Astrology By Lauren

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Horoscopes: February 9th thru the 16th

For the New Moon at 20º of Aquarius, for your natal Sign or house placement, be sure to read for your Rising Sign as well:


(11th House) Not only is there a New Moon in Aquarius this week, but it is a Super Moon, daring you to more fully connect with your most heartfelt aspirations and ideals. The Aquarius Moon is asking you to think about the dreams, hopes and ideals that you would like to see fulfilled, not only over the year ahead, but for the foreseeable future as well. What has worked so far, and what more would you like to achieve? What ideals or dreams would you like to further commit to? In what ways are you in a position to be an inspiration for others? And what shifts and adjustments can you make now, that will help you to facilitate your hopes and dreams? In this climate even small shifts and changes can have remarkable consequences. This is your wishing Moon, therefore cast your dreams into space, and be open to recognizing the causes and conditions that will help you to fulfill those dreams. Then make the intention: If this dream is meant to be for me, may the best possible circumstances arise to see it fulfilled.


(10th House)For Taurus, the New Moon in Aquarius is about bringing yourself more in alignment with your goals for the future: What is it that you want to be known for? For what do you wish to be respected? If you were to fill a niche in your community, what would that be? The New Moon in Aquarius, places the emphasis on your reputation and status, how you are seen, or wish to be seen by others, and what you want to be known for. You may see a shift here, or a desire to put to rest old concepts of an image that you used to hold. In many ways that old image was being redefined, as you aspire to be a truer, more authentic, expression of yourself. Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote: To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. Use the New Moon in Aquarius to make a vow and a promise to yourself to embrace all that is true and unique about you, and to find the best ways to express that to the world.


(9th House) Love this quote by Dr. Seuss: Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind. That kind of sums up the coming week and Friday’s New Moon in Aquarius. This is a forward leaning Moon, and with all the planets now in direct motion, it could feel like you are being given a green light to go forth and meet the future. And in order to make that future a closer reality, consider what more you might want to learn, experience or know more about? This is a time of year in which you are urged to think in terms of growth and expansion. Whether that means reaching for the far horizons through travel and exploration, or expanding your knowledge and experience through some form of education and experience. It’s about growth and discovery. Explore the ways that you might want to further grow. Then set the intention with the New Moon in Aquarius on Friday to have the wisdom, perspective and clarity to recognize your true path, and then have the courage to follow it.


(8th House) New Moons are a good time for setting intentions and beginning new ventures. For Cancer, the New Moon in Aquarius can even be a time to turn over a new leaf, and begin a new chapter in their lives. These Moons can be like turning points in the year, for this is a Moon for transitions, letting go of those things that you no longer need, are taking up too much space, or require too much energy. It can be hard to let go of that which is steeped in memories and familiarity. But if something no longer serves the person you are now, or is preventing you from growing, it’s time to make room for better things to take root. What old habits, tendencies, fears or heavy baggage have you been carrying around with you and no longer want and/or need? And what changes might you want to make in order to have more control over your own life and destiny? A good affirmation for this Moon might be: When I embrace my own power, I become an instrument for positive change in the world and in my own life.


(7th House) For Leo, the New Moon in Aquarius places the emphasis on the other people in our lives: Partners, best friends, allies as well as competitors. And because the New Moon is about new beginnings this can be about new beginnings in relationships and with partners; breathing new life into the relationships you currently have, while starting new relationships with the sorts of people who just get you, and serve to support your life and lifestyle. Leo enjoys surrounding themselves with people who inspire them to be a better version of themselves. Or who allow you to feel totally comfortable in your own skin. The people who accept you, and embrace your own individuality and life for what is it, all in all, are the sorts of people that you will want more of in your life. A good intention for the New Moon in Aquarius might be:  I want to see myself spending time with those people who are on a similar path that resonates with my own ideals and aspirations. Or perhaps: May I continue to connect with those people who inspire me, and invest my life with meaning in every way.


(6th House) For Virgo, the New Moon in Aquarius is about readdressing those things, occupations and activities that will better support your well-being and help to recharge your batteries. It may be that you decide to reevaluate your routines, cut back on your hours, and figure out other ways to make time for the things that you really want to be doing. But it can also be very specific. Such as focusing on your diet; starting a new wellness campaign; or going back to the gym. What changes might you want to see added to your daily routine and regimen? Would you like to exercise more? Eat more consciously and conscientiously? Is there a more efficient way to get things done? And what might make you feel more energized and inspired? A good intention for this Moon might be: Recognizing that health is the greatest of blessings, I will do what I can to promote my own, as well as other’s well-being. Or: Instead of expecting perfection, I see myself striving for continuous improvement.


