inner, more personal planets transit Pluto, freshly ensconced in Aquarius, we are being asked to be open to change. To embrace the new paradigms that are emerging. And to recognize our role in this process of evolutionary change that this transition can bring. Mercury conjunct Pluto this week, albeit intense and even obsessive in its expression, can also be incredibly illuminating. And what is revealed this week can teach us a lot about ourselves, our minds, and our own psychological makeup. Look to see where your attention is being drawn. It’s trying to tell you something important about yourself and perhaps even your destiny. 


From the sublime simplicity of a Neptune sextile earlier in the week, to the intense illuminating awareness of Mercury conjunct Pluto, you will see a decided sea change as Mercury moves from Capricorn to Aquarius this week. One of the hallmarks of Mercury in Aquarius is one of inventiveness and ingenuity. And is also where we are capable to finding solutions where previously we only saw problems. Your ruling planet Mercury thrives in Aquarius where we are all compelled to look at our lives and our ideas from a whole other point of view. This willingness to do so can allow us to make connections and see things that we had not been able to before. And can even alter your perspective along with your reality. Dare to look at things in a new way. Dare to be a little adventurous and step outside of your usual ways of doing things. It could expand your mind in transformative ways. And perhaps even ways that you had not anticipated. 


We open the week with a Last Quarter Moon. This is when we will begin to move things around in order to make room for the upcoming New Moon in Aquarius. Using whatever you have learned over the past few weeks, you become more aware of what is or is no longer relevant to you, and might need to make space for the new things and new changes implied by the upcoming New Moon. You can almost feel the restlessness rising, as we anticipate the new, and release the old. Take time after Tuesday to go within, reflect, and make sense of the previous weeks. We are all going to be making adjustments. But these internal adjustments help to prepare you for the next cycle to come. Therefore turn down the noise, create some space in your environment, and pay attention to any much needed intuitive insights to guide you along your path. You life is on the verge of some sort of transition. And you will want to be ready when it arrives. 


As the week progresses you will become more aware of a certain restlessness in the air. Like a prescient wind of change, you are being borne along with the tide. And there really is no resisting it. You may not become fully aware of the changes that are about to unfold over the months ahead, but you could get something of a glimpse over the next few weeks. In the mean time be prepared for any unexpected changes of circumstances and plans. Be open to being flexible. You will need to be. The more resistant you are to whatever changes are being orchestrated, the more difficult it will be. Things can be swift, unexpected and sudden when the Sun meets Uranus, as it does this week. But it can also be very illuminating. If you are able to go with the flow, and ride the sea of change, any unexpected changes in plans or schedules could prove to be fortunate in the end. 


Friday and Saturday are made for daydreams and brief escapes. But then, like emerging from this dreamscape in the earlier part of the week, it could feel by the end of the weekend that you are diving into the deep end of the pool. Talk about intensity! If you trust your intuition to bring you where you need to go over the first few days of this week, you will then feel like you are being inexorably drawn in a certain direction. Know that to resist will be futile. Mercury/Pluto weather is intense, obsessive and deep. Very deep. It dares you to peel back the scabs, turn over the rocks in the back yard, and get to the very bottom of a problem or issue. Even if a few creepy crawlies or cooties escape in the process. But what we can also learn when Mercury meets Pluto, can have a tremendously transformative effect on our perspective and our minds. And you will never quite see things the same again. Use the narrow focus of the Mercury/Pluto conjunction to solve a puzzle, dig up some dirt, unravel a mystery or get down to some serious research. Mercury/Pluto will not relent until you have all the answers. 


Venus makes an exact square to the Nodes this week, which we call ‘the bending’ of the Nodes. For Libra this could be a little complicated. For in some way you are being compelled to face any issues surrounding relationships. Something that is often extremely important to Libra. But for the next year, you are being compelled to reexamine certain relationships, as well as to come to terms with who you find yourself drawn to and why. At this juncture, there could almost be a push and pull between past relationships, and the promise for something different in the future. If you are feeling unsure or conflicted about a new relationship, give yourself the benefit of the doubt. If you fear repeating old patterns, note that starting in a new direction, albeit a significant improvement, may at first feel quite uncomfortable. Change can be that way. And as Venus stands in the balance between the Nodes, know that you are also standing in the balance between what was, and what could be. 