(5th House) As we begin the week, many a Libra may be feeling somewhat constrained and reticent. But rather than giving in to doubt, begin the week by counting your blessings, and carrying those with you throughout the week, no matter what sorts of distractions may arise. And distractions there probably will be, both within and without. Without through shifts and unexpected changes. And within due to an abundance of wistful wonder and imaginings. The outer stuff you can handle one day at a time. But it will be hard to avoid the internal distractions, therefore why not indulge it? Surrender to the dreaminess: take time out for that movie you’ve been wanting to see; get lost in a fantasy; feed your imagination; dance at the office, move to the rhythm and just be. Cast out any self-consciousness and reclaim your own unique self-expression. This is just the sort of Moon that will ultimately draw attention to you. If that is the case, totally dive in, and dare to flaunt it. Seeing you unfiltered is a source of genuine joy, to one and all. We knew you had it in you all along. We were just waiting for it to emerge. Bypass any doubt and restraint, and make the intention with the New Moon in Aquarius to: Invest each day with Joy, Laughter, Enthusiasm and a Happy Heart.


(4th House) The New Moon in Aquarius, for Scorpio, is about situating yourself in such a way that you will have greater freedom to grow and live your life more honestly and authentically. To facilitate that you are being asked to first make your foundations stronger, safer and more supportive. This is when you are asked to focus on areas related to home, family, land and property, as well as those people and things who serve as your personal support systems. Ask yourself, what will bring you a deeper sense of stability and belonging? And what changes might you want to make in order to facilitate that? Many a Scorpio has been considering ways to transform their lives this year, and focusing on these critical support systems can help you to facilitate that shift between the old and the new. There can be some sadness for those things that you might be needing to say goodbye to, but there can also be a great deal of anticipation for the possibilities that the future has in store. A good intention for the New Moon in Aquarius might be: May I be led to cultivate a community, home or family, that brings me a deeper sense of belonging.


(3rd House) The New Moon in Aquarius is usually a great moon for Sagittarius to figure out better ways to manage time; but it’s an even better time to learn something new: Take up a new study, learn a new skill; make yourself informed on a specific subject. Become more informed on a subject, and get whatever information you may need to feel more confident. And seek out the answers to your most pressing questions. But perhaps the one area where you will learn the most is through your daily interactions with others, where conversations could prove to be both enlightening and inspiring. But also be prepared for a few surprising and unexpected twists and turns along the way. Plans may change, new information may come to light that can change the story. Take each day as it comes, one step at a time, one day at a time.  And before you know it, you will make it to the other side. A good intention for this Moon might be: May I receive the advice and guidance along the way that will allow me to fulfill my vision for a brighter future.


(2nd House) For Capricorn, the New Moon in Aquarius is about exploring those things that you value the most: Exploring your priorities; Making those things that you value the most a higher priority in your life; and investing in your own self-worth. Ask yourself: what are those things and activities that you would most like to invest and spend your precious time, money and resources on? And if you were to make some sort of change in that regard, what would that look like? This can help you to focus on those things in your life that really matter. You might also want to use this Moon to make any recent new starts or beginnings more sustainable and manageable. And then when you do explore your priorities, you may decide to readjust where and how you spend money in order to invest in the things that really matter to you now. Also, look for inspiration for creative ways to earn new sources of income. A good intention for this moon might be: May I be able to more easily prioritize those things which are most meaningful to me.


(1st House) The New Moon on Friday is in your sign, and will be strongest for those Aquarians born between the 7th and 11th of February, or who have 18-22º of Aquarius Rising, however all Aquarians will be sensitive to this New Moon. It is indeed a moon of New Beginnings for you. It is the start of a new cycle, or recommitting to those things where you wish to continue to grow. Seeds and initiatives planted with this moon may not come to fruition right away, as these will need the correct conditions to ripen. But without the seeds there will be no fruit. Therefore why not plant the sorts of seeds that you would like to see come to fruition? There are a few things that are important to Aquarius: having the freedom to be able to live your life according to your own ideals and terms; to be able to honor that which is unique and special about yourself; and to resist the pressure from others trying to limit, repress or compromise that. And with Pluto only just recently entering your sign, you are being gifted with a renewed self awareness and acceptance of those things that are most important and right for you. Therefore a good intention for this Moon might be: Today is the first day of the rest of my life, may I choose to live it truly and authentically.


(12th House) For Pisces, the New Moon in Aquarius is a time in which the hidden and secret parts of your life are being honored. There is a tendency to reflect on what was, where you came from, and what has brought you to this place in time. As a result ghosts and dreams from the past may return to remind you of who you once were, while inspiring you to make room for new things to come into your life, as they will, in their own time. Look for opportunities to find inspiration wherever and however you can this week: connecting to your dreams; taking time out of your busy day to meditate and connect with yourself; listening to music; reading a great book.Because this is a Moon of releasing, use it to let go of those things that you have outgrown, and are no longer necessary for where you are now. This can be literal, as in doing a Marie Condo with your belongings; but it can also be about letting go of things that you’ve been holding on to in your mind and heart. Listen to your dreams, pay attention to your heart and intuition, and then make the intention with the New Moon in Aquarius to have the courage and faith to allow your own divine guidance (intuition, your own guiding beliefs) to lead you where you need to go.