We open the week with a Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio, where we begin to close out the activity from the prior lunar month in anticipation of the upcoming New Moon on February 9th. Using the insights from the previous week, you may already be anticipating some new goals for the next cycle. And this is when you might want to consider what needs to be released or compromised in order to make those goals a closer reality. And this is all important. For within this same context the planet Mercury will conjoin your ruling planet Pluto, now in Aquarius. And what you learn about yourself this week could give you some insights as to what Pluto’s recent entrance into Aquarius is going to be all about. Pluto represents your unconscious motives, your habits and your deepest drives. Mercury dares to make these more conscious in some significant way. Either by challenging them, or illuminating them. One way or another you are going to be made aware of something about yourself that could have an impact on the sorts of goals that you might want to set for yourself moving forward. 


This would be a very good week for you to wind things down: bring some closure to a situation that has been on-going; tying up loose ends; make way for new initiatives that you may want to launch over the next few weeks. And after Tuesday try to take some time to withdraw and turn inwards. This is probably not a good week for too much activity. We are moving through the darkening of the Moon. But it is a good week for clearing, making space, and turning down the noise. Doing so can help you to facilitate the process that will allow you to receive some much needed insights. Insights that will help you to clarify what your next steps will be. Another way to get greater clarity is to make sure you get all the facts first: ask questions, get to the bottom of a problem, pay attention… and then you can make whatever decision it is that you are needing to make. Therefore begin the week by tying up loose ends, create the space that you are needing to reflect and turn within, and be receptive to whatever information you will need to increase clarity and make decisions. 


As the planet Venus comes to the bending of the Nodes in your sign this week, it will likely make you more aware of being betwixt and between two directions. Perhaps it raises a quandary between what you desire to have, and what you feel obligated to do. Or maybe whether or not you should stay with who and what you are familiar with, or venture forth in a new direction that will allow you greater independence. And although Venus in Capricorn is a stickler for keeping one’s obligations and promises, and doing the right thing, there is something here that is opening a door to future possibilities. This is a moment in time in which to connect with your own priorities. The things that you value most. Whether that means breaking some ties or moving in a new direction is entirely up to you. But perhaps the most important message you are receiving this week, is not so much what you should do, so much as how you feel about your options. Should you follow your heart? Stay the course? Or look for an option betwixt and between? You can decide what to do about it later. 


Pluto entering your sign last month is something of a game changer for everyone. And perhaps especially so for people with sensitive points in Aquarius.  What can make it even more personal are when the inner planets enter Aquarius as they are. The Sun escorting Pluto into Aquarius on January 20th was one such time. And Mercury entering Aquarius this week is another. Just having Mercury in your sign thru February 23rd can feel like a series of illuminating realizations. All the more so when Mercury is also in the same degree as Pluto. Mercury thrives in your sign, where we are all given the privilege of looking at things from a whole new perspective. And having it in your own sign, allows you to gain some understanding about yourself, your life, perhaps even your destiny, if you are willing to look at things in a new way. Mercury/Pluto can sometimes be intense. You may even come to realize something about yourself that is mind-altering. And in some incredible way, may never quite see things the same way again. 


As Mars lumbers through the last decan of Capricorn this week and next, it could feel at times like you are caught between a rock and a hard place. You cannot get things started. Obstacles fall in your path. People who you usually rely on to be there are on edge, bossy or otherwise unavailable. Things get delayed and look like they are on the verge of falling apart and then they don’t. If you can only get through the weekend, you will see that there are angels aloft, ringing their bells and dropping their feathers, as a reminder that things are going to work out, one way or another. It takes a little faith and trust, even though there is no reason to have any. It may require you to accept help when it is offered. But by the time we reach the end of next week, you will finally feel like you can lay some things to rest, and tie up some loose ends, once and for all. One thing you can focus on, in order to keep you on course, and not give up, is to focus on what would ultimately be for the good of all concerned with this one particular thing right here.